DLC9_Mehrunes'_Razor/Books/DL9JailorNote の変更点

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*本文 [#b144950f]

**原文 [#w90e6124]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
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Vilnas -
Keep searching for the writ that assassin carries.  The patrolmen have searched the tunnels in hopes that he dumped it when he was found out, but he may carry it on his person yet.  If that's the case, I shudder to think where it's hidden.  Try sneaking in there while he's sleeping to search the cell.
And by Nerevar, get to work building that second cell!  I don't want to execute that assassin until we find out who he came for, and Sardova needs someplace to lock up the workers when they get out of line.
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- Commander Adrethi

**訳文 [#j8603a1b]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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Vilnas 宛
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指揮官 Adreth より
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訳注) Nerevar<br>
 Lord Indoril Nerevarの事。Dunmerの教会組織、Tribunal教会では1聖人にされている。First Era時代のMorrowind統一の英雄だったDunmer(当時はChimer)。Tribunal教会の三柱は彼の友と妻。<br>

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