Vanilla/Dialogue/FGC02Protect のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0004ED8F FGC02Protect Attack 0 We're busted. Get him!
FormID: 0004ED9D FGC02Protect Attack 0 We're busted. Get her!
FormID: 0004ED9E FGC02Protect Attack 0 He hired a guard! Attack!
__奴はガードを雇ったぞ! 行くぞ!
FormID: 0003375D FGC02Protect GOODBYE 0 Come back any time!
FormID: 00033773 FGC02Protect GOODBYE 0 These break-ins must stop.
FormID: 0004F3E4 FGC02Protect GOODBYE 0 Take care of Lelles. He needs the help.
__Lelles の面倒をみるんだ。助けが必要なんだ。
FormID: 00033753 FGC02Protect HELLO 0 Is it safe now?
FormID: 0003376E FGC02Protect HELLO 0 Welcome!
FormID: 0004F3E5 FGC02Protect HELLO 0 Shouldn't you be helping Norbert Lelles?
__Norbert Lellesの手助けをしているはずじゃなかったのか?
FormID: 000356A3 FGC02Protect GREETING 0 Were you able to take care of my problem with break-ins?
FormID: 000356A4 FGC02Protect GREETING 0 What can I do for you? Do you have questions about these break-ins I've been having?
__何か力になれることはない? 私が被害にあってる強盗について質問とかあるかい?
FormID: 000356A9 FGC02Protect GREETING 0 Greetings! Welcome to Lelles' Quality Merchandise. We have a wide range of goods to suit your needs.
__こんにちは? Lelles' Quality Merchandise へようこそ。私達は貴方のどんなニーズにぴったりの幅広い商品を扱っています。
FormID: 000356A9 FGC02Protect GREETING 1 Oh, and perhaps you saw the sign outside. Slight mistake, you know. Bit of bad luck there. So, what can I do for you?
FormID: 0008320C FGC02Protect GREETING 0 You should be helping out Norbert Lelles. What's on your mind?
__お前は Norbert Lelles を助けなきゃいけないんだろ。何を考えているんだ?
FormID: 000B6BFF FGC02Protect GREETING 0 No time to talk. Go away.
FormID: 00071E96 FGC02Protect contract 0 Looking for more work, eh? Good. I've got a contract for you. I'd like you to go talk to Norbert Lelles, here in Anvil.
__もっと仕事を探してるって? そうか。ちょうど契約があるぞ。お前にこの Anvil にいる Norbert Lelles に話を聞きに言ってもらいたいんだ。
FormID: 00071E96 FGC02Protect contract 1 I'm hoping you'll do better with this one than your last one. That really wasn't good.
FormID: 00035729 FGC02Protect contract 0 Looking for more work, eh? Good. I've got a contract for you. I'd like you to go talk to Norbert Lelles, here in Anvil.
__もっと仕事を探してるって? そうか。ちょうど契約があるぞ。お前にこの Anvil にいる Norbert Lelles に話を聞きに言ってもらいたいんだ。
FormID: 00036640 FGC02Protect contract 0 I'll need someone who's at least an Apprentice for this job. Maybe you're ready for advancement?
__この仕事は最低でも Apprentice のランクの者が必要になるんだ。昇進の心構えは出来てるんだろう?
FormID: 000356B5 FGC02Protect breakins 0 You've gotten them? Wonderful! But... their names are familiar to me. All of those men have worked for me! Amazing.
__奴等を捕まえたって? 凄いじゃないか! でも...よく知った名前ばかりだな。全員俺の所で働いていた者じゃないか! なんてこった。
FormID: 000356B5 FGC02Protect breakins 1 I even trusted them to open up the shop in the mornings. I can't imagine what turned them to a life of crime. Sad. Well, here's your payment.
FormID: 000356BD FGC02Protect breakins 0 As I said, I'll need you to stop these thieves from breaking into my store. It only seems to happen at night.
FormID: 0003573F FGC02Protect breakins 0 I've lost a great deal of merchandise over the last few months. I keep replacing it, but they keep stealing it, new locks on the doors be damned!
FormID: 0003573F FGC02Protect breakins 1 They always come at night, after I've gone to bed. Maybe a mage transports them inside! You can just stay in the shop overnight. Good luck!
__奴等はいつも夜にやってくるんだ、俺が寝入った後でね。恐らくメイジがいて中に奴等を移動させているんだよ! ちょっと一晩店の中にいてくれないか。幸運を祈るよ!
FormID: 0003573F FGC02Protect breakins 2 I'm going to wait at the Flowing Bowl until this mess is settled. I know I can trust you to keep the place safe.
__俺はこの騒ぎが解決するまで、 Flowing Bowl で待ってるよ。もちろん、あんたならここを安全にしてくれると信じてるよ。
FormID: 000356B6 FGC02Protect NorbertLellesTOPIC 0 Sounds like everything is taken care of there. Good work.
FormID: 000356B9 FGC02Protect NorbertLellesTOPIC 0 So... you took care of the thieves. Excellent. You'll want to talk to Lelles to close out the contract. And get paid, of course.
__そうか...泥棒を捕らえたんだな。見事だ。お前は契約を完了するため Lelles と話を望んでいるんだろう、もちろん報酬の支払いもだ。
FormID: 000356BA FGC02Protect NorbertLellesTOPIC 0 Sounds like he wants your help stopping the theft at his store. What are you doing here talking to me?
FormID: 000356BC FGC02Protect NorbertLellesTOPIC 0 He runs Lelles' Quality Merchandise here in Anvil. He's been having problems with break-ins, though, and he's hired us to put a stop to it.
__彼はここ Anvil で Lelles' Quality Merchandise を経営しているよ。だが、店が泥棒に入られる問題を抱えていて、それを食い止めようと我々を雇ったわけだ。
FormID: 0003572A FGC02Protect NorbertLellesTOPIC 0 I am Norbert Lelles. How may I help you?
__私は Norbert Lelles です。どうかしましたか?
FormID: 0003572B FGC02Protect NorbertLellesTOPIC 0 He runs Lelles' Quality [QUOTE]Mercandise.[QUOTE] Ha! Not a bad sort. You can usually find him in his store.
__彼は Lelles' Quality 『 Mercandise 』を経営しているよ。まぁ品揃えは悪くないね。彼には普段店で会うことできるよ。

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