DLC9_Mehrunes'_Razor/Books/DL9StewardNote の変更点

// Format_ver:0.0.2 (2008-12-12)
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*本文 [#i0109a2d]

**原文 [#vd5e3158]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
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     Your job is to see that our arrivals and departures are well-documented and that their wages are paid, and keep an eye on my dear cousin.  It is not to gossip with every new recruit about our far-reaching plans.  We've already captured one assassin prowling the caves, the last thing we need is some spy of Helseth's hearing all our goals from you.  Commander Adrethi will debrief the troops as neccessary at his own discretion.
     On Turdas I'm taking a detachment through the doorway with me.  I don't know how long I'll be gone, but in the unlikely case that there is cause to disrupt my excursion, read the most recent entry in my journal.  You'll find it in my cabin, on the desk.  Don't go in there for any other reason!  Discretion above all; we don't want our Imperial enemies to know what our plans are.
Death to the Empire.
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Arch-Mage Frathen Drothan

**訳文 [#z8783afb]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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Vaske 宛<br>
 Turdas(木曜日)にVarsa Baalimに通じる戸口に一隊を引き連れてゆく。探索にどれ位時間がかかるか分からないが、私の調査が万一壊滅に至った場合、私の日誌のもっとも新しい記事を読む事。日誌は私の小屋の机の上にある。それ以外の理由で私の小屋に入る事を禁ずる!何事に於いても慎重を期する事。我々のImperialの敵どもに我々の計画を知られない為にも。<br>
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Arch-Mage Frathen Drothan<br>

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