DLC7_Thieves_Den/ScriptMessages/Data の変更点

FormID: 01003E85	DLC06ThievesDenQuestScript			Message 	55	0	Due to the prestige of your crew, the pirate Zedrick Green has joined.
__海賊の評判を聞きつけてZedrick Greenが仲間に加わった。
FormID: 01003E85	DLC06ThievesDenQuestScript			Message 	60	0	Due to the prestige of your crew, the pirate Scurvy John Hoff has joined.
__海賊の評判を聞きつけてScurvy John Hoffが仲間に加わった。
FormID: 01003E85	DLC06ThievesDenQuestScript			Message 	65	0	Due to the prestige of your crew, the pirate Yinz'r has joined.
FormID: 010083A3	DLCWeakenLockScript			Message 	3	0	Test.
FormID: 010083A3	DLCWeakenLockScript			Message 	5	0	This lock cannot be weakened any further.
FormID: 010088A2	Barter			Message 	1	0	Amount fenced: %.0f gold
__累計盗品販売額: %.0f gold
FormID: 01012EF8	DLC06FletcherScript			Messagebox	8	0	The Dunbarrow Pirates have returned from their mission and have placed your share of their plunder in the captain's quarters of the Black Flag.
__Dunbarrow Piratesは任務から戻ってきた。略奪で得た中からあなたの取り分をBlack Flagの船長室に置いた。
FormID: 01012EF8	DLC06FletcherScript			Message 	18	0	The Dunbarrow Pirates are ready for another mission.
__Dunbarrow Piratesは次の任務を待っている
FormID: 01013DCB	DLC06PirateTopic02			Message 	0	0	Your crew will return in one week.
FormID: 01016020	DLC06DahliaTopicFence			Message 	0	0	You cannot afford to hire a fence.
FormID: 01016026	DLC06DahliaTopicFletcher			Message 	0	0	You cannot afford to hire a fletcher.
FormID: 01016027	DLC06DahliaTopicQuarters			Message 	0	0	You cannot afford to upgrade the Black Flag's quarters.
__お金が足りないのでBlack Flagの船長室を改装できない。
FormID: 01016028	DLC06DahliaTopicSecurity			Message 	0	0	You cannot afford to hire a security expert.
__お金が足りないのでSecurity Expertを雇えない。
FormID: 01016029	DLC06DahliaTopicStealth			Message 	0	0	You cannot afford to hire a spymaster.
FormID: 0101602A	DLC06DahliaTopicSupplier			Message 	0	0	You cannot afford to hire a supplier.
FormID: 01016031	DLC06DahliaUpgradeTopic			Message 	0	0	Dunbarrow Cove cannot be upgraded any further.
__Dunbarrow Coveはこれ以上Upgrade出来ない。

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