Vanilla/Dialogue/FGConversations-01 のバックアップ(No.4)


FormID: 0002C5A1 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I understand that the Blackwood Company works cheaper than the Fighters Guild. And they'll do any job.
__Blackwood社はFighters Guildよりもお金を要求しないし、どんな仕事でも請けるのさ。
__Blackwood Company は Fighters Guild より格安らしい。どんな依頼も断らないしな。
__Blackwood Company は Fighters Guild より格安らしい。どんな依頼も引き受けるしな。
FormID: 0002C5A2 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Rumor has it that the Fighters Guild is losing members to the Blackwood Company.
__噂では、Fighters GuildはBlackwood社へ派遣するメンバーを欠いているそうだ。
__噂では、Fighters GuildにはBlackwood Companyに対抗するだけのメンバーに欠いているらしい。
__噂では、Fighters GuildはBlackwood Companyに対抗できるだけのメンバーを欠いているらしい。
FormID: 0002C5A3 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I heard that the Fighters Guild botched a job. They lost a bunch of men in the raid.
__Fighters Guildは仕事をしくじったらしい。突然の襲撃に多くの犠牲を出したそうだ。
FormID: 0002C5A4 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard that the Fighters Guild has been having some problems with their contracts recently. That's not like them.
__Fighters Guildでは最近、幾つかの依頼に問題が発生したらしい。好ましい事ではないな。
FormID: 0002C675 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I've heard the Fighters Guild has managed to recruit a few new members. Good thing.
__Fighters Guildは数人の新しいメンバーを雇ったそうだ。いい事だね。
__Fighters Guild は新メンバーの勧誘に成功したそうだ。良かった。
FormID: 00032E1F FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Hey. Check out the new associate. Not bad, if you know what I mean.
FormID: 00032E20 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 It may take a while, but with the Blackwood Company gone, the new master can rebuild the Fighters Guild to its former glory.
__Blackwood Companyは無くなったが、Fighters Guildが以前の栄光を取り戻すには時間がかかるだろうな。
FormID: 00032E21 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Good riddance to the Blackwood Company, and good luck to the Fighters Guild.
__Blackwood Companyに厄介払いできて、Fighters Guildは運が良かったんだ。
FormID: 00032E22 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company were taking bad hist from a sick tree. No wonder they fought blood-mad and fearless.
__Blackwood Companyは腐ったリンゴをFighters Guildから引き抜いたんだ。奴等が血生臭い仕事をするのも頷けるね。
FormID: 00032E23 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 So Argonians get this 'hist' stuff from licking hist trees, and the Blackwood Company got bad hist that made them crazy.
__だから Argonian達はFighters Guildから腐ったリンゴみたいな隊員を得て、Blackwood Companyは狂っていったんだ。
FormID: 00032E24 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Goodbye, Blackwood Company. The Fighters Guild has a new master, and Oreyn is back.
__あばよ、Blackwood Company。Fighters Guildは新しい責任者を得た。そして Oreynは帰ってきた。
FormID: 00032E25 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company is gone. They were working high on Hist sap. That's why there were so many terrible 'accidents'.
__Blackwood Companyは無くなった。奴等はいい気になってたんだ。それが恐ろしい災難の原因となったんだ。
FormID: 00032E26 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company has a terrible reputation. But with the Fighters Guild in trouble, who else is there?
__Blackwood Companyは評判は悪いが、問題を抱えたFighters Guildの他に誰がいるっていうんだ?
FormID: 00032E27 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild still gets a little work from old friends, but the Blackwood Company gets all the big contracts.
__Fighters Guildは古い友人から小さい仕事をもらうんだが、Blackwood Companyがでかい仕事は全部持ってちまう。
__Fighters Guildは古い友人から小さい仕事をもらうんだが、Blackwood Companyがでかい仕事は全部持ってっちまう。
FormID: 00032E28 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company gets the contracts because the Fighters Guild is coming apart at the seams.
__Fighters Guild内で連携がとれていないから、Blackwood Companyが依頼をもってちまうんだ。
__Fighters Guild内で連携がとれていないから、Blackwood Companyが依頼をもってっちまうんだ。
FormID: 00032E29 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company seems to be winning the battle for mercenary contracts in Cyrodiil, but I wouldn't count the Fighters Guild out just yet.
__Blackwood Companyが Cyrodiil中の傭兵稼業で勝っているように見えるが、Fighters Guildが負けたとわ思わないね。
__Blackwood Companyが Cyrodiil中の傭兵稼業で勝っているように見えるが、Fighters Guildが負けたとは思わないね。
FormID: 00032E2A FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Maybe the Fighters Guild will recover from its troubles. And maybe not.
__Fighters Guildはトラブルから立ち直るかもしれないし、立ち直らないかもしれない。
FormID: 00032E2B FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company is not popular, but they're still cheap and effective.
__Blackwood Companyは人気は無いが、依頼料が安くて効率がいい。
FormID: 00032E2C FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Everyone feels sorry for the Fighters Guild, but they can't function without leadership.
__みんなFighters Guildにはすまないと思っているよ。しかし彼らは統率が取れていないとうまく機能できないんだ。
FormID: 00032E2D FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I bet the Blackwood Company had something to do with Viranus Donton's death.
__Viranus Dontonの死にはきっとBlackwood Companyが何らかの形で関わっていると思う。
FormID: 00032E2E FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Modryn Oreyn got kicked out, and Vilena Donton thinks only about her dead sons. The Fighters Guild is finished.
__Modryn Oreynは解雇され、Vilena Dontonは死んだ息子のことばかり考えている。Fighters Guildは終わったも同然だ。
FormID: 00032E2F FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 With Modryn Oreyn gone, and Vilena Donton mourning her lost sons, who's left to lead the Fighters Guild?
__ Modryn Oreynが去り、 Vilena Dontonは亡き息子の事を嘆き悲しんでいる、一体誰がFighters Guildを率いていくんだ?
__Modryn Oreynが去り、Vilena Dontonは亡き息子の事を嘆き悲しんでいる、一体誰がFighters Guildを率いていくんだ?
FormID: 00032E30 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Viranus, the Fighters Guild son-and-heir, is dead, and Vilena kicked Modryn Oreyn out of the guild. The Fighters Guild is falling apart.
__Fighters Guildの跡取りであるViranusが死んで、VilenaはModryn Oreynをギルドから追い出した。Fighters Guildは風前の灯火だ。
FormID: 00032E31 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 It sure sounds like the Blackwood Company double-crossed Argoth and helped Azani Blackheart murder him. Hard to prove it, though.
__Blackwood Company が Argoth を裏切り、 Azani Blackheart が彼を殺すのを手助けしたのは確かみたいだな。だが証明するのは難しいぞ。
FormID: 00032E32 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild got Azani Blackheart's ring. Not the Blackwood Company. Apparently the Blackwood Company made the whole thing up.
__Fighters Guildが Azani Blackheart の指輪を手に入れたんだ。 Blackwood Company じゃないぜ。どうも Blackwood Company が全てをでっち上げたようだな。
FormID: 00032E33 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 So. The Fighters Guild got Azani Blackheart. Blackwood Company said they did him, but apparently they were mistaken. Or stretching the truth, maybe?
__その通りだ。Fighters Guildが Azani Blackheart を始末したんだ。 Blackwood Company がやったと言ってたが、どうやら間違いのようだな。もしくは事実を誇張してるんだ、だろ?
FormID: 00032E34 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I don't like a lot of what I hear about the Blackwood Company. But they complete their contracts on time.
__ Blackwood Company について聞いた事の多くが好ましくないものだ。だが奴等は契約を時間通りに完了しているんだ。
FormID: 00032E35 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Blackwood Company takes any and all contracts, and always completes them. Hard to beat that.
__Blackwood Company はどんな契約も受け取り、常に完遂している。それを打ち破るのは容易じゃないぜ。
FormID: 00032E36 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild hasn't actually defaulted on any contracts. But still, all the confusion and delays are going to hurt them.
__現にFighters Guildはどの契約も怠ったことはない。それでも迷いや遅れは彼等を苦しめていくだろう。
FormID: 00032E37 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Vilena Donton hasn't been very aggressive as head of the Fighters Guild. Maybe her son Viranus will show a bit more spunk.
__Vilena Donton はFighters Guildの頭首としてはあまり積極的じゃない。たぶん息子の Viranus であれば、少しは活発になるんじゃないか。
FormID: 00032E38 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Vilena Donton needs to set a fire under the Fighters Guild if they expect to compete with the Blackwood Company.
__Blackwood Company に対抗するつもりなら、 Vilena Donton はFighters Guildの尻に火をつける必要があるな。
FormID: 00032E39 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild is a family business. With Vitellus dead, Viranus is in line to succeed his mother.
__Fighters Guildは一族の商売なんだ。 Vitellus の死によって、 Viranus が後継者になったのさ。
FormID: 00032E3A FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 You heard about the Fighters Guild members tearing up a tavern in Leyawiin. As if they didn't have enough problems with the Blackwood Company.
__Leyawiin で酒場をメチャクチャにしているFighters Guildの者達のことは聞いただろ。まるで Blackwood Company の事をあまり問題にしてないようだったよ。
FormID: 00032E3B FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Sure, the Fighters Guild is established and reliable. But they just aren't as aggressive as the Blackwood Company.
__確かにFighters Guildには定評があり信頼できる、ただ Blackwood Company ほど活動的ではないんだ。
FormID: 00032E3C FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company is just plain mean. They've got a bad reputation, but that won't hurt business in their line of work, will it?
__Blackwood Company は実に卑劣だ。評判は悪いがその事は奴等の仕事にとっては妨げにはならないそうだね。
FormID: 00032E3D FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Nobody likes the Blackwood Company. They're brutes, plain and simple. But they get the job done.
__誰も Blackwood Company 事は好きじゃない。奴等は獣、単純明快だよ。でも仕事はしっかりとやるんだ。
FormID: 00032E3E FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company people are more hard-core than the fighters from the Guild.
__Blackwood Company の奴等はギルドの戦士よりも筋金入りだ。
FormID: 00032E3F FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild needs to get aggressive if they're going to compete with the Blackwood Company in Leyawiin.
__Fighters Guildは Leyawiin で Blackwood Company と競争するつもりなら、もっと積極的にいかないとな。
FormID: 00032E40 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Of course the Blackwood Company is violent. That's what fighting is, isn't it? Violent?
__もちろん Blackwood Company は乱暴さ。戦いなんてそんなもんだろ? 乱暴って?
FormID: 00032E41 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Blackwood Company takes any job, no matter how tough. Fighters Guild is more fussy.
__Blackwood Company は仕事を選ばない、どんな困難なものでもお構いなしだ。Fighters Guildは少し神経質なんだ。
FormID: 00032E42 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild has competition in Leyawiin. Called 'The Blackwood Company'. Very tough. Maybe too tough.
__Leyawiin にはFighters Guildの競争相手がいるんだ。『 Blackwood Company 』と呼ばれているよ。かなり手強いと思うよ。
FormID: 00032E43 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 There's some kind of cover-up going on with the Fighters Guild's Fallen Rock Cave contract.
__Fighters Guildの Fallen Rock Cave の契約で何らかの隠蔽が行われている。
FormID: 00032E44 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 It's a simple job. Go get a journal from Fallen Rock Cave. Shouldn't that be a cinch for a Fighter Guild contract?
__簡単な仕事だ。 Fallen Rock Cave から日記を取りに行くんだ。Fighters Guildの契約にしちゃ朝飯前じゃないのか?
FormID: 00032E45 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I heard Fighters Guild got the Fallen Rock contract, but the guy is just sitting around drinking beer.
__Fighters Guildが Fallen Rock の契約を受けたそうだが、男がビール飲んでブラブラ過ごしてるだけだよ。
FormID: 00032E46 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 They say the Fighters Guild got all the trolls in Swampy Cave, but I'm still not going anywhere near Harlun's Watch.
__Fighters Guildが Swampy Cave の troll を全部倒したと言われてるけど、俺はまだ Harlun's Watch の近くには行く気がしないよ。
FormID: 00032E47 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 No one's going out to Harlun's Watch after what the Fighters Guild found there.
__Fighters Guildがそこで見た物のせいで、誰も Harlun's Watch へは出掛けたがらないんだ。
FormID: 00032E48 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Fighters Guild is still better for sensitive jobs, and you know it.
__Fighters Guildは慎重を要する仕事にはとても向いてるよ、知っての通りだよ。
FormID: 00032E49 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 If you wanted your daughter rescued, who would you hire? Blackwood Company? Not me. Can't trust them.
__娘を救出したいとしたら、誰を雇う? Blackwood Company か? 俺はご免だ。奴等は信用できない。
FormID: 00032E4A FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild got Lady Rogbut out safe and sound. With the Blackwood Company, you never know....
__Fighters Guildが Rogbut 嬢を無事に救出したんだ。 Blackwood Company だったらどうなったことか…
FormID: 00032E4B FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 If Lord Rugdumph had used the Blackwood Company, who knows how it would have turned out.
__Rugdumph 卿が Blackwood Company を使っていたら、どういう結果になったか誰にもわからない。
FormID: 00032E4C FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I bet someone sold the Bravil jailbreakers down the river. How else could the Fighters Guild have found their hideout?
__きっと誰かが Bravil の脱獄囚を売ったんだ。Fighters Guildが他にどうやって奴等の隠れ家を見つけれると?
__きっと誰かが Bravil の脱獄囚を売ったんだ。Fighters Guildが他にどうやって奴等の隠れ家を見つけられると?
FormID: 00032E4D FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Those guys that broke out of Bravil jail were tough customers. But the Fighters Guild got them, didn't they.
__Bravil の牢獄を脱獄した奴等は手に負えない連中だった。だがFighters Guildが仕留めたんだってな。
FormID: 00032E4E FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Sure, the Fighters Guild raided a family tomb, but they did it for a family member. What's wrong with that?
__そうだ、Fighters Guildが先祖の墓を暴いたんだ、だがそれは家族の為にやったことだ。間違ってないだろ?
FormID: 00032E4F FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild thing at Desolate Mine went perfectly, didn't it? They cleared out the goblins, and no one got hurt.
__Desolate Mine でのFighters Guildの任務は完璧だったんだってな。 goblin どもを掃討し、しかも誰も怪我をしなかったんだ。
FormID: 00032E50 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I heard the Fighters Guild thing at Desolate Mine went wrong. They cleared out the goblins, but they lost some people.
__Desolate Mine でのFighters Guildの任務はうまくいかなかったそうだ。goblin どもは掃討したものの、何人かが死んだんだ。
FormID: 00032E51 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 They call it the 'Stone of Alessia'. And they got it back. That's all I know.
__彼等はそれを『 Stone of Alessia 』と呼んでいる。そしてそれを取り戻したんだ。知ってるのはこれだけだよ。
FormID: 00032E52 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The Fighters Guild recovered the Stone of Alessia? I didn't know it was lost. Is it magical or something?
__Fighters Guildが Stone of Alessia を取り戻したのか? 紛失したなんて知らなかったよ。魔法の物か何かなのか?
FormID: 00032E53 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Elante of Alinor? She's the Daedric scholar, right? She'll live to write again, thanks to the Fighters Guild.
__Elante of Alinor ? ディードラ の学者だよね? Fighters Guildのおかげで、彼女はまた執筆を続けることができるだろうね。
FormID: 00032E54 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 The rookies took care of all the thieves. How many was it? Seven? Eight?
__新人達が盗賊を全て始末したんだ。何人倒したんだ? 7人? 8人か?
FormID: 00032E55 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Did you hear about the pair of green recruits that cleaned out a den of thieves near Anvil?
__入ったばかりの二人の新人が Anvil 近くの盗賊の巣窟を一掃したのを聞いたか?
FormID: 00032E56 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Both the new Fighters Guild recruits got back alive. It's a good start.
__Fighters Guildの新人が二人とも生きて帰って来た。好調な滑り出しだな。
FormID: 00032E57 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 So the Anvil break-ins were an inside job? The Fighters Guild took care of it? Good work.
__それで Anvil の泥棒は内部の者の犯行だって? Fighters Guildが解決したのか? やるねぇ。
FormID: 00032E58 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Nothing much doing with the Fighters Guild. Though they got some contracts out Anvil way, didn't they?
__Fighters Guildが必要となる事なんてそんなにないよ。それでも Anvil 近辺でいくつか契約を取ったって?
FormID: 00032E59 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 It's always 'rats' for the new associates. Is it some initiation test or something?
__新しいメンバーは いつも「ネズミ」の世話だな。入隊試験か何かかい?
FormID: 00032E5A FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Rats? They've got Fighters Guild people out killing rats? You're kidding, right?
__ねずみ? Fighters_Guildのメンバーがねずみ退治をするだって? あなたはからかっているんでしょう?
__ネズミ?Fighters Guild がネズミ退治を依頼されたって?冗談でしょう?
FormID: 00032E5B FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Even with the Blackwood Company gone, we still need to work hard to restore the reputation of the guild.
__Blackwood Company が消滅しても、我々はまだギルドの名声を回復するため懸命に働かねばならないんだ。
FormID: 00032E5C FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Oreyn and the new master have saved the guild, sure enough. But we can't let it go to their heads.
__思ったとおり、 Oreyn と 新しいマスターがギルドを救ったんだ。だが俺達は調子に乗っちゃだめなんだ。
FormID: 00032E5D FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Remember when our new master was just a rookie? Who would have thought that a bottom boot would save the whole guild from the Blackwood Company?
__新しいマスターがただの新人だった時を覚えているか? どん底の新兵が Blackwood Company からギルドを救い出すとは誰も思わなかっただろうな。
FormID: 00032E5E FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 It doesn't hurt that our new master is a famous tough guy. Should bring us more contracts.
FormID: 00032E5F FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I feel sorry for Vilena Donton, but she had to go. A new master is just what we need to restore the Fighters Guild's reputation.
__Vilena Donton には気の毒だが、彼女は身を引かねばならなかった。新しいマスターこそFighters Guildの名声を回復する為に必要なんだ。
FormID: 00032E60 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 We have a new master. And with Oreyn to run daily affairs, we should be in good shape.
__新しいマスターがいる。しかも日々の仕事をこなす Oreyn も一緒だ、全てうまくいくよ。
FormID: 00032E61 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 It could be worse. Vilena could just shut us down. I hope she doesn't.
__その程度で済んだのか。 Vilena は俺達の口を封じることもできた。やめて欲しいけどね。
FormID: 00032E62 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 We'll just have to trust Oreyn, and keep our mouths shut.
__俺達はただ Oreyn を信じ、秘密を守るんだ。
FormID: 00032E63 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 We can't talk about it. Just go about your business. If Oreyn needs something, he'll let us know.
__その話はよせ。今はただ自分のすべき事をやるんだ。必要があれば Oreyn が知らせてくれるさ。
FormID: 00032E64 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Oreyn has a plan. Just keep your mouth shut, and stay away from Vilena.
__Oreyn には計画がある。今はただ口を閉ざし、 Vilena とは接触するな。
FormID: 00032E65 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 We just need to keep our heads down and try to do our jobs. Oreyn's doing what he can from the outside.
__俺達はただ身を潜め、任務の機会を窺うんだ。Oreyn が外部からできるだけやってくれるさ。
FormID: 00032E66 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 What chance do we have without Oreyn? Poor Vilena is completely useless. I don't see how we survive this.
__Oreyn なしで何ができるんだ? 哀れな Vilena は全く使えないし。これで生きていけるのかな。
FormID: 00032E67 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 So Viranus is dead. Modryn Oreyn is gone. We are in real trouble.
__それで Viranus は死に、 Modryn Oreyn も去った。俺達はヤバイことになっている。
FormID: 00032E68 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 I think Oreyn is planning to send Viranus out on the Blankenmarch contract. I'm betting Vilena is not happy about it... if she knows.
__Oreyn は Viranus を Blankenmarch の契約に送り込むつもりだな。 Vilena が知ったらいい顔はしないだろう…
FormID: 00032E69 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 It's supposed to be a secret. I'm not talking. But everyone knows who's responsible.
FormID: 00032E6A FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 It was our people who got Azani Blackheart, but I can't talk about who. I promised.
__ Azani Blackheart を倒したのは俺達の仲間だが、誰かは言えない。約束したんだ。
FormID: 00032E6B FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 We lost Vitellus and a lot of good men against Blackheart. Somebody must be pretty good to take him and all his people.
__我々はは Blackheart に立ち向い、 Vitellus と多くの優秀な戦士を失ったんだ。誰かが奴とその部下を倒してくれるといいんだが。
__我々は Blackheart に立ち向い、 Vitellus と多くの優秀な戦士を失ったんだ。誰かが奴とその部下を倒してくれるといいんだが。
FormID: 00032E6C FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Oreyn is in a foul mood lately. I think he's just about out of patience with Vilena and the whole Blackwood Company situation.
__Oreyn はこの頃機嫌が悪いんだ。 Vilena と Blackwood Company の情勢に我慢の限界が来ているんだろう。
FormID: 00032E6D FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 When people learn more about the Blackwood Company's methods, they won't be so eager to hire them.
__ Blackwood Company の手口がもっと広まれば、人々もそれほど積極的に奴等を使おうとはしないだろう。
FormID: 00032E6E FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Blackwood Company is sloppy. They make mistakes. Sooner or later it is going to cost them.
__Blackwood Company は杜撰だ。誤りを犯している。それがいずれ命取りとなるだろう。
FormID: 00032E6F FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Everyone needs to buckle down and get the work done. And Vilena needs to get out and push guild contracts.
__誰もが力を発揮し仕事をやり遂げなければならない。そして Vilena は外に出て、ギルドの契約を売り込む必要がある。
FormID: 00032E70 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Things are falling apart here. Someone needs to do something about the Blackwood Company situation.
__この組織は崩壊しつつある。誰かが Blackwood Company のこの事態に手を打たないとダメだ。
FormID: 00032E71 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 If a Guild fighter defaults on a contract, he's out. We won't compete with Blackwood Company by defaulting on our contracts.
__ギルドの戦士が契約を怠れば、そいつは終わりだ。契約を怠たれば Blackwood Company とは競争できないだろう。
FormID: 00032E72 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Don't tell me Maglir is acting up again. Has he screwed up another contract?
__Maglir がまた勝手な振る舞いをしてるなんて聞きたくないよ。また契約でへまをしたのか?
FormID: 00032E73 FGConversations INFOGENERAL 0 Nonwyll Cavern is a good start. But the kid has to go out on his own, or he'll never learn the hard lessons.
__Nonwyll Cavern は好調な滑り出しだな。だがガキは一人で外に出なくちゃ、決して試練を学ぶことはないだろう。

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