editlog - 投稿時の差分 (201208)

editlog - 投稿時の差分 (201208)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/Dark02WateryFIN (閲覧)
投稿者ID 9o1KDyL1GFN
投稿日 2012-08-19 (Sun) 23:44:14
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:2, 削除:0

FormID: 00023E2F	Dark02WateryFIN	GREETING	0	I'm glad you've returned. The contract is waiting, if you're ready.	
FormID: 00023E47	Dark02WateryFIN	contract	0	We need you to stage an... accident. Kill the target in the manner specified, and you'll receive a considerable bonus. Do you accept this contract?	
FormID: 00023E49	Dark02WateryFIN	Dark02FinChoice1B	0	Well then, I suggest you get your affairs in order and return to me as soon as you're able.	
FormID: 00023E48	Dark02WateryFIN	Dark02FinChoice1A	0	As I expected. Good. The target is a Wood Elf named Baenlin. You will find him at his home in Bruma. Enter secretly, and avoid his manservant, Gromm.	
__期待した通りの返答だ。よくぞいってくれた。目標は_Baenlin_ という名の_Wood_Elf_だ。_Bruma_の自宅にいるだろう。忍び込み、後は下男の_Gromm_に見つからないようにするんだ。	
FormID: 00023E48	Dark02WateryFIN	Dark02FinChoice1A	1	On the second floor is a secret door leading to a crawlspace. Inside are the fastenings of a mounted head that hangs over Baenlin's favorite chair.	
FormID: 00023E48	Dark02WateryFIN	Dark02FinChoice1A	2	Loosen those fastenings any night between 8:00pm and 11:00pm, and the head will surely fall on Baenlin as he relaxes in his chair, as is his custom.	
FormID: 00023E48	Dark02WateryFIN	Dark02FinChoice1A	3	If Baenlin is eliminated in any other manner, or if the manservant Gromm is killed, you will forfeit the bonus. Now go, and may Sithis be with you.	

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