Vanilla/Dialogue/MS43 のバックアップ(No.3)

FormID: 0004B7B1 MS43 INFOGENERAL 0 Have you been near Rosentia Gallenus's house recently? Smells horrible... like she left some meat out to spoil.
__最近Rosentia Gallenusの家の近くに行ったことがありますか? ひどい臭いですよ…まるで腐った肉をそのまま放置したような。
FormID: 0004B7B2 MS43 INFOGENERAL 0 I was walking past Rosentia Gallenus' home the other day, and I heard these strange animal noises or something from inside... very odd.
__先日Rosentia Gallenusの家の近くを通った時、おかしな動物の音か何かが聞こえてきましたが…変な話ですよね。
FormID: 0004F9C0 MS43 GOODBYE 0 Aren't you forgetting to tell me something?
FormID: 0004F9C1 MS43 GOODBYE 0 My prayers go with you.
FormID: 0004F9C2 MS43 GOODBYE 0 Darkfathom Cave isn't that far from here, but the route may be treacherous. Be careful, and journey safe.
__Darkfathom Caveはここからそう遠くないけど、道は当てにならないわ。気を付けて、安全な旅を。
FormID: 0004F9C3 MS43 GOODBYE 0 Please, consider my proposal. The reward will be worth the risk.
FormID: 0004F9C4 MS43 GOODBYE 0 Alves is a practiced researcher... she's sure to have some good information for you.
FormID: 0004F9C5 MS43 GOODBYE 0 If you change your mind, I'm certainly not going anywhere.
FormID: 0004F9D0 MS43 GOODBYE 0 Whatever am I to do?
FormID: 00094EBD MS43 GOODBYE 0 Ahhh... Rosentia will be so pleased!
FormID: 00094EBF MS43 GOODBYE 0 Please, get those things out of here.
FormID: 00094EC6 MS43 GOODBYE 0 Send Rosentia my regards. If there's anything else I can do, please let me know!
FormID: 000BE55F MS43 GOODBYE 0 May all your travels be safe.
FormID: 0004F9C7 MS43 HELLO 0 You've done it!
FormID: 0004F9C8 MS43 HELLO 0 I see you haven't yet been able to drop the staff in Darkfathom Cave.
__Darkfathom Caveにまだstaffを捨てることが出来ないみたいですね。
FormID: 0004F9C9 MS43 HELLO 0 Darkfathom Cave awaits you.
__Darkfathom Caveはあなたを待っています。
FormID: 0004F9CA MS43 HELLO 0 I hope you've made the necessary preparations.
FormID: 0004F9CB MS43 HELLO 0 These scamps are making my home smell like a barn.
FormID: 0004F9CC MS43 HELLO 0 Damn it, now they're into my pantry!
FormID: 0004F9CE MS43 HELLO 0 Whatever you do... don't leave me alone with these things!
FormID: 0004F9CF MS43 HELLO 0 Please! Help me!
__お願い! 助けてください!
FormID: 00094EBE MS43 HELLO 0 The staff and the scamps are gone! You must have made it to Darkfathom Cave.
__杖とscampの姿がない!Darkfathom Caveに行ってくれたのですね!
FormID: 00094EC0 MS43 HELLO 0 You've returned. And with the little ones in tow. Lovely.
FormID: 00094EC5 MS43 HELLO 0 Are you here to help Rosentia?
FormID: 000BE55E MS43 HELLO 0 Salutations.
FormID: 0004F8AF MS43 GREETING 0 I don't see any scamps, or the staff!
FormID: 0004F8B0 MS43 GREETING 0 You must be rid of the staff, or the scamps will follow you around forever!
FormID: 0004F8B3 MS43 GREETING 0 I can't thank you enough for doing this for me.
FormID: 0004F8B8 MS43 GREETING 0 Are you ready to accept the staff?
FormID: 0004F8BB MS43 GREETING 0 I was afraid you wouldn't come back.
FormID: 0004F8C1 MS43 GREETING 0 Please, don't dawdle here... get to the Mages Guild! Hurry!
__お願い。こんな所で怠けていないで…Mages Guildの為に!急いで!
FormID: 0004F78C MS43 GREETING 0 I'm at my wit's end! I beg you to help me!
FormID: 0004B7B4 MS43 GREETING 0 These stupid scamps are driving me crazy!
FormID: 00094EBC MS43 GREETING 0 You are a person of your word. You must hasten to Rosentia and tell her at once!
FormID: 00094EC1 MS43 GREETING 0 Back for more information?
FormID: 00094EC9 MS43 GREETING 0 Poor Rosentia, she's been trapped in her house for days.
FormID: 000BE55D MS43 GREETING 0 Nice to meet you.
FormID: 00094EC7 MS43 RosentiaGallenusTopic 0 It was kind of you to accept such a noble task.
FormID: 0004F8C3 MS43 RosentiaGallenusTopic 0 I'm glad she was finally able to get someone over here. I've been gathering all the research I could on her, ummm... [QUOTE]little problems[QUOTE] shall we say?
__彼女がついに誰かをふっきることができたのだ、嬉しいことだ。 私は彼女に関しての研究をなんでも集めている、えー…それで、ちょっと問題があるんだが、話そうか?
FormID: 0004B7B3 MS43 RosentiaGallenusTopic 0 Every time I pass by that woman's house, I hear odd animal noises and smell a foul odor. Maybe she's caring for some sick pet or something.
__とある女性の家を通ると、奇妙な動物の鳴き声が聴こえ、不潔な臭いがします。 たぶん、彼女は病気持ちのペットか何かを飼っていますよ。
FormID: 0004B7B3 MS43 RosentiaGallenusTopic 1 Whatever it is, she should clean up her act. It's surprising that a wealthy woman like that would let her property fall into such disarray.
FormID: 0004F8B1 MS43 MS43Scamps 0 I'm still having the floors scrubbed. What do those things eat anyway? Yuck.
FormID: 0004F8B2 MS43 MS43Scamps 0 How am I ever going to get scamp smell out of my fine linens?
FormID: 0004F8C0 MS43 MS43Scamps 0 The beastly little creatures are nasty, smelly, noisy and wrecking my beautiful house! I must be rid of them!
FormID: 0004F8C0 MS43 MS43Scamps 1 I can't let people know I have scamps in here, or they'll think I've taken to Daedra worship. Try explaining that to the town guard.
FormID: 00094ECA MS43 MS43Scamps 0 The Everscamp is unique. Not quite as powerful as a regular scamp, it can barely use magic and is more of an annoyance than a threat.
FormID: 0004F8BA MS43 MS43Scamps 0 Oh, yes. Don't bother trying to kill one of them. As soon as you do, another will take its place. It's endless. Quite the curse, eh?
FormID: 0004F8BA MS43 MS43Scamps 1 Sheogorath certainly has a sick sense of humor.
FormID: 0004F78D MS43 MS43ScampsNo 0 Fine... just get out... I can take care of myself!
FormID: 0004F78F MS43 MS43ScampsYes 0 Oh thank you! I had a feeling buying that Daedric staff would be trouble. Now I'm paying for it with more than just some gold.
FormID: 0004F8B6 MS43 MS43Staff 0 As promised, here's the ring. I bought it from a shop in the Imperial City many years ago for an ex-lover of mine.
__約束通り、ここにリングがあります。数年前、前の恋人の為にImperial Cityの店で買ったものです。
FormID: 0004F8B6 MS43 MS43Staff 1 He ran off with someone else, so now the ring belongs to you. The owner of the shop called it the Ring of Eidolon's Edge. I think you'll like it.
__彼は何処かへ行ってしまったので、リングはもうあなたのものです。買った店のオーナーはEidolon's Edge Ringと呼んでいました。きっと気に入って貰えると思います。
__彼は誰かと共に何処かに行ってしまったのです。ですので、この指輪はあなたに差し上げます。買った店のオーナーはEidolon's Edge Ringと呼んでいました。きっと気に入って貰えると思います。
FormID: 0004F8B7 MS43 MS43Staff 0 I'm sorry I ever laid eyes on that thing.
FormID: 0004F8B9 MS43 MS43Staff 0 Oh please, I beg you! Take this staff to Darkfathom Cave and get rid of it and the scamps forever!
__ああ、お願いします!この杖をDarkfathom Caveに持って行って下さい。そしてScamp達を永遠に取り除いて下さい!
FormID: 0004F8B9 MS43 MS43Staff 1 I can't fight, and who knows what's guarding the shrine? Plus, do you know how dirty caves are? It'll ruin anything I wear!
FormID: 0004F8B9 MS43 MS43Staff 2 Do this for me, and I'll reward you with another one of my curios I picked up a few years ago... a valuable ring. Are you ready?
FormID: 0004F8BD MS43 MS43Staff 0 Alves should be able to help rid me of this staff. We play cards at the Three Sisters often and are old friends. Seek her advice!
FormID: 0004F8BF MS43 MS43Staff 0 A few weeks ago, a spellsword was passing through Leyawiin and heard that I like to buy curiosities. He wanted to sell the staff you see me carrying.
FormID: 0004F8BF MS43 MS43Staff 1 I eagerly bought it, knowing the value of Daedric relics. In fact, I was a bit suspicious when he sold it so cheap. His loss, my gain I figured.
FormID: 0004F8BF MS43 MS43Staff 2 After examining it for a bit I noticed a small word carved on it in runes. Using a book from my library, I translated it. The word was nonsense.
FormID: 0004F8BF MS43 MS43Staff 3 However, when I spoke it and held the staff, four scamps suddenly appeared! I thought I was done for! Strangely, they all just stood there.
FormID: 0004F8BF MS43 MS43Staff 4 It didn't take long before I realized they were following me! I couldn't be seen in town with scamps following, so I decided to discard the staff.
FormID: 0004F8BF MS43 MS43Staff 5 I can't explain it, but somehow I can't compel myself to actually let it go. This staff is obviously cursed! Now I'm stuck with it!
FormID: 00094EC8 MS43 MS43Staff 0 Remember, the only way to get rid of the staff is to leave it in that cave.
FormID: 0004F8BC MS43 MS43Staff 0 Doing a bit of digging, I'm afraid Rosentia's been stuck with the Staff of the Everscamp. Nasty bit of [QUOTE]fun[QUOTE] by Sheogorath, I'd say.
FormID: 0004F8BC MS43 MS43Staff 1 The only way she can be rid of it is if someone willingly accepts it. It can't be discarded in any other manner.
FormID: 0004F8BC MS43 MS43Staff 2 No one would buy that thing once it's activated like it's been. The only chance is to return it to its original resting place, Darkfathom Cave.
__一度呪いを解き放ってしまった以上、もはや誰もこの杖を買ってくれる人は居ないでしょう。唯一の方法は、この杖にとって安息の地である、Darkfathom Caveに返すことです。
FormID: 0004F8BC MS43 MS43Staff 3 Inside the cave, there's rumored to be a shrine to Sheogorath. That's where the staff can finally be dropped and the scamps should remain behind.
FormID: 0004F8BC MS43 MS43Staff 4 I also learned that the staff makes the owner move much slower than normal. I suppose it's another way the creator upped the annoyance factor.
FormID: 0004F8BC MS43 MS43Staff 5 Please, bring Rosentia this information at once. And if you can, help her. I think she's about to crack under the pressure, poor thing.
FormID: 0004F8C4 MS43 MS43Decline 0 I understand. No need to jump headlong into a dangerous situation. But do hurry. I can only keep it a secret for so long.
FormID: 0004F8C5 MS43 MS43Accept 0 Here's the staff. As soon as you leave, the scamps will thankfully follow. Do be careful, I don't wish your death on my hands as well.
FormID: 0004F8C2 MS43 MS43StaffTalk 0 I need you to get over to the Mages Guild and talk to a good friend of mine, Alvis Uvenim. She's the only one in town that I trust.
__Mages Guildに行って、私の親友Alvis_Uvenimと話してみて下さい。彼女はこの町で私が一番信頼している人です。
FormID: 0004F8C2 MS43 MS43StaffTalk 1 I was able to get a message to her earlier, but I've yet to get a reply. If I go, then the scamps will follow and my secret will be revealed to all.
FormID: 000BE560 MS43 MS43HowDid 0 Frankly, the smell gave you away. You must have stepped in... well, let's just say something that isn't pleasant.
FormID: 000BE560 MS43 MS43HowDid 1 Just be sure and keep this quiet. If the other mages even knew that I was involved with Rosentia's new guests...
FormID: 000BE560 MS43 MS43HowDid 2 I could get kicked out of the guild!

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