Vanilla/Books/TG00MysteriousNote のバックアップ(No.2)


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原文 Edit

<font face=5>I can offer you greater rewards and less time in prison. If you are interested, come to the Garden of Dareloth in the Imperial City's Waterfront district at midnight. Present this note and all shall be made clear.<br>
<div align="right">The Gray Fox

訳文 Edit

<font face=5>私は君に大いなる報酬と刑期の短縮を提供できる。もし興味があるのなら、深夜にImperial_CityのWaterfront区画のDareloth邸の庭に来てくれ。このメモを提示すれば全ては明らかになるだろう。<br>
<div align="right">The_Gray_Fox

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