Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SENQDMania-Barter の変更点

Top/Shivering Isles/Dialogue/SENQDMania-Barter

FormID: 00062116	SENQDMania	Barter	0	I have much to offer, and I'm always on the lookout for more.
FormID: 0006211D	SENQDMania	Barter	0	I might be willing to part with a few things, if the price is right.
FormID: 00062120	SENQDMania	Barter	0	If you're looking to unload some goods, you've come to the right place.
FormID: 00062121	SENQDMania	Barter	0	Looking for a good book? I bet I have just what you need.
FormID: 00062122	SENQDMania	Barter	0	I'm sure I have something that will interest you.
FormID: 00062123	SENQDMania	Barter	0	If you like what you see, don't hesitate to say so.
FormID: 00062124	SENQDMania	Barter	0	Armor and weapons. Maybe not pretty, but they get the job done.
FormID: 00062125	SENQDMania	Barter	0	I'm sure I have something here you can use.
FormID: 00062128	SENQDMania	Barter	0	Always a good idea to protect yourself. I can help with that.
FormID: 00062134	SENQDMania	Barter	0	I have food and drink for sale. I'm sure something will interest you.
FormID: 00062153	SENQDMania	Barter	0	Hungry? Thirsty? I can help with that.
FormID: 00062156	SENQDMania	Barter	0	Just keep your eyes on the menu, and off of Sheer Meedish.
__メニューを見な。で、Sheer Meedishから眼を離しな。
FormID: 00062157	SENQDMania	Barter	0	We may be in the Choosy Beggar, but here you can eat like a king.
__俺たちゃChoosy Beggarにいるんだ、でもアンタは王様のように飲み食いできるんだぜ。

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