FormID: 0006267E MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Mannimarco is no more! The guild is saved, and we have a new Arch-Mage to lead us.
FormID: 00062BC6 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe Arch-Mage Traven sacrificed himself to save us all. How noble of him.
FormID: 00062BC7 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I don't know what it was, but something important was taken away from Mannimarco. Maybe there is a chance he can be defeated.
FormID: 00062BC8 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Traven might get us through this yet. I hear that the Necromancers were handed a significant defeat at Silorn.
FormID: 00062BC9 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Council has turned on Traven. Things couldn't possibly get any worse for the guild.
FormID: 00062BCA MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Mannimarco himself is in Cyrodiil, hunting us down. None of us are safe!
FormID: 00062BCB MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Without the Council of Mages to guide us, how will we stand up to the King of Worms?
__ギルドの評議会の導きなしに、どうやって我々はKing of Wormsに立ち向かえばいいのでしょうか?
FormID: 00062BCC MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Council of Mages has been dissolved. Arch-Mage Traven has been deserted. He's all we have left.
FormID: 00062BCD MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Necromancers have attacked our very homes. What could be next?
FormID: 00062BCE MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Bruma guild hall has been decimated. Our hall could be next!
FormID: 00062BCF MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard rumors about the Council of Mages consorting with outside sources. Why are outsiders interfering with our guild?
FormID: 00062BD6 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Council of Mages has this Necromancer situation under control. They must, or else we'd know about it, right?
FormID: 0006267F MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Something has gone seriously wrong at the Arcane University. I heard that a high-ranking member was killed in some sort of ambush.
__何か深刻な問題がArcane Universityに降りかかっているようです。私の聞いたところでは、上位のメンバーがある種の待ち伏せに遭って殺されたそうです。
FormID: 00062680 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I think the rumors about Necromancers are completely untrue. I've heard some crazy things, and I don't believe any of them.
__死霊術士についての噂は完全に嘘であると思います。 いくつかの狂気の出来事を耳にしましたが、少しも信じることができません。
__死霊術士についての噂は完全に嘘であると思います。 とんでもない話をいくつか耳にしましたが、私は少しも信じていませんよ。
FormID: 00062681 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Council seems very interested in this new group of Necromancers that has sprung up. I wonder how things will play out.
FormID: 00062682 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard anything more about what the Council knows about these Necromancers? Something's not right.
FormID: 00062683 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 It's good to know that valuable research is still going on, even though things seem to be a bit more tense lately.
FormID: 00062684 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Someone finally solved the problems with research at Vahtacen. You'd think the Council would know more about the Ayleids by now.
FormID: 00062685 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 It sounds like the Council of Mages has been holding extra meetings recently. I'm not sure what that means.
FormID: 00062686 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard rumors that the Council of Mages is taking advice from outsiders. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
FormID: 00062687 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Arch-Mage Traven was right to ban Necromancy from the guild. Look at what they've done; they've gone and killed several of us!
FormID: 00062688 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Mages Guild has been attacked by Necromancers. This proves they can't be trusted!
FormID: 00062689 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I understand that Dagail is in much better control of her faculties now that Kalthar's plot has been exposed.
FormID: 0006266C MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Kalthar tried to ruin the Leyawiin guild. Just goes to show you can't trust a Necromancer, even if he claims to be [QUOTE]reformed.[QUOTE]
FormID: 0006268A MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear that someone played yet another prank on Jeanne Frasoric in Bruma? I don't know how she keeps falling for these things.
__貴方は、BrumaのJeanne Frasoricに誰かが悪戯をしていることを知っていますか?私は、どうやって何度も彼女がそのようなことに引っ掛けられるのか見当がつきません。
__また誰かがBrumaのJeanne Frasoricにいたずらをしているって聞きましたか?どうして彼女が何度もそのようなことに引っ掛けられるのか、私には見当がつきません。
FormID: 0006266D MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 It sounds like there are an awful lot of problems at the Bruma guild hall. Jeanne does a poor job of running that place.
FormID: 0006266E MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Chorrol guild hall had an unpleasant visit recently, from someone who had a grudge against Teekeeus.
FormID: 0006266F MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I hear a new Associate came to Teekeeus's aid recently. Something about an old enemy of his storming into town.
__新しいAssociateが最近Teekeeusの助けに来たらしい。 宿敵のようなものが彼の町にやってきたとか。
FormID: 00062670 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The roads near Anvil are safer now, thanks to Carahil and her guild hall. She's an example for us all.
FormID: 00062671 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Anvil guild has made quite a name for itself under Carahil. Did you hear about the recent murderer they caught?
FormID: 00062672 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Kud-Ei will do anything to help her girls out. She recently got Ardaline out of a bind, and I hear it wasn't completely within guild rules.
__Kud-Ei willは彼女の娘達を助けるためならどのようなことでもするでしょう。彼女は、最近Ardalineを苦境から助け出そうとしています。そして、それはギルドのルールから完全に外れたものだと聞いています。
FormID: 00062673 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Kud-Ei runs a tight ship in Bruma. She may not always play by the rules, but I wouldn't want her on my bad side.
FormID: 00062674 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I can't believe a Mages Guild associate was found dead in Cheydinhal. What kind of place are they running there?
__Mages GuildのメンバーがCheydinhalで死体で見つかったなんて信じられないよ!彼らはどういう場所に仕事で向かわされたのかな?
__Mages GuildのメンバーがCheydinhalで死体で見つかったなんて信じられないよ!あそこは一体どういう運営をしてるんだろう?
FormID: 00062675 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear that Falcar left the guild? I think Deetsan is in charge in Cheydinhal now.
FormID: 00062676 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that one of the Skingrad mages was assaulted, but I don't know the details.
FormID: 00062677 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Sounds like the Skingrad branch of the guild can't even keep track of its members. How appalling.
FormID: 0004F221 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Soris Arenim sure seems upset. I think he lost something important.
__Soris Arenimは狼狽していることでしょう。彼は何か重要なものを失ったのだから。
FormID: 0004F224 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that Soris Arenim made himself quite a bit of money recently. He seems very happy about it.
__Soris Arenimは最近、小金をこしらえたらしい。彼はそのことにとても幸せそうだよ。
FormID: 0002D939 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I saw Erthor earlier. Guess someone rescued him again. Hide your scrolls while you can.
FormID: 000479AA MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I thought about joining the Mages Guild, but that Falcar fellow was very intimidating. I ended up changing my mind.
__Mages Guildに入ったらどうかな。でも、Falcar会員はとても恐れられているけどね。最後には私の心を変えることになったよ。
__Mages Guildに入ろうかと考えたことがあります。でも、あのFalcar会員はすごくおっかないんです。結局やめることにしましたよ。
FormID: 00048731 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 There was some kind of fight at the Mages Guild. I heard that Falcar disappeared, as well.
__Mages Guildで権力争いがあったらしいぞ。Falcarが姿を消したとの噂さだよ。
__Mages Guildで何かの争いがあったらしいぞ。Falcarが姿を消したとの噂だよ。
FormID: 0006C296 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Things in the guild have been different since Traven was named Arch-Mage. They're more structured, but everyone seems tense.
__TravenがArch-Mageとなった時から、 ギルドはそれまでとはいささか違ってきました。 組織は再構築され、 みな緊張しているようです。
FormID: 0006C297 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Half of the Council of Mages resigned when Traven took over the position of Arch-Mage.
__TravenがArch-Mageの地位についたとき、 魔術評議会員の半分は辞任しました。
FormID: 0006C298 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Arch-Mage Traven is the first to take such a hard stance on Necromancy. It upset more than a few people.
__Arch-MageのTravenは、 死霊術に対して厳しい態度をとった最初の人物です。 それはかなり多くの人々を動揺させました。
__Arch-MageのTravenは、 死霊術に対して厳しい姿勢を見せた最初の人物です。 その方針に動揺した者も少なからず居ました。
FormID: 0006C299 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Mages Guild runs more or less like it always did, but we lost quite a few members when the practice of Necromancy was banned.
__ギルドの運営には差し支えありませんが、 死霊術が禁止されたとき、 我々は相当な数のメンバーを失いました。
FormID: 0006C29A MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Necromancy may be legal in Cyrodiil, but few will openly admit to practicing it now that the Mages Guild has banned it.
__死霊術はCyrodiilでは合法かもしれませんが、 魔術師ギルドがそれを禁止した今、 公然と認める人間はごくわずかです。
__Cyrodiilにおいて死霊術は違法ではないでしょうが、 魔術師ギルドがそれを禁止した今、 公然と認める人間はごくわずかです。
__Cyrodiilにおいて死霊術は違法ではないでしょうが、 魔術師ギルドがそれを禁止した今、公然と認める人間はごくわずかです。
FormID: 0006C29B MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Some say that Traven is mis-using the power of the Arch-Mage's position to further his personal agendas.
__何人かの人間が、 Travenが個人的な目的のために、 Arch-Mageの立場を不正に使っていると言っています。
FormID: 0006C29C MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 I don't know what Arch-Mage Traven has against Necromancy, but the first thing he did after taking over the Mages Guild was to ban its practice.
__私はなぜArch-MageのTravenが、 死霊術を敵視しているかを知りません。 彼が魔術師ギルドの全権を握って、 最初に行ったことは、その実行を禁止することでした。
__私はなぜArch-MageのTravenが、死霊術を敵視しているかを知りません。 彼が魔術師ギルドの全権を握って、最初に行ったことは、その実行を禁止することでした。
FormID: 0006C29E MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 Not only has Necromancy been banned from practice in the Mages Guild, but the Guild won't deal with anyone who openly uses it.
__魔術師ギルドは、 ギルド内で死霊術を禁止しただけではなく、 それを公然と実行するものは誰でも絶縁しています。
FormID: 0006C2A2 MG00General INFOGENERAL 0 The Mages Guild has made more than a few enemies since Necromancy was banned.
__死霊術が禁止されて以来、 魔術師ギルドはかなり多くの敵を作っています。
FormID: 0002ACBE MG00General HELLO 0 Hello there.
FormID: 000817BB MG00General HELLO 0 How may I assist you?
FormID: 0001BAC9 MG00General HELLO 0 I am at your service, Arch-Mage.
__私ならお手伝いできますが、Arch-Mage よ。
FormID: 0001BACA MG00General HELLO 0 What can I do for you, Arch-Mage?
FormID: 0001BACD MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, Master-Wizard.
FormID: 0001BACE MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Master-Wizard.
FormID: 0001BACF MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, Wizard.
FormID: 0001BAD0 MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Wizard.
FormID: 0001BAD1 MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, Warlock.
FormID: 0001BAD2 MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Warlock.
FormID: 0001BAD3 MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, Magician.
FormID: 0001BAD4 MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Magician.
FormID: 0001BAD5 MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, Conjurer.
FormID: 0001BAD6 MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Conjurer.
FormID: 0001BAD7 MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, Evoker.
FormID: 0001BAD8 MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Evoker.
FormID: 0001BAD9 MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, Journeyman.
FormID: 0001BADA MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Journeyman.
FormID: 0001BADB MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, Apprentice.
FormID: 0001BADC MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Apprentice.
FormID: 0001BADD MG00General HELLO 0 What is it, Associate?
__何か用か? Associate。
FormID: 0001BADE MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, Associate.
FormID: 0001BADF MG00General HELLO 0 Well met, guildmate.
FormID: 0001BAE0 MG00General HELLO 0 Greetings, guildmate.
FormID: 0001BAE1 MG00General HELLO 0 Hello, guildmate.