FormID: 0003B1E0 ArenaDialogue Hit 0 Aggh! Yes, strike me down!
__あがぁ! いいだろう、私を倒してみろ!
FormID: 0003B1E1 ArenaDialogue Hit 0 Again! Hit me again!
__あがぁ! もう一度やってみろ!
FormID: 0003B1E2 ArenaDialogue Hit 0 Aggh! Again!
__あがぁ! まだまだ!
FormID: 0003B1E3 ArenaDialogue Hit 0 I am nothing but a vile spawn of evil! Kill me!
__私は悪の申し子でしかない! 殺せ!
FormID: 0003B1E4 ArenaDialogue Hit 0 Do it! End my misery!
__やれ! 私の苦悩を終わらせてくれ!
FormID: 0018BD5D ArenaDialogue Attack 0 Victory will be mine!
FormID: 0018BD60 ArenaDialogue Attack 0 Die, Blue Team coward!
__死ね! 青チームの臆病者め!
FormID: 0018BD61 ArenaDialogue Attack 0 You'll never leave this Arena alive!
FormID: 0018BD64 ArenaDialogue Attack 0 You're the best the Blue Team has to offer? Ha!
FormID: 0018BD66 ArenaDialogue Attack 0 This match is mine, weakling!
FormID: 0007B478 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Between you and me? Ysabel is completely in love with me. But I'm just not a one-woman guy. Nope, the life of the bachelor suits me just fine...
__ここだけの話? Ysabelは俺に惚れてる。だが、俺は一人の女のために生きるような男じゃないんだ。ああ、独身生活で十分だ..
__ここだけの話だぞ? Ysabelは俺に惚れてる。だが、俺は一人の女のために生きる男じゃないんだ。いや、独身生活の方が性に合うからな…
FormID: 0007B479 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Agronak is good, yeah. Too good. He says he's only half Orc. What I want to know is, what's the other half? Cause it sure ain't human...
FormID: 0003E9A1 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I heard a rumor that you're an idiot. Any truth to that?
FormID: 000624EB ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Would you believe Owyn once asked for my hand in marriage? It's true! Poor bastard was heart-broken when I turned him down. I'm old, not desperate.
FormID: 000624E8 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I heard there's a new Arena Champion. Sure it takes a lot of skill to make it that far, but they'd be crazy to challenge the Gray Prince.
__新しいArenaのチャンピオンがいるって聞いたけど。チャンピオンになるには凄い鍛錬が必要でしょう。でも、Gray Prince に挑戦するなんて頭がおかしかったんだね。
FormID: 0003E9A2 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard about Agronak gro-Malog? Turns out he's not a noble at all. He's really the son of a vampire! It's almost too horrible to believe.
__Agronak gro-Malog の事を聞いた事があるかい? 彼は貴族などではないし、本当はバンパイアの息子なんだと! にわかには信じられないがね。
FormID: 0003E9A3 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 The Gray Prince is nothing but a fake. Haven't you heard? His father was a vampire! He's no Orc. He's a monster. Someone should put him down.
__Gray Prince は詐欺師だよ。 知ってるかい? 彼の父親はバンパイアだったんだ! 彼は怪物さ。誰か彼を倒してくれないかな。
FormID: 0003E9A4 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Spellslinger!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが Spellslinger(魔術師)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8B ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Butcher!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Butcher(虐殺者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8C ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Shadowstep!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Shadowstep(影を歩む者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8D ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Black Arrow!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Black Arrow(影の弓使い)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8E ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Skullcrusher!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Skullcrusher(骨をも砕く者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE8F ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Divine Avenger!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Divine Avenger(復讐の使徒)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE90 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Messenger of Death!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Messenger of Death(死を告げる者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE91 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Crimson Blade!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Crimson Blade(深紅の刃)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE92 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Man o' War!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Man o' War(戦の申し子)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE93 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Sir Slaughter!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Sir Slaughter(殺戮の帝王)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE94 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Tamriel Terror!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Tamriel Terror(Tamrielの恐怖)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE95 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Dragonheart!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Dragonheart(竜の魂を持つ物)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE96 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called Lady Luck!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Lady Luck(Ladyの星座に祝福される者)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 0003EE97 ArenaDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe it! The Gray Prince has been beaten! There's a new Arena Grand Champion now, someone called the Iron Maiden!
__信じられないな! Gray Prince が倒された! Arenaの新しいチャンピオンの誕生だ。誰かが、Iron Maiden(鋼鉄の処女)って呼んでたね。
FormID: 000236ED ArenaDialogue GOODBYE 0 Get a move on.
FormID: 000236EE ArenaDialogue GOODBYE 0 Farewell, my friend. May your blade always strike true. And first. He he.
FormID: 0002A7D3 ArenaDialogue GOODBYE 0 Pathetic Blue Team Coward!
FormID: 0003A90E ArenaDialogue GOODBYE 0 May your blade always strike true!
FormID: 0003A90F ArenaDialogue GOODBYE 0 Hmm? Oh, yeah... Bye...
FormID: 0003A910 ArenaDialogue GOODBYE 0 Well, what are you waiting for? Get!
FormID: 0002AE0B ArenaDialogue GOODBYE 0 Have a good day now.
FormID: 000236DA ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 I'm a busy man. What is it?
FormID: 000236DB ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 By the gods, what do you want?
FormID: 00146850 ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 Well met!
FormID: 0003A90A ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 Well now, who do we have here?
FormID: 0003A90B ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 Hello, my friend.
FormID: 0003A90C ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 Oh. You... Hi.
FormID: 0003B358 ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 What are you waiting for? Kill me!
__何を待っているんだ? 私を殺せよ!
__なぜ待たせるのです? 私を殺して下さい!
FormID: 0003A90D ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 Start talkin' already!
FormID: 0002AE09 ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 Ah, I sense a gambling man!
FormID: 0002AE0A ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 Ah, I sense a woman of chance!
FormID: 000AED3E ArenaDialogue HELLO 0 By Azura, by Azura, by Azura! It's the Grand Champion! I can't believe it's you! Standing here! Next to me!
FormID: 00022CAD ArenaDialogue GREETING 0 You idiot! You complete piece of gutter trash! Two disqualifications? That's it! You are hereby stripped of all titles! Get out of my Bloodworks!