Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SENQDDementia-SEHillofSuicidesTopic の変更点

Top/Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SENQDDementia-SEHillofSuicidesTopic

FormID: 0008E55B	SENQDDementia	SEHillofSuicidesTopic	0	You've done a great service freeing my Gadeneri. Thank you.
FormID: 0008E55C	SENQDDementia	SEHillofSuicidesTopic	0	Maybe you can help the others. Watch out for Them.
FormID: 0008E55D	SENQDDementia	SEHillofSuicidesTopic	0	You've found Gadeneri's skull? Take it to her at the Hill of Suicides! Before They find out you've got it!
__君はGadeneriの頭蓋骨を見つけたのか?Hill of Suicidesで彼女へそれを渡してくれ!君がそれを持っていると奴等にわかる前に!
FormID: 0008E55E	SENQDDementia	SEHillofSuicidesTopic	0	It's where you end up if you don't die according to His plan. They will drive you to it. Like They did poor Gadeneri.
FormID: 0008E55E	SENQDDementia	SEHillofSuicidesTopic	1	I loved her, and then she was gone. By her own hand. It's said any soul on the Hill can be released if their remains are brought to them.
FormID: 0008E55E	SENQDDementia	SEHillofSuicidesTopic	2	I've heard that those that free the souls become blessed. Can't say for sure. They scatter the remains all over the Isles. Bastards.

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