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Knights of the Nine
*Knights of the Nine [#jccd5007]
*目次 [#id37c9f9]
*書式 [#udd076ab]
*非翻訳データを含むページの一覧 [#j71e702c]
-''Knights of the Nine/''以下の階層に翻訳データを含まない...
*翻訳対象 [#tf01f087]
*接頭語とクエストの対応表 [#j8860f32]
**普通のクエスト [#c0d1b52a]
|ND01|The Shrine of the Crusader|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_...
|ND02|Priory of the Nine|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Priory_of_th...
|ND03|Nature's Fury|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Nature's_Fury]]|
|ND04|The Path of the Righteous|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_P...
|ND05|Wisdom of the Ages|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Wisdom_of_th...
|ND06|Stendarr's Mercy|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Stendarr's_Mer...
|ND07|The Faithful Squire|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_Faithfu...
|ND08|The Sword of the Crusader|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_S...
|ND09|The Blessing of Talos|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_Bless...
|ND10|Umaril the Unfeathered|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Umaril_t...
**システム上のクエスト [#t5a96799]
|ND00|Nine Divines general dialogue|
|ND10FIN|ND10 Post-Quest Scene|
|NDStartingRumors|Used to bring starting rumors to top of...
|NDGreetings|For world-wide greetings and hellos|
|NDConversations|ND Conversations quest|
|NDKnightsConvSystem|Knights of the Nine Conversation Sys...
*メモ [#m4cad5da]
--固有名詞的な扱いで頻出する Relics や ※※※ of the Crusade...
--↑加えて"Kynareth's Altar"とか"Grove of Trials"、単体で...
--sir knightは『騎士殿』等と訳出してます。NineやOrderも無...
--Sir 人名・Lord人名は一般的な日本語訳だと〜卿・〜閣下な...
--Dialogue ND02は敢えて口調を変化させる方向性で訳してます...
*単語まとめ [#udc2d014]
-''訳していない語'' (NPC/Mob)
--Sir Gregory, Sir Casimir, Sir Ralvas, Sir Henrik, Sir C...
--Sir Caius, Sir Roderic, Sir Amiel
--Sir Areldur, Sir Avita, Sir Brellin, Sir Carodus, Sir G...
--Umaril, Umaril the Unfeathered, The Unfeathered(あだ名)...
--Sir Berich (= Lord Vlindrel)
--Pelinal Whitestrake, Pelinal, Saint Pelinal
--Saint Kaladas, Tiber Septim
--Princes of Misrule
--Wyrm of Elenglynn (Elenglynnのワーム(龍の一種))
-''訳していない語'' (装備)
--Armor of the Crusader
--Crusader's Relics,Relics of the Crusade, Relics (Relics...
--Helm of the Crusader, Helm
--Shield of the Crusader, Shield
--Sword of the Crusader, Sword
--Cuirass of the Divine Crusader, Cuirass
--Boots of the Crusader, Boots
--Mace of Zenithar, Mace, Mace of the Crusader
--Greaves of the Crusader, Greaves
--Helm of the Crusader
-''訳していない語'' (地名、設備)
--Underpall Cave, Fort Bulwark, Garlas Malatar, Cyrod (He...
--White Gold Tower
--Kynareth's Altar, Altar of Kynareth
--Chapel of Dibella, Chapel of Zenithar, Chapel of Stendarr
--Leyawiin's Chapel, Cheydinhal Chapel, Anvil Chapel
--Anvil, Cheydinhal, Leyawiin, Black Marsh, Colovia, Bravil
--Great Forest, West Weald, Hammerfell, Cyrodiil
--Shrine of the Crusader
--Priory of the Nine, Priory
--Elenglynn (遺跡名)
-''訳していない語'' (役職、地位、組織)
--Knight Errant, Knight Commander, Divine Crusader
--Knight, Commander, Crusader, Lord Crusader
--Knights of the Nine, Order, Knights
--Sir Knight (両方とも大文字)
--Priestesses of Kynareth
--Imperial Army
--Hero of Kvatch, Champion of Cyrodiil, Fighter's Guildma...
--Arena Grand Champion, Archmage, Gray Fox
--Wheel (Knights of the Wheelのことと思われる)
--Knight of the Scarab (Knights of the Scarab 若しくは Or...
-''訳していない語'' (神関係)
--Dibella, Kynareth, Julianos, Zenithar, Arkay, Mara, Aka...
--Auri-El(ArkayのBosmer/Altmerの世界での別名)、Lord Akato...
--Nine, Eight, One, Eight and One
--Eight Divines, Nine Divines
-''訳していない語'' (クエスト関連)
--Grove of Trials, Grove
--Pilgrims Way, Pilgrim's Way (複数形&所有形の2つ有), Pil...
--Wayshrines of the Nine, Nine Wayshrines
-''訳していない語'' (その他)
--Nirn, Oblivion, Aetherius(死後の世界)
--Blessing of Talos, Blessing (スキル扱いなので訳さず)
--Lay Hands (スキル扱いなので訳さず)
--wraith (レイスでも良いか?)
--wayshrine/wayshrines (way + shrine の複合語。造語?)
--Crusade, Faith
--War of the Bend'r-Mahk, War of the Red Diamond
--Thief, Warrior ,Wizard
--Holy Hermit (Prophetのあだ名)
--Bull of Kyne
-''訳した語'' (大文字小文字に注意)
--mace (メイス), gauntlet(ガントレット),
--shrine (聖堂) (注意:wayshrineは現在訳語無し)
--alter (祭壇)
--Wayrest (Wayrest王国:これは補完しないと分かり難そうだ...
--Stros M'kai (Stros M'kai島:同上)
--my lord(閣下), my lady(レディ)
--Prophet/prophet (預言者:後で処理出来る事を考慮すればこ...
--sir knight (騎士殿)
--squire (従者)
--Ayleids (Ayleid達:人/人に相当する者の複数形はそのまま...
--Aurorans (Auroranども/達)
--Guardians (Guardian達)
--Elven (エルフの)
--Knight of the Scarab (Order of the ScarabのKnight)
*Knights of the Nine [#jccd5007]
*目次 [#id37c9f9]
*書式 [#udd076ab]
*非翻訳データを含むページの一覧 [#j71e702c]
-''Knights of the Nine/''以下の階層に翻訳データを含まない...
*翻訳対象 [#tf01f087]
*接頭語とクエストの対応表 [#j8860f32]
**普通のクエスト [#c0d1b52a]
|ND01|The Shrine of the Crusader|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_...
|ND02|Priory of the Nine|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Priory_of_th...
|ND03|Nature's Fury|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Nature's_Fury]]|
|ND04|The Path of the Righteous|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_P...
|ND05|Wisdom of the Ages|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Wisdom_of_th...
|ND06|Stendarr's Mercy|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Stendarr's_Mer...
|ND07|The Faithful Squire|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_Faithfu...
|ND08|The Sword of the Crusader|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_S...
|ND09|The Blessing of Talos|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:The_Bless...
|ND10|Umaril the Unfeathered|[[UESPWiki:Oblivion:Umaril_t...
**システム上のクエスト [#t5a96799]
|ND00|Nine Divines general dialogue|
|ND10FIN|ND10 Post-Quest Scene|
|NDStartingRumors|Used to bring starting rumors to top of...
|NDGreetings|For world-wide greetings and hellos|
|NDConversations|ND Conversations quest|
|NDKnightsConvSystem|Knights of the Nine Conversation Sys...
*メモ [#m4cad5da]
--固有名詞的な扱いで頻出する Relics や ※※※ of the Crusade...
--↑加えて"Kynareth's Altar"とか"Grove of Trials"、単体で...
--sir knightは『騎士殿』等と訳出してます。NineやOrderも無...
--Sir 人名・Lord人名は一般的な日本語訳だと〜卿・〜閣下な...
--Dialogue ND02は敢えて口調を変化させる方向性で訳してます...
*単語まとめ [#udc2d014]
-''訳していない語'' (NPC/Mob)
--Sir Gregory, Sir Casimir, Sir Ralvas, Sir Henrik, Sir C...
--Sir Caius, Sir Roderic, Sir Amiel
--Sir Areldur, Sir Avita, Sir Brellin, Sir Carodus, Sir G...
--Umaril, Umaril the Unfeathered, The Unfeathered(あだ名)...
--Sir Berich (= Lord Vlindrel)
--Pelinal Whitestrake, Pelinal, Saint Pelinal
--Saint Kaladas, Tiber Septim
--Princes of Misrule
--Wyrm of Elenglynn (Elenglynnのワーム(龍の一種))
-''訳していない語'' (装備)
--Armor of the Crusader
--Crusader's Relics,Relics of the Crusade, Relics (Relics...
--Helm of the Crusader, Helm
--Shield of the Crusader, Shield
--Sword of the Crusader, Sword
--Cuirass of the Divine Crusader, Cuirass
--Boots of the Crusader, Boots
--Mace of Zenithar, Mace, Mace of the Crusader
--Greaves of the Crusader, Greaves
--Helm of the Crusader
-''訳していない語'' (地名、設備)
--Underpall Cave, Fort Bulwark, Garlas Malatar, Cyrod (He...
--White Gold Tower
--Kynareth's Altar, Altar of Kynareth
--Chapel of Dibella, Chapel of Zenithar, Chapel of Stendarr
--Leyawiin's Chapel, Cheydinhal Chapel, Anvil Chapel
--Anvil, Cheydinhal, Leyawiin, Black Marsh, Colovia, Bravil
--Great Forest, West Weald, Hammerfell, Cyrodiil
--Shrine of the Crusader
--Priory of the Nine, Priory
--Elenglynn (遺跡名)
-''訳していない語'' (役職、地位、組織)
--Knight Errant, Knight Commander, Divine Crusader
--Knight, Commander, Crusader, Lord Crusader
--Knights of the Nine, Order, Knights
--Sir Knight (両方とも大文字)
--Priestesses of Kynareth
--Imperial Army
--Hero of Kvatch, Champion of Cyrodiil, Fighter's Guildma...
--Arena Grand Champion, Archmage, Gray Fox
--Wheel (Knights of the Wheelのことと思われる)
--Knight of the Scarab (Knights of the Scarab 若しくは Or...
-''訳していない語'' (神関係)
--Dibella, Kynareth, Julianos, Zenithar, Arkay, Mara, Aka...
--Auri-El(ArkayのBosmer/Altmerの世界での別名)、Lord Akato...
--Nine, Eight, One, Eight and One
--Eight Divines, Nine Divines
-''訳していない語'' (クエスト関連)
--Grove of Trials, Grove
--Pilgrims Way, Pilgrim's Way (複数形&所有形の2つ有), Pil...
--Wayshrines of the Nine, Nine Wayshrines
-''訳していない語'' (その他)
--Nirn, Oblivion, Aetherius(死後の世界)
--Blessing of Talos, Blessing (スキル扱いなので訳さず)
--Lay Hands (スキル扱いなので訳さず)
--wraith (レイスでも良いか?)
--wayshrine/wayshrines (way + shrine の複合語。造語?)
--Crusade, Faith
--War of the Bend'r-Mahk, War of the Red Diamond
--Thief, Warrior ,Wizard
--Holy Hermit (Prophetのあだ名)
--Bull of Kyne
-''訳した語'' (大文字小文字に注意)
--mace (メイス), gauntlet(ガントレット),
--shrine (聖堂) (注意:wayshrineは現在訳語無し)
--alter (祭壇)
--Wayrest (Wayrest王国:これは補完しないと分かり難そうだ...
--Stros M'kai (Stros M'kai島:同上)
--my lord(閣下), my lady(レディ)
--Prophet/prophet (預言者:後で処理出来る事を考慮すればこ...
--sir knight (騎士殿)
--squire (従者)
--Ayleids (Ayleid達:人/人に相当する者の複数形はそのまま...
--Aurorans (Auroranども/達)
--Guardians (Guardian達)
--Elven (エルフの)
--Knight of the Scarab (Order of the ScarabのKnight)