editlog - 投稿時の差分 (all)

editlog - 投稿時の差分 (all)

ページ名 Vanilla/Dialogue/Generic-05 (閲覧)
投稿者ID a8XajQJrFh3
投稿日 2014-06-05 (Thu) 21:13:22
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
投稿時変更行 追加:25, 削除:0

FormID: 0002B5DC	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, Redguard.	
FormID: 0002B5DD	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, child of the Ra Gada.	
__ご機嫌よう、Ra Gadaの子よ。
FormID: 0002B5DE	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, High Elf.	
__ご機嫌よう、High Elfの方。
FormID: 0002B5DF	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, fellow Altmer.	
FormID: 0002B5E0	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, Dunmer.	
FormID: 0002B5E1	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, my Dunmer brother.	
FormID: 0002B5E2	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, my Dunmer sister.	
FormID: 0002B5E3	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, Bosmer.	
FormID: 0002B5E4	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, brother Bosmer.	
FormID: 0002B5E5	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, sister Bosmer.	
FormID: 0002B5E6	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, Breton.	
FormID: 0002B5E7	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings, fellow Breton.	
FormID: 00024129	Generic	HELLO	0	How are you?	
FormID: 0002567B	Generic	HELLO	0	Hello.	
FormID: 0002567C	Generic	HELLO	0	Well met.	
FormID: 000256BD	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings to you.	
FormID: 000256D1	Generic	HELLO	0	Hi there.	
FormID: 000256C1	Generic	HELLO	0	Hail.	
FormID: 000256D2	Generic	HELLO	0	How do you do?	
FormID: 000256E1	Generic	HELLO	0	Hello there.	
FormID: 0002413D	Generic	HELLO	0	How goes it?	
FormID: 00024141	Generic	HELLO	0	What is it?	
FormID: 0003AA99	Generic	HELLO	0	Hello.	
FormID: 0003AA9A	Generic	HELLO	0	Oh. Hello.	
FormID: 0003AA9B	Generic	HELLO	0	It's you. Hi.	
FormID: 00024145	Generic	HELLO	0	Why do you bother me? Go away!	
__何故、私を煩わすんだ? どっか行ってくれ!
FormID: 0018B5C2	Generic	HELLO	0	What do you want?	
FormID: 0018B5C3	Generic	HELLO	0	What is it?	
FormID: 0002B47E	Generic	HELLO	0	Good morning.	
FormID: 0002B47F	Generic	HELLO	0	Good afternoon.	
FormID: 0002B480	Generic	HELLO	0	Good evening.	
FormID: 0002B481	Generic	HELLO	0	Good evening.	
FormID: 0002B482	Generic	HELLO	0	Hello!	
FormID: 0002B483	Generic	HELLO	0	Yes?	
FormID: 0002B485	Generic	HELLO	0	Hi there!	
FormID: 0002B487	Generic	HELLO	0	Well met!	
FormID: 0002B488	Generic	HELLO	0	Good to see you!	
FormID: 0002B48A	Generic	HELLO	0	How are you today?	
FormID: 0002B48C	Generic	HELLO	0	How are you today?	
FormID: 0002B48D	Generic	HELLO	0	Good to see you.	
FormID: 0002B48F	Generic	HELLO	0	Well met.	
FormID: 0002B490	Generic	HELLO	0	Hello!	
FormID: 0002B491	Generic	HELLO	0	Hail.	
FormID: 0002B492	Generic	HELLO	0	Hi there.	
FormID: 0002B493	Generic	HELLO	0	How do you do?	
FormID: 0002B494	Generic	HELLO	0	Hello there.	
FormID: 0002B495	Generic	HELLO	0	Greetings!	
FormID: 0002B496	Generic	HELLO	0	Hello.	
FormID: 0002B497	Generic	HELLO	0	How goes it?	
FormID: 0002B5EE	Generic	HELLO	0	What do you want, Breton trash?	
FormID: 0002B5EF	Generic	HELLO	0	What is it, pondscum?	
FormID: 0002B5F0	Generic	HELLO	0	What do you want, ashborn?	
FormID: 0002B5F1	Generic	HELLO	0	Something on your mind, goldenrod?	
FormID: 0002B5F2	Generic	HELLO	0	Speak, Imperial dog.	
FormID: 0002B5F3	Generic	HELLO	0	Something on your mind, furlicker?	
FormID: 0002B5F4	Generic	HELLO	0	Speak, snowman, and stop wasting my time.	
FormID: 0002B5F5	Generic	HELLO	0	You have something to say, dungheap?	
FormID: 0002B5F6	Generic	HELLO	0	Come to bother me with a war story, Redguard?	
FormID: 0002B5F7	Generic	HELLO	0	What do you want, treehugger?	
FormID: 0002B498	Generic	HELLO	0	What is it now?	
FormID: 0003AAA4	Generic	HELLO	0	What?	
FormID: 0003AAA9	Generic	HELLO	0	Oh, it's you.	
FormID: 0003AAAD	Generic	HELLO	0	Can I help you?	
FormID: 0003AAB1	Generic	HELLO	0	Hello.	
FormID: 0003AAB7	Generic	HELLO	0	Yes?	
FormID: 0002B499	Generic	HELLO	0	Why do you bother me? Go away!	
FormID: 0018B5CE	Generic	HELLO	0	Leave me alone.	
FormID: 0018B5CF	Generic	HELLO	0	I don't have time for you.	
FormID: 000AED3F	Generic	HELLO	0	By the Nine Divines, you're the Grand Champion of the Arena! This is such an honor!	
__Nine Divinesにかけて、あんたはアリーナの偉大なチャンピオンだよ!何て光栄なんだ!
FormID: 000C47EE	Generic	GREETING	0	M'aiq knows much, tells some. M'aiq knows many things others do not.	
FormID: 000A7155	Generic	GREETING	0	How can I help?	
FormID: 0001CA78	Generic	GREETING	0	Good day. 	
FormID: 000191C2	Generic	GREETING	0	A pleasure to speak with you.	
FormID: 0001C5D3	Generic	GREETING	0	Well met.	
FormID: 00029203	Generic	GREETING	0	It's my pleasure. Please continue.	
FormID: 000293D3	Generic	GREETING	0	I hope I can help.	
FormID: 00000A05	Generic	GREETING	0	Yes?	
FormID: 00000A06	Generic	GREETING	0	What do you want?	
FormID: 00000931	Generic	GREETING	0	What?	
FormID: 00029585	Generic	GREETING	0	What can I do for you?	
FormID: 000296AA	Generic	GREETING	0	Go ahead, please.	
FormID: 0002A7DF	Generic	GREETING	0	Go on.	
FormID: 0002A7E1	Generic	GREETING	0	Make it quick.	
FormID: 0002A7E2	Generic	GREETING	0	What?	
FormID: 0002A7E3	Generic	GREETING	0	I'm waiting.	
FormID: 000AED4A	Generic	GREETING	0	You know, I saw your fight against the Gray Prince. Nobody thought that Orc could be beat, but you showed them all! Ha ha ha ha ha! 	
FormID: 00024271	Generic	SadGeneral	0	Oh, no.	
FormID: 00024272	Generic	SadGeneral	0	Oh, my....	
FormID: 00024273	Generic	SadGeneral	0	That's so sad.	
FormID: 00024275	Generic	SadGeneral	0	What a shame.	
FormID: 00024276	Generic	SadGeneral	0	That's horrible.	
FormID: 00024277	Generic	SadGeneral	0	Are you sure? That's awful.	
FormID: 00024278	Generic	SadGeneral	0	That's just terrible.	
FormID: 00024279	Generic	SadGeneral	0	I feel so bad for you.	
FormID: 0002426F	Generic	SadGeneral	0	I'm so sorry.	
FormID: 00024270	Generic	SadGeneral	0	That's terrible.	
FormID: 00024266	Generic	FearGeneral	0	By the gods!	
FormID: 00024268	Generic	FearGeneral	0	It can't be!	
FormID: 0002426B	Generic	FearGeneral	0	That's terrible!	
FormID: 0002426E	Generic	FearGeneral	0	Oh, no!	
FormID: 00024265	Generic	FearGeneral	0	No!	
FormID: 0002425C	Generic	AngerReceive	0	Why... I ought to...	
FormID: 0002425D	Generic	AngerReceive	0	Impossible!	
FormID: 0002425E	Generic	AngerReceive	0	By the gods, no!	
FormID: 00024260	Generic	AngerReceive	0	This cannot be!	
FormID: 0002425F	Generic	AngerReceive	0	Unacceptable!	
FormID: 00024261	Generic	AngerReceive	0	That's not possible!	
FormID: 00024262	Generic	AngerReceive	0	This will not do.	
FormID: 00024263	Generic	AngerReceive	0	Grrrrr....	
FormID: 0002425A	Generic	AngerReceive	0	What!?!?!	
FormID: 0002425B	Generic	AngerReceive	0	No!!!!	
FormID: 00024251	Generic	HappyReceive	0	That's great!	
FormID: 00024253	Generic	HappyReceive	0	What great news!	
FormID: 00024256	Generic	HappyReceive	0	Excellent.	
FormID: 00024258	Generic	HappyReceive	0	Fine.	
FormID: 00024259	Generic	HappyReceive	0	Good.	
FormID: 0002424F	Generic	HappyReceive	0	Fantastic!	
FormID: 00024246	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	Are you sure?	
FormID: 00024247	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	Seriously?	
FormID: 00024248	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	It can't be!	
FormID: 00024249	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	No! Come on!	
FormID: 0002424A	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	I had no idea!	
FormID: 0002424B	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	Why, I never knew!	
FormID: 0002424C	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	Oh, my!	
FormID: 0002424D	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	Is this true?	
FormID: 0002424E	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	What?!	
FormID: 00024244	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	Really?	
FormID: 00024245	Generic	SurpriseReceive	0	No! really?	
FormID: 00024233	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	That's too bad.	
FormID: 00024232	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	I'm sorry to hear that.	
FormID: 00024234	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	I'm sorry.	
FormID: 00024235	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	I hope things get better.	
FormID: 00024238	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	Really? What a shame.	
FormID: 00024239	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	Oh.	
FormID: 0002423A	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	Sorry.	
FormID: 0002423B	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	Hmph. I care little.	
FormID: 00159771	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	How about that.	
FormID: 0002423C	Generic	FollowupNegative	0	Ummmm....	
FormID: 0002421F	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Good!	
FormID: 00024220	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Fantastic!	
FormID: 00024221	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Great!	
FormID: 00024222	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Hooray!	
FormID: 00024223	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Excellent!	
FormID: 00024224	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Good to hear.	
FormID: 00024225	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	That is good news.	
FormID: 00024226	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Good for you.	
FormID: 00024227	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	That's fine news.	
FormID: 00024228	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Okay.	
FormID: 00028CCB	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Oh.	
FormID: 0002422A	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Hmmmm...	
FormID: 0002422B	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Hmph....	
FormID: 0002422C	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	Ummmm...	
FormID: 00024229	Generic	FollowupPositive	0	I suppose that's good.	
FormID: 00029692	Generic	AnswerNegative	0	No, sir.	
FormID: 00029693	Generic	AnswerNegative	0	Absolutely not.	
FormID: 000238C3	Generic	AnswerNegative	0	No, no.	
FormID: 00024214	Generic	AnswerNegative	0	No way.	
FormID: 00029694	Generic	AnswerNegative	0	Of course not.	
FormID: 00024217	Generic	AnswerNegative	0	Not a chance.	

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