Vanilla/Dialogue/DANamira のバックアップ(No.4)


FormID: 0005DC8A DANamira Hit 0 By the light!
FormID: 0005DC8C DANamira Hit 0 Save me, Lord!
FormID: 0005DC8D DANamira Hit 0 Arkay!
FormID: 0005DC8E DANamira Hit 0 No!
FormID: 0005DCA9 DANamira Hit 0 Arkay protect me!
__Arkay が私を守って下さる!
FormID: 000A235D DANamira GREETING 0 You have failed Namira. Cursed forever are you.
FormID: 0001CE92 DANamira GREETING 0 Namira is pleased, foul one. May your days be filled with the hurtful stares of others. Dwell joyously in filth and squalor.
FormID: 0001CE93 DANamira GREETING 0 You have been given a task by Namira? Truly, you are terrible in my eyes. Disgusting and foul. Blessed are you.
__お前はNamiraより使命を授かったのか? 私の目にはお前の姿が実に酷く見える。不愉快極まる不潔な姿だ。お前は祝福されている。
FormID: 0001CE94 DANamira GREETING 0 You have been told to approach the shrine. Perhaps Namira will find favor in you.
FormID: 0001CE95 DANamira GREETING 0 Ahh... much better. You repulse me now, at least to a degree. Others should find you foul, disgusting. Namira may be pleased. Approach the shrine.
FormID: 0001CE96 DANamira GREETING 0 Why are you here? You are still too pleasing to speak with Namira. Begone.
FormID: 0001CE97 DANamira GREETING 0 Talk to Hjolfrodi. I can't help you.
FormID: 0012DD31 DANamira GREETING 0 Don't talk to me. Talk to the one in the robes.
FormID: 0012DD32 DANamira GREETING 0 Who are you? Why do you invade our place of worship? Surely, you don't think yourself worthy to visit Namira's shrine.
__なんだあんた?なんで私たちの聖域に侵入した?あんたがNamira's shrineを訪問するにふさわしい人物だとは思えないね。
FormID: 00084AA3 DANamira GREETING 0 Leave us, creature of light.
FormID: 0001CE9D DANamira AngaTOPIC 0 Hallowed ground, home of the Forgotten Ones. A deep hole of shadow and despair. A truly wondrous place.
FormID: 0001CE9C DANamira TheForgottenOnesTOPIC 0 Blessed are the Forgotten Ones, Chosen of Namira. In squalor they thrive, wallowing in filth, low and repulsive, darlings of Namira.
FormID: 0001CE98 DANamira ShrineofNamiraTOPIC 0 A place of blessed darkness. A holy place where we may worship in our wretchedness. Why are you here?
FormID: 0001CE99 DANamira DANamiraChoice2 0 Then leave this place. Namira has no business with you.
FormID: 0001CE9A DANamira DANamiraChoice1 0 You do? You are too pretty to worship in this place. People like you. Like to hear you talk. When you are more loathesome, you may return.
FormID: 0001CE9B DANamira DANamiraChoice1 0 You do? Perhaps you should. You are repulsive, displeasing to the eye. Namira might find favor in you. Approach.
FormID: 0005C01A DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Take my ring. Let it bring pain to others who would wish it upon you. Namira blesses you.
FormID: 0005DC88 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 You have cleansed my followers' perfect darkness. The Forgotten are free to wallow in their misery.
FormID: 0005DC89 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Cast this spell upon the priests. Allow my beloved Forgotten to kill the interlopers. When this is done, I shall reward you for your efforts.
FormID: 0005C01B DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Priests of Arkay have intruded upon their squalor. I want you to help my Forgotten kill these priests of the Light.
FormID: 0005C01C DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 They worship me from the dark, basking in their misery and filth. Now, though, some would seek to bring light to their darkness.
FormID: 0005C01D DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Prove to me that you deserve my favor. In Anga, my Forgotten have lived in peace for many years.
FormID: 0005C01F DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 You dare approach my shrine, Child of the Light? You, who walk this plane basking in the light of the warm, cruel sun?
__恐れ知らずにも我のshrineに来たのは何故だ、Child of the Light?暑く残酷な太陽の光をこの地に浴びせに来たのか?
FormID: 0005DC8B DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Though the darkness comes, I feel no fear. In your glory, bring us to the light.
__闇は来ますが、私は何も恐れません。 貴方の栄光が、我らに光を運んでくださった。
FormID: 0005DC8F DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 In darkness you bring us light. Arkay, guide me through these times, that I may once again see your light.
FormID: 0005DC90 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 From darkness to light. From the depths of despair to Arkay's glory. Save these poor souls.
FormID: 0005DC91 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Light from darkness, hope from hopelessness. In Arkay's name, I pray.
FormID: 0005DC92 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Arkay, bring light to the dark. Arkay, bring hope to the hopeless. Arkay, protect these souls.
FormID: 0005DC93 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Arkay, Light of Lights, cleanse this place of darkness.
FormID: 0005DC94 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Watch over these souls, who have strayed from the light of your love.
FormID: 0005DC95 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Arkay, protect and keep these wayward souls.
FormID: 0005DC96 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Bringer of Light, bless these wretches that they may see the path to your glory.
FormID: 0005DCA8 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Arkay, bring light to these damned souls.
FormID: 00084AA4 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 The light....
FormID: 00084AA5 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Hurts us....
FormID: 00084AA6 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Help us....
FormID: 00084AA7 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 It burns....
FormID: 00084AA8 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Kill it....
FormID: 00084AA9 DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Pain....
FormID: 00084AAA DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Namira....
FormID: 00084AAB DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 No!
FormID: 00084AAC DANamira DANamiraSpeech 0 Burns....
FormID: 00084AAD DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 Mistress....
FormID: 00084AAE DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 It must bleed.
FormID: 00084AAF DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 Darkness.
FormID: 00084AB0 DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 Kill it.
FormID: 00084AB1 DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 It must pay.
FormID: 00084AB2 DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 My god... no!
FormID: 00084AB3 DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 By the light!
FormID: 00084AB4 DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 Arkay protect me!
FormID: 00084AB5 DANamira DANamiraReactions 0 What? No!

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