Shivering Isles/Names/DIAL-03 のバックアップ(No.5)

FormID: 0001358E SE05Spy2 DIAL If I admit it, will you let me go?
FormID: 0001358F SE05Spy1 DIAL [Lie] You got me. I'm a spy.
FormID: 00013590 SE05NotSpy1 DIAL I'm not a spy!
FormID: 00013591 SE05HerdirWhat DIAL What happens now ?
FormID: 00013592 SE05HerdirWhy DIAL Why am I here?
FormID: 00013593 SE05HerdirWho DIAL Who are you?
FormID: 00013594 SE04NM DIAL Never mind.
FormID: 00013595 SE04Audience DIAL Audience with Lady Syl
FormID: 000135CA SE32NotSolved DIAL The curse is not lifted.
FormID: 00013619 SE05SylHelpNo DIAL Help you? I don't think so.
FormID: 0001361A SE05SylHelp DIAL How can I help?
FormID: 00013620 SE05BreviCrazy DIAL This is all crazy.
FormID: 00013621 SE05BreviProceed DIAL What do I do now ?
FormID: 00013628 SE05Conspiracy DIAL Conspiracy
FormID: 00013629 SE05BreviFollow DIAL Follow me, Brevi.
FormID: 0001362B SE05BreviNM DIAL Nevermind.
FormID: 00013631 SE05BreviReturn DIAL Return to your post, Brevi.
FormID: 0001364E SE07RitualYesM DIAL Describe the Ritual's history.
FormID: 0001364F SE07RitualNoM DIAL Tell me what to do.
FormID: 00013650 SE07Ritual DIAL Ritual of Accession
FormID: 00013651 SE07RitualNoD DIAL Tell me what to do.
FormID: 00013652 SE07Become DIAL Replacing a Duke
FormID: 00013653 SE07RitualYesD DIAL Please, explain the Ritual's history.
FormID: 00013654 SE07Displeased DIAL Won't the Dukes be displeased?
FormID: 00013662 SE05Accuse DIAL You will be held for questioning.
FormID: 00013663 SE05AccuseNM DIAL You may go about your business.
FormID: 000139A8 SE07ChDementia DIAL I choose Syl, Duchess of Dementia.
FormID: 000139A9 SE07ChMania DIAL I choose Thadon, Duke of Mania.
FormID: 000139B0 SE05SylKill DIAL Why not just have them all killed?
FormID: 000139B1 SE05SylWho DIAL Who's spying on you?
FormID: 00013A64 SE07RitualYesD02 DIAL He killed them all?
FormID: 00013A65 SE07RitualYesM02 DIAL This hardly sounds lethal.
FormID: 00013FF4 SE07AAnyaHelp DIAL I need to get close to her.
FormID: 00013FF6 SE07AKithlanHelp DIAL Can you get me close to her?
FormID: 00013FF7 SE07AReplace DIAL Replaced
FormID: 0001443C SE07ASlain DIAL I've slain her
FormID: 000545B3 SE10Follow DIAL Follow me.
FormID: 000545B4 SE10Wait DIAL Wait here.
FormID: 00014AB6 SE09CeremonyStart DIAL Ok, let's get started.
FormID: 00014AB7 SE09CeremonyWait DIAL Wait, I'm not quite ready yet.
FormID: 00014AB9 SE09RebuildGatekeeper DIAL Rebuild the Gatekeeper
FormID: 00014B38 SE11Tree DIAL Tree of Shades
__Tree of Shades(色合いの木)
FormID: 00014B39 SE11StaffOfSheogorath DIAL Staff of Sheogorath
__Staff of Sheogorath(杖)
FormID: 00014B3D SE11SheogorathChoice3 DIAL What can I do?
FormID: 00014B3E SE11SheogorathChoice2 DIAL But, we haven't failed!
FormID: 00014B3F SE11SheogorathChoice1 DIAL What happens now ?
FormID: 00014B40 SE11KnifePointHollow DIAL Knifepoint Hollow


FormID: 00014B41 SE11HaskillChoice6 DIAL Lost? You said there was hope!
__失った? あなたは、望みがあると言いました!
FormID: 00014B42 SE11HaskillChoice5 DIAL What must I do?
FormID: 00014B43 SE11HaskillChoice4 DIAL But I'm not a Daedric prince.
FormID: 00014B44 SE11HaskillChoice3 DIAL Who will sit in the throne?
FormID: 00014B45 SE11HaskillChoice2 DIAL What do you mean?
FormID: 00014B46 SE11HaskillChoice1 DIAL Why do you care?
FormID: 00014B47 SE11Eye DIAL Eye of Ciirta


FormID: 00014B48 SE11DyusChoice2 DIAL Tell me about the second item.
FormID: 00014B49 SE11DyusChoice1 DIAL Tell me about the first item.
FormID: 00015884 SE05SylNoSpy DIAL There is no spy. Your secret is safe.
FormID: 00015885 SE05SylYouAre DIAL You are the spy!
FormID: 00015886 SE05SylSpyYes DIAL Yes, I have.
FormID: 00015887 SE05SylSpyNotYet DIAL No, not yet.
FormID: 00056040 SheoIntroSpeech4B DIAL Change things? How?
FormID: 00056041 SheoIntroSpeech4A DIAL When he's gone?
FormID: 00056042 SheoIntroSpeech3B DIAL Why me?
FormID: 00056043 SheoIntroSpeech3A DIAL Me?
FormID: 00056044 SheoIntroSpeech5 DIAL What now ?
FormID: 00056045 SheoIntroSpeech4 DIAL Greymarch?
FormID: 00056046 SheoIntroSpeech3 DIAL Jyggalag?
FormID: 00056047 SheoIntroSpeech2 DIAL Changes?
FormID: 00056048 SheoIntroSpeech1 DIAL What do you want?
FormID: 000164E1 SE30Amber DIAL Amber
FormID: 000164E4 SE30HeroicStock DIAL Heroic Stock
__Heroic Stock(英雄の備蓄)
FormID: 000164E5 SE30Matrices DIAL Magical Items
FormID: 000164E7 SE30ForgeWeapon DIAL Forge Weapon
FormID: 000164E9 SE30ForgeSword DIAL Sword [3 pieces]
__Sword [3つ]
FormID: 000164EA SE30ForgeAmberHammer DIAL War Hammer [4 pieces]
__War Hammer [4つ]
FormID: 000164EB SE30ForgeBow DIAL Bow [2 pieces]
__Bow [2つ]
FormID: 000164EC SE30ForgeCuirass DIAL Cuirass [5 pieces]
__Cuirass [5つ]
FormID: 000164ED SE30ForgeHelmet DIAL Helmet [2 pieces]
__Helmet [2つ]
FormID: 000164EF SE30ForgeGreaves DIAL Greaves [3 pieces]
__Greaves [3つ]
FormID: 000164F0 SE30ForgeGauntlets DIAL Gauntlets [2 pieces]
__Gauntlets [2つ]
FormID: 000164F1 SE30ForgeBoots DIAL Boots [2 pieces]
__Boots [2つ]
FormID: 000164F2 SE30ForgeShield DIAL Shield [2 pieces]
__Shield [2つ]
FormID: 000164F3 SE30ForgeArrows DIAL Arrows [1 piece]
__Arrows [1つ]
FormID: 000167D7 SE07BRoutine DIAL Daily Routine
FormID: 000167D9 SE07BPleasures DIAL Pleasures?
FormID: 00016806 SE10WhoAreYou DIAL Who are you?
FormID: 00016807 SE10Trouble DIAL What can I do?
FormID: 00016808 SE10WellspringofAureal DIAL Wellspring of the Aureal
FormID: 00016809 SE10WellspringofMazken DIAL Wellspring of the Mazken
FormID: 00016B34 SE10Opposition DIAL What kind of opposition is there?
FormID: 00016B35 SE10StaadaWhere DIAL Where is Staada now ?
FormID: 00016B4B SE11HowlingHalls DIAL Howling Halls
__Howling Halls(遠吠えの間)
FormID: 00016B4E SE11CiirtaGreeting2c DIAL What do you suggest?
FormID: 00016B4F SE11CiirtaGreetingEnd2 DIAL That's where you're wrong.
FormID: 00016B50 SE11CiirtaGreeting2b DIAL I plan to take Sheogorath's place.
FormID: 00016B51 SE11CiirtaGreeting2a DIAL I need your eye.
FormID: 00016B52 SE11CiirtaGreeting1b DIAL How did you end up here?
FormID: 00016B53 SE11CiirtaGreeting2 DIAL Sheogorath is gone.
FormID: 00016B54 SE11CiirtaGreeting1a DIAL You survived the Greymarch?
FormID: 00016B55 SE11CiirtaGreetingEnd1 DIAL I don't have time for this. DIE!
FormID: 00016B56 SE11CiirtaGreeting1 DIAL Keep talking...
FormID: 00016BB8 SE10LetsGo DIAL Right, let's go.
FormID: 00016BE5 SE30ForgeGauntletsMagic DIAL Magic Gauntlets [2 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のGauntlets [2つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BE6 SE30ForgeSwordMagic DIAL Magic Sword [3 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のSword [3つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BE7 SE30ForgeShieldMagic DIAL Magic Shield [2 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のShield [2つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BE8 SE30ForgeHelmetMagic DIAL Magic Helmet [2 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のHelmet [2つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BE9 SE30ForgeAmberHammerMagic DIAL Magic Hammer [4 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のHammer [4つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BEA SE30ForgeGreavesMagic DIAL Magic Greaves [3 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のGreaves [3つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BED SE30ForgeCuirassMagic DIAL Magic Cuirass [5 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のCuirass [5つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BEE SE30ForgeBowMagic DIAL Magic Bow [2 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のBow [2つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BEF SE30ForgeBootsMagic DIAL Magic Boots [2 pieces and matrix]
__魔法のBoots [2つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016BF0 SE30ForgeArrowsMagic DIAL Magic Arrows [1 piece and matrix]
__魔法のArrows [1つとmatrix]
FormID: 00016CF7 SE12HaskillGreetC2 DIAL How do we stop him?
FormID: 00016CF8 SE12HaskillGreetC1 DIAL But we've beaten him at every turn!
FormID: 00016CF9 SE12HaskillGreetB1 DIAL You mean Jyggalag...
FormID: 00016CFA SE12HaskillGreetA3 DIAL I can't imbue the Staff with power.
FormID: 00016CFB SE12HaskillGreetA2 DIAL What's wrong with the Font?
FormID: 00016CFC SE12HaskillGreetA1 DIAL What problem?
FormID: 00016E92 SE07BRitual DIAL I've completed the Ritual
FormID: 00016E93 SE07BDose DIAL A lovely treat [give Greenmote]
FormID: 00016E94 SE07BYes DIAL Yes, and I bring a gift
FormID: 00016EF3 SE11DyusChoice2a DIAL Tell me about the second item.
FormID: 00016EF4 SE11DyusChoice1a DIAL Tell me about the first item.
FormID: 00017271 SE12FontofMadness DIAL Font of Madness
FormID: 00017464 SE10WhatHappened DIAL What happened here?
FormID: 00017465 SE10DuchessofDementia DIAL I am the Duchess of Dementia.
FormID: 00017466 SE10DuchessofMania DIAL I am the Duchess of Mania.
FormID: 00017467 SE10DukeofDementia DIAL I am the Duke of Dementia.
FormID: 00017468 SE10DukeofMania DIAL I am the Duke of Mania.
FormID: 00017470 SE10WhatWellspring DIAL What Wellspring? What do you mean?
FormID: 0001795D SE08Ally01Tactic3 DIAL Ready an axe and hold your ground.
FormID: 0001795E SE08Ally01Tactic2 DIAL Ready a sword and outflank them.
FormID: 0001795F SE08Ally01Tactic1 DIAL Ready your bow and head to the rear.
FormID: 00017D0C SE10DyloraWhere DIAL Where is Dylora now ?
FormID: 00017D3F SE08BattleBeginNo DIAL I need more time.
FormID: 00017D40 SE08BattleBeginYes DIAL They stand ready.
FormID: 00017D41 SE08PlaceGuardsNo DIAL I trust your judgement.
FormID: 00017D43 SE08PlaceGuardsYes DIAL Stand aside. I'll command the troops.
FormID: 00017D44 SE08Ally06Tactic3 DIAL Ready an axe and meet the charge.
FormID: 00017D45 SE08Ally06Tactic2 DIAL Ready a sword and outflank them.
FormID: 00017D46 SE08Ally06Tactic1 DIAL Ready your bow and head to the rear.
FormID: 00017D47 SE08Ally05Tactic3 DIAL Ready an axe and meet the charge.
FormID: 00017D48 SE08Ally05Tactic2 DIAL Ready a sword and outflank them.
FormID: 00017D49 SE08Ally05Tactic1 DIAL Ready your bow and head to the rear.
FormID: 00017D4A SE08Ally04Tactic3 DIAL Ready an axe and hold your ground.
FormID: 00017D4B SE08Ally04Tactic2 DIAL Ready a sword and outflank them.
FormID: 00017D4C SE08Ally04Tactic1 DIAL Ready your bow and head to the rear.
FormID: 00017D4D SE08Ally03Tactic3 DIAL Ready an axe and hold your ground.
FormID: 00017D4E SE08Ally03Tactic2 DIAL Ready a sword and outflank them.
FormID: 00017D4F SE08Ally03Tactic1 DIAL Ready your bow and head to the rear.
FormID: 00017D50 SE08Ally02Tactic3 DIAL Ready an axe and hold your ground.
FormID: 00017D51 SE08Ally02Tactic2 DIAL Ready a sword and outflank them.
FormID: 00017D52 SE08Ally02Tactic1 DIAL Ready your bow and head to the rear.
FormID: 000781B9 SE39NotebookChoice DIAL Can I look through it?
FormID: 000781BA SE39MissionChoice2 DIAL What about this notebook?
FormID: 000781BB SE39MissionChoice1b DIAL Cindanwe is dead.
FormID: 000781BC SE39MissionChoice1a DIAL Yes, I've wrecked her place.
FormID: 000781BF SE39Notebook DIAL Notebook
FormID: 000781C0 SE39HouseMess DIAL House in Disarray
FormID: 000781C1 SE39CindanweChoice DIAL How should I get rid of Cindanwe?
FormID: 000781C2 SE39SpoonChoice2 DIAL She gave me the spoon to give to you.
FormID: 000781C3 SE39SpoonChoice1 DIAL She dropped it, I'm returning it.
FormID: 000781C4 SE39Spoon DIAL Spoon
FormID: 00078511 SE44ComingStorm DIAL Coming Storm
FormID: 0007865A SE35TrustMe DIAL You'll just have to trust me.
FormID: 0007865B SE35Heart DIAL I have proof. (Give heart)
FormID: 0007865C SE35MaybeLater DIAL Perhaps later.
FormID: 0007865D SE35HereYouGo DIAL Here you are. (Give Pearls)
FormID: 0007865E SE35FlawlessPearlsTopic DIAL Flawless Pearls
__Flawless Pearl
FormID: 0007865F SE35Hate DIAL Why do you hate him so much?
FormID: 0007871C SE44AllItems DIAL I believe that's everything.
FormID: 0007871D SE44RingInfo DIAL But... why? It's useless!
FormID: 0007871E SE44PantsInfo DIAL What do you need these Pants for?
FormID: 0007871F SE44AmuletInfo DIAL Why would you want to wear that?
FormID: 00078720 SE44XNothingYet DIAL Nothing for you yet.
FormID: 00078721 SE44AmuletTopic DIAL Here's the Amulet.
FormID: 00078722 SE44PantsTopic DIAL I brought you the Pants.
FormID: 00078723 SE44RingTopic DIAL Take the Ring.
FormID: 00078724 SE44Supplies DIAL Supplies
FormID: 00078725 SE44Choice2 DIAL You're paranoid.
FormID: 00078726 SE44Choice1 DIAL Ready?
FormID: 0007876C SE44NothingMore DIAL I've got nothing else now.

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