Vanilla/Books/Book1CheapGuideCheydinhal のバックアップソース(No.2)

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*題名 [#name]
**原題 [#name_en]
-Guide to Cheydinhal

**訳題 [#name_ja]

*本文 [#text]
**原文 [#text_en]
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<font face=1><div align="center">ALESSIA OTTUS'<br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=70 height=61>rkay, bless my body and soul! My name is Alessia Ottus, and I'd like to tell you all about Cheydinhal.<br>
The first impression of the visitor to Cheydinhal is of broad green parklands, graceful willows along the banks of the Corbolo, neatly groomed gardens and flowering shrubs. Cheydinhal looks prosperous, with clean, well-trimmed houses and neat stonework, ornamented with striking designs in glass, metal, and wood.<br>
But what lurks beneath this pleasing appearance? Crime! Scandal! Corruption!<br>
Cheydinhal is divided into three districts. To the north, on a hill, is the courtyard and inner keep of Castle Cheydinhal. A road runs east-west below the castle from East Gate to West Gate. The Corbolo River runs roughly north-south from this road, dividing southern Cheydinhal into two districts, Chapel in the east, and Market in the west. In Market District lie all the shops, inns, and guildhalls. In Chapel District are the Chapel itself and Cheydinhal's residences. Bridges span the Corbolo in the north and south, with the south bridges connecting upon a pretty little island park in the middle of the river.<br>
Though Cheydinhal lies in the Nibenean East, its culture is shaped by the Dark Elf immigrants who emigrated here in the past half century from Morrowind. Many of these immigrants were fleeing Morrowind's rigid society and heathen Temple theocracy. In Cyrodiil they hoped to find the stimulating commercial atmosphere inspired by Zenithar's patronage.<br>
One of these immigrants is now Count Cheydinhal. Andel Indarys was of House Hlaalu in Morrowind, but he came to Cheydinhal searching for greater opportunity. His sudden rise into the highest ranks of Cyrodilic nobility is hard to explain, and most old families of Cyrodiil rightly regard him as a presumptuous upstart. However, the discovery of the Count's wife, Lady Llathasa Indarys, badly battered and dead at the foot of the County Hall stairs immediately attracted scandal, and rumors of the Count's dissipation, rages and infidelities suggest a darker mystery behind her death.<br>
The Chapel of Arkay in Cheydinhal is poorly attended. The Count sets a poor example; he never sets foot inside the chapel. But perhaps it is from fear of divine judgement that he avoids placing himself under the eyes of the Nine! Cheydinhal's primate, priest, and healer are goodly people, and staunch professors of the faith, but the most honored and respected of the chapel's clerics is Errandil, the Living Saint of Arkay, a tireless crusader against the wicked practice of necromantic sorcery in the Mages Guild and the Imperial Battle College.<br>
Both of Cheydinhal's inns appear respectable from the outside, but the Newlands Inn is owned by a wicked, profane Dark Elf ruffian, and the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn is owned by a dignified, devout Imperial matron, so I am sure you know which place will serve you good, reasonable food, and which will provide you with a safe, clean bed where you are unlikely to be murdered for your purse. The owner-proprietor of Cheydinhal's bookstore is Mach-Na, an Argonian, and a ruder, more disagreeable creature I have never met. Nonetheless, his selection of books is excellent, and his prices reasonable.<br>
The poorest of Cheydinhal's residences are bright and clean, with well-groomed grounds, and the citizens think it no inconvenience when you step in to admire their furniture and appointments (provided you do this at a decent hour!). However, be warned! Many of these residents seem respectable to all appearances, but no sooner do they open their mouths than they reveal themselves to be evil brutes, shocking and rude, and more likely to murder you and bury you in their basements as to speak a civil word to you. That many of these rough, unpleasant people are Orcs should be no surprise to you.<br>
However, you will not wish to miss the house of Cheydinhal's most notable citizen, the celebrated painter, Rythe Lythandas. He is often hard at work in his studio, and not to be disturbed, but his wife is gracious and hospitable, and may be persuaded to show you those of his paintings which hang on his own walls.<br>
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Follow the Nine to Glory!

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<font face=1><div align="center">Alessia_Ottus'<br>
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<IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=70 height=61>rkay神よ、私の肉体と精神に感謝します!私の名はAlessia_Ottus。Cheydinhalの町についての全てをお教えしましょう。<br>
Cheydinhalは3つの地区に分かれています。北へ向かい、丘を登ると、Cheydinhal城が管理する中庭があります。道は東ゲートから西ゲートまで城下を縫って、東西に延びています。この道からおおよそ南北に掛けてCorbolo川が流れ、南Cheydinhalを東は教会地区、西をマーケット地区の2つに分けています。すべての商店、宿屋、各ギルドはマーケット地区にあります。教会地区にはその教会とCheydinhalに住む人々の住居があります。橋はCorbolo川の北と南に掛けられていて、南の橋は川の中央の、公園があるとても小さな島を経由しています。Cheydinhalは東 Niben地方ですが、文化は半世紀過去にMorrowindから移住したDark_Elfの移民たちによって形成されたのです。<br>
今では、これら移民たちの一人がCheydinhalの伯爵である。Andel_IndarysはMorrowindのHouse_Hlaaluであったのだが、より大きなチャンスを求めてCheydinhalに来ました。そして、Cheydinhalで最も高貴な貴族となったその彼の唐突な出世を明らかにすることは困難であり、当然ながらCyrodiil中の旧家たちはうぬぼれた成り上がり者と見なしています。また一方で、伯爵夫人 (Llathasa_Indarys夫人)が大広間の階段の下で、身体を酷く打ち付けられて亡くなられていたことが発覚するや否や、この不祥事に注目を集まったこともあって、伯爵の放蕩、暴挙、不信心が彼女の死の影に不吉なものを暗示しているのです。<br>
Cheydinhalでは、Arkay神の教会の参拝者は充分とは言えませんでした。伯爵は悪い手本を示します;彼は教会の中へ決して足を踏み入れないのです。もしかしたら、それは神の判断を恐れ、Nineの眼下に置かれるのを敬遠しているのではないでしょうか!Cheydinhalの大主教、聖職者、ヒーラーは信仰の忠実な手本を見せる良識者ですが、教会の聖職者に賞賛され評判の良い者の大部分が、Errandilと Living_Saint_of_Arkay、Mages_Guildの不道徳な死霊術訓練に対する絶え間ない活動家と Imperial_Battle_Collegeです。<br>
Cheydinhalの宿屋のどちらも、外からは立派に見えますが、Newlands_Innは性格が悪い異教の無法者のDark_Elfに、 Cheydinhal_Bridge_Innは品位ある信心深いImperialの婦人によって営業されている。品質の良い食事と清潔なベッドで、思いも寄らない財布が軽くなるということに対する安心を、あなたがどちらの宿で提供するのかわかりますよね。<br>
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