Vanilla/Dialogue/MQ15-01 のバックアップ(No.1)

FormID: 000872DA MQ15 Flee 0 Not again!
FormID: 000872DB MQ15 Flee 0 Leave me alone!
FormID: 000872DC MQ15 Flee 0 Somebody help!
FormID: 000872DD MQ15 Flee 0 No! No!
__止めろ! 止めろ!
FormID: 000872DE MQ15 Flee 0 There's got to be some way to end this nightmare!
FormID: 000872DF MQ15 Flee 0 Run!
FormID: 000872E0 MQ15 Flee 0 For pity's sake, just let us die!
FormID: 000477FA MQ15 GOODBYE 0 The Master will soon deal with you.
FormID: 00088B3A MQ15 GOODBYE 0 Leave me in peace.
FormID: 0003EAAA MQ15 HELLO 0 What's going on here? Who's this?
__ここで何してる? こいつは誰だ?
FormID: 00047359 MQ15 HELLO 0 Please, don't let Anaxes loose! He torments us night and day!
__お願いだ、Anaxesを放たないでくれ! 彼は日夜我々を苦しめるんだ!
FormID: 0004735A MQ15 HELLO 0 Just leave us alone. We have enough troubles here in the Savage Garden without you adding to them.
__放っておいてくれ! アンタが奴等に加わらなくても、このSavage Gardenでは十分問題を抱えているんだ!
FormID: 0004735B MQ15 HELLO 0 You're not one of us, are you? Are you here to destroy Gaiar Alata and end our nightmare?
__あなたは我々の仲間ではない、そうだろ? あなたはGaiar Alataを打ち破り我々の悪夢を終わらせてくれるのか?
FormID: 0004735C MQ15 HELLO 0 I will soon earn the Master's favor and be granted entry into the Forbidden Grotto.
__私はすぐにマスターの支持を得て、Forbidden Grottoへの出入りを許可されるだろう。
FormID: 0004735D MQ15 HELLO 0 What news from Tamriel? Is Lord Dagon's victory almost complete?
__Tamrielからの報せは何だ? Dagon王の勝利が完全なものとなったのか?
FormID: 0004735E MQ15 HELLO 0 How can you be here? The Master said you were dead!
__どうしてここにいるんだ? マスターはお前が死んだと言っていたのに!
FormID: 0004735F MQ15 HELLO 0 You're new to Gaiar Alata, aren't you?
__Gaiar Alataの新入りだな、そうだろ?
FormID: 00088B34 MQ15 HELLO 0 Please, end this nightmare if you can.
FormID: 00088B37 MQ15 HELLO 0 Leave me alone.
FormID: 000473C2 MQ15 GREETING 0 You did not expect to see me again, did you? You have no grasp of the power that my father has at his command.
__また私に会うとは思わなかったでしょう? あなたには、私の父が授けてくれる力がありませんからね。
FormID: 000473C2 MQ15 GREETING 1 You think you can stop us? Soon Mehrunes Dagon will walk upon Tamriel for the first time since the Mythic Age, and our victory will be complete.
__我々を止められるとでも? もうすぐMehrunes Dagonが神話の時代より初めてTamrielに降り立ち、我々の勝利を確実なものとしてくれるのです。
FormID: 000473C2 MQ15 GREETING 2 Come, my father is waiting to welcome you to Carac Agaialor.
__来なさい。私の父がCarac Agaialorであなたを歓迎するために待っていますよ。
FormID: 000473C3 MQ15 GREETING 0 Why do you delay? Do you fear to face Mankar Camoran himself? As well you should.
__何故逡巡しているのです? まさかMankar Camoranその人と対面するのを恐れているのですか? それも仕方ありませんね。
FormID: 000473C3 MQ15 GREETING 1 Come, my father is waiting to welcome you to Carac Agaialor.
__来なさい。私の父がCarac Agaialorであなたを歓迎するために待っていますよ。
FormID: 000473C4 MQ15 GREETING 0 So here you are at last. The lackey of the Septim pretender. You still think you have a chance, don't you?
FormID: 000473C4 MQ15 GREETING 1 We knew you would find your way here eventually. But it is of no consequence.
FormID: 000473C4 MQ15 GREETING 2 You should not keep my father waiting any longer. He expected you hours ago. Come, you came here to see him, did you not?
FormID: 000473C5 MQ15 GREETING 0 I have nothing else to say to you. But my father wants to speak with you before we send you on your way.
FormID: 00047226 MQ15 GREETING 0 You made it. I didn't think you'd have any trouble. Let's get these Bands off you ...
FormID: 00047226 MQ15 GREETING 1 ... there. You're not a prisoner of the Forbidden Grotto any longer.
__…さあどうぞ。これでもうForbidden Grottoの囚人ではありません。
FormID: 00047226 MQ15 GREETING 2 Let me come with you. Let me help you kill Mankar Camoran. I am not without power.
__私も連れて行ってくれませんか。Mankar Camoranを殺すのを手伝わせてください。私にもそれなりに力がありますから。
FormID: 00015746 MQ15 GREETING 0 You wear the Bands, but you're no prisoner. Who are you? What are you doing here?
__バンドを身に着けているが、お前は囚人じゃないな? お前は何者だ? ここで何をしている?
FormID: 0003FBD7 MQ15 GREETING 0 Not now. Just do as I say until the dremora leaves.
FormID: 000473CA MQ15 GREETING 0 I'm eager to help you defeat my former Master, if you're willing to accept my help.
FormID: 000473C9 MQ15 GREETING 0 Let's put an end to Mankar Camoran and his evil Paradise.
__Mankar Camoranと彼の作り上げた邪悪な楽園を終わらせましょう。
FormID: 000897A2 MQ15 GREETING 0 Let's get into the next Grotto. I'm sure we can find a quiet place to remove the Bands there.
FormID: 0003FBD6 MQ15 GREETING 0 I'm ready to help you, if you're ready to accept my help.
FormID: 000685A3 MQ15 GREETING 0 We have only once chance at this! Use the portal to Camoran's Paradise before it closes again!
__チャンスは一度しかない!ポータルが閉じる前に入ればCamoran's Paradiseへ行くことができる!
FormID: 00027E38 MQ15 GREETING 0 I have everything in place for the ritual. I'll open the portal whenever you're ready.
FormID: 00027E38 MQ15 GREETING 1 I don't know what you'll find in Camoran's Paradise.
__Camoran's Paradiseで何に出会うことになるかは分からない。
FormID: 00027E38 MQ15 GREETING 2 I do know the portal I create through the Mysterium Xarxes ritual will close behind you. You'll have to find another way back.
__Mysterium Xarxesの儀式で作成するポータルは、通った後にすぐに閉じてしまうことが判明している。帰るときは別の方法を見つけなければならないだろう。
FormID: 00027E38 MQ15 GREETING 3 I believe that Mankar Camoran acts as the [QUOTE]anchor[QUOTE] for Paradise, just as a sigil stone anchors an Oblivion Gate in place.
__Mankar Camoranはパラダイスのための[QUOTE]錨[QUOTE]の役割を果たしているのだと思う。ちょうどsigil stoneがOblivion Gateを固定しているように。
FormID: 00027E38 MQ15 GREETING 4 Kill Mankar Camoran, and you will unmake his Paradise.
__Manker Camoranを殺せ。奴の理想郷ってやつをブチ壊してやるんだ。
__Manker Camoranを倒して、奴の理想郷を阻止するんだ。
FormID: 00027E38 MQ15 GREETING 5 Shall I open the portal to Paradise? Are you ready?
__パラダイスへのポータルを開こうか? 準備は良いか?
FormID: 00027E39 MQ15 GREETING 0 Do you need something? Otherwise I should make my preparations for the ritual. There's no time to lose.
__何か用かな? そうでなければ儀式の準備を進めたいんだ。時間を無駄に出来ない。
FormID: 0003782B MQ15 GREETING 0 You found a way back! Does this mean... ?
FormID: 000685A4 MQ15 GREETING 0 You must enter the portal to Camoran's Paradise and reclaim the Amulet of Kings!
__ポータルに入ってCamoran's Paradiseへ行くのだ、Amulet of Kingsを取り戻してくれ!
FormID: 0003C13B MQ15 GREETING 0 Once you're rested and equipped, you should have Martin open the portal to Camoran's Paradise immediately.
__一旦休んで装備を整えたら、すぐにMartinのCamoran's Paradiseの開門の儀式を行うべきだろう。
FormID: 0003C13B MQ15 GREETING 1 Don't give the enemy a chance to recover from their defeat.
FormID: 00037832 MQ15 GREETING 0 You've done it! Victory is within our grasp! Give the Amulet to Martin at once!
FormID: 0003C93E MQ15 GREETING 0 Since the Xivilai Anaxes, lord of the Savage Garden, has fallen, you must now face me in battle.
__Savage Gardenの主であるXivilai Anaxesは倒れた。貴様は私と戦わねばならない。
FormID: 0003C93E MQ15 GREETING 1 There is but one path forward, and I hold the key.
FormID: 0003C93C MQ15 GREETING 0 You destroyed the Sigil Tower at Ganonah. My kin say you fought well.
__お前はGanonahでSigil Towerを破壊したな。我が眷属もお前の戦い振りを話していた。
FormID: 0003C80B MQ15 GREETING 0 You test my patience, mortal. You are in my service. I expect my orders to be carried out.
FormID: 0003C93D MQ15 GREETING 0 You cannot deceive me. Anaxes has fallen. Now I must restore order to the Garden myself, and this angers me.
FormID: 0003C944 MQ15 GREETING 0 Anaxes is free. Order is restored to the Savage Garden. You have served me well.
__Anaxesは解放され、Savage Gardenの秩序は回復された。貴様は私によく仕えた。
FormID: 0003C944 MQ15 GREETING 1 In return for your service, I will give you the key to the Forbidden Grotto, if you still wish it.
__お前の奉仕に対する報酬として、望むならForbidden Grottoの鍵をやろう。
FormID: 0003EAC3 MQ15 GREETING 0 This area is off limits, worm! Get back to your cage!
__このエリアは立入禁止だ、芋虫め! 檻に戻れ!
FormID: 0003EAC4 MQ15 GREETING 0 You are not to speak to me, worm.
FormID: 00047355 MQ15 GREETING 0 You ... how can you be here?
FormID: 00047355 MQ15 GREETING 1 No matter. You are too late to stop Lord Dagon's victory. Soon we will return to Tamriel, to rule over it as lords.
__だが無駄だったな。Lord Dagonの勝利を妨げるにはもはや遅すぎる。我らはLordの統治を布くために、すぐにTamrielに戻ることになるだろう。
FormID: 00047355 MQ15 GREETING 2 While you will remain here in the Eternal Garden... forever.
__そして貴様はこのEternal Gardenに眠ることになるのだ…永久にな。
FormID: 00047357 MQ15 GREETING 0 So you found your way to Gaiar Alata at last. Don't we have enough troubles here, without you adding to them?
__そう、あなたは遂にGaiar Alataに辿り着いたのです。あなたがやつらに肩入れしなければ、私たちは余計なトラブルを抱え込まずにすむのですが。
FormID: 00047357 MQ15 GREETING 1 Leave us alone. Your quarrel is with Mankar Camoran, not us poor fools.
__私たちに構わないでください。あなたの敵は哀れな私たちで無く、Mankar Camoranなのですから。
FormID: 00047356 MQ15 GREETING 0 Are you here to end this nightmare, and free us all from the Savage Garden?
__あなたはこの悪夢を終わらせるために、我々をSavage Gardenから解放するために来たのですか?
FormID: 00047358 MQ15 GREETING 0 What do you want, mortal?
FormID: 0008B0AB MQ15 GREETING 0 Come into the High Hall of Judgment. Let us test ourselves against one another once and for all.
__High Hall of Judgmentに入るんだ。お互いに向かい合って、全員で試験をしようじゃないか。
FormID: 0008B0AC MQ15 GREETING 0 You came for the Amulet. Take it then!
FormID: 00015880 MQ15 MQ15GaiarAlataTopic 0 Gaiar Alata is the Master's name for this place. We usually just call it Paradise.
FormID: 00015880 MQ15 MQ15GaiarAlataTopic 1 This is the Savage Garden. At the top of that mountain lies the Terrace of Dawn, which leads up to Mankar Camoran's palace... Carac Agaialor.
__ここはSavage_Gardenだ。あの山の頂上にTerrace_of_Dawnがある、Mankar_Camoran's_palaceに通じるな… Carac Agaialor
FormID: 00015880 MQ15 MQ15GaiarAlataTopic 2 Beneath the mountain lies the Forbidden Grotto, the only way out of the Savage Garden.
FormID: 00015882 MQ15 MankarCamoranTopic 0 Mankar Camoran lives in his palace, Carac Agaialor, which overlooks the Savage Garden from the top of the mountain.
FormID: 00015882 MQ15 MankarCamoranTopic 1 He never comes here. He stays in Carac Agaialor with Ruma and Raven. But these caves eventually lead to the Terrace of Dawn in front of his palace.
FormID: 0001587A MQ15 MQ15EldamilA1 0 Wait. I know who you must be. You're the one who killed Raven and Ruma. They told me about you, when I was still in their father's favor...
FormID: 0001587A MQ15 MQ15EldamilA1 1 And now you're here to kill their father. Of course. You came for the Amulet of Kings.
FormID: 0001587A MQ15 MQ15EldamilA1 2 Then ... Martin Septim still lives? There is still hope to stop Mehrunes Dagon's invasion?
FormID: 0003FBD8 MQ15 MQ15EldamilA2 0 Can you really do it? Can you bring this eternal nightmare to an end?
FormID: 0003FBD8 MQ15 MQ15EldamilA2 1 Can you defeat Mankar Camoran? And free all the souls of the poor fools who followed him?
FormID: 0003FBD8 MQ15 MQ15EldamilA2 2 Listen, I can help you. You need my help if you are ever to leave the Forbidden Grotto.
FormID: 00027E46 MQ15 MQ15RitualNotReady 0 That's fine. Make sure you have everything you need. There's no telling what you'll find there.
__いいだろう。 必要な物はすべて持ったか? そこでは何がある分からないぞ。

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