Vanilla/Dialogue/MS22 のバックアップ(No.1)

FormID: 00086023 MS22 GOODBYE 0 Think carefully about what I told you! But I'm sure you'll be fine!
__私が話したことの意味を良く考えてください! しかし、私はあなたが上手くやるだろうと信じています!
FormID: 00086024 MS22 GOODBYE 0 Remember. Read [QUOTE]The Cleansing of the Fane[QUOTE] before deciding whether to seek for Umbacano's treasure.
__忘れるな。Umbacanoの宝を探すか決める前に [QUOTE]The Cleansing of the Fane[QUOTE] を読むんだ。
FormID: 0008673C MS22 HELLO 0 Barkeep! A drink for my friend!
FormID: 00086742 MS22 HELLO 0 What can I do for you now, my friend?
FormID: 000BE43C MS22 GREETING 0 It was even easier than Maric promised. Push off.
FormID: 000BE43D MS22 GREETING 0 Don't worry, pal, you'll get used to losing after a while.
FormID: 000BE43E MS22 GREETING 0 A wise choice, perhaps, but you earned no respect for your cowardice.
FormID: 000A3A56 MS22 GREETING 0 I know when I'm beaten! Here, take the carving, if it means so much to you. I had no idea you would take things so personally.
FormID: 0002AEF8 MS22 GREETING 0 Well done! You have much to learn about this business, my friend, but you show definite promise.
__でかしたぞ! 友よ、あなたはこの仕事で学ぶことも多かろう。だが、忠実に約束を守って見せたな。
FormID: 0002AEF8 MS22 GREETING 1 But first, of course: you must hand over the carving.
FormID: 000A9444 MS22 GREETING 0 I won, you lost. There's nothing else to talk about right now.
FormID: 0002C51A MS22 GREETING 0 You must be Umbacano's new plaything. Well met! I am Claude Maric, another pawn in Umbacano's game.
__あんたUmbacanoの新しい玩具だろう。いい所で会ったな!俺はClaude Maric、Umbacanoの娯楽のもう一つの駒さ。
FormID: 0002C51A MS22 GREETING 1 I always enjoy meeting my rival treasure hunters. What, did you think you were the only one? Ha ha ha! Come, let us have a drink together.
FormID: 0002AEF9 MS22 GREETING 0 Come, I have much to tell you. A tavern is right over here. We will drink a toast to Umbacano.
FormID: 0002B09A MS22 GREETING 0 Now then, I propose a toast. To Umbacano, may his purse never run dry!
FormID: 0002B09E MS22 MS22CleansingFane 0 I don't own it. One of the rare book dealers in the Market District may have a copy. Read it. Educate yourself.
__私は、その本を持っていない。Market District にいる稀少本販売業者の一人が写しをもっているかもしれない。それを読んで、自分で考えてくれ。
FormID: 0002C525 MS22 ClaudeMaricTopic 0 You are cautious and perceptive. Good traits to have in this business. Yes, you guess correctly. This one is working for Maric.
__貴方は用心深く、洞察力がある。 実にこの仕事向きの性質ですね。 そう、貴方の言うとおり。 一者はMaricのために働いている。
FormID: 0002C525 MS22 ClaudeMaricTopic 1 He never tells us anything, though. Just between the two of us, this one thinks Maric is cheating him. In fact, this one is sure of it.
FormID: 0002C525 MS22 ClaudeMaricTopic 2 Listen. S'razirr has an idea of how we can both come out of this ahead.
FormID: 0002C52B MS22 ClaudeMaricTopic 0 The original offer is still on the table: this one helps you against Maric in return for half your take. What do you say?
FormID: 000A4960 MS22 ClaudeMaricTopic 0 I kept my side of our bargain. Make sure you keep yours.
FormID: 0002C52C MS22 ClaudeMaricTopic 0 Don't worry, this one will back you up when the time comes.
FormID: 0002C817 MS22 ClaudeMaricTopic 0 I believe a little friendly competition always sharpens the wits. Even more reason for you to get back to hunting for my carving.
FormID: 0002B09F MS22 MaladaTopic 0 Must I hold your hand? I begin to wonder what Umbacano sees in you. It is an Ayleid ruin in the far west of this province, up in the Valus Mountains.
FormID: 0002C52D MS22 MaladaTopic 0 Beautiful countryside, don't you think? We're just doing a bit of hunting and sightseeing, not that it's any of your business.
FormID: 0002C52E MS22 MaladaTopic 0 Strange ruins, huh? You'd have to be crazy to go in there. I'm just here for the scenery and fresh air.
FormID: 0002C52A MS22 MaladaTopic 0 You're probably wondering what this one is doing in this gods-forsaken wilderness. Same here. S'razirr doesn't get paid nearly enough for this.
FormID: 0002AF39 MS22 MS22NoCarving 0 Then I don't understand why you are still here in the Imperial City. You should return to Malada and retrieve the carving!
FormID: 0002AF38 MS22 MS22GiveCarving 0 Wonderful! You are indeed a treasure hunter of exceptional talents! Here is your reward as promised!
__素晴らしい! 本当に君は、驚異的な能力をもつトレジャーハンターだな! 約束どおり報酬をどうぞ!
FormID: 0002AF38 MS22 MS22GiveCarving 1 Normally I would give you a chance to celebrate your success, but I do have another task for you, if you are interested. A rather urgent one.
FormID: 0002C51B MS22 MS22GiveCarving 0 You will go far in this business, my friend. You know when you've won, and when you've lost. Until we meet again!
FormID: 0002C819 MS22 MS22HighFane 0 My interest was in recovering the carving from Malada, and Maric has already delivered it to me.
FormID: 0002C819 MS22 MS22HighFane 1 Our arrangement was clear. I would pay you for delivering me the carving. Since Maric delivered the carving, he earned the reward.
FormID: 0002C819 MS22 MS22HighFane 2 I thank you for your efforts, but I am sure you understand that I cannot pay you for a task that you did not complete.
FormID: 0002C819 MS22 MS22HighFane 3 However, I do have another task, a rather urgent one in fact, if you would like to redeem yourself.
FormID: 0002AF37 MS22 MS22HighFane 0 Yes, you learned that it is the ruin now known as Malada. Were you able to recover the carving yet?
FormID: 0002AF36 MS22 MS22HighFane 0 Your first task is to locate the ruins of the High Fane. I believe it must now be known by a different name.
__最初の仕事はHigh Faneの遺跡を見つける事だ。現在は違う名前で伝わっているはずだろう。
FormID: 0002C728 MS22 MS22HighFane 0 Shouldn't you be off to Malada to retrieve the carving I want?
FormID: 0002AF34 MS22 MS22Mission 0 The High Fane dates from the Late Ayleid Period, following the fall of White Gold Tower, a very troubled time for that ancient people.
__High Faneは、Ayleid時代後期からだいぶ年月が経っている、White Gold Towerの崩壊が続き、古代人たちの災厄の時代が続いた。
FormID: 0002AF34 MS22 MS22Mission 1 A time I find most fascinating. The drawing on the bottom of the page I gave you depicts a carved panel from the central chamber of the High Fane.
__実に魅力的な時代だ。渡したページ最後の図面はHigh Faneの中央の部屋から彫刻を施したパネルから写したものだ。
FormID: 0002AF34 MS22 MS22Mission 2 I believe this carving will shed new light on Ayleid history, if I am able to examine it closely. I would like you to retrieve it for me.
FormID: 0002AF34 MS22 MS22Mission 3 You will need this as well. It is the key to the inner chamber of the High Fane.
__それと、これが必要になるだろう。High Faneの部屋の鍵だ。
FormID: 0002AF34 MS22 MS22Mission 4 I part with it reluctantly, so guard it well. It is what began my search for the High Fane, many years ago.
__手放すのは惜しい、必ずそれを守れよ。 それがきっかけでHigh Faneの調査をはじめたのだ、何年も前のことだが。
FormID: 0002AF33 MS22 MS22DontKnowHighFane 0 I'm not surprised. I have not been able to find any modern reference to it.
FormID: 0002AF33 MS22 MS22DontKnowHighFane 1 Still, the architectural detail is distinctive enough, it may still be recognizable.
FormID: 0002AF32 MS22 MS22KnowHighFane 0 Malada? Really? I confess, I had never made the connection. But, yes... it makes sense...
FormID: 0002AF32 MS22 MS22KnowHighFane 1 In any event, this should make your job easier than I had feared.
FormID: 0002C529 MS22 MS22SrazirrNoDeal 0 Suit yourself. Maric may be cheating S'razirr, but at least this one knows what to expect.
FormID: 0002C527 MS22 MS22SrazirrNegotiate 0 But this one is taking all of the risk! What do you have to lose? One fourth, that's S'razirr's final offer.
FormID: 0002C528 MS22 MS22SrazirrAgreed 0 You won't regret it. This one will keep his eyes open, and wait for an opportunity to help you.
FormID: 0002C528 MS22 MS22SrazirrAgreed 1 Don't screw this one, though. After the dust settles, look for S'razirr in the Tiber Septim Inn in the Imperial City. Full payment is expected.
__こいつを騙そうとするのだけは止めてくれ。ほとぼりが冷めたら、帝都のTiber Septim InnでS'razirr を探せ。全額払ってくれるのを期待してる。
FormID: 0002C526 MS22 MS22SrazirrGoAhead 0 We wait and see how this plays out. If and when there's an opportunity, S'razirr will help you against Maric.
FormID: 0002C526 MS22 MS22SrazirrGoAhead 1 If we succeed in recovering the treasure, you give this one half of what you're getting paid.
FormID: 0002C51C MS22 MS22Refuse 0 Are you sure? I truly have no wish to harm you. It is the carving I want. Just business.
FormID: 0002C51C MS22 MS22Refuse 1 Hand it over, and some day we will both laugh about this over drinks at the Tiber Septim. I will give you one last chance.
__それを渡してくれ。 そしていつかお互い笑ってTiber Septim亭で杯を掲げようじゃないか。最後にもう一度だけチャンスをやる。
FormID: 0002C51D MS22 MS22Refuse 0 As you wish. Too bad, I was just getting to like you. Kill him.
FormID: 0002C81A MS22 MS22MaricCarving 0 I'm sorry to hear that. Especially since Maric has not delivered the carving either.
FormID: 0002C81A MS22 MS22MaricCarving 1 Let me be clear: whoever delivers the carving will receive the reward. All I care about is the carving.
FormID: 0002B09C MS22 MS22MaricHighFane 0 You know what? I will help you, although it is liable to get you killed. The High Fane is now known as Malada, up in the Valus Mountains.
__知ってるか?教えてやるよ。お前が死んでも自己責任だがな。High Faneは、現在ではMaladaとして知られている。Valus Mountainsの山頂にある。
FormID: 0002B09C MS22 MS22MaricHighFane 1 But I do not advise you to go there. Read [QUOTE]The Cleansing of the Fane[QUOTE] first. Then decide. As I said, a very bad place.
__そこに行くのは薦められないが、まず[QUOTE]The Cleansing of the Fane[QUOTE]を読むといい。それから決めるんだな。言っとくが、最悪な場所だぜ。
FormID: 00086746 MS22 MS22MaricHighFane 0 What would be the sport in me just telling you? I'm not that drunk yet! No, you must earn your pay.
FormID: 00086746 MS22 MS22MaricHighFane 1 Read [QUOTE]The Cleansing of the Fane.[QUOTE] You may be less eager to seek the High Fane then.
__[QUOTE]The Cleansing of the Fane.[QUOTE] 読めよ。High Fane を探して必死になる前にな。
FormID: 000A3A57 MS22 MS22Voice 0 Hold there! Stop fighting! I surrender! I'll give you the carving!

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