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ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/NQDLeyawiin-03 (閲覧)
投稿者ID 48g5Mrnu6Js
投稿日 2012-09-23 (Sun) 11:13:40
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投稿時変更行 追加:3, 削除:1

FormID: 000479D1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	My duties are primarily... administrative. They keep me busy here in the Leyawiin barracks.	
FormID: 000479D3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Here I train our skirmishing specialists. You know, perhaps, that Argonians may be gifted spellcasters.	
FormID: 000479D5	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	We, of course, have no use for the specialized skills of assassination. It is my task, instead, to train our agents in various aspects of stealth.	
FormID: 000479D7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Gods are my witness! I give that man the simplest list of things to do, and somehow he forgets half of it and gets the rest wrong.	
FormID: 000479D9	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	There are things I like to do. Does this never occur to her? Does she think I live each minute to run her errands for her?	
FormID: 000479D9	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	She wonders why she cannot find me? Doesn't it occur to her? That I am hiding from her?	
FormID: 000479DB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I'm sure there's an abundance of exotic ingredients to be gathered nearby. In Blackwood, for example, or along the Niben.	
FormID: 000479DE	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I think it's a disgrace that Argonians can swagger around Leyawiin, boasting how they whupped this Khajitt silly, and beat that Khajjit to a pulp.	
FormID: 000479DF	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I think it's a disgrace that Khajjit can swagger around Leyawiin, boasting how they whupped this Argonian silly, and beat that Argonian to a pulp.	
FormID: 000479E1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Have you SEEN all the rats around here? It's making me CRAZY. First, this guy decides he's gonna make a million, opens a fancy restaurant.	
FormID: 000479E1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	Rats in a Cream Sauce. Rat Flambe. Rat Necrom, with Bone Meal Gravy. Deep Fried Rat. Lemon Rat and Wild Rice. Rat Ragu, with Powdered Deer Penis!	
FormID: 000479E1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	2	Of course, when the Guard found out, they ran his sorry butt right out of town. But they left the rats! RATS!!!	
FormID: 000479E3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Maybe Weebam-Na told you how we got all the rats here in Leyawiin? It's not so bad. He's been killing them for months.	
FormID: 000479E5	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	There's crime everywhere! I'm always on the lookout... ehr... WE're always on the lookout. No crime shall go undetected! That's our motto.	
FormID: 000479E7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	So many greenskins here... they smell, do they not? Ahdarji won't drink the water, no. The Argonians SWIM in it.	
FormID: 000479E8	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	You will not stay in Leyawiin. You just visit. Of course. Too many Argonians here. Already. People here don't like Argonians. Too many already. 	
FormID: 000479EA	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Okay, okay! I'll tell you! It is so great! I sneak into people's houses, take things off their tables and shelves, and put them into barrels!	
FormID: 000479EA	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	Hahaha! Isn't that rich? They think the things are stolen, but no! They are right there! They just don't know!	
FormID: 000479EC	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I've lived in Leyawiin all my life, and I must say, the Count has found himself a pretty little bride...and a smart one, too. 	
FormID: 000479EC	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	We need some law-and-order... bring in the Legions. 'Leyawiin for the Imperials,' I say. No sense coddling those Renrijra Krin bandits.	
__私たちには法と秩序が必要だ...帝国兵に見習ってな。帝国人のためのLeyawinというべきか。Renrijra Krinの山賊にはなんら意味ないものかもしれんが。	
__私たちには法と秩序が必要だ...帝国軍を配備するべきだ。帝国人のためのLeyawinというべきか。Renrijra Krinの山賊を甘やかしておくなんてばかげてる。	
FormID: 000479EE	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Well, I don't know much about politics, but I think Lady Alessia's right. We've got to put a stop to all these bandits and rabble in the Trans-Niben.	
FormID: 000479EE	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	I know the Khajiit are all upset that the Council took away their land and gave it to us, but they just have to get over it! It's our land, now.	
FormID: 000479F0	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Well, stranger, anyone ever tell you the story of Torval the Pilot, the High Elf who discovered the Niben? The patron saint of Leyawiin?	
__ああ、見知らぬ者よ。誰もお前にハイエルフ、Torval the Pilot、Nibenを発見した者の話を教えなかったのか?Leyawinの守護聖者だぞ?	
__ああ、見知らぬ者よ。誰もお前にTorval the Pilot、Nibenを発見したHigh Elfの話を教えなかったのか?Leyawinの守護聖人だぞ?	
FormID: 00051DC5	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	I'm the Count's man's-man in all occasions... have been for donkey's years. I run the Count's errands and do whatever's required.	
FormID: 00051DC9	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Januarius and I have been in service to three generations of Caros. We're very proud of Count Marius and his lovely new bride.	
FormID: 00051DCB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	0	Everyone in town knows about my hobby... collecting unusual examples of the arcane crafts. My husband left me quite comfortable, bless his cinders.	
FormID: 00051DCB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopic	1	What will I do with my collection of curiosities when I go? Donate them to the Castle, of course. 	
FormID: 0003DE4F	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	The Five Claws is a very clean place. Witseidutsei wouldn't have it any other way.	
__Five Clawsはとっても綺麗な場所です。Witseidutseiはそうでないと嫌いなんでしょう。
__Five Clawsはとっても綺麗な場所です。Witseidutseiはそうでないと嫌なんでしょう。
FormID: 0003DE5D	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	Witseidutsei takes great pains to keep that place clean. She doesn't tolerate people messing it up.	
FormID: 0003DFA1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	She really doesn't seem to like her sisters. Sad, really.	
FormID: 0003DFAA	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	She seems to have real issues with her sisters. I can't imagine why. Shamada is lovely, and Shomara is very sweet.	
FormID: 0003DFAF	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	He has a wonderful collection of books. I don't know why he needs to act so tough all the time.	
FormID: 0003DFB6	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	He's an aggressive one, that's for sure. Has a good book selection, though.	
FormID: 0003DFBB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	I try not to talk to him. I don't have that kind of time.	
FormID: 0003DFC2	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	All day long, stories about severed heads and lopped off limbs. I can do without it.	
__一日中、生首やらバラバラの手足の話だ。 私はそれなしでもやってけるんだ。
__一日中、切り取った首やらバラバラの手足の話だ。 私はそんなものに縁はないんです。
FormID: 0003DFC7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	I've heard if you're in the Fighters Guild, you can learn a lot from him.	
FormID: 0003DFCD	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	Knowing how to use heavy armor isn't a bad idea. Kind of odd to learn it from a Bosmer, though.	
FormID: 0003DFD2	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	She certainly can handle a blade. A bit of a show-off, if you ask me.	
FormID: 0003E218	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	She does love to show off her skill. I suppose you can learn a lot from her, though.	
FormID: 0003E255	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	I've heard he knows more about Mysticism than almost anyone. Strange about the sheep, though.	
FormID: 0003E2A6	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	I don't understand the fascination with sheep. Certainly seems to know everything about Mysticism, though.	
FormID: 0003E2AB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	I've heard he never leaves his laboratory. He's certainly dedicated to his craft.	
FormID: 0003E2AE	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	He's a very hard worker. Sometimes I wonder if he ever gets out.	
FormID: 0003E2B2	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	Vanashti is a frightening one. I've heard she likes the skooma a bit much.	
FormID: 0003E2B6	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDResponses	0	I understand Vashanti has some problems with the skooma. That can't be good for her fighters.	
FormID: 0003DE4E	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	Terrible jokes. Just terrible.	
FormID: 0003DE90	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	I've heard them. They're pretty stupid.	
FormID: 0003DFA4	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	He pays his debts, but his love of dogs is just odd. I've heard he leaves meat in his backyard to attract them.	
FormID: 0003DFAB	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	He's a bit crazy for dogs, from what I hear. He pays bets on time, though.	
FormID: 0003DFB0	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	I've heard the dogs that J'bari keeps drive her crazy. I've also heard she knows a lot about acrobatics.	
FormID: 0003DFB7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	Tsrava says the sound of J'bari's dogs drives her to distraction. Can't say I blame her.	
FormID: 0003DFBC	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	I understand they've been taking a lot of the contracts that used to go to the Fighters Guild.	
FormID: 0003DFC3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	I don't trust them. I've heard they're effective, but they're brutal.	
FormID: 0003DFC8	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	They argue a lot, but that's just their way. I don't think they're ever really angry with one another.	
FormID: 0003DFCE	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	I've heard them, but I think they just do it for fun. They seem to enjoy it, and it's all in good fun.	
FormID: 0003DFD3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	I've heard him talk, and talk, and talk. Haven't heard anything useful yet, though.	
FormID: 0003E24B	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	He goes on and on. I'm not sure he's ever said anything useful, though.	
FormID: 0003E256	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	She knows a lot about doing business. I don't like to bother her, though. She's a bit touchy when you do.	
FormID: 0003E2A7	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	She's a smart one. You could learn a lot from her.	
FormID: 0003E2AC	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	He's always trying to stir things up. I don't think he means any real harm, though.	
FormID: 0003E2AF	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	I think he's just playing around. I don't think he means anything by it.	
FormID: 0003E2B3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	She's ridiculous. I don't know what her problem with Argonians is, but she's always trying to start something.	
FormID: 0003E2B5	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinNQDQuestionResponses	0	I don't know what her problem with Argonians is. She's going to cause some real problems, if she's not careful.	
FormID: 000479F3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDecentius03	0	Have you seen the statue? It's in the southwest corner of the town. That's the High Elf explorer, Torval the Pilot.	
__彫像をみたことあるかい?町の南西の角に立っているだろう。あれがHigh Elfの冒険者、Torval the Pilotだ。
FormID: 000479F3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDecentius03	1	Back in the Merethic, he charted the sea lanes and explored the River Niben. Torval sailed all the way from Topal Bay up the Niben Valley.	
__Merethicの時代、彼は航路を海図にし、River Nibenを探検した。Torvalは船でTopal Bayを溯りNiben Valleyへとたどり着いた。
FormID: 000479F3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDecentius03	2	He purchased the Eight Islands... the site of White Gold Tower and the Imperial City... from the beastfolk natives for the secret of literacy.	
__彼はEight Islandsを買った...White Gold Towerを立てる土地、やがて帝都になる地を...獣人たちから、言語の秘密と交換に。
FormID: 000479F3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDecentius03	3	Pretty soon, the beastfolk all knew how to read and write... which was handy, since it made them better slaves for the Ayleids, hahaha.	
FormID: 000479F2	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDecentius02	0	Okay. Just being friendly...	
FormID: 000479F1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDecentius01	0	Oh. Sorry. The old memory is not what it used to be.	
FormID: 000479B4	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDarJee04	0	To get the taste of Khajiit cooking out of their mouths! Hahaha!	
FormID: 000479B4	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDarJee04	1	A real thigh-slapper, that one, eh? Phew. I heard lots others, only I can't remember them.	
FormID: 000479B3	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDarJee03	0	Oh. Well. I heard lots of others, only I can't remember them.	
FormID: 000479B2	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDarJee02	0	Why do Khajiit lick their butts?	
FormID: 000479B1	NQDLeyawiin	LeyawiinTopicDarJee01	0	Oh. No sense of humor? Your loss.	
FormID: 000A4959	NQDLeyawiin	DaedraShrineTopic	0	You mean the shrine to Nocturnal? That's north of Leyawiin, east of the Lower Niben.	
__Nocturnalの聖地のことですか。そこはLeyawiinの北、Lower Nibenの東にあるよ。

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