Vanilla/Dialogue/MS45 のバックアップ差分(No.2)

FormID: 000A01AD	MS45	Lost	0	Gone now. Hmm.	
FormID: 000A01B1	MS45	Unseen	0	Where ... go? Grrr.	
FormID: 000A01B0	MS45	Seen	0	Outsider! Kill!	
__よそ者だ!殺せ! 人間より化け物の方が多いぞ!

FormID: 000A01AF	MS45	Noticed	0	Hmm?	
FormID: 000285A5	MS45	Assault	0	Summon the Brethren!	
FormID: 00028770	MS45	Assault	0	Kill the stranger!	
FormID: 00028771	MS45	Assault	0	Slay the outsider!	
FormID: 000280C4	MS45	Trespass	0	You shouldn't be in here, stranger.  You better leave before somebody gets hurt.	
FormID: 000175C2	MS45	Trespass	0	Get out of here or there's going to be trouble.	
FormID: 000175C3	MS45	Trespass	0	I warned you to leave, and you didn't listen. Brethren! Help me!	
__立ち去れと警告したはずだ! だがお前は警告を無視した。仲間よ、来てくれ!
__立ち去れと警告したはずだ! だがお前は警告を無視した。同志よ、来てくれ!
FormID: 00028BBA	MS45	INFOGENERAL	0	Do you think that stranger's here looking for the girl?	
FormID: 00028746	MS45	INFOGENERAL	0	Did you hear that Dar-Ma has disappeared?	
FormID: 00028BAE	MS45	INFOGENERAL	0	I'll be there.  Etira promised us some good sport tonight.	
FormID: 00028BB7	MS45	INFOGENERAL	0	I wouldn't miss it.  This time the sacrifice may finally be acceptable to the Brethren.	
FormID: 00028697	MS45	GOODBYE	0	Please hurry back.  You're my only hope!	
FormID: 00028698	MS45	GOODBYE	0	Let's get out of this place!	
FormID: 00028699	MS45	GOODBYE	0	I hope you have a plan to get us out of here.	
FormID: 00017791	MS45	GOODBYE	0	Good luck, stranger. You get that girl out of this terrible place.	
FormID: 000285A6	MS45	HELLO	0	Please, you must help me!	
FormID: 00028750	MS45	HELLO	0	I think we should get out of here, quick!	
FormID: 00028752	MS45	HELLO	0	The time is almost here.	
FormID: 00028755	MS45	HELLO	0	The Brethren are restless.	
FormID: 00028693	MS45	GREETING	0	What should I do?	
FormID: 0002809B	MS45	GREETING	0	Please, let me out of here! You must help me escape. I think these creatures plan to do something horrible to me tonight!	
FormID: 0002809C	MS45	GREETING	0	Hello, I don't think we've met.  Are you new in town?	
FormID: 000280C5	MS45	GREETING	0	I'm don't mean to impose, but I'm hoping you can help me.  My daughter, Dar-Ma is missing and I don't know what to do.  	
FormID: 00017786	MS45	GREETING	0	What are you doing? We can't talk in front of him!	
FormID: 00017787	MS45	GREETING	0	You came. Good. I don't have much time. I have to get to the Gathering before I'm missed.	
FormID: 000A2E56	MS45	GREETING	0	I can't be seen talking to you. I've done what I can. Now it's up to you.	
FormID: 00028211	MS45	GREETING	0	Let me give you some advice, stranger.  Leave.  Now.  You ain't welcome here.	
FormID: 0002873C	MS45	GREETING	0	You're not welcome around here.	
FormID: 00028212	MS45	GREETING	0	We don't like strangers poking their noses into our business.	
FormID: 00028213	MS45	GREETING	0	If you're not careful, the brethren will have to teach you a lesson.	
FormID: 00017790	MS45	MS45DarMaNotYet	0	I am so worried about her. Please find her.	
FormID: 0001778F	MS45	MS45Caverns	0	Caves run all beneath the town. Some natural, some dug over the years since we found the Deep Ones. Every house has an entrance now.	
__洞窟はこの町の地下を縦横に巡っている。一部は自然の穴だが、あとは我々がDeep Onesを見つけてから人為的に掘り進めたものだ。ここの家々にはその洞窟へと続く出入り口がある。
FormID: 0001778E	MS45	MS45DeepOnes	0	I don't know much. Never seen them myself. Our grandfathers first found them, I think, digging in the mines.	
FormID: 0001778E	MS45	MS45DeepOnes	1	They helped us. Made us rich. But there was a terrible price. Blood -- and worse.	
__彼らは我々を助けてくれ、我々を裕福にしてくれた。しかしその代価は恐ろしいものだった。血だ -- そしてもっとおぞましいものも。

FormID: 0002869C	MS45	MS45DarMaNice	0	Likewise!  I'm always glad to meet someone new.  Welcome!  I'm sure my mother would be glad to meet you as well.	
FormID: 000280C1	MS45	MS45DarMaRude	0	Oh, well, I'm sorry for bothering you.  My mother often says I'm too forward with strangers.	
FormID: 0002809D	MS45	MS45MissingDaughter	0	That's right, my daughter Dar-Ma never came back from Hackdirt. I'm dreadfully worried something may have happened to her. Can you help?	
FormID: 000280C0	MS45	MS45MissingDaughter	0	Have you found her?  Is she safe?	
FormID: 0009F8BD	MS45	MS45MissingDaughter	0	Seed-Neeus is worried sick about her daughter Dar-Ma. If you think you can help, you'll find her at her shop, Northern Goods and Trade.	
__Seed-Neeusは娘のDar-Maのことをとても心配しています。もし手助けできるなら彼女の店、Northern Goods and Tradeに行ってみてはどうでしょう。
FormID: 00028756	MS45	MS45Talk	0	Yes, Seed-Neeus is worried sick about her.  I hope nothing has happened to her.  Sweet girl, but naive.	
FormID: 0002809F	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	These creatures kidnapped me from my room in the inn while I was sleeping.  I don't know why ... but I'd rather not find out!	
FormID: 000280A0	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	Yes, a small village south of Chorrol.  Used to be a prosperous mining town, but it has been nearly deserted for years.	
FormID: 000280A1	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	Not a nice place to visit.  Those that remember still tell stories about the bad old days.	
FormID: 000280A1	MS45	HackdirtTopic	1	About thirty years back, there was some trouble out there.  Bad trouble.  Legion had to be called in, people killed.	
FormID: 000280A2	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	Some say the Legion burned the town to the ground, but it's still there, for those that go looking for trouble.	
FormID: 000280A2	MS45	HackdirtTopic	1	Still folks living up there, but no one you'd like to meet after dark.	
FormID: 000280BE	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	A rather isolated village, south of Chorrol.  We do some business with the trader there.  Small volume, but she pays well.	
FormID: 000280BE	MS45	HackdirtTopic	1	Normally I make the deliveries, but I wasn't feeling well so Dar-Ma insisted on going this time.  I do hope nothing has happened to her!	
FormID: 0002869D	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	My grandfather built this place, not that it's any of your business.  We been down, but we got plans to bring back the good old days.  You'll see.	
FormID: 0002869E	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	Outsiders came and burned our town, years ago.  Ruined us.  But we'll get ours back, one day soon.	
FormID: 0002869F	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	We scrape by, not that we've ever had nought but trouble from outsiders like you.  You'd best be moving on, if you know what's good for you.	
FormID: 00017789	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	I was only a boy when the soldiers came. We hid, vowed revenge. But the Deep Ones never came back.	
FormID: 00017789	MS45	HackdirtTopic	1	Etira, she's the one that found them old books. Learned the runes, how to speak to them again. But they want blood, she says, or they'll not help us.	
FormID: 000286A0	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	We don't look kindly on strangers asking questions.  If you need a room, try Moslin's Inn.  Otherwise, you'd best be moving on.	
FormID: 000286A1	MS45	HackdirtTopic	0	I got nothing to say to you, stranger.  Outsiders have always tried to destroy us, but we've always survived.	
FormID: 000280BD	MS45	MS45Choice1A	0	I can't thank you enough for your kindness!  She was supposed to make a delivery to Etira Moslin in Hackdirt, so I would start there.	
__あなたのご親切にどう感謝したらよいものやら…商品はHackdirtのEtira Moslinに届けることになっていました。彼女を訪ねていただければよいと思います。
FormID: 000280BD	MS45	MS45Choice1A	1	In case it may be useful, she was with Blossom -- her horse, I mean.  Dar-Ma loves that animal, and would never willingly abandon her.	
FormID: 000280BC	MS45	MS45Choice1B	0	Ah well, never mind then.	
FormID: 000280BB	MS45	MS45DarMaDiaryTopic	0	So you found a book.  Someone must have left it.  What do I care?  No, I don't know what happened to her.  Why would I?	
FormID: 000280A3	MS45	DarMaTopic	0	Oh, you meant the Argonian wench.  Must've slipped my mind.  Yeah, she was here.  Then she left.  I don't know nothin' else about it.	
FormID: 000280A4	MS45	DarMaTopic	0	Uh, yeah, maybe I remember a young Argonian lass.  Sure, she stayed for a night and then she left.	
FormID: 000280A5	MS45	DarMaTopic	0	Who?  Nah, I haven't seen any young women around.	
FormID: 000280A5	MS45	DarMaTopic	1	Even if I had, why would I know anything about her goin' missing?  Not that I'm saying I ever seen her.  Cause I haven't.	
FormID: 000280A6	MS45	DarMaTopic	0	I don't know any Dar-Ma.  If you're talking about that cursed Argonian swindler from Chorrol, I'd like to know where she is, too.	
FormID: 000280A7	MS45	DarMaTopic	0	I already told you, she never showed up.	
FormID: 000280BA	MS45	DarMaTopic	0	I don't know any Dar-Ma.  If you're talking about that cursed Argonian swindler from Chorrol, I'd like to know where she is, too.	
FormID: 000280BA	MS45	DarMaTopic	1	She never showed up.  How am I supposed to run a shop without any merchandise?  You tell her I want half off on my next delivery.	
FormID: 0001778A	MS45	DarMaTopic	0	Shh. We can't talk here. They'll get suspicious. The girl is in danger.	
FormID: 0001778A	MS45	DarMaTopic	1	Meet me tonight after dark in my house. I'll leave the door unlocked. Don't be late.	
FormID: 0001778D	MS45	DarMaTopic	0	You have to believe me, I didn't know what they were planning.	
FormID: 0001778D	MS45	DarMaTopic	1	They want to bring back the Deep Ones. I thought I did, too, but ... she's so innocent.	
__彼らは『Deep Ones』を呼び戻そうとしているのだ。私もそれに賛同していたが…しかし、彼女に罪はない。	
FormID: 0001778D	MS45	DarMaTopic	2	They've got her down in the caverns. They're going to sacrifice her, you understand? You've got to save her!	
FormID: 0001778D	MS45	DarMaTopic	3	Here, take this key. It'll open any of the trapdoors down to the caves. Every house in town has one.	
FormID: 0001778D	MS45	DarMaTopic	4	The one in Moslin's Inn is your best bet. Nearest where she's being held. The middle of the night, when everyone's at the Gathering.	
__洞窟に入るのならMoslin's Innからがいいだろう。彼女が閉じ込められている場所へはそこからが最も近い。時間は真夜中がいい。みな会合に集まっているだろうから。
FormID: 0001778D	MS45	DarMaTopic	5	Good luck. You will save her won't you? I gotta go now.	
FormID: 000280B9	MS45	MS45DarMaInnkeeper	0	How would I know?  Maybe she went crazy and run off into the woods.  Now if you'll excuse me, I got things to do.	
FormID: 000280B8	MS45	MS45DarMaTrader	0	That's my horse.  Owned it for years.  Now either buy something or get out.	
FormID: 0002820F	MS45	MS45DarMaUntie	0	Thank you!  Hurry, we need to get out of here, quick!	
FormID: 00028751	MS45	MS45DarMaUntie	0	Thank you!  You're the first friendly face I've seen since I arrived in this hellhole.	
FormID: 00028751	MS45	MS45DarMaUntie	1	I know you'll do your best, but... please... if I don't make it, at least bring the news to my mother, Seed-Neeus, in Chorrol.  Let's go!	
FormID: 000280B6	MS45	MS45DarMaDontUntie	0	What are you doing?  You can't leave me here to die!	
FormID: 00028214	MS45	MS45BrethrenTopic	0	One day, you'll find out who the Brethren are, and you'll be sorry.  Oh yes.	
FormID: 00028216	MS45	MS45BrethrenTopic	0	Brethren?  I got no brothers.	
FormID: 00028217	MS45	MS45BrethrenTopic	0	That's none of your concern, outsider.	
FormID: 00028218	MS45	MS45BrethrenTopic	0	Don't push your luck, stranger.  Plenty of folks have turned up dead after asking questions like that.	
FormID: 00017788	MS45	MS45BrethrenTopic	0	Those of us who've changed the most, we call The Brethren. Live down in the caves, to be nearer the Deep Ones.	
__我々の中で最も変化が進んだものを、『同志』と呼んでいる。洞窟の中に住み、『Deep Ones』の近くにいる。
FormID: 00017788	MS45	MS45BrethrenTopic	1	They don't like the sunlight much. Dangerous, too. You'll want to avoid them if you can help it.	
FormID: 00028215	MS45	MS45BrethrenTopic	0	You'd be better off not asking such questions around here.	
FormID: 0002820D	MS45	MS45DarMaGoHome	0	Thank you for rescuing me!  My mother will be so pleased when we arrive back in Chorrol safe and sound.  Let's go!	
FormID: 0002820E	MS45	MS45DarMaGoHome	0	Thank you for your help!  If you are ever in Chorrol, please look me up. My mother owns the Northern Goods and Trade shop.	
__助けてくれてありがとう!もしChorrolに滞在なさるなら、私をぜひ訪ねてね。わたしの母はNorthern Goods and Tradeを経営しているわ。
FormID: 00028210	MS45	MS45DarMaSafe	0	Thank you, thank you!  I can never repay you for your gift of my daughter's life, but you have my friendship and gratitude to the end of my days.	
FormID: 0002820C	MS45	MS45DarMaDead	0	Oh, no.  I had feared she might never return, but I had hoped for the best ... I ... thank you for your efforts ... please, excuse me ...	
FormID: 0002869A	MS45	MS45Mother	0	My mother owns this shop.  She would be glad of your business.	
FormID: 0002869B	MS45	MS45Mother	0	My mother owns Northern Goods and Trade in Chorrol.	
__わたしの母はChorrolでNorthern Goods and Tradeを経営しているの。
FormID: 00028696	MS45	MS45Follow	0	Sounds good.  I'm right behind you.	
FormID: 00028695	MS45	MS45Wait	0	Fine, but don't be gone too long.	
FormID: 0009F8BE	MS45	ChorrolTopic	0	Did you ever meet Dar-Ma? Young Argonian lass, popular around town. She's disappeared, and her mother is worried sick about it.	
FormID: 0009F8BF	MS45	ChorrolTopic	0	Maybe you haven't heard, but Seed-Neeus's daughter has disappeared. Very sad.	

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