Vanilla/Dialogue/ImperialLegionDialogue のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0018B2F7 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 It's true what everyone's saying -- Kvatch is lost. The Daedra, they swarmed in.... The Town Guard never had a chance.
FormID: 0018BAAD ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 The Kvatch Oblivion Gate has been closed! Don't you understand what that means? We can beat the bastards!
__Kvatch Oblivion Gateは閉じられた。それがどういうことかわかるか? 我々はあのくそったれどもを打ち負かすことが出来るんだ。
FormID: 0018BAAF ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 The Mythic Dawn murdered the Emperor and led those damn Daedra right into the heart of the Empire! They'll pay for their treachery!
__Mythic Dawnは皇帝を殺害し、忌々しいDaedraどもを帝国の中心へと導いている! 奴らにはこの反逆行為に対する代償を支払わせてやる!
FormID: 0018BAB0 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Kvatch? Kvatch was just the beginning! Those damned Gates have opened up everywhere! Cheydinhal, Chorrol, Leyawiin -- no city is safe.
__Kvatch? Kvatchはただの始まりに過ぎなかった! あのいまいましいゲートが至るところで開き始めたんだ! Cheydinhal、Chorrol、Leyawiin。どの町も安全じゃない。
FormID: 0018BAB1 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Have you heard? The Oblivion Gate at Bruma -- they've shut it down! The Daedra will never defeat the people of the Empire! Never! Ha ha!
__聞いた? BrumaのOblivion Gate、彼らはそれを閉じたんだ。Daedraは帝国の人々を負かすことは出来ないよ。決して! はは。
FormID: 0018BAB2 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Bruma has been saved! It's true! Let's see how the Daedra do without their big Siege Machine, or their so-called [QUOTE]Great Gate[QUOTE]! Ha ha ha ha ha!
__Brumaは救われたんだ! 本当に! Daedraがでかい攻城兵器、[QUOTE]Great Gate[QUOTE]無しでどうするか見物だな!ハ、ハ、ハ、ハ、ハ。
__Brumaは救われた! 本当だ! やつらが[QUOTE]Great Gate[QUOTE]と呼ぶ、巨大な攻城兵器無しで一体どうするのか見物だな! ハハハハハ!
FormID: 0018BAB3 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Don't you even care what's happening? Bruma has been saved! The Great Gate has been closed! There is hope for us all, whether you like it or not.
__何が起きても君には関係ないって? Brumaは救われたんだ! ゲートは閉じられた! 君が望むと望まないと関わらず、皆には希望が残った。
FormID: 0018BAB4 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 The Emperor's heir lives! The bloodline is unbroken! Long live Martin Septim!
__皇帝の後継者は生きている! 血筋は失われていないんだ。Martin Septim万歳!
FormID: 0018BAB5 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 The tide is turning, my friend. Bruma has been saved, and Martin Septim has claimed his birthright! Soon, all of Oblivion will tremble in fear!
__流れは変わった、友よ。Brumaは救われ、そしてMartin Septimは皇位継承権を主張した! すぐにも、Oblivionの全てが恐怖に身震いするだろう。
FormID: 0018BAB6 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 The tide is turning. Bruma has been saved, and Martin Septim has claimed his birthright! It's time for every citizen to do their part... even you.
__流れは変わった。Brumaは救われ、そしてMartin Septimは、皇位継承権を主張した! 今こそ全市民が自分の役割を果たす時だ…君もな。
FormID: 0018BAB7 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 It's over, citizen. The crisis has ended. But at what cost? We are an Empire without an Emperor. The future is uncertain, at best.
__市民よ、終わったのだ。危機は去った。だがどれだけの犠牲を払った? 我らは皇帝なき帝国となった。未来はわからん、としか言いようがない。
FormID: 0018BAB8 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Have you not heard? The Oblivion crisis has ended! Martin Septim gave his own life to destroy the Daedra horde! We are victorious!
__まだ聞いてないのか? Oblivionの危機は去った! Martin Septimは己が生命をDaedra軍の壊滅に捧げたのだ! 我らの勝利だ!
FormID: 0018B2F6 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 The Emperor is dead, and so are his heirs. We're a Legion without a leader. The Blades were trusted with our Lord's protection... and they failed.
__皇帝は死んだ、さらにその後継者達までも。 我が軍のリーダーは不在となった。 ブレードは皇帝の警護において全幅の信頼を得ていたのだが…守りきることができなかった。
FormID: 0006691B ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Truth is, the Legion doesn't know who was behind the Emperor's murder. We've already ruled out the Dark Brotherhood. So is this something... worse?
FormID: 0006691A ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Emperors have been assassinated before, but this time... I don't know. It's different. Can't you feel it? A shadow has fallen across all of Tamriel.
__過去にも皇帝が暗殺された事はあったが、今回は…どうなるのか。何かが違うのだ。感じないか? 影がTamriel全土に覆い被さっているのが。
FormID: 0018BAAE ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 If you've got to travel, by the Nine Divines, stay on the roads! The wilderness just isn't safe anymore. We've had sightings, you see. The Daedra...
__もし旅するんだったら、神々の名にかけて道から外れるなよ! 自然の中はもう安全じゃないんだ。俺達は何度も見かけたしお前も見ることになるだろう。 Daedraを…
FormID: 0018B18A ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 Goodbye, magister.
FormID: 000AF06A ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 It was an honor to speak with you, Champion.
FormID: 0006A82A ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 Stay safe, citizen. These are dark times....
FormID: 0006FDAF ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 If you run into trouble, come find me.
FormID: 0018BAA8 ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 Long live the Empire!
FormID: 0018BAA9 ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 Move along, you worthless filth.
FormID: 0018BAAA ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 Keep moving, scum.
FormID: 0018BAAB ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 Carry on.
FormID: 0006FDCC ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 Farewell, citizen.
FormID: 0018BAAC ImperialLegionDialogue GOODBYE 0 Move along.
FormID: 0018BAA4 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 Ah! You must be the Arcane University's newest addition! This humble Battlemage bids you welcome!
FormID: 0018BAA7 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 All hail the Champion of Cyrodiil!
FormID: 000AF064 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 How can I assist you, Champion?
FormID: 000AF066 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 What do you need, Champion?
FormID: 0006A82B ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 This had better be good...
FormID: 0018BAA5 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 It's... It's you! The Hero of Kvatch! This is truly an honor!
FormID: 0018BAA6 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 Hail, good citizen! How can I be of service?
__やあ、善良な市民よ! お手伝いできることはあるかな?
FormID: 0018B189 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 What is it, citizen?
FormID: 0018BB03 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 Speak.
FormID: 0007028D ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 Mind telling me why you're sneakin' about? I don't think I have to tell you what the Legion thinks of thieves, now do I?
FormID: 0007028E ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 Whoa, girl! Whoa! Easy now... It's all right. Sorry, civilian. My steed gets spooked a bit easily. It's all those damn goblins and trolls, you see.
FormID: 00061458 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 Shhh! You'll spook the deer!
__シー! 鹿が逃げる!
FormID: 0018BC20 ImperialLegionDialogue HELLO 0 You have my ear, citizen.
FormID: 0004762E ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Hieronymus Lex, Officer of the Watch. Every hand is needed to build an honest city, and it begins with you.
__Hieronymus Lex。帝国警備隊の仕官だ。あらゆる手が公正な都市の創造には不可欠だ。そして、それは君の手にかかっている。
FormID: 00047632 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 I'm Watch Captain Audens Avidius. Don't forget it. I like this city quiet as a mouse. Raise a fuss, and you'll be sorry.
__衛視隊長のAudens Avidiusだ。忘れるなよ。私は小ネズミのように大人しいこの街が好きなのだ。騒動でも起こしてみろ、後悔することになるぞ。
FormID: 00047630 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 You new here? I'm Servatius Quintilius, Officer of the Watch. Just stay out of trouble, and we'll get along just fine.
__君は新しい顔だな?私はServatius Quintilius。帝国警備隊の仕官だ。問題は起こしてくれるなよ。そうすれば問題なく暮らせるのだからな。
FormID: 0004762C ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 I'm Adamus Phillida, prison administrator and commander of the Imperial Legion forces here in the Imperial City. Have we met? You look familiar.
__私の名はAdamus Phillida。帝立刑務所の管理者であり、Imperial Legionの指揮官でもある。私達は以前、会った事があるかな?君は見た事がある。
FormID: 0007B84A ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 What a battle, eh? I thought we were all goners until I saw that fiery dragon in the sky.
FormID: 000AF05B ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 A lot of good men died. But it could have been worse. A lot worse.
FormID: 000AF05B ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 1 But why am I telling you? You were there. You saw... him. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be able to sleep again.
FormID: 000AF05C ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Whatever you need, Champion.
FormID: 000AF05E ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Hail, Champion!
FormID: 0018BAFB ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Well met, citizen. I see few new faces these days, it seems. With the Emperor's murder, a darkness has fallen upon all of Cyrodiil.
FormID: 0018BAFC ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Speak quickly! I have no time for mindless blather!
FormID: 0018BAFD ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 I welcome a friendly face in these dark times. How can I be of assistance?
FormID: 0018BAFE ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 When I speak to someone like you -- a noble citizen of the Empire -- it reminds me what I'm fighting for. I salute you!
FormID: 0018BAFF ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Make it fast, dreg! What little patience I have is wearing thin....
FormID: 0018BB00 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 I did not join the Imperial Legion to engage in small talk with rabble like you. If you have something to say, say it.
__私はお前のような野次馬の世間話に従事する為にImperial Legionに加わったわけではない。言いたい事があるなら、簡潔に言え。
FormID: 0018BB01 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Hello, citizen. I hope you're faring well in these difficult times.
FormID: 0018BC1E ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Hail, citizen. I speak for the Emperor. Or... at least I did...
FormID: 0006A844 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Greetings, magister! How can I be of service?
FormID: 0006A845 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Hail, Good Mage! Welcome to the Arcane University! Is there anything I can help you with?
__こんにちは、善良なる魔術師よ!Arcane Universityは歓迎します!何か私にお手伝いできることはありますか?
FormID: 0006A846 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Pfft. If you weren't authorized to be here I'd conjure up an Atronach to freeze your blood cold. Watch your step.
FormID: 0018BC1F ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 This humble Legion soldier is at your service. How can I help a fellow citizen of the Empire?
__この謙虚なLegion soldierはあなたの役に立ちますよ。帝国臣民よ、何か協力できる事はあるかな?
FormID: 0006144A ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 I don't see many wanderers out here in the wild. But you look like you can take of yourself.
FormID: 0006FDBD ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 By the gods, the snow's coming down! What brings you out here in the cold, citizen?
FormID: 0006FDBE ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Well now, I didn't expect to see anyone else foolish enough to venture out here in the rain! How do you fare, citizen?
FormID: 0018BB02 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Any citizen who takes the time to talk to a member of the Legion is okay in my book. With all that's happened, it's good to know we're appreciated.
__私の信条として、Imperial Legionの一員と話をしたいという市民はどんな方でも受け入れますよ。どのような場合であっても、我々が頼りにされると云う事は良い事です。
FormID: 0006FDBF ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 State your business, citizen.
FormID: 0006FDC0 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 You have a death wish, citizen? Put that weapon away. Now.
FormID: 0006FDC1 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Mind telling me why you're sneakin' about? I don't think I have to tell you what the Legion thinks of thieves, now do I?
FormID: 0006FDC2 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 You. I've seen your kind before. You've got blood on your hands. Keep your blade sheathed, you murdering bastard, or I'll put you down myself.
FormID: 0006FDC3 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Bet you think you're somethin' huh? You call yourself a citizen of the Empire? No respect for order, no respect for law. You make me sick.
FormID: 0006FDC4 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Ah, it's good to see you, citizen! Oh yes, I know who you are. You've become something of a legend in these parts!
FormID: 0006FDC5 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 The Imperial Legion is at your disposal, citizen. What seems to be the problem?
FormID: 00070289 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Hail, citizen! It's not often I see another rider out here on the roads. Times being what they are.
FormID: 0007028A ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Greetings, citizen. How can this Legion horseman be of service?
FormID: 0007028B ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Please make it quick, citizen. My patrol awaits, and a Legion steed can't keep still for very long...
__用事なら急いでくれ、市民。 私のパトロールを待つために、軍馬を長いこと留めておくわけにはいかないのだ。
FormID: 0006FDC6 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 Trouble?
FormID: 0006FDC7 ImperialLegionDialogue GREETING 0 There's evil afoot, citizen, and I've little time for chatter. What is it?
FormID: 0006A85B ImperialLegionDialogue ArcaneUniversityTopic 0 The Arcane University is the greatest repository of knowledge in all of Cyrodiil. The privilege of admission is a goal every mage strives for.
__Arcane UniversityはCyrodiilの中で最も膨大な知識の宝庫です。ここへの入学の権利は、あらゆるメイジが努力をして手に入れたい目標なのです。
FormID: 0006A87A ImperialLegionDialogue RaminusTopic 0 Looking for Raminus, are you? Well, you'll find him in the lobby of the Arch-Mage's Tower, in the center of the University.
__Raminusを探しているのですか?彼なら大学の中央にあるArch-Mage's Towerのロビーにいますよ。
FormID: 0006A879 ImperialLegionDialogue ArchMageTopic 0 That's Hannibal Traven. You'll find him in the Arch-Mage's Tower, in the center of the University. For your sake, he'd better be expecting you...
__それはHannibal Travenだな。Arch-Mage's Towerで会えるはずだ、その塔は魔術学院の中央にある。彼に失礼のないように頼むよ。

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