Knights of the Nine/Names/ARMO の変更点

FormID: 01000ECF NDArmorHeavyBoots1 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC7 NDArmorHeavyBoots2 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC1 NDArmorHeavyBoots3 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EBB NDArmorHeavyBoots4 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB5 NDArmorHeavyBoots5 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000ECE NDArmorHeavyCuirass1 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC6 NDArmorHeavyCuirass2 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC0 NDArmorHeavyCuirass3 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EBA NDArmorHeavyCuirass4 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB4 NDArmorHeavyCuirass5 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000ECD NDArmorHeavyGauntlets1 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC5 NDArmorHeavyGauntlets2 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EBF NDArmorHeavyGauntlets3 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB9 NDArmorHeavyGauntlets4 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB3 NDArmorHeavyGauntlets5 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000ECC NDArmorHeavyGreaves1 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC4 NDArmorHeavyGreaves2 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EBE NDArmorHeavyGreaves3 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB8 NDArmorHeavyGreaves4 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB2 NDArmorHeavyGreaves5 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000ECB NDArmorHeavyHelmet1 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC3 NDArmorHeavyHelmet2 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EBD NDArmorHeavyHelmet3 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB7 NDArmorHeavyHelmet4 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB1 NDArmorHeavyHelmet5 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000ECA NDArmorHeavyShield1 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC2 NDArmorHeavyShield2 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EBC NDArmorHeavyShield3 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB6 NDArmorHeavyShield4 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EB0 NDArmorHeavyShield5 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EAF NDArmorLightBoots1 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA9 NDArmorLightBoots2 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA3 NDArmorLightBoots3 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E9D NDArmorLightBoots4 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E97 NDArmorLightBoots5 ARMO Boots of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EAE NDArmorLightCuirass1 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA8 NDArmorLightCuirass2 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA2 NDArmorLightCuirass3 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E9C NDArmorLightCuirass4 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E96 NDArmorLightCuirass5 ARMO Cuirass of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EAD NDArmorLightGauntlets1 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA7 NDArmorLightGauntlets2 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA1 NDArmorLightGauntlets3 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E9B NDArmorLightGauntlets4 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E95 NDArmorLightGauntlets5 ARMO Gauntlets of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EAC NDArmorLightGreaves1 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA6 NDArmorLightGreaves2 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA0 NDArmorLightGreaves3 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E9A NDArmorLightGreaves4 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E94 NDArmorLightGreaves5 ARMO Greaves of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EAB NDArmorLightHelmet1 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA5 NDArmorLightHelmet2 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E9F NDArmorLightHelmet3 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E99 NDArmorLightHelmet4 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E93 NDArmorLightHelmet5 ARMO Helm of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EAA NDArmorLightShield1 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EA4 NDArmorLightShield2 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E9E NDArmorLightShield3 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E98 NDArmorLightShield4 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000E92 NDArmorLightShield5 ARMO Shield of the Crusader
FormID: 01000EC9 NDKnightsCuirass ARMO Knights of the Nine Cuirass
FormID: 01000EC8 NDKnightsShield ARMO Knights of the Nine Shield
FormID: 01000E91 NDTitanShield ARMO Imperial Watch Shield

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