DLC9_Mehrunes'_Razor/ScriptMessages/Data の変更点

FormID: 0100133B	DL9VillageReinforcementsTrigSCRIPT			Message 	2	0	Triggered
FormID: 0100133B	DL9VillageReinforcementsTrigSCRIPT			Message 	5	0	enabled
FormID: 010014B8	DL9TransmuteGoldSCRIPT			Message 	10	0	You transmute a silver nugget into gold
__silver nuggetをgold nuggetに変換した
FormID: 010014B8	DL9TransmuteGoldSCRIPT			Message 	15	0	You transmute iron ore into silver
__iron oreをsilver nuggetに変換した
FormID: 010014B8	DL9TransmuteGoldSCRIPT			Message 	19	0	With nothing to transmute, the scroll is wasted.
FormID: 010014B8	DL9TransmuteGoldSCRIPT			Message 	4	0	You transmute a gold nugget into coins.
__gold nuggetを貨幣に変換した
FormID: 01001589	DL9StewardDoorSCRIPT			Messagebox	11	0	A voice beyond the door calls out: Who gathers stormclouds over Nirn?
FormID: 01001589	DL9StewardDoorSCRIPT			Messagebox	11	1	<Say nothing>
FormID: 01001589	DL9StewardDoorSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	0	A voice beyond the door calls out: Who gathers stormclouds over Nirn?
FormID: 01001589	DL9StewardDoorSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	1	<Say nothing>
FormID: 01001589	DL9StewardDoorSCRIPT			Messagebox	9	2	Chimer.
FormID: 01001AB2	MehrunesRazorSCRIPT			Message 	22	0	Through the Razor, Mehrunes Dagon claims this soul!
FormID: 01001AB2	MehrunesRazorSCRIPT			Message 	24	0	Dagon claims this soul!  %.0f souls claimed.
__Dagonが魂を得た!  %.0f 個目
FormID: 01001AF6	DL9HeartConsumptionSCRIPT			Message 	2	0	Dark energy courses through you!
FormID: 01001B1A	DL9RazorGateSCRIPT			Message 	21	0	You strain, but fail in opening the gate
FormID: 01001B1A	DL9RazorGateSCRIPT			Message 	23	0	Your terrible strength forces the gate open.
FormID: 01001B1A	DL9RazorGateSCRIPT			Messagebox	7	0	Will you defy Dagon's task and try to force the gate open?
FormID: 01001B1A	DL9RazorGateSCRIPT			Messagebox	7	1	No
FormID: 01001B1A	DL9RazorGateSCRIPT			Messagebox	7	2	Yes
FormID: 01002522	DL9BezoarPedestal01SCRIPT			Message 	13	0	Nothing Happens.
FormID: 01002522	DL9BezoarPedestal01SCRIPT			Message 	5	0	You place the Bezoar on the Pedestal
FormID: 01002540	DL9BezoarPedestal02SCRIPT			Message 	13	0	Nothing Happens.
FormID: 01002540	DL9BezoarPedestal02SCRIPT			Message 	5	0	You place the Bezoar on the Pedestal
FormID: 01002D1C	DL9SceneKillActorsSCRIPT			Message 	5	0	You should not be here
FormID: 010049BA	DL9DirtyHoeSCRIPT			Message 	11	0	Disease 1 enemy
FormID: 010049BA	DL9DirtyHoeSCRIPT			Message 	15	0	Disease 2 e
FormID: 010049BA	DL9DirtyHoeSCRIPT			Message 	19	0	Disease 3 eee
FormID: 010049BA	DL9DirtyHoeSCRIPT			Message 	23	0	Disease 4e eeee
FormID: 010049BA	DL9DirtyHoeSCRIPT			Message 	27	0	Disease 5 eeeee
FormID: 010049BA	DL9DirtyHoeSCRIPT			Message 	31	0	Disease 6 eeeee
FormID: 010049BA	DL9DirtyHoeSCRIPT			Message 	35	0	Disease 7 eeeee
FormID: 010049BA	DL9DirtyHoeSCRIPT			Message 	6	0	Chance is %.0f and Disease is %.0f
FormID: 01005C71	DL9TestComplexTrig			Messagebox	3	0	Jack Bauer Hates Hitches

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