Vanilla/Books/DarkJournalClaudius のバックアップ(No.2)


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Entry 1: I've made up my mind. I don't care what it takes, I'll have my revenge! I've heard the stories about the Dark Brotherhood, about how they'll come to you if you perform some kind of ritual to their Night Mother. I don't know who or what the Night Mother is, and I don't give a damn! If I can do it, I will. I'll give the Dark Brotherhood anything they want, so long as they do what I can't...

Entry 2: I've learned how to perform the ritual and have procured the necessary items. The bones and skull were easy enough to get, but the heart and skill were a bit more difficult. I'll make the preparations in the cellar.

Entry 3: It worked! Last night I was visited by someone, a representative from the Dark Brotherhood! The Night Mother heard my prayers! The money was exchanged, and the man promised me I would have satisfaction. I don't know where he's hiding, and neither does the Dark Brotherhood, but as soon as he's located, Rufio will die!

訳文 Edit

書き込み1: 決心した。何があろうと、復讐してやる!Dark_Brotherhoodの話を聞いた。奴らのNight_Motherへの儀式をしたら来てくれるそうだ。Night_Motherが誰だかなんだか知らんが、そんなことはどうでもいい!可能なら、やってやる。Dark_Brotherhoodに何でも与えよう、俺が出来ないことをやってくれるのなら……

書き込み2: 儀式のやり方を調べて必要な物を集めた。骨と頭蓋骨は簡単だったが、心臓と技術はもっと難しかった。地下室で準備しよう。

書き込み3: うまくいった!昨日の夜、Dark_Brotherhoodから訪問者がやってきた!Night_Motherは俺の祈りを聞き届けた!金を払ったら、あの男は俺が満足することになると約束した。奴がどこに隠れてるか俺もDark_Brotherhoodも知らんが、見つかれば、Rufioは死ぬ!

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