Rot, decay, and O the worms! The pitiful scrabbling of this mortal shell shall soon be quieted. Vangaril! Fool! Struggle no more. When you read these words, know that your graying skin, your failing breath, know that they are your own doing, your own foil and folly! Soon, you will be no more, and Lich Erandur will consume you, from within. Resign unto your fate; join Us. ---- 腐敗、腐乱、おお、wormsよ!死に逝く貝殻の哀れな走り書きはすぐに終わりを迎えるだろう。Vangarilよ!愚か者よ!もはや抵抗しては成らぬ。この走り書きを読む時、汝は老いて行く肌と衰えていく呼吸を知れ。又、それは汝自身が行っている事と汝自身の挫折と愚行を知れ。速やかに、汝は生を終え、Lich である我、Erandurが汝を中から喰らい尽くすであろう。汝の宿命に身を任せよ。そして我々に組せよ。