FormID: 0004770C NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Amantius Allectus, the writer. I'm working on a new edition of 'Lives of the Saints'.
__私の名はAmantius Allectus。作家だよ。新作の'Lives of the Saints'に取り組んでいるんだ。
FormID: 0004770E NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Caula Allectus. My job is making sure my husband Amantius doesn't go out with his clothes on backwards.
__私はCaula Allectus。夫のAmantiusが服を逆に着たまま外出しないよう、注意するのが仕事よ。
FormID: 0004770E NQDImperialCity GREETING 1 It's cute, really. Such a genius, and can't find his own socks. It's a full-time job keeping him in matching outfits.
FormID: 00047710 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Salomon Geonette. I'm a musician. I had a commission from the Emperor to compose a symphony...
__私はSalomon Geonette。音楽家です。皇帝から交響曲を作曲するように委託されたのですが…
FormID: 00047710 NQDImperialCity GREETING 1 ... But now, with the emperor dead, everything is at sixes and sevens.
FormID: 00047712 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Renee Geonette. My husband, Salomon, has a court commission to compose a symphony.
__Renee Geonetteです。夫はSalomon、交響曲を作曲するように委託されていたの。
FormID: 00047715 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Good day. My name is Seridur. I don't believe we've met.
FormID: 00047717 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Hearth and fortune. Grey-Throat, I am called. You are not known to me.
FormID: 00047731 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm sorry. Luronk gro-Glurzog is my name. I don't get about very much. For various reasons.
__すみません。 Luronk gro-Glurzogというのが私の名前です。ここのところ調子があまり良くないのです。様々な理由でね。
FormID: 00047733 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Ruslan. Not that it's any of your business.
FormID: 00047735 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 My name is Hagaer. I don't get out much. Too many books to read.
FormID: 00047737 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Marana Rian. I am very fond of nice things. How fortunate that I can afford them.
__私はMarana Rian。名物が大変好きです。それらを手に入れることができたら、どれだけ幸せになることか。
__私はMarana Rian。素晴らしいモノ達がとても好きなの。それらを手に入れることができたら、どれだけ幸せになることか。
FormID: 00047739 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Surius Afranius. I'm a guard for Umbacano.
__私の名はSurius Afranius。Umbacanoのボディガードだ。
FormID: 0004773B NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 My name is Ancus Afranius. I do whatever comes to hand. Or nothing, when I can afford it.
__私の名はAncus Afranius。欲しいものを手に入れるためには何でもするし、手に入れることが出来れば、それ以上何もしない。
FormID: 0004773D NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Praxedes Afranius. My brothers and I share a house in the Temple District.
__私はPraxedes Afraniusです。兄弟とTemple Districtの家を所有しています。
FormID: 0004773F NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Pennus Mallius, adventurer-at-large. Just between adventures at present, I'm afraid.
__私はadventurer-at-largeのPennus Malliusだ。申し訳無いが、今は冒険の最中なのだ。
FormID: 00047741 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Graman gro-Marad. I'm the night man on the Bloated Float.
__Graman gro-Maradだ。俺はBloated Floatで夜間働いているのさ。
FormID: 00047743 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm the lighthouse keeper, Velan Andus.
__私は灯台守のVelan Andusです。
FormID: 00047745 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm the warehouse watchman, Damian Magius.
__私は倉庫警備員のDamian Magiusです。
FormID: 00047747 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 My name is Methredhel. I've come to the Imperial City to make my fortunes.
FormID: 0004774A NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Adanrel. I'm discouraged.
FormID: 0004774C NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 My name is Carwen. Remember. I'll be rich and famous one day.
FormID: 0004774E NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Myvryna Arano. I... persuade people.
__私はMyvryna Arano。人々を…説得しているのです。
FormID: 00047750 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Uzul gro-Grulam. I'm courting Myvryna Arano, so stay away from her. I got matrimony on my mind.
__俺はUzul gro-Grulam。Myvryna Aranoには俺が求愛しているんだ、彼女に近づくな。結婚すると心に誓ったんだ。
FormID: 000488E5 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Jair. I'm a dip...
FormID: 000488E5 NQDImperialCity GREETING 1 ... a pickpocket. But relax. You're safe from me. You look like you might take offense. Too risky.
FormID: 000488E7 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 They call me Isleif the Open-Handed. Because I'm so generous...
__みんなは私をIsleif the Open-Handedって呼ぶ。私が気前良すぎたばっかりにね…
FormID: 000488E7 NQDImperialCity GREETING 1 ... Well, don't expect a handout from ME. You certainly don't need it.
FormID: 000488E9 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Bronsila Kvinchal. And I'm so sick of that Vlanarus, I could scream.
__私はBronsila Kvinchal。Vlanarusにはイラつかされる、叫びだしたい気分だわ。
FormID: 000488EB NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Vlanarus Kvinchal. Kastav is my brother, all right, but I'm nothing like that deadbeat.
__Vlanarus Kvinchalです。Kastavが私の弟なのは、まあいい。しかしあの怠け者だけは気に入らん。
FormID: 000488ED NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Kastav Kvinchal. And, if you listen to that witch of a sister of mine, Bronsila, I'm also a dog and a pig.
__私はKastav Kvinchalです。それで私の姉Bronsilaについて聞いてるなら、私も犬や豚みたいなもんですよ。
FormID: 000488EF NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Dranas Llethro. I just got back from Solstheim. Boy, was that a mess. And now I'm out of work.
__俺はDranas Llethro。Solstheimから帰ってきたばかりだ。なあ、あそこは実に酷いところだったよ。今じゃ職も無いしな。
FormID: 000488F1 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 You can call me Hillod the Outlaw. Because I'm on the lam.
__俺のことはHillod the Outlawと呼んでくれ。今は逃亡中の身なんでね。
FormID: 0002B520 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 If you'll just follow me, I will take you directly to my master.
FormID: 0002B521 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Good to see you again, ma'am. Shall I escort you upstairs to see my master?
FormID: 0002ADAD NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Good to see you again, sir. Shall I escort you upstairs to see my master?
FormID: 0004762A NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Jollring, the butler. I've served Master Umbacano for many years.
__執事のJollringと申します。長年、主人の Umbacano 様に仕えております。
FormID: 0007BE98 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Snak gra-Bura, owner and proprietor. We board horses. And... well... we don't actually sell horses. Anymore, that is.
__Snak gra-Bura、オーナー兼経営者です。馬には乗りますが...ええ...実は馬は売りません。これ以上。
FormID: 0007BE99 NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 Yeah. Restita Statlilia. I work at the Chestnut Handy Stables. Have you seen our horses wandering around? No? Okay. It's just that they're missing.
__はい、Restita Statliliaです。Chestnut Handy Stablesで働いています。私たちの馬がそこら辺をうろついてるのを見なかった?ない?わかった。馬がいなくなったんですよ。
FormID: 0007BE9A NQDImperialCity GREETING 0 I'm Brielus Gawey. And no, we don't sell horses. But we do eat well. The stables are owned by an Orc. And you know... Orcs and horses.
__私はBrielus Gawey。あと駄目だ、馬は売れない。私らはよく食べるんでね。厩舎は大概オークが経営している。分かるだろ...・オークと馬の関係が。
FormID: 0004762D NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 It is a wonderful city, and I'm proud to have served her for 40 years. But I'm ready to retire, let the young folks take over the reins.
FormID: 0004762F NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Never compromise. Never blink. Never wink at injustice. Never quit trying to make this a better city for everyone.
FormID: 00047631 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 I aim to keep an eye on things here in the city. Take it slow, get to know the people. Try not to get off on the wrong foot.
FormID: 00047633 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 When the city is quiet, everybody is happy. Right? If you like noise, maybe you're in the wrong place.
FormID: 00047639 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Before the Arcane University was founded in the second era, Crystal Tower on Summerset Isle was the source of all magical learning.
__かつては、Summerset IsleのCrystal Towerが魔法を学ぶ者たちにとっての知識の源泉だった。Arcane Universityがsecond eraに創立されるまではな。
FormID: 00047639 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 1 Since then, the Imperial City has been Tamriel's foremost magical research center.
__今はImperial CityこそがTamrielの魔術研究の中心地となっておる。
FormID: 0004763B NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 You know, of course, the Imperial Palace is Ayleid. White Gold Tower, they called it, back in the Middle Merethic, when the Aldmeri ruled Tamriel.
__君は、Imperial PalaceがAyleidよりもたらされたのを知っているかな?White Gold Towerと呼ばれているものは、TamrielをAldmeriが支配していた時代、Middle Merethicにまで遡ることができる。
FormID: 0004763D NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 How quaint. You seek to educate yourself. At the expense of my precious time. Go. Shoo. Bother someone else.
FormID: 0004763F NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 I rarely leave the University, as I have all I need right here. If you need ingredients, try Ogier Georick at 'The Main Ingredient.'
FormID: 00047641 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 What? There's a city out there? You don't say. What good is it, eh? Dirt. Horses. Idiots. Be my guest.
FormID: 00047643 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Too big for me. Loud. Dirty. Clowns, fools, brutes and thieves everywhere. I want to throw my gold away, I just dump it in Lake Rumare, save time.
FormID: 00047646 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Other arcane trainers in the City? Just one. Dovyn Aren. In the Market District. Basic instructor in Alteration.
FormID: 00047648 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Enchanting city. A real eye-full. Just walk and gawk. Stroll along the Greenway and around the Palace.
FormID: 0004764A NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 I like cities, and this is the biggest and the best. All races, cultures, cuisines, crafts... the City has them all.
FormID: 0004764C NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 I like to walk. You can walk for hours in the city. Always something to look at, someone to talk to.
FormID: 0004764E NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 The orrery here is the only one in Cyrodiil. There's one more in Hammerfell... the old one at Stros M'Kai.
FormID: 00047654 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 If I don't have what you need, try Claudette Perrick at 'The Gilded Carafe'. That's right here in the Market District.
FormID: 00047657 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 This is the only book store in the city. There's also Renoit's Books in Chorrol, Mach-Na's in Cheydinhal, and Southern Books in Leyawiin.
FormID: 00047659 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 My advice is take your time, walk around the Market District, see what's on offer. Don't buy until you've seen it all. Take your time.
__私のアドバイスは、「のんびりいきましょう」ということです。Market Districtを歩いて回るときはそのとおり、急いで買い物してはダメですよ。ゆっくり、のんびりいきましょう。
FormID: 0004765B NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 You want to buy or sell, the City is great. You want free? Go down the holes, kill some monsters. Sell your loot back in the city!
FormID: 0004765D NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 I have the best prices in town? Why? I'm smart, and you're smart. We know the right people, we get the best deals.
FormID: 0004765F NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 While you're in the Market District, see Rohssan's weapons at A Fighting Chance, and see Varnado and Maro Rufus at The Best Defense for armor.
FormID: 00047661 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Look. It's big, see. REALLY big. Only way to learn it is to walk it. Look at everything, talk to everyone.
FormID: 00047663 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Crime in the City? You hear a lot of complaining, but it's really not so bad. The Thieves Guild is smart; they don't want any trouble with the Watch.
FormID: 00047665 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Everyone comes to the Big City to buy and sell. Why not? More stores, better selection, better prices.
FormID: 00047667 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 It's a beautiful city. But stay away from the Waterfront. It's not dangerous, but it's dirty, and the beggars are a nuisance.
FormID: 00047669 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 The Black Horse Courier is run by three Khajiit brothers. They buy freelance stories with an Imperial stipend, and give the papers away for free.
FormID: 0004766B NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 It would be perfect... if the Watch could just get rid of the damn Thieves Guild. You don't have this problem in Anvil or Bruma.
FormID: 0004766D NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Anyone can wear clothes. But the RIGHT clothes? That is not so easy. Go to any castle. They wear Palonirya's designs, or they're nobody.
FormID: 0004766F NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 No one can experience the City for you. You must go, walk, touch, see, feel, talk to everyone.
FormID: 00047671 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Where else? You have to be here. This is THE City. The BIG City. Why waste time in little places?
FormID: 00047673 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Also try my friend, Ogier Georick, The Main Ingredient, here in the District.
FormID: 00047675 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Well, if you MUST have Heavy Armor, see Varnado. So heavy, so ugly... but it's your choice.
FormID: 00047677 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 You want Light Armor? Pah! Why wear fluffy flutter, when you can wear real armor? But if you MUST have Light Armor, talk to Maro Rufus. Idiot.
__あなたは軽装鎧が欲しいと?チェ!なぜ本物の鎧が着れるっていうときに、フワフワでパタパタなのを着るのかね?けどどーしても軽装鎧が必要なら、Maro_Rufusと話しなさい。 バカチン。
FormID: 00047679 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 Varnado and Maro Rufus? They don't get along. I don't understand it. I just make the armor, and keep it in good shape.
FormID: 0004767B NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 The Black Horse Courier brings the news of the people to the people. We are funded by the Empire, so our broadsheets are always free!
__Black Horse Courierは皆のニュースを皆に運ぶ。俺ら帝国にお金もらってる。だから俺らの刷り物、いつもタダ!
FormID: 0004767D NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 You see Khajiit always running through the City? You see Ra'Jiradh and his brothers! We bring the Black Horse Courier to the good citizens, yes?
__あなたKhajiitが町中を走ってるの見たことありますか?それはRa'Jiradhと私の兄弟ですよ!Black Horse Courierは帝国のよい人たちにニュース届けますよ。ハイ?
FormID: 0004767F NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 We operate throughout the Imperial City and Cyrodiil. Very fast, very accurate. News happens? The Black Horse Courier is there!
__私たちImperial CityとCyrodiil中で仕事してるね。とても速く、とても正確よ。なにかニュースある?Black Horse Courierに来るといいよ!
FormID: 00047681 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 0 You have complaints against merchants here? You file complaints with me. I fill out lots of forms, which go to a lot of people who ignore them.
FormID: 00047681 NQDImperialCity ImperialCityTopic 1 So what else did you expect? Justice? Go to the Chapel. Talk to Zenithar. He'll take care of everything.