Vanilla/Dialogue/MQ00-04 のバックアップ(No.14)

FormID: 000ADC5C MQ00 GREETING 0 What happened? Where's Martin? I must congratulate him! Mehrunes Dagon is defeated! Cast back into Oblivion! We've won!
__何が起きた?Martinはどこだ?彼に祝辞をのべねばならん!Mehrunes Dagonを破った!Oblivionへ放逐した!我らは勝ったのだ!
FormID: 000ADC5D MQ00 GREETING 0 Hail, Champion!
FormID: 000ADC60 MQ00 GREETING 0 Is there something you need, Champion?
__何か必要なものでも? チャンピオン。
FormID: 000ADC66 MQ00 GREETING 0 Chancellor Ocato is expecting you. Proceed.
FormID: 000748A1 MQ00 GREETING 0 Regulus Terentius, Count Bravil. I'm really rather busy, and I doubt that you have anything to say that I need to hear.
__Regulus Terentius、Bravilの伯爵をしている。私は本当に忙しいし、聞くべき必要があることを君が携えているか甚だ疑わしく思っている。
__Bravil 伯 Regulus Terentius だ。これほど立て込んでいる時に、聞くべき事などあるだろうか。
FormID: 0006B838 MQ00 BaurusTopic 0 He will not be forgotten. He goes to Aetherius to join the other fallen heroes of the Blades.
__彼のことは忘れない。彼はブレードの英雄となり Aetherius へ召されるのだ。
FormID: 0006B838 MQ00 BaurusTopic 1 I thank you for recovering his sword. I will set it in a place of honor in the Great Hall of Cloud Ruler Temple.
__彼の剣を回収してくれてありがとう。その剣は Cloud Ruler 寺院の大ホールの中でも栄誉ある場所に収めるよ。
__彼の剣を回収してくれてありがとう。その剣はCloud Ruler Templeにある栄光の殿堂、Great Hallに収めるよ。
FormID: 0006B83C MQ00 BaurusTopic 0 He served with honor. No Blade could ask for higher praise.
FormID: 0006B83D MQ00 BaurusTopic 0 One of the youngest Blades ever to serve in the Emperor's personal guard.
FormID: 0006B83D MQ00 BaurusTopic 1 I am glad to hear that he survived, but I fear he will take the Emperor's death particularly hard.
FormID: 0006B842 MQ00 BaurusTopic 0 I'm glad to have Baurus here. He guards Martin night and day. His way of atoning for the death of Emperor Uriel, I suppose.
__Baurus がここに居てくれて嬉しい。彼は Martin を昼も夜も警護している。私が思うに、それが Uriel皇帝の死に対する彼なりの償いではないだろうか。
FormID: 0003C268 MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 0 I have everything necessary for the ritual to use the Xarxes to open a portal to Camoran's Paradise.
FormID: 0003C268 MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 1 Remember, the portal will close behind you, so you will need to take everything you need.
FormID: 000221F6 MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 0 I've learned that the Mysterium Xarxes is both the gate and the key to Camoran's Paradise. In some sense, the book IS Camoran's Paradise.
FormID: 000221F6 MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 1 Mankar Camoran bound himself to the Xarxes when he created his Paradise, using dark rituals which I will not speak of further.
FormID: 000221F6 MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 2 A gate can be opened from the outside, however. It will be more difficult, as I will have to temporarily bind myself to the book.
FormID: 000221F6 MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 3 But I believe it can be done. I will continue working to decipher the arcane items needed for the binding ritual.
FormID: 000221F7 MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 0 This evil book was written by Mehrunes Dagon himself, and given by him to Mankar Camoran.
__この災いの本はMehrunes Dagon自らがしたため、そしてMankar Camoranに授けられたものだ。
FormID: 000221F7 MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 1 I believe Mankar Camoran used it to create his Paradise. It should give us the means to open a gate there ourselves. I will continue studying it.
__Mankar Camoranはこの本を使ってParadiseを創造したに違いない。この本を調べれば、そこへ続くゲートを開く方法も分かるはずだ。引き続き調べてみる。
FormID: 00033FCB MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 0 I don't know much about it. The [QUOTE]Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes[QUOTE] are the only source we have for its existence.
FormID: 00033FCB MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 1 The author of the [QUOTE]Commentaries[QUOTE] claims the Xarxes was written by Mehrunes Dagon himself, but no one else has ever seen it.
FormID: 00022B3D MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 0 The holy book of the Mythic Dawn. Supposedly written by Mehrunes Dagon himself.
FormID: 00022B3D MQ00 MysteriumXarxes 1 If it exists, it would be an artifact of great -- and evil -- power.
FormID: 0006BED9 MQ00 MartinTopic 0 He truly was the Dragonborn... the last, and perhaps the greatest of all the Septims.
FormID: 000ADC6B MQ00 MartinTopic 0 I know he's gone. As the Chancellor of the Elder Council, my concern now is how to choose his successor.
FormID: 0006C5C4 MQ00 MartinTopic 0 The scholars and priests can debate what happened to Martin in the end.
FormID: 0006C5C4 MQ00 MartinTopic 1 What I know is that he sacrificed himself to save us all. As a Blade, I'm proud to have served such a master, if only for a short while.
FormID: 0006C5C5 MQ00 MartinTopic 0 You were there. You saw his true nature. The blood of the Dragon was revealed for all to see.
FormID: 0001E8DB MQ00 MQFollow 0 To Weynon Priory, then.
__Weynon Priory へ、いざ。
__さあ、Weynon Priory へ。
FormID: 0006B1B6 MQ00 MQFollow 0 I'm with you.
FormID: 0006B1B7 MQ00 MQFollow 0 The sooner we reach Cloud Ruler Temple the better. Lead on.
__もうすぐ Cloud Ruler 寺院に到着する。さあ行こう。
__じき、Cloud Ruler Templeだ。急ごう。
FormID: 0001E8DA MQ00 MQWait 0 I've put myself in your hands. Don't fail me.
FormID: 0001E8DC MQ00 MQWait 0 I'll keep an eye out for trouble while you're gone.
FormID: 0006B1B8 MQ00 MQWait 0 I was looking forward to reaching Cloud Ruler Temple. Don't be long.
__早く Cloud Ruler寺院に行きたいのです。遅くならないで下さいね。
FormID: 00022B3E MQ00 MankarCamoranTopic 0 The supposed leader of the Mythic Dawn cult. He wrote the infamous [QUOTE]Commentaries on the Mysterium Xarxes.[QUOTE]
FormID: 00022B3E MQ00 MankarCamoranTopic 1 The [QUOTE]Commentaries[QUOTE] are contemporary with Tiber Septim, over 400 years ago. So he is unlikely to still be alive, although you never know.
__『Commentaries』は Tiber_Septimの時代、400年以上前に書かれたものだ。君は信じまいが、生きているはずがないのだ。
FormID: 00033DF6 MQ00 BladesTopic 0 The Blades are closely linked to the Order of Talos. We both serve Talos, of course, and many of our brothers are former Blades.
__BladesはOrder of Talosと深い繋がりがあります。もちろん、両者ともTalosにまつわる組織ですが、我が修道会のメンバーの多くは元Blades隊員です。
FormID: 00033DF6 MQ00 BladesTopic 1 I myself was training as a Blade when I received the call to serve Talos in a different way.
FormID: 00033DF7 MQ00 BladesTopic 0 Like members of my order, the Blades are devoted to the divine Talos. We honor them for their dedication and devotion.
FormID: 00033DF8 MQ00 BladesTopic 0 The Emperor's elite knights. They dedicate themselves to Talos above and the Septims here on earth.
__皇帝のための精鋭騎士隊です。彼らは自らを Talos と Septims にささげた方たちです。
FormID: 00033DF8 MQ00 BladesTopic 1 The loss of the Emperor must be a terrible blow to them.
FormID: 00033FCA MQ00 BladesTopic 0 Yes, Baurus told you right. I am the Grandmaster of the Blades. We serve the Emperor and the Septim bloodline. Talos is our patron.
__ああ、Baurus の言った通り、私は Blades のグランドマスターだ。私達は皇帝とその血縁者に仕えている。Talos は私達のパトロンだ。
__そうだ。Baurus の言った通り、私はBladesのGrandmasterだ。Talos神の守護のもと Septimの血を引く皇帝陛下にお仕えしている。
FormID: 00033FCA MQ00 BladesTopic 1 You wonder to find me here? Discretion is our watchword. Only a few of us have the honor to serve publicly in the Imperial Guard.
__グランドマスターがこんな所に居るのはおかしいと思うか?我等のモットーは自由裁量である。Imperial Guard としての権限を与えられ、公的に仕えているのは一握りのメンバーだけだ。
FormID: 00037CF2 MQ00 BladesTopic 0 This fortress is well-supplied with arms and armor. Use what you need from the armory in the east wing.
FormID: 00037F59 MQ00 BladesTopic 0 If you need armor, weapons, or just a place to sleep, the barracks in the west wing is available to any of us.
FormID: 0018D2A2 MQ00 BrumaTopic 0 Captain Burd wanted to attack the Oblivion Gate immediately, but I ordered him to wait for you.
__Captain Burdはすぐに、Oblivion Gateを攻撃したがっていましたが、彼にはあなたを待つよう命令しました。
FormID: 0018D2A2 MQ00 BrumaTopic 1 But you must hurry! I'm afraid of what might happen if the daedra are able to get a foothold here.
FormID: 0018D2A3 MQ00 BrumaTopic 0 The Captain said you've been inside one of those Oblivion Gate things. Said you knew how to destroy them. I sure hope you can help us.
__隊長が言うには、君と一緒にOblivion Gateに突入した経験があるらしい。君は封印する方法も知っていると。君なら間違いなく我々の力になってくれそうだ。
FormID: 0018D2A4 MQ00 BrumaTopic 0 The Countess sent Captain Burd to deal with that Oblivion Gate outside of town. We're all praying that they'll be all right.
__伯爵夫人は、町の外に現れたOblivion Gateに対処するためにCaptain Burdを送り出したわ。みな、何ごともないことを祈ってる。
FormID: 0018D2A5 MQ00 BrumaTopic 0 If Captain Burd and the Guard can't close that Oblivion Gate, then what? Will Bruma be destroyed just like Kvatch?
__Captain Burdと衛兵たちがOblivion Gateを閉じられなかったらどうなるのでしょう。BrumaはKvatchのように破壊されてしまうのでしょうか?
__Burd隊長と衛兵隊がOblivion Gateの破壊に失敗したら、どうなるのでしょうか?BrumaもKvatchの二の舞に?
FormID: 000B0702 MQ00 ImperialCityTopic 0 The daedra did a lot of damage, but we'll rebuild. Before you know it, the city will be as good as new.
__Deadraは多くの損害を与えましたが、私たちは再建するつもりです。 アッという間に、都市は新しいのと同じくらい良くなるでしょう。
FormID: 000B0702 MQ00 ImperialCityTopic 1 Better, maybe, now that we've got the Dragon to watch over us.
FormID: 000B0703 MQ00 ImperialCityTopic 0 I can't get over the dragon statue in the Temple ruins. Tell me again how you and Martin defeated Mehrunes Dagon!
__神殿跡の竜の像は私の理解を超えている。もう一度教えてくれ。君とMartinがMehrunes Dagonを破った時の事を!
FormID: 000B0704 MQ00 ImperialCityTopic 0 Every time I walk past the Temple, I'll remember that terrible day and how you and Martin delivered us from destruction.
FormID: 0018D2FA MQ00 CheydinhalTopic 0 I can only hope that Farwil and his knights manage to close that Oblivion Gate. The fate of Cheydinhal hangs in the balance!
__私はただ、Farwilと彼の騎士たちが何とかあのOblivion Gateを閉じるのを願うばかりだ。Cheydinhalの運命はいま、非常に危うい状態にある!
__Farwilと騎士団があのOblivion Gateを閉じるのを願うばかりだ。Cheydinhalの運命がかかっている!
FormID: 0018D2FB MQ00 CheydinhalTopic 0 Count Indarys has ordered us to hold our positions until Farwil returns from inside that accursed Oblivion Gate.
__Indarys伯爵の命令で、FarwilがOblivion Gateから戻ってくるまで、ここで待機だ。
FormID: 0018D2FC MQ00 CheydinhalTopic 0 Business is bad with that damn Oblivion Gate outside of town. You think things can't get any worse, and then they do.
__街の外にある、あのOblivion Gateのおかげで景気がよくないね。事態は悪化の一途さ。
FormID: 0018D2FD MQ00 CheydinhalTopic 0 The whole town is on edge with that Oblivion Gate open just outside the walls.
__街のすぐ外にOblivion Gateが開いたせいで、街全体がピリピリしています。
FormID: 0018D2FE MQ00 CheydinhalTopic 0 Everyone is waiting to see if Farwil and his knights return from inside that dreadful Oblivion Gate. Such brave lads!
__みな、あの恐ろしいOblivion GateからFarwilと騎士団が無事戻ってくることを待ち望んでいます。なんと勇敢な若者たちでしょう!
FormID: 0018D2A6 MQ00 BravilTopic 0 I won't risk my Guard attacking that infernal Oblivion Gate. We'll hold the walls and hope for the best.
FormID: 0018D2A7 MQ00 BravilTopic 0 The Count put the Guard on high alert. We'll be ready if the daedra decide to attack, don't worry.
FormID: 0018D2A8 MQ00 BravilTopic 0 We're all wondering when more of those evil Gates are going to open. I'd leave town if I dared.
FormID: 0018D2A9 MQ00 BravilTopic 0 Didn't you see that Oblivion Gate just outside the walls? Mara preserve us from the fate of Kvatch!
__城壁のすぐ外に出現したOblivion Gateが見えないのか?Maraよ、Kvatchの運命から我らを救いたまえ!
FormID: 0003406A MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 This place was built by Reman Cyrodiil's Akaviri Dragonguard, at the founding of the Second Empire.
__この場所は第二帝国の建国時、Reman CyrodiilのAkaviri竜護兵によって建てられたのだ。
__この建物は、Second Empire初期のReman Cyrodiilの治世に、Akaviri Dragonguardが立てた砦だ。
FormID: 0003406A MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 1 Since then, it has served the Blades as a headquarters, fortress, and sanctuary. We can protect Martin here until you recover the Amulet of Kings.
__それ以来ここはブレードにとって、本部であり、要塞であり、そして聖域でした。あなたが Amulet of Kings を奪還するまで、私たちはここでマーティンを護ります。
__それ以来、ここはブレイドの本部、要塞、そして聖地としての役目を果たしてきたのだ。お前がAmulet of Kingsを奪還するまで、我らはここでMartinを守ることができる。
__それ以来、ここはBladesの本部、要塞、そして聖地としての役目を果たしてきたのだ。お前がAmulet of Kingsを奪還するまで、我らはここでMartinを守ることができる。
__それ以来、ここはBladesの本部、要塞、そして聖地となっている。Amulet of Kingsを取り戻すまで、ここでMartinをお守りするのだ。
FormID: 000A31BB MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 This old place is the one thing that gives me some sense of certainty in these uncertain times.
FormID: 0003406B MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 Don't worry, we'll keep the Emperor Martin safe here. No enemy has ever taken Cloud Ruler from the Blades.
__心配するな、我らはここでMartin皇帝の安全を確保するつもりだ。いかなる敵であれ、ブレイドからCloud Rulerを奪ったことなどない。
__心配するな、我らはここでMartin皇帝の身の安全を確保する。いかなる敵であれ、BladesからCloud Rulerを奪ったことなどない。
FormID: 000626C0 MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 I'd have to say I'm partial to the Great Hall. On those cold nights, nothing warms your bones better than a roaring fire.
FormID: 000626C1 MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 There's no place more secure in all of Cyrodiil. I just wish... I wish we could have gotten our Lord Uriel here....
FormID: 000626C2 MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 Cloud Ruler is many things. Temple, fortress, safe haven. But it's also my home. I'll gladly die defending these walls, if it comes to it.
__Cloud Rulerは多くの側面がある。神殿、要塞、避難場所。それだけではない、我が家でもあるのだ。もしそのときがくれば、私は喜んでこの城壁を守って死ぬつもりだ。
FormID: 000626C3 MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 Sometimes, when it's quiet, I walk the battlements and breathe in the cold mountain air. It's the only peace I allow myself.
FormID: 000626C4 MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 Aye, she's a beauty, isn't she? It's hard not to admire the stonework. That's some real craftsmanship, that is.
FormID: 0006BD49 MQ00 CloudRulerTempleTopic 0 I haven't been to Cloud Ruler since I was a young trainee. It feels good to be back. The Blades have always been here, and always will be.
__私が若い見習いだったときより、Cloud Rulerには来たことがない。戻ってくると心地がいい。Bladesは常にここにあった、そしてこれからも。
FormID: 00026D60 MQ00 MQ09ArmorTopic 0 You have earned a place of honor in the rolls of our Order for recovering the holy relic.
FormID: 00026EF4 MQ00 MQWhatNext 0 You should talk to Jauffre. He needs your help. Trouble down in Bruma, I think.
FormID: 00026EF5 MQ00 MQWhatNext 0 While you were gone, I've made some progress in deciphering the Mysterium Xarxes ritual. The third item we need is a Great Welkynd Stone.
__君が留守にしていた間にMysterium Xarxesの儀式の解読がいくらか進んだよ。我々が必要とする3つ目のアイテムは、Great Welkynd Stoneだ。
__君が留守の間 Mysterium Xarxesの儀式の解読がいくらか進んだよ。我々が必要とする3つ目のアイテムは、Great Welkynd Stoneだ。
FormID: 00026EF5 MQ00 MQWhatNext 1 You may have run across lesser Welkynd Stones; they are fairly common in Ayleid ruins. But a Great Welkynd Stone will not be easy to come by.
__君は小さなWelkynd Stonesは見かけたことはあるはずだ。それらはAyleid遺跡で見つかる極ありきたりなモノだ。だがGreat Welkynd Stoneを手に入れるのは容易ではない。
__小さなWelkynd Stonesなら見たことがあるだろう。Ayleidの遺跡で、よく見つかるアイテムだ。だが Great Welkynd Stoneの入手は容易ではない。
FormID: 00026EF5 MQ00 MQWhatNext 2 They have been plundered one by one over the years, due to their great value to mages and occultists.
FormID: 00026EF5 MQ00 MQWhatNext 3 There is only one place that is rumored to still contain one: the ruins of the Ayleid city of Miscarcand.
__まだそれが残っていると噂される場所が、一つだけある。Ayleidの都市遺跡 Miscarcandだ。
FormID: 00026EF5 MQ00 MQWhatNext 4 A place where many have perished seeking its Great Stone. But nothing else will do, so you must succeed where all others have failed.
__そのGreat Stoneを求めて多くの死者を出した場所だ。だがそれゆえに手付かずだ。君は他の全ての者達が失敗したそれを、成功させなければならない。
__その地のGreat Stoneを求めて、多くが命を落としている。だが、そこしかない。君は、誰も成しえなかった領域に足を踏み入れなければならない。
FormID: 00026EF8 MQ00 MQWhatNext 0 While I continue to study the Mysterium Xarxes, you should keep searching for the Armor of Tiber Septim.
__私がMysterium Xarxesの研究を続けている間、君はTiber Spetimの鎧を探索すべきだ。
__私は引き続き Mysterium Xarxesの研究を続ける。君は引き続き Tiber Spetimの鎧を探してくれ。
FormID: 00026EF9 MQ00 MQWhatNext 0 While I continue to study the Mysterium Xarxes, you should keep searching for the daedric artifact we'll need for the ritual.
__私がMysterium Xarxesの研究を続けている間、君は我々の儀式に必要なディードラのアーティファクトを探索すべきだ。
は引き続き Mysterium Xarxesの研究を続ける。君は引き続き daedric artifactを探してくれ。
__私は引き続き Mysterium Xarxesの研究を続ける。君は引き続き、儀式に必要なdaedric artifactを探してくれ。
FormID: 0002711B MQ00 MQWhatNext 0 Martin made some progress on the Mysterium Xarxes while you were gone. You should speak to him about it.
__君がいない間に、MartinはMysterium Xarxesについて何かがわかったようだ。それについて、君は彼に聞いてみるべきだ。
__君が留守のあいだに、Mysterium Xarxesの件でいくつか進展があった。Martinから話を聞いてみてくれ
__君が留守のあいだに、Mysterium Xarxesの件でいくつか進展があった。Martinから話を聞いてみてくれ。
FormID: 0002711F MQ00 MQWhatNext 0 Keep working on obtaining the items Martin needs for the ritual.
FormID: 0002711F MQ00 MQWhatNext 1 Everything else is just buying time for us to get the Amulet of Kings back from Mankar Camoran.
__時間が惜しい、Amulet of KingsをMankar Camoranから取り返さなければ。
FormID: 000270EC MQ00 MQ11BrumaAllies 0 Bruma cannot hold off the hordes of Oblivion alone. You should ask the rulers of the other cities of Cyrodiil to send help.
FormID: 000270EE MQ00 MQ11BrumaAllies 0 I had hoped for more help. The Empire will stand or fall with Bruma! Have all the other cities abandoned us?
FormID: 000270F0 MQ00 MQ11BrumaAllies 0 Your efforts are starting to pay off. Just knowing we do not stand alone has raised the morale of the Bruma Guard.
FormID: 000270F0 MQ00 MQ11BrumaAllies 1 But I still fear that Bruma will fall before you can complete the ritual. You need to buy Martin more time. Bruma needs more help!
FormID: 000270F2 MQ00 MQ11BrumaAllies 0 You've done well. The Bruma garrison is much stronger now. We should be able to put up a good fight even against a determined assault.

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