Vanilla/Dialogue/MS10-02 のバックアップ(No.2)

FormID: 0003C295 MS10 Fines 1 What in Oblivion is Ulrich doing with all that money anyway? I'm sure he's lining his pockets with the gold of the good citizens of Cheydinhal.
FormID: 0003C295 MS10 Fines 2 Take my good friend Aldos Othran for example. In the last month, he's been fined six times! SIX! All for being drunk and disorderly.
__例えば、私の友人Aldos Othranをご覧なさい。先月、六回も罰金を取られたのよ!六回ですよ!酔っぱらって少々騒ぎを起こしただけなのに。
__私の友人、Aldos Othranをご覧なさい。先月、六回も罰金を取られたのよ!六回ですよ!酔っぱらって少々騒ぎを起こしただけなのに。
FormID: 0003C295 MS10 Fines 3 Have you ever gone past a guard barracks? When are they NOT drunk and disorderly? What kind of a stupid fine is that?
FormID: 0003C295 MS10 Fines 4 Well, Aldos couldn't pay the last two fines, so they seized his home and threw him into the street until he could pay it! Bastards!
FormID: 0003C29A MS10 Fines 0 Ever since Ulrich Leland took over the Captain of the Guard post, this city's gone downhill. It's getting almost scary to walk the streets.
__Ulrich_LelandがGuardキャプテンのポストに就いて以来、 この都市に活気が無くなりました。 ちょっとした外出にも恐怖を覚えます。
__Ulrich_Lelandが衛兵長の職に就いて以来、 この都市に活気が無くなりました。 ちょっとした外出にも恐怖を覚えます。
FormID: 0003C29A MS10 Fines 1 The guards have imposed new, ridiculously heavy fines for every infraction under the sun. They almost seem to make up laws just for charging fines.
__guard達は、あらゆる違反のために新しく、 ばかばかしい程の重い罰金を課しました。 彼らは、まさに罰金を課すためだけに、 法を作っているように思えます。
__衛兵達は、あらゆる違反のために新しく、 ばかばかしい程の重い罰金を課しました。 彼らは、まさに罰金を課すためだけに、 法を作っているように思えます。
FormID: 0003C29A MS10 Fines 2 If you can't pay the fine, they can take your property away or toss you in the castle dungeons. Nothing we can do about it really.
__その罰金が払えなければ、 家を没収されるか、城の土牢にぶち込まれます。 いつ私たちがそのような目に会うかと思うと心配です。
FormID: 0003C29A MS10 Fines 3 If you're interested, go talk to Llevana Nedaren. She seems the most outspoken against Ulrich and his new fines.
__関心があるなら、Llevana_Nedarenと話してください。 彼女はUlrichの新しい罰金に対して最も率直に見えます。
FormID: 0003C2B7 MS10 MS10AldosTalk 0 I'll go nowhere with you, fetcher! Nowhere!
FormID: 0003C2B8 MS10 MS10AldosTalk 0 You've been warned. You are now under arrest. Please, come with me.
FormID: 0003C2B9 MS10 MS10AldosTalk 0 You s'wit! How dare you! Ulrich be damned! He can take his fine and stuff it up his backside!
FormID: 0003C2BA MS10 MS10AldosTalk 0 Sir, I must warn you that threatening a city guardsman is an offense punishable by a fine of no less than 50 gold. Pay or be jailed.
FormID: 0003C2BB MS10 MS10AldosTalk 0 I said move! Or by my ancestors I'll put you on the ground with a split lip!
FormID: 0003C2BC MS10 MS10AldosTalk 0 Sir, this property has been seized by his lordship, the Count of Cheydinhal. Leave immediately.
FormID: 0003C2CB MS10 MS10AldosTalk 0 This is my house! Get out of the way... move, I say!
FormID: 0003C2C4 MS10 MS10WhatAboutLLev 0 Honestly, she's never done anything to be fined or get in trouble... yet. The person I'd love to bring in as a witness is Aldos Othran.
__正直、彼女は罰金を科せられたことも事件を起こしたこともない…今までのところは。証人として協力してもらいたいのはAldos Othranの方だ。
FormID: 0003C2C4 MS10 MS10WhatAboutLLev 1 That is, if we could sober him up for five minutes.
FormID: 0003C2C4 MS10 MS10WhatAboutLLev 2 I haven't approached him myself, as Ulrich has eyes everywhere. However, he doesn't know you well enough yet to suspect anything.
FormID: 0003C2C4 MS10 MS10WhatAboutLLev 3 If you want to help, you need to get Aldos to agree to become a witness. Nothing else can be done.
FormID: 0003C2A6 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 Ha! That stupid s'wit! Throw me out of my home, will he? I'll show him a thing or two about messing with an Othran!
__ハ!ばかげてるよ! 他人に我が家から追い出されるなんてあるか? 俺への仕打ちについて言いたいことがある!
FormID: 0003C2A6 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 1 All I did was fall down, sure. Maybe even vomited on the floor of the tavern. Charge me six times, Ulrich... charge me you fetcher??!
__俺は酒場の床に突っ伏してゲロっただけだ。 六回も罰金を、Ulrichめ… おまえは取り立て屋か??!
FormID: 0003C2A6 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 2 Well, I'm not standin' for this any more. You come with me and I'll show you what the Othrans can do when their backs are to the wall.
__うーん、もう耐えられん。 ついて来い、追い詰められたOthranが 何をするか見せてやる。
FormID: 00090E30 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 Although your intentions were good, your actions were despicable. Murder is the lowest form of revenge, and a road I would never dare to tread.
FormID: 0003ECEF MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 Allow me to check with the Count.
FormID: 0003C33A MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 You've done it! This letter will spell his undoing when I present it to Count Indarys. Splendid work, splendid work indeed!
__成功だ! Indarys伯爵にそれを提示すれば、 この手紙は彼の破滅をつづるだろう。 よくやった、 本当に、よくやってくれた!
FormID: 0003C33A MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 1 I must hasten to the Count and deliver this immediately. Please, meet me back at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn in about two hours.
__私は、伯爵に取り急いで、すぐに、 これを渡さなければなりません。 およそ2時間後に __私は伯爵に取り急ぎこれを渡さねばならん。二時間後に_Cheydinhal_Bridge_Inn_で落ち合おう。
FormID: 0003C34C MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 I don't see anything here we could use to incriminate Ulrich. You must return with something more tangible. Be careful.
FormID: 0003C350 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 I'm very disappointed in you. The proper way to do this would have been my way, but you chose bloodshed. I should have you arrested.
FormID: 0003C350 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 1 However, since you aren't fully at fault, I won't report your involvement to the Count. Llevana, on the other hand, will pay for her crime.
FormID: 0003C350 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 2 I'll ensure that her stay in jail is not long. Obviously, I had no love for Ulrich, so I'll do what I can on her behalf.
FormID: 0003C350 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 3 Now, if you'll excuse me, I must speak to the Count. Please, meet me at the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn in two hours.
__さあ、失礼させてもらって、伯爵に報告に行くよ。二時間後、Cheydinhal Bridge Innで合おう。
FormID: 0003C2A7 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 Llevana has always been quick tempered. You must reconsider her plan. It can only lead to prison for her... and for you.
__Llevanaの短気は相変わらずだな。 彼女のプランを再考しよう。 このままではただ捕まってしまうだけだ。
FormID: 0003C2A7 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 1 I swear that Ulrich will pay for this. We must handle this carefully and prove to the Count that he needs to be arrested.
__なんとしても Ulrichには報いを受けてもらう。 そのためには、 彼が逮捕されるに十分であることを 伯爵に証明できなければ。
FormID: 0003C2A7 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 2 Ulrich has been watching me, so I haven't been able to enact the plan I devised to bring him down. That ends today now that you're here.
__彼を失墜させる計画がある。 私では警戒されていて実行に移せなかったが、 君になら可能だろう。
FormID: 0003C2A7 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 3 The evidence we need to incriminate Ulrich must lie within his quarters. You must sneak in there and retrieve it without being seen.
__告発に必要な証拠は、 彼の部屋にある筈だ。 そこへ忍び込み、 気づかれないようにその証拠を 手に入れなければならない。
FormID: 0003C2A7 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 4 If you're caught, there isn't anything I can do to help you. Just be careful.
__ただし、君が捕らえられてしまっても、 私はどうすることもできない。 くれぐれも慎重に行動してくれ。
__ただし、君が捕らえられてしまっても、 私はどうすることもできない。くれぐれも慎重に行動してくれ。
FormID: 0003C2AC MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 Beware of Ulrich. I wouldn't confront him at this time, as he'll surely have you thrown in jail.
FormID: 0003C2AC MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 1 If you raise a hand against him and strike him down, you'll be accused of murder. Even if Ulrich doesn't do things by the letter of the law, I do.
FormID: 0003C2AE MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 It appears you've spoken to Llevana. I know she sounds a bit like a raving madwoman, but she isn't far from the truth.
FormID: 0003C2AE MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 1 Ulrich is definitely up to something. Every day, we take in exorbitant fines from the people. Where most of that money goes, I have a good idea.
FormID: 0003C2AE MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 2 Ulrich keeps his quarters locked, but I've glimpsed inside. The things he has in there could never be purchased on a Captain's salary.
FormID: 0003C2AE MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 3 At first I thought maybe he was from wealthy stock, but many of the goods have been delivered recently.
FormID: 0003C2AE MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 4 I'd love to bring him to task in front of Count Indarys, but I dare not without a solid witness that will speak against him.
FormID: 0003C2B0 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 I can't say I'm prepared to speak to you about that. No telling who will end up finding out.
FormID: 0003C37D MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 Justice has been done. Go tell Garrus what's transpired here. I await my fate.
FormID: 0003C2B4 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 I'll deal with him soon enough.
FormID: 0003C2C3 MS10 UlrichLelandTopic 0 I don't know where the Count found him, but I sure wish he'd send him back. He's a menace to this town.
FormID: 0003C3B1 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 You saw what happened, I had no choice. Aldos attacked first, and I had to defend myself.
FormID: 0003C3B1 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 1 If you don't like it, take it up with Ulrich.
FormID: 0003C2A8 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 Aldos will be mourned. I won't sit by and watch the innocent being driven to the brink like that. Something must be done, but without bloodshed.
__Aldosは悼まれるだろう。 罪の無い人を追い詰めるようなことを このままにしておけない。 何とかせねば、血を流さずに。
FormID: 0003C2AA MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 Damn. I was afraid this might happen. Poor Dunmer. Please, go tell Llevana the sad news. I must ponder the situation.
FormID: 0003C2AB MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 Make haste! Find him quickly... no telling what mischief he may get himself into and we need him as a witness!
FormID: 0003C2B1 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 Aldos is living on the street now that his house has been seized. I begged Ulrich to give him more time, but he wouldn't.
FormID: 0003C2B1 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 1 He won't be hard to find, just follow the smell of stale mead.
FormID: 0003C2B2 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 I'll make the necessary arrangements for his burial. He'll be buried next to his poor wife.
FormID: 0003C2B5 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 Oh no! They killed him? I can't believe this! Ever since his wife passed at the hands of the bandits, his life has been miserable.
__Oh no! 彼らに殺された?酷すぎる! 彼の妻が山賊の手にかかって以来、 彼の人生は惨めなものでした。
FormID: 0003C2B5 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 1 I'd grown to become fond of him. I wanted to take him into my house, but I was afraid. And now look what's become of him.
__私はいつしか彼に好意を持ちました。 彼を私の家に誘おうともしましたが なかなかそうする事もできずに。 その矢先です。
FormID: 0003C2B5 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 2 There are no more options left. Ulrich must be dealt with, and actions speak louder than words. You must do something for me.
__もう選択の余地はありません。 Ulrichと決着をつけるべき時です、 話の通じる相手ではありません。 ぜひあなたの力を貸してください。
FormID: 0003C2B5 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 3 Go tell Ulrich that I have some information that incriminates him. Tell him to come alone, or he won't get it.
__Ulrichに彼を訴える 何らかの情報があると伝えてください。 彼一人で来るように言わなければ 彼はこないでしょう。
FormID: 0003C2B5 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 4 Then, lead him here, and I'll do the rest.
__彼をここまで連れてくることができれば 後のことは私がやります。
FormID: 0003C2BD MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 Oh my! You better find him and see what he's doing! Hurry!
FormID: 0003C2C2 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 0 Poor fellow. You may be able to find him roaming the streets of Cheydinhal, probably drunk. Only a month ago, he lost his wife.
FormID: 0003C2C2 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 1 They were traveling the road from the Imperial City when a bandit raiding party struck. He barely escaped alive.
__Imperial Cityからの帰路で、盗賊の一団に襲われたのです。彼は辛うじて難を逃れました。
FormID: 0003C2C2 MS10 AldosOthranTopic 2 Ever since then, he's been drunk. Sure, he gets rowdy sometimes, but he's never hurt anyone.
FormID: 0003C371 MS10 MS10LlevanaTalk 0 As you wish, Ulrich. Come my lovelies! Your feast has arrived!
FormID: 0003C372 MS10 MS10LlevanaTalk 0 I'm not going to stand here and debate this all night. You give me that evidence, and I'll consider not having you executed.
FormID: 0003C373 MS10 MS10LlevanaTalk 0 You bastard! How many more people are going to [QUOTE]pay the price[QUOTE]? How many more have to die just so you can earn another gold coin?
FormID: 0003C374 MS10 MS10LlevanaTalk 0 Aldos was a drunkard and a fool. He decided to draw a blade and attack a guard, so he paid the price.
FormID: 0003C375 MS10 MS10LlevanaTalk 0 Just because you run the law in this town doesn't put you above it. You're going to pay for what happened to Aldos.
FormID: 0003C376 MS10 MS10LlevanaTalk 0 Of course I know what's going on. What intrigues me is that you had the nerve to threaten me. I'm just curious to see what you've come up with.
FormID: 0003C377 MS10 MS10LlevanaTalk 0 Ulrich, how dare you walk in here like you don't know what's going on.
FormID: 0003C37B MS10 MS10LlevanaTalk 0 So, Llevana, I hear you have something I'd want to see?
FormID: 0003C379 MS10 MS10FollowMe 0 So, you say Llevana wishes to see me? Very well, lead on. This should prove amusing.

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