DLC7_Thieves_Den/Books/DLC06ThievesDenBook1 の変更点


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*本文 [#m71962dd]

**原文 [#gafaec27]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<font face=5>3E 286... or thereabouts
I'm findin' it unlikely that anyone will be findin' this journal, but if they do, know that here be written the last words of the great Captain Torradan ap Dugal, Scourge of the Abecean Sea, Terror of the Gold Coast, Cutthroat of Hunding Bay, and Lord Captain of the Red Sabre - the finest band o' buccaneers and pirates e'er to sail Tamriel.
I ain't a man with much use for words -- I ain't never been to no academys, and I ain't never wrote no books. Words ain't never earned me no gold, so theys worthless to me - that's why ye have quartermasters and first mates. But I'm gonna be settin' my last thoughts down here on paper, cause I ain't got much time left here and it's ev'ry old man's right to have his words heard.
Now, me business was fightin', sailin', and lootin'. I became a leader of sailin' men, the most feared in hist'ry, or so they tells me. Now, b'fore ye be gettin ahead o' yerself, let me be warnin ye that me tale does not end well as I'm sure ya can see from wherever ye found me rotten bones in this gods cursed cavern.  
I was born in a little town on the north coast o' Skyrim called Dunbarrow. Me mother was a wench and me father was a right bastard. The only thing that either of 'em e'er did fer me was doin' me the favor of sellin' me off to a sea cap'n when I were nine. That cap'n, he taught me e'ry thing I'd e'er need to know about sailin', and a few things about the rest too. 
Ye see, he were a smuggler, an' he taught me all about smugglin' and avoidin' the Imperial Navy as he run the skooma route from Daggerfall to Vivec. Shame he were caught and hung. He were as close to a daddy as this ol' pirate e'er knew, closer n' that bastard what sold me off e'er were, that's fer sure.

**訳文 [#s8b1be8b]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<font face=5>3E 286... or thereabouts
<font face=5>第3期 286年かそれくれぇ(*0-1)
この日誌は誰にも見つからないだろうさ。だがこれを誰かが見つけたんなら、知るのだ、Abecean Seaの災厄、Gold Coastの恐怖、Hunding Bayの殺し屋、そして古今東西のTamrielの賊どもン中でバツグンの海賊だったRed Sabreのである偉大なるCaptain Torradan ap Dugalのここに残された最後の言葉を。
そうさ、彼は密輸をやってたのさ。そして俺に密輸の仕方、Imperial Navyから隠れる方法を教えてくれた。Daggerfall(*5-1)からVivec(*5-2)までのskooma(*5-3)密輸ルートを航海する中でな。

 基本的に文字が苦手な雰囲気を出す為、文法語法的に変な部分をわざと変に訳しています。例えば原文では my と書くべき所を me としていたり、they の複数形を theys と書いたりしている部分があります。原文はかなりbrokenです。<br>
訳注0-1) 第3期 286年 あたり<br>
 TES4 Oblivion開始時は3E 433(第3期 433年)なので今から147年前の事になる。同じ頃、Uriel V世がAkaviriに侵攻を行い完全なる敗北を喫した(3E 290)。<br>
訳注2-1) 汝<br>
訳注5-1) Daggerfall<br>
 Cyrodiilの北西のHammerfell(Redguardの地)のその北、High Rock(BretonとOrcの地)の都市。High Rockの西側の海に面している。<br>
訳注5-2) Vivec<br>
訳注5-3) skooma<br>
 Tamrielで流通する不法な麻薬。Cyrodiilの南、Elsweyr(Khajiitの地)に自生する植物から取れるMoon Sugarを精製した物。<br>
訳注5-4) 吊られた<br>


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