Vanilla/Books/Broadsheet01NakedDinner のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)


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*題名 [#name]
**原題 [#name_en]
-Pranks Spoils Society Gathering!

**訳題 [#name_ja]

*本文 [#text]
**原文 [#text_en]
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<DIV align="left">Countess Alessia Caro is a lady of great beauty, wit, and grace. Her face is known throughout Cyrodiil. Unfortunately, thanks to one deviant prankster, the rest of her has become known to a good deal of her castle staff as well.
During what started as a formal dinner party for some close friends of the Countess, an unknown assailant cast a spell that affected all who attended. Though it did no physical damage, it certainly left a lasting impression. The Countess and all of her invited guests suddenly found themselves altogether・n the altogether.
The spell apparently stripped everyone affected of all of their possessions, including the clothes on their backs. From all reports, the frightened guests handled the situation calmly, maintaining proper decorum at all times. 
"Everybody was acting like ladies and gentleman," said one palace staffer who asked not to be identified. "I don't think they was trying to sneak no glances at anyone's naughty bits."
As to the identity of the assailant, castle guards have remained silent. Some reports maintain that the culprit was apprehended at the scene; others claim that he was able to escape without detection. One witness even claims that the assailant was affected by his own spell, and fled the scene in haste when he realized he, too, had been a victim.
Whatever the case, castle security has been on high alert since the incident. It is not known as of press time whether Countess Caro has any dinner parties planned in the near future.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<DIV align="left">Alessia_Caro伯爵夫人は、美しく、機知に富み、上品なレディーである。彼女の顔はCyrodiil中で知られているが、不運にも、とんでもないいたずら者のせいで、同様に彼女のほかの部分も、大量の城の使用人達に、知られるようになってしまった。

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