Vanilla/Dialogue/MQ11 のバックアップ差分(No.2)

FormID: 00038FBF	MQ11	GOODBYE	0	You should speak to the rulers of Cyrodiil as soon as possible. The danger to Bruma is growing by the day.	
__一刻も早く Cyrodiil中の領主に伝えてくれ。日ごとに Brumaに危険が迫っている事を。
FormID: 000ADC59	MQ11	GREETING	0	From the Blades, did you say? Jauffre sent you? What's this about? Quickly, now.	
FormID: 000270ED	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	While I understand Bruma's need, Chorrol's own defense must come first.	
FormID: 000270ED	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	I cannot spare any soldiers as long as Chorrol remains under threat from the Oblivion Gate outside our walls.	
__Chorrolの城壁の外にOblivion Gateがあり、脅威に曝され続ける限り、一人の兵士も無駄にすることは出来ません。
FormID: 000270EF	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	Mehrunes Dagon has no more love for my kind than for my mortal subjects. Less, perhaps, as we make poor slaves.	
__Mehrunes Dagonは我が情を注いだ領民たちに、ひとかけらの愛情をも持ってはいない。彼らは良くて哀れな奴隷となっていただろう。
FormID: 000270EF	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	You have helped me by closing the Oblivion Gate near Skingrad. I will likewise help you by sending aid to Bruma.	
__君はSkingrad近くのOblivion Gateを閉じることにより、私を助けてくれた。私はBrumaに援助を送ることにより、君を助けよう。
FormID: 000270F1	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	While Skingrad is threatened by an Oblivion Gate, I cannot spare any soldiers for Bruma.	
__SkingradがOblivion Gateによって脅かされる間は、私はBrumaに一人の兵士も分け与えることはできない。
FormID: 000270F1	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	Whatever you may think of me, I still protect my own. This is my city, and Mehrunes Dagon will not have it while I remain Count of Skingrad.	
__君が私について何を考えようと、私は私のものを護る。ここは我が街だ。そして私がSkingradの公爵である限り、Mehrunes Dagonはここを手に入れることはできない。
FormID: 00056E67	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	The Count has dispatched soldiers to Bruma, as he promised.	
FormID: 00056E68	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	The Count has dispatched soldiers to Bruma, as he promised.	
FormID: 00056E69	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	The Count left very specific instructions. He does not want to see you again on this matter until the Oblivion Gate outside Skingrad is closed.	
__伯爵は、特別に指示を残されました。Skingradの外にあるOblivion Gateが閉じるまで、この事について貴方に会うことはないそうです。
FormID: 00056E6A	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I believe the Count may want to handle this matter personally.	
FormID: 00056E6A	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	Wait here. I will tell the Count you are waiting to see him.	
FormID: 00056E6B	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	The Count has instructed me to tell you that he will be happy to speak to you again once the Oblivion Gate threatening Skingrad is closed.	
__伯爵からは、Skingradを脅かすOblivion Gateが閉じたら喜んで貴方とまた話をすることができるだろう、とお伝えするように言われました。
FormID: 00056E6C	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I believe that the Count may want to handle this matter personally.	
FormID: 00056E6C	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	Wait here. I will tell the Count you are waiting to see him.	
FormID: 00026E95	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I would like to send help, but unfortunately my guard is short-handed with the death of Captain Lerus. I need all my soldiers at home right now.	
FormID: 00026E96	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	Thank you for closing the Oblivion Gate that was threatening Bravil. I will send my guard captain, Viera Lerus, to Bruma's aid.	
__Bravilを脅かしていたOblivion Gateを閉じてくれて感謝している。我が衛兵隊長 Viera LerusをBruma救援に送ろう。
FormID: 00026E97	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I've sent Captain Lerus to Bruma. She is one of my best soldiers. I'm glad to be able to help defend the heir to the throne.	
__BrumaにViera Lerusを送った。彼女は我が兵隊の仲でも精鋭の一人だ。玉座の後継者を守る手助けができるなら私も嬉しい。
FormID: 00026E9B	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I wish I could help. I understand the need to help defend the heir to the throne. It is a duty we all share.	
FormID: 00026E9B	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	But with an Oblivion Gate threatening Bravil, I need all my soldiers here.	
__しかしOblivion GateがBravilを脅かしてる今、私にはここに全兵士が要るんだ。
FormID: 00026E9C	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I've heard that you closed the Oblivion Gate outside Anvil. I honor you for your bravery and service to my city.	
__貴方がAnvilの外にあったOblivion Gateを閉じたと聞きました。わが町を救ってくれた貴方の勇気を誇りに思います。
FormID: 00026E9C	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	With Anvil safe for the moment, I will send some of my best soldiers to bolster the Bruma garrison.	
FormID: 00026E9E	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	Don't worry. Anvil's soldiers are worth two from anywhere else. Bruma will not fall!	
FormID: 00026E9F	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I would like to send help to Bruma, but I cannot risk weakening Anvil's defenses with that Oblivion Gate open outside the city.	
__Brumaに援軍を送りたいのは山々だが、街の外に現れたOblivion Gateに関してAnvilの防衛を手薄にするわけにはいかないのだ。
FormID: 00026EA0	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I will not forget your service to me and to Cheydinhal. Rescuing my son from the Oblivion Gate was a daring feat.	
__私は君のCheydinhaと私自身への恩義を忘れない。Oblivion Gateから私の息子を救うのは大変なことだったろう。
FormID: 00026EA0	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	With the Oblivion Gate closed, I can now gladly send aid to Bruma.	
__Oblivion Gateが閉じられている今、私は喜んで援助をBrumaに送ろう。
FormID: 00058B35	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I will not forget your service to Cheydinhal. Closing the Oblivion Gate outside the city was a daring feat.	
__私は君のCheydinhaへの助力を忘れない。Oblivion Gateを閉じるのは大変なことだったろう。
FormID: 00058B35	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	I do not blame you for my son's death. He brought that upon himself, as hard as it is for a father to admit.	
FormID: 00058B35	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	2	Since the immediate threat to Cheydinhal is now eliminated, I will grant your request and send reinforcements to Bruma.	
FormID: 00026EA1	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	My soldiers are brave and capable. They will do their duty.	
FormID: 00026EA2	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	My first responsibility is to the people of Cheydinhal. They look to me for protection in these dark times. 	
FormID: 00026EA2	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	With an open Oblivion Gate just outside our walls, I cannot risk weakening Cheydinhal's defenses, even for such a worthy cause.	
__Oblivion Gateが開いている今、私はどんな理由があろうとCheydinhalの防御を弱くするような危険を犯すことはできない。
FormID: 00026EA3	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	Well, with the Oblivion Gate near Leyawiin closed, I suppose the immediate threat is lessened.	
__さて、Leyawiinの近在に生じたOblivion Gateは閉じられた。私は差し迫った脅威は減じたものと思う。
FormID: 00026EA3	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	I will do as you ask. Let no one say Leyawiin did not do its part to uphold the Empire.	
FormID: 00026EA4	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I have given you the help you asked for. Bruma's fate is out of my hands.	
FormID: 00026EA5	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	Leyawiin is beset by enemies. The Empire does nothing to help us. Even before this crisis, I did not have enough men to patrol my borders.	
FormID: 00026EA5	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	Now, daedra are pouring out of an Oblivion Gate on our very doorstep! No, I don't have any men to spare. Bruma will have to look to its own defense.	
__今daedraがOblivion Gateから溢れ出し、我々の家の戸口にまで迫っているのだ!余分な兵士など一人もいない。Brumaは彼ら自身で防衛しなければならないだろう。	
FormID: 00026EA6	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I hate to refuse you, my friend. But with the castle still in the hands of those daedra, I need every soldier I have left.	
FormID: 00026EA9	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	I have few enough men to spare, but you have more than earned our help.	
FormID: 00026EA9	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	I will send what aid I can. Bruma must not share the fate of our city!	
FormID: 000270FB	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	Your reputation precedes you, Hero of Kvatch! You have done my city a great service by closing the Oblivion Gate.	
__あなたはKvatchの英雄という名声以上の方ですね!Oblivion Gateを閉じることにより、我が街に尽くして下さいました。	
FormID: 000270FB	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	I will now gladly send soldiers to aid in the defense of Bruma. Consider it done.	
FormID: 000ADD08	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	0	This is terrible news. Under normal circumstances, I would dispatch a legion or two to Bruma immediately.	
FormID: 000ADD08	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	1	But the circumstances are not normal, are they?	
FormID: 000ADD08	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	2	I've been pleading for troops for Cyrodiil for weeks, but the generals assure me that the entire Imperial Army is already fully committed.	
FormID: 000ADD08	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	3	Besides... I'd have a full-scale political crisis on my hands if I tried to pull any troops out of the provinces.	
FormID: 000ADD08	MQ11	MQ11BrumaAllies	4	I'm sorry, but the cities of Cyrodiil will have to fend for themselves for the time being.	

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