DLC6_Fighter's_Stronghold/Books/DLCBattlehornMerchantList の変更点


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*本文 [#sdd92ba6]

**原文 [#k05fbcbf]
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I will be happy to provide the following improvements to Battlehorn Castle upon receipt of payment for goods and services rendered.<br><br>

Kitchen Area: The kitchen will be completely refurbished with everything needed to support you and your household. I will also provide the services of a most excellent cook, Plautis Rusonius, whose culinary skills I can personally recommend as he was in charge of the kitchens at the Tiber Septim Hotel for many years.<br>
Bedroom Area: The bedroom in the castle's private quarters will be fitted out with the most luxurious furnishings and appointments, and the services of a maid accustomed to working in a noble household will be retained.<br>
Library Area: The library in the castle's private quarters will be restocked with books appropriate to a noble's library, and furnished to provide a comfortable reading and working area.<br>
Dining Area: You will be able to entertain in high style once we have cleaned and refurbished the dining room in the castle's East Wing.<br>
Barracks: I will retain the services of an experienced mercenary captain, as well as two men-at-arms, in order to bring the castle garrison up to its full complement.<br>
Training Room: I will provide an experienced battle trainer, who can spar with you and your men on a variety of weaponry. I have an excellent candidate in mind, but do not want to name him until I am certain I can retain his services for you.<br>
Trophy Hall: The trophy room in the castle's Great Hall will be reappointed. I will also hire an expert taxidermist to create beautiful and lifelike trophies out of the most dangerous creatures of the land.<br>
Wine Cellar: No castle should be without the services of a well-trained vintner, and one of the best is now available. Talan learned his trade from his famous sister Tamika of Skingrad. He was also once a member of the prestigious Imperial Alchemy Symposium, but was removed from its ranks for using the skill of alchemy to perpetuate the mixing of magical and alcoholic beverages. The alchemists' loss is your gain: using ingredients found in the wild and his keen sense of taste, Talan creates unusual mixtures the likes of which have never been seen.<br>
I trust that you will find much here of interest to you in your new position as lord of Battlehorn Castle. Please allow me to be of service.<br>
I remain,
Nilphas Omellian<BR>
The Merchants Inn, Market District<BR>
Imperial City

**訳文 [#r2e0c9cf]
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物品とサービスへの対価を払って頂く事でBattlehorn Castleに以下に記載の改善事項を喜んで提供致します。<br>
Kitchen Area: 台所をあなたとその世帯の要求を支えるに足る様に一新します。又、極めて優れた料理人、Plautis Rusoniusも提供致します。彼はTiber Septim Hotelの台所を長年に渡って任されていたという経歴を買い私目の責任の下に彼を推薦いたします。<br>
Bedroom Area: 城のprivate quartersの寝所を極めて豪華な調度と設備を備え付け、高貴な者達の中で仕える事に習熟したメイドを雇います。<br>
Library Area: 城のprivate quartersの書斎に高貴なる者のそれに相応しい書物を再収蔵され、快適な読書と作業を提供します。<br>
Dining Area: 城のEast Wingの食堂の清掃と改修を行う事で洗練された楽しみを得られるようになります。<br>
Barracks: 経験豊富な傭兵隊長と2名のmen-at-arms(重装歩兵)の配備を維持する事で城の守備隊を完全な物にします。<br>
Training Room: 経験をつんだ戦闘トレーナーを雇います。彼は様々な武器を用いてあなたやあなたの配下達とスパーリングを行います。推薦予定には優れた人物を考えていますが、彼を確実に雇えるまではその名前を明かしたくありません。<br>
Trophy Hall: 城のGreat Hallのtrophy room(戦利品の間)を復旧します。世界の極めて危険な生き物達の美しく生きているような剥製を作れる熟練した剥製職人も雇います。<br>
Wine Cellar: 城には習熟したワイン醸造職人は欠かせない存在です。そして現在、最適の人物が雇えます。Talanは商売を彼の有名な姉妹、SkingradのTamikaに学びました。彼は誉れの高いImperial Alchemy Symposiumの会員でもありましたが、魔法とアルコール飲料の混合を不滅にさせるという事に錬金術の技を使ってしまった為、その地位を剥奪されてしまいました。かの錬金術師の過失はあなたの利益となりました。つまり、野の材料と彼の鋭い味覚よりTalanは今までに見た事も無く通常はありえない混合物を作り出すのです。<br>
あなたはこの文書にBattlehorn Castleの主人という新しい地位に就いた者として多くの興味を惹かれていると確信しております。どうかお役に立たせて頂きたく存じます。<br>
Nilphas Omellian<BR>
The Merchants Inn, Market District<BR>
Imperial City<BR>

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