Vanilla/Dialogue/GenericCurrentEvents のバックアップ(No.3)


FormID: 000250A1 GenericCurrentEvents Question 0 Have you heard any word about the other provinces?
FormID: 00025117 GenericCurrentEvents Question 0 What's the news from the other parts of Tamriel?
FormID: 0002556B GenericCurrentEvents Question 0 Heard any news from the other provinces?
FormID: 000C4541 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 The skooma trade is making a lot of money for the tribes in Elsweyr, and a lot of that is going to the Renrijra Krin.
__Skooma貿易はElsweyrの部族に莫大な富をもたらしていて、商品のSkoomaはRenrijra Krinにたくさん流れていっているらしい。
__Skooma貿易により、Elsweyrの諸部族は莫大な金を得ているようです。莫大な金がRenrijra Krinに流れています。
FormID: 000C459E GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 Sounds like the Empire has given up on stopping the skooma trade in Elsweyr, and I hear tribal chiefs are supporting the Renrijra Krin.
__帝国はElsweyrのskooma貿易を止めさせる事を諦めたそうだ。部族の長Renrijra Krinを支援していると聞いたよ。
__帝国は、Elsweyrのskooma貿易の件に見切りをつけたようですね。部族の長たちは、Renrijra Krinを支援しているそうです。
FormID: 000C459F GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 They say syndicates of wizards have led a boycott of Imperial goods in the land of the Altmer.
FormID: 000C4542 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 I understand Daedra worship has become increasingly prevalent in the Summerset Isle.
__Summerset IsleでのDaedra信仰はますます一般的になったらしいよ。
__Daedra崇拝は、Summerset Isleでいっそう盛んになっているようです。
FormID: 00024E29 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 I have heard that the Great Houses of Morrowind are in upheaval. Indoril is in ruins, and Redoran is besieged by the Nords of Skyrim.
__MorrowindのGreat Houseに激変が起こっていると聞きました。Indorilは滅び、RedoranはSkyrimのNord達に包囲されているそうです。
__MorrowindのGreat Houseに激変が起こっているそうです。Indorilは滅亡し、RedoranはSkyrimのNord達に包囲されているそうです。
FormID: 00024E3A GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 They say that slavery has been abolished in Morrowind. House Dres and Hlaalu have renounced the slave trade, and freed the beastfolk from servitude.
__Morrowindの奴隷制度は廃止されたと噂では言っているね。House DresとHlaaluは奴隷貿易を禁止し、beastfolk達を奴隷の身分から解放したらしいよ。
__話によると、Morrowindの奴隷制は廃止されたようですね。House DresとHlaaluは奴隷貿易から手を引いて、beastfolk達を奴隷身分から解放したそうです。
FormID: 00024E77 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 Rumor has it the Nerevarine has left Morrowind on an expedition to Akavir, and has not been heard from since.
FormID: 00024E83 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 They say that King Helseth has made an alliance with House Dres. Together they pick apart the carcass of ruined Indoril.
__噂ではKing HelsethとHouse Dresが同盟を結んだと言っています。共にIndorilの後始末をしているらしいよ。
__話によると、King HelsethとHouse Dresが同盟を結んだと言っています。共に滅亡したIndorilの後釜を狙っているようです。
FormID: 00024E9C GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 I hear the legions have been recalled from Fort Swampmoth in Black Marsh, and many of the Argonian slaves have returned to their tribes.
__Black MarshのFort Swampmothに居る軍勢が呼び戻されたと聞きました。たくさんのArgonianの奴隷達はそれぞれの部族に戻ったそうですよ。
__Black MarshのFort Swampmothから軍団が撤収したそうです。多くのArgonianの奴隷は故郷に帰ったそうです。
FormID: 00024EAC GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 Many Argonians say they have been [QUOTE]called back[QUOTE] to Black Marsh. They disappear into the swamps and are never seen again.
__多くのArgonianたちが[QUOTE]呼ばれている[QUOTE]と言ってBlack Marshへ帰っていく。彼らは沼地に消え、それ以降二度と見たものはいない。
__多くのArgonianたちが、Black Marshに[QUOTE]呼ばれて[QUOTE]帰って行きます。彼らは沼地に消え、それきりです。
FormID: 00024FFA GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 Black Marsh has become more dangerous than ever. Many settlers have been lost, and most non-Argonians have left in fear.
__Black Marshは今までに無いほど危険な場所になっていますね。多く移民が殺され、Argonianではない者のほとんどはその恐怖から去っていったみたいですよ。
__Black Marshは今まで以上に危険な場所になっていますね。多く開拓者が行方知れずとなり、Argonianを除く大勢が、恐怖から去って行ったそうです。
__Black Marshは今まで以上に危険な場所になっていますね。多くの開拓者が行方知れずとなり、Argonianを除く大勢が、恐怖から去って行ったそうです。
FormID: 00025011 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 I hear that the Nords of Skyrim have been warring with the Redoran of Morrowind.
FormID: 00025012 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 I have heard that Nord warriors have travelled from Skyrim with Orc mercenaries to assault the Redoran of Morrowind.
FormID: 00025013 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 There are rumors that the Nords are attempting to capture the whole of Solstheim, and remove the Imperial fort on the island.
FormID: 00025014 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 It seems that these are turbulent times in the land of the Dunmer.
FormID: 00025017 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 Morrowind has always been a troubling place. It seems it is moreso now.
FormID: 00025018 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 It is not surprising, considering Morrowind's violent past. We can only hope the troubles subside quickly.
FormID: 00025055 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 The land of the Argonians is a strange place indeed.
FormID: 000250A3 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 I have heard Argonia is a strange and treacherous place. It is no wonder odd things are happening there.
FormID: 00025819 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 I've heard many tales of Black Marsh. It sounds like a truly mysterious place.
__Black Marshでの話をたくさん聞いたことがあります。本当に神秘的な場所のように聞こえました。
FormID: 0002584C GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 I'm not surprised. It seems that Skyrim is always involved in a border dispute.
FormID: 00025858 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 More fighting for the Nords? This is sad news.
FormID: 00025859 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 The Nords have always been protective of their territory. It's no wonder they get involved in these disputes.
__Nord達は常に自分達の領土を守ろうとしています。 この論争に関わってきても驚く事ではありませんよ。
FormID: 000C4543 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 It seems Summerset Isle has become a much more dangerous place.
__Summerset Isleは以前よりもはるかに危険な場所になったように思えます。
FormID: 000C4544 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 The Altmer have powerful wizards. It could be a dangerous situation.
FormID: 000C45A0 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 That skooma trade is bad business, and the Renrijra Krin are just a bunch of thugs.
__Skooma貿易は凶悪な商売だ、Renrijra Krinは悪漢共の集まりだね。
FormID: 000C45A1 GenericCurrentEvents CurrentEventsResponses 0 If the Empire isn't going to stop the skooma trade, who will?
FormID: 00025015 GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 I have heard things are bad in Vvardenfell. The Telvanni do their best to close the gates, but it is to no avail.
FormID: 00025016 GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 I've heard nothing good. In Morrowind, they say the man-god Vivec has gone missing. Some believe he has been taken by the daedra.
FormID: 00025019 GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 Many are dead in the land of the Dunmer. Even St. Jiub, who drove the cliffracers from Vvardenfell, has fallen to the daedra hordes.
__Dunmerの地で多くの者が死んだ。St. Jiubでさえ、Vvardenfellからcliffracersを運転していった彼も、daedraの集落に墜落した。
FormID: 0002501F GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 The news has not been good. I've heard it said that the daedra have overrun the town of Ald'ruhn. The entire town has been destroyed.
FormID: 0002505B GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 There is grave news from Skyrim. From Falkreath to Windhelm, the foul daedra attack the land.
FormID: 0002505D GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 I hear all of Skyrim is under siege. The daedra lay waste to the Old Holds, and there is little to do to stop it.
__Skyrimは包囲攻撃されているらしい。DaedraはOld Holdsを広範囲にわたって荒廃させている、止めるものはほとんどない。
FormID: 00025062 GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 There are foul tidings from Skyrim. The Greybeards speak of the end of all times.
FormID: 0003E2CD GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 Nothing I'd like to talk about.
FormID: 000256F5 GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 This is most disturbing. We can only hope this madness is over soon.
FormID: 000257F7 GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 This is unbelievable. How can the gods let this happen?
FormID: 00025800 GenericCurrentEvents TamrielGateResponses 0 It seems it is a dire situation throughout all of Tamriel.

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