Vanilla/Dialogue/Dark06Wanderer のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0004DE8A Dark06Wanderer GOODBYE 0 Oh, hey, yeah. Yeah, I'll talk to you... Later? Yeah, later.
FormID: 0004DE8B Dark06Wanderer GOODBYE 0 Hmm? Oh, yes, goodbye...
__ううん? ああ、うん、それじゃ…
FormID: 0004DE88 Dark06Wanderer HELLO 0 Hey! Whoa! You shouldn't sneak up on people like that!
FormID: 0004DE89 Dark06Wanderer HELLO 0 Oh, Faelian, dear Faelian... why must you ruin both our lives?
FormID: 0004E9AC Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Hey... Hey! How... What are... What are you... doing here? You're not my... Not my friend. What... You know, what do you... want?
FormID: 0004E9B0 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Hey! My friend! You made it, huh? That's... That's great. Did... Did you want to just relax, or... Did you want something... something else?
FormID: 0002F87C Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 While Faelian walks the streets of the Imperial City, the Night Mother weeps in her restlessness. Kill this High Elf, and all will be well.
FormID: 0002FBAB Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Wha...? What do you want... friend? Wait... You're not my friend. If you were my friend., you'd give me something. Like, you know... skooma!
FormID: 0002FBAE Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Huh? What do you want? Sorry, can't talk... now. I'm with my... my lady friend here. Talk to me... later... Not here... Not in the hotel... Okay...
FormID: 0002FBB4 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Oh... Hi. Hi again. You're the one who... who was going to bring me some skooma. To be my friend. Yeah... I remember you... now...
FormID: 0002FF08 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 The High Elf Faelian now swims in the maelstrom of darkness at the feet of our Dread Father, Sithis. And, there were no witnesses to your handiwork.
__High ElfのFaelianは我らがDread Fatherの足元で暗闇の渦中を彷徨うこととなった。そしてその仕事に目撃者はいない。
FormID: 0002FF08 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 1 Because of the discretion you exercised, Captain Phillida will not suspect the Dark Brotherhood was involved, and will not meddle in our affairs.
FormID: 0002FF08 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 2 Here is your reward and bonus. Both have been well earned. Go now and rest, and may the Night Mother guard your dreams.
FormID: 000008D2 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 The High Elf Faelian now swims in the maelstrom of darkness at the feet of our Dread Father, Sithis. And, there were no witnesses to your handiwork.
__High ElfのFaelianは今や、我がDread Father(畏怖の父)足元で暗闇の大渦の中を漂い、そしてその仕事に目撃者はいない。
__High ElfのFaelianは今や、我がDread Fatherの足元で暗闇の大渦の中を彷徨い、そして仕事の目撃者はいない。
FormID: 000008D2 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 1 Because of the discretion you exercised, Captain Phillida will not suspect the Dark Brotherhood was involved, and will not meddle in our affairs.
__お前の慎重な行動のおかげで、Dark Brotherhoodが関わっていることをPhillida隊長に悟られ無かったし、この件で干渉を受けるようなことは無いだろう。
FormID: 000008D2 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 2 Here is your reward and bonus. Both have been well earned. In addition, you have been advanced to the rank of Eliminator.
FormID: 000008D2 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 3 I present to you now this key. It unlocks the well behind the Abandoned House above. Use it to gain hidden, quick access to this Sanctuary.
FormID: 000008D2 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 4 Go now and rest, and may the Night Mother haunt your dreams.
FormID: 0002FF09 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Yes, Faelian has been killed, but you did not exercise discretion. How many witnesses were there? We may never know.
FormID: 0002FF09 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 1 But you can be sure Adamus Phillida will suspect the Dark Brotherhood was involved, and will launch an investigation.
FormID: 0002FF09 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 2 I had hoped to avoid such an... irritation. Here is your reward, but the bonus is forfeit. Do try to be more careful next time, hmm?
FormID: 0003489E Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Yes, Faelian has been killed, but you did not exercise discretion. How many witnesses were there? We may never know.
FormID: 0003489E Dark06Wanderer GREETING 1 But you can be sure Adamus Phillida will suspect the Dark Brotherhood was involved, and will launch an investigation.
FormID: 0003489E Dark06Wanderer GREETING 2 I had hoped to avoid such an... irritation. Here is your reward, but the bonus is forfeit. Do try to be more careful next time, hmm?
FormID: 0003489E Dark06Wanderer GREETING 3 Despite this recent lapse in professionalism, your overall efforts have been commendable. It's time you were advanced to the rank of Eliminator.
FormID: 0003489E Dark06Wanderer GREETING 4 I present to you now this key. It unlocks the well behind the Abandoned House above. Use it to gain hidden, quick access to this Sanctuary.
FormID: 0003489E Dark06Wanderer GREETING 5 Go now and rest, and may the Night Mother haunt your dreams.
FormID: 0004D7E0 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 And what might you want... peasant?
FormID: 0004D7E1 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Yes, good sir? How may I help you?
FormID: 0004D7E2 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Yes, my lady? How may I help you?
FormID: 0004D7E3 Dark06Wanderer GREETING 0 Ah, my dear friend. It is so good to see you.
FormID: 0002F87E Dark06Wanderer contract 0 The High Elf Faelian lives in the Imperial City, and fancies long walks. Speak with your fellow family members. They may offer their insights.
FormID: 0000BCAD Dark06Wanderer contract 0 I have given you little more than a name. I can only pray that you'll wander the Imperial City aimlessly for days, and then eventually die of hunger.
FormID: 0000BCAE Dark06Wanderer contract 0 I'd never suggest you forfeit a bonus, of course, but killing Faelian indoors is so unappealing. Too bad you couldn't snipe him from a balcony.
FormID: 0000BCAE Dark06Wanderer contract 1 But first I guess you have to find him, right? The Elven races of the Imperial City are a community unto themselves. Ask them about Faelian.
__けれど、まずは彼を見つけないと駄目そうね、そうでしょ?Imperial Cityのエルフ族っていうのはエルフによる一つの共同体なのよ。Faelianについては、彼らに尋ねなさい。
FormID: 0000BCAF Dark06Wanderer contract 0 So, you need to find this High Elf, hmm? Why don't you take a trip to Summerset Isle, ask around for him there. Idiot.
__ムー。つまり、そのハイエルフを見つけないといけないわけ?じゃ、なぜSummerset Isleに旅して、そこで彼のことを尋ねて回らないのよ。バーカ。
FormID: 0000BCB0 Dark06Wanderer contract 0 I do so love pursuing a contract in the Imperial City! The alleys, the shadows, the challenge of evading Phillida's Legion troops! I envy you!
FormID: 0000BCB1 Dark06Wanderer contract 0 With every unattainable contract my sister gives you, I find myself loving her more and more.
FormID: 0000BCB2 Dark06Wanderer contract 0 Now this is what I'm talking about! You kill him up close, face-to-face, and you still get the bonus! I wish all the contracts were like that!
FormID: 0000BCB3 Dark06Wanderer contract 0 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! By Sithis, you are an idiot! Ocheeva has sent you on a suicide mission! Phillida's men are going to cut you to pieces!
FormID: 0000BCB4 Dark06Wanderer contract 0 The Elves of the Imperial City are a fairly close-knit community. One of them will have at least heard of Faelian. You should ask around.
__Imperial City のエルフ達というのは、かなり結束の強い共同体を成している。そのうちの一人ぐらいは、Faelian の事を聞いたことくらいはあるだろう。尋ね回ってみることだ。
FormID: 0000BCB5 Dark06Wanderer contract 0 I look at you and wonder how you're still alive, considering your utter incompetence as an assassin. With any luck, this contract will be your last.
FormID: 0000BCB6 Dark06Wanderer contract 0 Know what I'd do? Talk to Faelian, learn who he is. Maybe then you can lead him to a secluded place. Then, when you're alone... you know! He he he!
FormID: 0000BCB7 Dark06Wanderer contract 0 I don't know what idea appeals to me more: you getting killed by this Faelian person or the Imperial Legion using your corpse as a target dummy.
__これ以上魅力的な案はないわ――あんたがその、Faelian に殺されるとか、帝国軍があんたの死体を的の代わりに使うとか。
FormID: 0002FBAF Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice1B 0 Oh... okay. Well... You get me some skooma, and then we'll... be good friends. Okay? Okay... Nordinor.. In Bravil... He sells it... Late at night...
FormID: 0002FBB0 Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice1A 0 You have skooma! Ha ha ha ha! Oh... Oh my friend! Yeah... You're my friend now! Thank you... Thank you!
FormID: 0002FBB0 Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice1A 1 Hey... Now that we're... we're friends... You want to come with me? To my... my special place? It's not... you know... very far...
FormID: 0002FBB0 Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice1A 2 If you want... come to... to Lorkmir's house. I go there every day. Every day. From 11:00 in the morning 'til 5:00 at night. I just go and... relax.
FormID: 0002FBB0 Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice1A 3 Lorkmir ain't... he ain't around no more. He he he... I use his house. Here's a key! For... for you! You come whenever you... you want! Okay then...
FormID: 0002FBB0 Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice1A 4 Oh... yeah... his house is in the... um... Elven Gardens District. So yeah... maybe I'll see you there... my new friend! He he. Goodbye... my friend!
FormID: 0002FBB1 Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice1A 0 Wait... You... You lied! Ohh... That's mean! Nordinor.. In Bravil... He sells skooma! Late at night... Go get me some... Okay?
FormID: 0002FBAD Dark06Wanderer GiftScript 0 Skooma! Oh! Oh, yeah... You want to... want to be my friend? I'll... I'll tell you what. Skooma's the only thing... the only thing I want...
FormID: 0002FBAD Dark06Wanderer GiftScript 1 You get me some... now listen up... sk...skooma. You know what that is? Get me some skooma and... and... we'll be good, good friends. Okay?
FormID: 0002FBAD Dark06Wanderer GiftScript 2 Do you ha... have any skooma now? Cause... I can be your friend ri... right now...
FormID: 0002FBB2 Dark06Wanderer GiftScript 0 Oh! Oh... No... Not here! Not in the hotel! My lady friend... Atraena. She'll get mad! Wait 'til I'm away from... here. Outside the hotel... Yeah...
FormID: 0004E0B4 Dark06Wanderer GiftScript 0 Skooma? Oh, yeah... Hey! You gave me some skooma! You are so... nice. Oh, yeah... You're such a good... friend.
FormID: 0002FF0B Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Faelian, you say? Why yes, I know who he is. Rather distasteful fellow, actually. I believe he lives right here, at the Tiber Septim Hotel.
FormID: 0002FF0B Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 1 Talk to the Publican, Augusta Calidia. I'm sure she can tell you more about him.
FormID: 0004CF8A Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Faelian, you say? Why yes, I know who he is. Rather distasteful fellow, actually. I believe he lives at the Tiber Septim Hotel.
FormID: 0004CF8A Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 1 I do believe that establishment is right here in the Talos Plaza District. I'd ask around there, if I were you.
FormID: 0004CF8B Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Faelian, you say? Why yes, I know who he is. Rather distasteful fellow, actually. I believe he lives at the Tiber Septim Hotel.
FormID: 0004CF8B Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 1 That's in the Talos Plaza District, here in the Imperial City. I'd ask around there, if I were you.
FormID: 0002FF0C Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Faelian? Yes, I know who he is. But I'm really not in the habit of discussing such things with strangers...
FormID: 0002FF0D Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Who? Faelian? I don't see how that's any business of yours at all. Really, the gall of some people!
FormID: 0002FF0E Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 I might know him. I might not. I don't see how it's any of your business.
FormID: 0002FF0F Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Yes, I know who Faelian is. Know quite a bit about him, actually. But... I probably shouldn't gossip. I mean, we hardly know each other...
FormID: 0002FF10 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Faelian? Oh, I know him all right! A waste of life, that one. He lives here you know, with his sweetheart, Atraena.
FormID: 0002FF10 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 1 What that poor girl sees in him I'll never know. Atraena pays for their room, their food, everything. She's quite wealthy, I believe.
FormID: 0002FF10 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 2 Faelian used to have money... used to be quite a gentleman, too. But that was before he took a fancy to the... you know. The skooma.
FormID: 0002FF10 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 3 Now Faelian's hardly ever here. He's off using skooma, or wandering the city looking for some, I imagine.
FormID: 0002FF10 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 4 He comes back every night to be with Atraena, but only for a few hours. I swear, that High Elf is going to wind up dead if he keeps living like this.
FormID: 0002FF11 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Oh, just get away from me! My relationship with Faelian is none of your business!
FormID: 0002FF12 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Faelian? He... he's my sweet. My true love. But I don't know why I'm telling this to you. I mean, we hardly know each other and all...
FormID: 0002FF13 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Please, I... I don't mean to get emotional but... I feel I can trust you. I just don't know what to do about Faelian!
FormID: 0002FF13 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 1 All he thinks about, all he cares about, is skooma! He was a fine young man once. But he's lost everything. His looks, his money... his self-respect.
FormID: 0002FF13 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 2 I followed him a few times, to see where he goes. He walks around the city looking for skooma, and then goes to Lorkmir's house for several hours.
FormID: 0002FF13 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 3 It's in the Elven Gardens District. I think the house is deserted. That's why he goes there. So he can escape from life and do his skooma!
FormID: 0002FF13 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 4 Thank you for listening. You're a good friend. I just hope my sweet Faelian can clean himself up, or that awful skooma will be the death of him!
FormID: 00003887 Dark06Wanderer FaelianTopic 0 Faelian? Hey, that's my name! Yeah. I'm Faelian.
FormID: 0004E9AF Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice2C 0 You... You're kind of weird. You know that? But... That's okay. I... I like crazy people. I like crazy people... and skooma! Ssshhh! Ha ha ha ha ha!
FormID: 0004E9AE Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice2B 0 Sleep? But... Nah. No, I... I'm not tired. Not tired right now. I have lots of... you know... energy. The skooma! I can feel it... in my veins...
FormID: 0004E9AD Dark06Wanderer Dark06Choice2A 0 My... my soul? Whoah. Wow. Yeah, okay... Yeah! That sounds... great! You can have my soul! Can I... Can I have your soul too? Ha ha ha ha. Oh... Wow.

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