Vanilla/Dialogue/MQ05-01 のバックアップ差分(No.7)

FormID: 00095895	MQ05	Lost	0	 	
FormID: 00095896	MQ05	Lost	0	Must have just been rats.	
FormID: 00095897	MQ05	Lost	0	Nothing there, I guess.	
FormID: 00095894	MQ05	Unseen	0	 	
FormID: 00095892	MQ05	Seen	0	 	
FormID: 00095893	MQ05	Seen	0	There's someone else here!	
FormID: 00095891	MQ05	Noticed	0	 	
FormID: 00034245	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	I hope you learn something from Tar-Meena about that book. This might just be the break we need.	
FormID: 00034246	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	It sounds like those books may be an important lead. Get back to me as soon as you turn up anything new.	
FormID: 00095890	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	Follow me. I know how to get to the part of the sewers where we need to meet the Sponsor.	
FormID: 000A31BA	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	Make it quick. The longer we spend down here, the more chance we have of being discovered.	
FormID: 00065556	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	I'll see you back at Cloud Ruler Temple. Good luck.	
__Cloud Ruler Templeでまた会おう。
FormID: 000343EB	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	It was so nice chatting with you. Be sure to let me know how your hunt for the Mythic Dawn turns out.	
__あなたと話せて良かった。Mythic Dawn狩りの状況を忘れず知らせてくれ。
__有意義な話ができたわ。Mythic Dawnの調査に何か進展があったら知らせてね。
FormID: 000343EC	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	I'll keep studying the first two volumes of the [QUOTE]Commentaries.[QUOTE] Who knows, I might turn up something before you do!	
__引き続き [QUOTE]Commentaries[QUOTE]を調査するわ。何か分かるかもしれない!
FormID: 000343ED	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	The first words of each paragraph are the key, I'm sure of it! Well, I shouldn't keep you. Goodbye.	
FormID: 000343EE	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	I've half a mind to go down to Green Emperor Way myself and see what's there ... Well, good luck! I hope you find what you're looking for.	
__Green Emperor Wayに行ってそこにあるものを見てみたい気もするけど...まあ、幸運を!探し物が見つかると良いわね。
FormID: 000343F4	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	Give my warm regards to Baurus. Tell him he should not blame himself for the Emperor's death. He did well to send you to me.	
FormID: 000343F6	MQ05	GOODBYE	0	Don't worry about me, my friend. I know I'm in good hands here.	
FormID: 00022B39	MQ05	HELLO	0	I'm here for my book. Mankar Camoran's [QUOTE]Commentaries,[QUOTE] Volume Three.	
__本のためにここに来ました。Mankar Camoranの『論評集』第3版です。
__本を受け取りにきました。Mankar Camoranの『Commentaries』第三巻です。
FormID: 000343E7	MQ05	HELLO	0	Ah yes, the Mythic Dawn scholar. What else can I help you with?	
__ええ、Mythic Dawnの学者です。お力になれることがありますか?
FormID: 000343EA	MQ05	HELLO	0	I'm surprised to see you here. Have you been to talk to Baurus in the Imperial City yet?	
__君にここで出会うとは驚いた。 Imperial CityでまだBaurusと話していないのかい?
FormID: 000343F1	MQ05	HELLO	0	We will exact our revenge on the Mythic Dawn for the Emperor's murder. By the holy blood of Talos, Mankar Camoran will pay for his crimes!	
__我々はMythic Dawnに皇帝暗殺の復讐をなすのだ。Talosの聖なる血統にかけて、Mankar Camoranにその罪を償わせるのだ!
__陛下を暗殺したMythic Dawnに鉄槌を下そう。Talosの聖なる血のもと、首謀者Mankar Camoranに贖いを!
FormID: 000343F2	MQ05	HELLO	0	It sounds like you and Baurus are making progress in your hunt for the Amulet of Kings. Good work.	
FormID: 000343F3	MQ05	HELLO	0	Once you locate the Mythic Dawn's shrine to Mehrunes Dagon, we may have a chance to recover the Amulet!	
__Mehrunes Dagonを崇めるMythic Dawnの聖堂を見つければ、アミュレットを取り返すチャンスだ!
__Mehrunes Dagonを祀るMythic Dawnの聖域の場所を特定できれば、Amuletを取り戻せるかもしれない!
FormID: 000343F5	MQ05	HELLO	0	My head is still spinning from everything that has happened. I'll need some time to adjust.	
FormID: 00065555	MQ05	HELLO	0	That's three more that won't be reporting back to their Master.	
FormID: 000A31BD	MQ05	HELLO	0	I haven't turned up anything new on my end yet.	
FormID: 00037CEA	MQ05	GREETING	0	You have proven yourself a loyal servant of the Empire, as worthy as any of the Blades to stand by Martin's side during this crisis.	
FormID: 00037CEA	MQ05	GREETING	1	As the Grandmaster of the Blades, I would be honored to accept you into our order. Will you join us?	
FormID: 0001EFDE	MQ05	GREETING	0	It is good to be back here. It raises my spirits just to walk these ancient halls again. We will prevail. We must prevail!	
FormID: 00022B11	MQ05	GREETING	0	Sit down. Don't say anything. Just do what I say.	
FormID: 00022B12	MQ05	GREETING	0	I'm being watched. Just sit down. Don't say anything.	
FormID: 00022B13	MQ05	GREETING	0	Listen. I'm going to get up in a minute and walk out of here. That guy in the corner behind me will follow me. You follow him.	
FormID: 00022B19	MQ05	GREETING	0	I told you to stay back and keep an eye on the guy who was watching me.	
FormID: 00022B1A	MQ05	GREETING	0	Search his body. I'll keep an eye out, in case any of his friends are nearby.	
FormID: 00022B1D	MQ05	GREETING	0	Good work. I am glad to see you, by the way. You just caught me at a bad time.	
FormID: 00022B8B	MQ05	GREETING	0	You're not easy to get a hold of. What have you found out?	
__君は掴みにくい奴だな。 何か見つけたか?
FormID: 00022CEB	MQ05	GREETING	0	Alright. The room with the table is just through this door. I always wondered who put it there.	
FormID: 00022CEB	MQ05	GREETING	1	I happen to know that if you go up the stairs there, you can get a vantage point on the meeting room.	
FormID: 00022CEB	MQ05	GREETING	2	I think I'd better be the one to handle the meeting. You'll be my backup. Keep watch from above in case of trouble.	
FormID: 00034241	MQ05	GREETING	0	Aren't you supposed to be going to see Tar-Meena? I have plenty of leads of my own to track down, don't worry.	
FormID: 00034242	MQ05	GREETING	0	I think you're onto something with those books. You should finish tracking them all down, and then we'll see what we've got.	
FormID: 00034243	MQ05	GREETING	0	So far Mankar Camoran's books are our best lead. You should keep working on getting copies of all four.	
__Mankar Camoranの著した本が一番の手がかりです。4巻全てを集めたほうがいいでしょう。	
FormID: 00034244	MQ05	GREETING	0	I know the part of the sewers you were talking about. Follow me, I'll show you.	
FormID: 00022CEC	MQ05	GREETING	0	So, here's the plan. I'll meet with the Sponsor, while you cover me from the upper gallery. What do you think?	
FormID: 0003450F	MQ05	GREETING	0	You're taking the meeting. You'd better get in there before they realize you didn't come alone.	
FormID: 00034510	MQ05	GREETING	0	We agreed I would meet the Sponsor. You need to get out of sight before you blow the whole meeting.	
FormID: 00034511	MQ05	GREETING	0	That could have gone smoother. Can't say I minded killing a few more of these bastards, though. Get the book and let's get out of here.	
FormID: 00034512	MQ05	GREETING	0	Get the book and let's go.	
FormID: 00034513	MQ05	GREETING	0	Now that you have all four books, you should be able to handle things from here.	
FormID: 00034513	MQ05	GREETING	1	I'm going to Cloud Ruler Temple. My place is at Martin's side.	
__私はCloud Ruler Templeに行くとする。Martinの傍にいるのが私の務めだ。
__私はCloud Ruler Templeに行くとする。Martinのお傍が私の居場所だ。
FormID: 00034514	MQ05	GREETING	0	What do you need?	
FormID: 00033FC2	MQ05	GREETING	0	This whole business of being heir to the throne will take some getting used to.  Please bear with me.	
FormID: 00033FCD	MQ05	GREETING	0	While I'm getting oriented here, you should follow Jauffre's orders.	
FormID: 00094C35	MQ05	GREETING	0	Move along, friend.	
FormID: 000C099D	MQ05	GREETING	0	Ah. You must be the one I got the message about. How can I help you?	
FormID: 000A31C3	MQ05	GREETING	0	You were told to sit down. Are you incapable of following such simple instructions?	
FormID: 00094C37	MQ05	GREETING	0	I'm sorry, but I'm late for an appointment. I've no time to talk now.	
FormID: 00094C38	MQ05	GREETING	0	You must not have heard me the first time. Good day!	
FormID: 00094C39	MQ05	GREETING	0	Are you deaf? Leave me alone!	
FormID: 0001EFE3	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	0	You're right. We must try to recover the Amulet before the enemy takes it out of our reach.	
FormID: 0001EFE3	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	1	You should go back to the Imperial City. Baurus may have learned something about the assassins.	
__Imperial City へ戻るんだ。Baurus は暗殺者どもについて何か知っているかもしれない。
__ひとまずImperial Cityに向かうんだ。Baurusがあの暗殺団について何か手がかりを掴んでいるかもしれない。
FormID: 0001EFE3	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	2	You'll find Baurus at Luther Broad's Boarding House in the Elven Gardens district of the Imperial City.	
__Imperial City の Elven Gardens district にある Luther Broad の下宿小屋で Baurus と会うことが出来るだろう。
__Baurusに会うために、Imperial CityのElven Gardens districtにあるLuther Broad's Boarding Houseに向かうんだ。
FormID: 0001EFE4	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	0	The Amulet of Kings is the key to everything now.	
__今や、Amulet of Kingsが全てを握る鍵だ。
FormID: 0001EFE4	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	1	Once we have it back, Martin can use it to light the Dragonfires in the Temple of the One, and reseal the barriers between Oblivion and our world.	
__我らがアミュレットを取り戻せば、Martin は Dragonfires に明かりを灯すことが出来る。そして Oblivion と我らの世界との間に再び障壁を張るのだ。
__Amuletを取り戻すことで、MartinはTemple of the OneでDragonfiresを灯し、Oblivionと人間界を隔てる壁を再構築できる。
FormID: 00033FCC	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	0	All practitioners of daedric magic are familiar with the almost impenetrable barrier between our world and Oblivion.	
__ディドリック魔法の使役者達は、我らの世界と Oblivion との間にある障壁のことを熟知している。
FormID: 00033FCC	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	1	What the Emperor told you implies that the Amulet is the key to the preservation of that barrier.	
FormID: 00033FCC	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	2	What I saw at Kvatch... everything I know about daedric magic says that such stable portals are impossible.	
__私が Kvatch で見たことは...、私が持つディドリック魔法についての全知識を持ってしても、そのような安定したポータルは不可能だ。
FormID: 00033FCC	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	3	Yet those gates to Oblivion existed. The old rules no longer apply. Kvatch is only the beginning of what Mehrunes Dagon will do.	
__Oblivion への門は未だ存在している。そして、古の法はもはや役に立たない。Kvatch は Mehrunes Dagon が行おうとしている事の始まりに過ぎない。
__だが、Oblivionへの扉は確かに存在している。かつての法則は破られたのだ。Kvatchは、Mehrunes Dagonの計画の始まりに過ぎないだろう。
FormID: 00033FCC	MQ05	AmuletofKingsTopic	4	If the Amulet is truly the key to restoring the barriers between our world and Oblivion, you must waste no time in recovering it.	
__そのアミュレットが Oblivion と我々の世界との間にある障壁を本当に蘇らせるならば、君は無駄な時間を費やしてはいけない。
__もし、本当に、Amuletがこの世界とOblivionの間にある壁を蘇らせる鍵となるならば、一刻も早くAmuletを取り戻さなくては 。

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