Vanilla/Books/MQ07BrumaEnemyPlans のバックアップ(No.4)


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Jearl -
The Master was pleased to hear of your activities outside of Chorrol. The more gates that we open, the nearer we are to the glorious Cleansing.
The Master has chosen you and Saveri for a most crucial mission, a sign of your advancement through the ranks of the Chosen. We have learned that the Septim heir has gone to ground at Cloud Ruler Temple, the lair of the accursed Blades. The Master has made its destruction the top priority of the Order, and Lord Dagon has committed whatever resources are required.
Pending your report on the Septim's activities at Cloud Ruler Temple, and your assessment of Temple defenses and possible routes of escape, we plan to open a Great Gate in the open ground before Bruma as soon as possible.
Remember: the first three Lesser Gates represent only the preliminary stages of Great Gate Deployment. Do not in any way compromise your cover in defense of these gates. New ones can be quickly and easily reopened. And once the Great Gate is opened, the fall of Bruma is assured. Cloud Ruler Temple cannot stand long after that, and the Septim will be caught like a rat in a trap.
We would welcome any further details you can offer concerning the Imperial agent who rescued Martin from Kvatch, but again, we caution you... do not risk a confrontation. This individual is not to be trifled with.
The Dawn is breaking,
Ruma Camoran

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Masterは、お前とSaveriに最重要任務をお与えになった。これは、Chosen昇格の前触れである。 我々は、Septimの後継者が、忌々しいBladesの隠れ家であるCloud Ruler Templeに潜伏中との情報を掴んだ。Masterは、その破壊を教団の最優先事項とされた。必要な手段はすべて、Lord Dagonが用意してくださる。
お前たちが、Cloud Ruler TempleにおけるSeptimの動向とTempleの防衛力、そして想定される脱出ルートに関する調査を済ませ次第、Bruma近郊の開けた場所にGreat Gateを開く予定だ。
忘れるな。最初に開かれる3つのLesser Gateは、Great Gate開放のための準備段階に過ぎないことを。Lesser Gateを守るために無理に危険を冒して、正体を悟られてはならない。別のLesser Gateを開くことは造作もないことなのだから。そして、ひとたび、Great_Gateが開けば、Bruma陥落は確実だ。そうなれば、Septimは袋のネズミ。Cloud Ruler Templeの陥落は時間の問題となる。
Ruma Camoran

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