Vanilla/Dialogue/MS16A のバックアップソース(No.3)

FormID: 00089935	MS16A	INFOGENERAL	0	So, thanks to some hired help, the Jemanes recovered Weatherleah. Good thing... I never liked having ogres so close to Chorrol.	
__手助けしてくれたおかげで、JemanesがWeatherleahを直してくれました。 良かった… Chorrolのあまりに近くにオーガがいたのが嫌で仕方なかったんです。
FormID: 0008DA81	MS16A	GOODBYE	0	Guilbert was always the brains, but I've got the brawn! If you need anything, he can help you!	
FormID: 0008DA86	MS16A	GOODBYE	0	At long last, it's good to stand at Weatherleah again.	
FormID: 0008DA87	MS16A	GOODBYE	0	Lead on!	
FormID: 0008DA8F	MS16A	GOODBYE	0	Please hurry, we are anxious to return home.	
FormID: 0008DA90	MS16A	GOODBYE	0	Please avenge my family's death... slay the ogres.	
FormID: 0008DA95	MS16A	GOODBYE	0	Keep to it, I have faith in you.	
FormID: 0008DA9A	MS16A	GOODBYE	0	Be careful. I don't know what dangers may lurk in the Great Forest.	
__注意せよ。Great Forestにどのような脅威が潜んでいるか分からない。
__お気をつけて。Great Forestは危険な場所です。
FormID: 00089933	MS16A	GOODBYE	0	Farewell then.	
FormID: 0008DA85	MS16A	HELLO	0	Hey there.	
FormID: 0008DA88	MS16A	HELLO	0	If only we had our home back...	
FormID: 0009407F	MS16A	HELLO	0	Ahhh. So good to be back home.	
FormID: 0008DA8D	MS16A	HELLO	0	You have but to lead us to Weatherleah.	
FormID: 0008DA8E	MS16A	HELLO	0	Is your weapon stained with the foul blood of the ogres?	
FormID: 0008DA96	MS16A	HELLO	0	Do I sense good news?	
FormID: 0008DA99	MS16A	HELLO	0	Nothing is as important as a man's home. We must have ours back.	
FormID: 00089934	MS16A	HELLO	0	Perchance, dare I ask another favor?	
FormID: 00084B3C	MS16A	GREETING	0	Guilbert should be able to help you with anything you need... for now, I'm going to celebrate!	
__Guilbertはきっとあんたのためなら何だってしてくれるよ… とりあえず、俺はお祝いに飲むとしよう!
FormID: 0008DC3E	MS16A	GREETING	0	Thanks so much for getting us here safely!	
FormID: 0008DC3E	MS16A	GREETING	1	I'm afraid we aren't very wealthy, but here is all I can offer you at this time. Please, visit us again soon.	
FormID: 00094074	MS16A	GREETING	0	The ogres certainly made a mess of this place. Hopefully, by the time you visit us again, we'll have it cleaned up!	
FormID: 000242AC	MS16A	GREETING	0	What is it? Should we stop?	
__何でしょう? 私たちは待つべきでしょうか?
FormID: 0002BA57	MS16A	GREETING	0	Is it safe to continue?	
FormID: 0002BA39	MS16A	GREETING	0	Are you ready to show us the way to Weatherleah yet?	
FormID: 0002BA3A	MS16A	GREETING	0	Is it safe for us to return to Weatherleah yet?	
FormID: 000242A5	MS16A	GREETING	0	Have you found Weatherleah? Is it safe for us to travel there?	
__Weatherleahを見つけましたか? そこは私たちが旅しても安全なところですか?
FormID: 000242AB	MS16A	MS16Choice3B	0	Okay, we'll wait here. Just let us know when it's safe to proceed.	
FormID: 000242B8	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	Yes, yes. Our home, stolen by ogres. My head hurts something terrible right now - speak to Guilbert, will you?	
FormID: 0008DC3F	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	You are welcome here anytime, my friend!	
FormID: 00028AC4	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	We can't wait to return to Weatherleah, now that the ogres are dead!	
__今すぐに Weatherleah へ帰ろう。ogre 達が死んだのだ。
FormID: 00028ABF	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	We look forward to returning to our family's ancestral home at Weatherleah, once the ogres are dead.	
__ogre 達がいなくなれば、私達は先祖代々続くあの家へ帰りたいと思っています。
FormID: 00028AC2	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	I wish my father had given me a better description of its location, but for some reason all he told me was [QUOTE]South of Chorrol, north of Fort Carmala.[QUOTE]	
__父がもっと詳しく説明してくれていれば。父の説明は『Chorrol の南側で Fort Carmala の北側』だけなのです。
FormID: 000242AE	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	Weatherleah was our family's home for generations. Our parents fled it when ogres attacked; they became separated.	
__Weatherleah は私達の何代にも渡る家族の家です。私達の両親は ogre が攻めてきた時に逃げて離れ離れになってしまいました。
FormID: 000242AE	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	1	My father carried me to safety. He later returned and believed Reynald and my mother had perished.	
__父が私を助けてくれました。父はその後家に戻り、そこで Reynald と母は死んでしまったと思ったのです。
FormID: 000242AE	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	2	Since ogres are cannibals, he didn't expect to find their bodies. Thankfully, however, it seems that my mother managed to carry Reynald to safety.	
__ogre は食人種なので、父は母達の遺体が見つかるとは思ってなかったのです。しかし感謝すべきことは、母は Reynald が助かるようにしむけたことです。
FormID: 000242AE	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	3	While my mother didn't survive, Reynald did, and for that I'm grateful. But we both want more - we want our home back.	
__母は助かりませんでしたが、Reynald は助かったのです。私は感謝しました。私達は、私達は家に帰りたいのです。
FormID: 000242AE	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	4	We're not fighters; you appear to have more skill than either of us. Would you go to Weatherleah, and see if it's still inhabited by ogres?	
__我々は戦士ではありません。あなたならば私達よりもスキルをお持ちのようだ。Weatherleah へ行き、まだ家が orge 達に占領されているか確認してもらうことは出来ませんか?
FormID: 00028ABD	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	Have you changed your mind? Will you help us reclaim our family home?	
__気が変わってしまったのですか? 私達の家を取り戻す手伝いをしてくれるのではないのですか?
FormID: 00088B2F	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	Hmmmm... let me see.	
FormID: 00088B2F	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	1	Oh, yes. I remember. I think it's directly south of Chorrol. Place was overrun with ogres though. Nasty brutes.	
__ああ、そうだ。思い出した。Chorrol から真っ直ぐ南です。ogre達に侵略されてしまっていますが。汚らしい野蛮な生き物め。
FormID: 00088B2F	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	2	Here, let me show you where it is on your map.	
FormID: 00088B30	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	So... the brothers have once again reclaimed Weatherleah, eh? Good for them!	
__そう...兄弟は Weatherleah を取り戻したのか、え? やったぞ!
FormID: 000878D6	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	0	Yes, I've heard of the place, but I'm not sure where it is. I think your best bet would be to speak to Sabine Laul at the Fighters Guild.	
__はい、その場所は聞いた事があります。ですが、詳しい場所は分かりません。一番いい方法は、戦士ギルドにいる Sabine Laul に話を聞くことです。
__ええ、その場所なら聞いたことがありますが、詳しい場所は分かりません。おそらく、Fighters GuildのSabine Laulなら何か知っているでしょう。
FormID: 000878D6	MS16A	WeatherleahTopic	1	She's explored the back country outside of Chorrol quite a bit.	
__彼女は Chorrol の辺りをかなり細かく探検していたはずです。
FormID: 000242AA	MS16A	MS16Choice3A	0	Okay, we'll keep following you.	
FormID: 000242B3	MS16A	MS16Choice3A	0	Right! We're off!	
FormID: 000242B1	MS16A	MS16Choice2C	0	Please, keep looking. I know it's out there somewhere. You'll find it eventually.	
FormID: 000242B4	MS16A	MS16Choice2B	0	You mean there are still ogres there?	
__あなたはそこにまだ ogre がいると言うのですか?
FormID: 000242B4	MS16A	MS16Choice2B	1	I hate to ask more of you, my friend, but you know that we're not warriors.	
FormID: 000242B4	MS16A	MS16Choice2B	2	Please let us know when it is safe to travel there. We're anxious to return.	
FormID: 000242A8	MS16A	MS16Choice2A	0	Wonderful! Weatherleah is ours!	
FormID: 000242A8	MS16A	MS16Choice2A	1	Are you ready to take us there now?	
FormID: 00028145	MS16A	MS16Choice1B	0	Are you sure? I don't know what we could offer you to change your mind, but I'm sure we could come up with something. Please reconsider.  	
FormID: 00028150	MS16A	MS16Choice1A	0	Thank you! Now, we're not quite sure where the estate is located. We'll offer up what we know, however.	
FormID: 00028150	MS16A	MS16Choice1A	1	We believe it's somewhere south of Chorrol, but north of Fort Carmala. It may be difficult to find.	
__屋敷はChorrolの南で、Fort Carmalaよりは北にあるはずです。見つけるのは大変でしょう。
__はっきりしているのは、Chorrolの南で、Fort Carmalaより北にあるという事だけです。難しい探索になるかもしれません。
FormID: 00028150	MS16A	MS16Choice1A	2	Since no one's lived there for many years, it may be quite overgrown by now. If you find it, let us know. We'll be waiting anxiously.	
FormID: 0002BA58	MS16A	MS16Choice3C	0	Very well. We're anxious to return to Weatherleah, so be sure to let me know as soon as you're ready.	

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