Knights of the Nine/Names/ACTI の変更点

FormID: 01000E8B ND01ActArmorHelmet ACTI Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E2E ND01ARGateNORESET ACTI Iron Gate
FormID: 01000E6E ND02ActArmorCuirass ACTI Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E7F ND04Altar ACTI Tomb of Saint Kaladas
FormID: 01000E5A ND05BookChestStatue ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E57 ND05GemChestStatue ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E5C ND05GobletChestStatue ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E59 ND05HammerChestStatue ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E5D ND05HelmChestStatue ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E58 ND05SkullChestStatue ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E7B ND05Statue01 ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E7A ND05Statue02 ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E79 ND05Statue03 ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E78 ND05Statue04 ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E5E ND05StoneChestStatue ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E5B ND05SwordChestStatue ACTI Stone Guardian
FormID: 01000E6A ND06Altar ACTI Altar of the Nine
FormID: 01000E8F ND08CathedralAltar01 ACTI Altar of the Nine
FormID: 01000E7D ND08TombDELETEME ACTI Tomb of Lord Vlindrel
FormID: 01000E40 ND10ARGate01 ACTI Iron Gate
FormID: 01000E4A ND10BattleTrigger01 ACTI Push Block
FormID: 01000E47 ND10BattleTrigger02 ACTI Push Block
FormID: 01000E62 ND10GarlasBarrier ACTI Mystical Gate
FormID: 01000E61 ND10SmiteItem ACTI Destroy Orb
FormID: 01000E8C NDActArmorBoots ACTI Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E8D NDActArmorGauntlets ACTI Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E8A NDActArmorShield ACTI Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E8E NDActWeaponMace ACTI Mace of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E53 NDArmorStand ACTI Armor Stand
FormID: 01000E52 NDArmorStandBoots ACTI Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E54 NDArmorStandCuirass ACTI Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E51 NDArmorStandGauntlets ACTI Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E50 NDArmorStandGreaves ACTI Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E55 NDArmorStandHelm ACTI Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E4E NDArmorStandMace ACTI Mace of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E4F NDArmorStandShield ACTI Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E4D NDArmorStandSword ACTI Sword of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E75 NDBulwark02DrawBridgeRAISED01 ACTI Drawbridge
FormID: 01000E74 NDBulwark02Portcullis01 ACTI Gate
FormID: 01000E76 NDBulwark02Switch01 ACTI Turn Handle
FormID: 01000E33 NDBulwark02SwitchThedretCell ACTI Turn Handle
FormID: 01000E3E NDKnightTombAmiel ACTI Tomb of Sir Amiel
FormID: 01000E3D NDKnightTombCaius ACTI Tomb of Sir Caius
FormID: 01000E38 NDKnightTombCasimir ACTI Tomb of Sir Casimir
FormID: 01000E37 NDKnightTombGregory ACTI Tomb of Sir Gregory
FormID: 01000E3A NDKnightTombHenrik ACTI Tomb of Sir Henrik
FormID: 01000E3C NDKnightTombJuncan ACTI Tomb of Sir Juncan
FormID: 01000E3B NDKnightTombRalvas ACTI Tomb of Sir Ralvas
FormID: 01000E39 NDKnightTombTorolf ACTI Tomb of Sir Torolf
FormID: 01000E56 NDPrioryAnimatingStairs01 ACTI Knights of the Nine Symbol
FormID: 01000E36 RFSwitchLeverND01 ACTI Pull Lever

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