DLC7_Thieves_Den/Names/ARMO の変更点

FormID: 0100BF5D	DLC06ChainmailBootsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Boots
FormID: 0100BF5E	DLC06ChainmailGauntletsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Gauntlets
FormID: 0100BF72	DLC06MithrilGauntletsBullseye	ARMO	 	Gauntlets of the Manhunter
FormID: 0100BF74	DLC06LeatherGauntletsBullseye	ARMO	 	Gauntlets of the Manhunter
FormID: 0100BF75	DLC06GlassGauntletsBullseye	ARMO	 	Gauntlets of the Manhunter
FormID: 0100BF76	DLC06FurGauntletsBullseye	ARMO	 	Gauntlets of the Manhunter
FormID: 0100BF77	DLC06ElvenGauntletsBullseye	ARMO	 	Gauntlets of the Manhunter
FormID: 0100BF78	DLC06ChainmailGauntletsBullseye	ARMO	 	Gauntlets of the Manhunter
FormID: 0100BF5F	DLC06MithrilGauntletsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Gauntlets
FormID: 0100BF60	DLC06MithrilBootsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Boots
FormID: 0100BF61	DLC06GlassGauntletsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Gauntlets
FormID: 0100BF62	DLC06GlassBootsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Boots
FormID: 0100BF63	DLC06ElvenGauntletsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Gauntlets
FormID: 0100BF64	DLC06ElvenBootsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Boots
FormID: 0100BF65	DLC06LeatherBootsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Boots
FormID: 0100BF59	DLC06FurBootsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Boots
FormID: 0100BF5B	DLC06FurGauntletsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Gauntlets
FormID: 0002319B	LeatherBoots	ARMO	 	Leather Boots
FormID: 0100BF5C	DLC06LeatherGauntletsSilenced	ARMO	 	Silenced Gauntlets

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