Vanilla/Dialogue/MS48 のバックアップ(No.2)

FormID: 001896BA MS48 Attack 0 Drive them back!
FormID: 001896BB MS48 Attack 0 For Kvatch!
__Kvatch のために!
FormID: 001896BC MS48 Attack 0 Make those bastards pay!
FormID: 0017C45F MS48 GOODBYE 0 Come on! For Kvatch!
FormID: 0017C460 MS48 GOODBYE 0 Be quick about it. This is our best chance to rescue the survivors from the Chapel.
FormID: 0017C461 MS48 GOODBYE 0 Good luck. It's a brave thing you're doing.
FormID: 00028C78 MS48 GOODBYE 0 Hurry back.
FormID: 0008DFD8 MS48 GOODBYE 0 Hurry! There's no time!
FormID: 0008DFD6 MS48 HELLO 0 Get to the Sigil Keep!
__Sigil Keepへ向かえ!
FormID: 0008DFD7 MS48 HELLO 0 Get the key!
FormID: 00028C77 MS48 HELLO 0 Time is wasting. We must move swiftly!
FormID: 00089938 MS48 GREETING 0 Quickly, quickly! There's no time!
FormID: 00089938 MS48 GREETING 1 You must get to the top of the large tower. The Sigil Keep, they call it. That's what keeps the Oblivion Gate open!
__君はあの大きな塔の頂上に登らなければならない。そこはSigil Keepと奴らは呼んでいた。
FormID: 00089938 MS48 GREETING 2 Find the Sigil Stone. Remove it, and the Gate will close! Hurry! The Keeper has the key-- you must get the key!
__Sigil Stoneを見つけて取り除くのだ。そうすればゲートは閉じるだろう!急いでくれ!そこの番人が鍵を持っている。君は鍵を手に入れなければならない!
FormID: 00089936 MS48 GREETING 0 Take the key. Get to the Sigil Keep, and find the Sigil Stone. It's the only way.
__鍵を取れ。Sigil Keepへ行き、Sigil Stoneを見つけるのだ。それが唯一の方法だ。
FormID: 00089936 MS48 GREETING 1 Don't worry about me; there's no time! Get moving!
FormID: 00089937 MS48 GREETING 0 Have you got the key? You must get the Keeper's key -- it's the only way into the Sigil Keep!
__君は鍵を持っているのか?君はSigil Keepの番人から鍵を手に入れなければならない。それが唯一の手段なのだ!
FormID: 0009811B MS48 GREETING 0 Get out of here! There's no time for this!
FormID: 0009811C MS48 GREETING 0 Thank the Nine! I never thought I'd see another friendly face...
FormID: 0009811C MS48 GREETING 1 The others... taken... they were taken to the tower!
FormID: 001778CA MS48 GREETING 0 This just keeps getting better and better. What do you want me to do?
FormID: 0017C45C MS48 GREETING 0 What's the plan?
FormID: 00032D3D MS48 GREETING 0 Come on! Run while there's still time! The Guard still holds the road, but it's only a matter of time before they're overwhelmed!
FormID: 0001E8D1 MS48 GREETING 0 Have you brought help? We've been trapped here since the daedra overran the city.
__救援を連れて来てくれましたか? daedraがこの都市を蹂躙して以来、ここに囚われたままです。
__救援を連れて来てくれましたか? daedra の襲撃で身動きがとれないのです。
FormID: 0008DFD5 MS48 GREETING 0 How did you get in here? What are you doing here?
FormID: 00028861 MS48 GREETING 0 Excuse me. I need to take these people to the encampment.
FormID: 00024828 MS48 GREETING 0 The area is clear? Then as soon as Captain Matius gives the order, I'll escort the civilians to safety.
__周囲の敵は一掃されましたか?Matius 隊長から命令があり次第、私が安全な場所まで市民を護送します。
FormID: 00028862 MS48 GREETING 0 I knew Captain Matius would get us through this. He'd be up for a commendation, if anyone were left to issue it.
__Matius 隊長ならこの事態を切り抜けるだろうと思っていました。表彰ものですよ。授与する者がいればですけどね。
FormID: 0002875C MS48 GREETING 0 This is our one chance -- don't screw it up for us.
FormID: 00028863 MS48 GREETING 0 I didn't expect any of us to live this long. Maybe we're not doomed, after all.
FormID: 00028719 MS48 GREETING 0 Don't talk - fight!
FormID: 00028558 MS48 GREETING 0 The city's in flames, and we've got nothing but a bunch of greenhorns. I doubt the situation could be much worse.
FormID: 00028864 MS48 GREETING 0 We... we did it? And I'm still in one piece! I mean, of course we did it. I never doubted us for a second.
FormID: 0002871A MS48 GREETING 0 If we make it through this alive, I'll be amazed.
FormID: 0002855A MS48 GREETING 0 Savlian's not really the captain, you know. We're just following him because he's the highest ranking officer left alive.
__本来なら Savlian は隊長職ではありません。我々が従っているのは、生き残った兵の中で彼が最高位だったからです。
FormID: 00028557 MS48 GREETING 0 Talk to Captain Matius if you need something. I'm just following his orders.
__何かあるのなら、Matius 隊長と話して下さい。彼に従います。
FormID: 0002871B MS48 GREETING 0 Just follow Savlian's orders, and everything will be fine.
FormID: 0006B1B3 MS48 GREETING 0 What's it like out there? We were beginning to fear we were the only survivors.
FormID: 00028559 MS48 GREETING 0 A whole city, just.... lost. How did we let this happen?
FormID: 00024851 MS48 GREETING 0 Ha ha! We wiped the bastards out!
FormID: 00024851 MS48 GREETING 1 It's safe to pull those people out of the chapel. Let's get in there and make sure they're all right.
FormID: 00024851 MS48 GREETING 2 Come on. This is only the beginning of the battle for Kvatch. We can discuss the next phase once the civilians are safe.
FormID: 00024840 MS48 GREETING 0 Let's get inside the chapel and make sure those folks are all right. If there are injuries, they'll need to be tended to right away.
FormID: 00028865 MS48 GREETING 0 We've done it! I can't believe it -- I didn't really think this would work. Maybe we do have a fighting chance.
FormID: 00028865 MS48 GREETING 1 Oh, yes. We're not done. Not even close. This was only the first step. If this town is to be ours again, we'll need to get inside the castle.
FormID: 00028865 MS48 GREETING 2 You've come this far with us; will you go further? If we're truly going to succeed, I'll need much more of your help.
FormID: 00028865 MS48 GREETING 3 I warn you though, what we've seen so far is nothing compared to the battle that likely awaits us.
FormID: 00028865 MS48 GREETING 4 Take a few moments to catch your breath and think it over. When you're ready, let me know, and we'll get underway.
FormID: 00028003 MS48 GREETING 0 We've got to clear this area so we can pull those people out of the chapel! Kill anything that moves!
FormID: 0006B1B4 MS48 GREETING 0 Follow me! For Kvatch!
FormID: 0001E8A7 MS48 GREETING 0 You closed the Gate? I knew you could do it! This is our chance to launch a counterattack!
FormID: 0001E8A7 MS48 GREETING 1 I need you to come with us. You've got far more combat experience than these men.
FormID: 0001E8A7 MS48 GREETING 2 Are you able to join us now? I can wait, but not for long. We've got to move quickly, before they have a chance to barricade the city gate.
FormID: 00028004 MS48 GREETING 0 Are you ready? We need to move out soon, while we still have a chance to strike.
FormID: 0017C45D MS48 GREETING 0 Until you find a way to close that Oblivion Gate, there's nothing I can do but try to hold our position here as long as I can.
__君がOblivion Gateを閉じる方法を見つけるまで、我々はこの場所を確保しておこう。私にできるのはそれくらいだ。
FormID: 0001E8A8 MS48 GREETING 0 Have you changed your mind? I don't think they've barricaded the gates yet, so we still have a chance to attack the city.
FormID: 0001E8DE MS48 GREETING 0 While that infernal Oblivion Gate still stands, I don't dare leave the camp undefended. Are you willing to try and close it?
__あの禍々しいOblivion Gateが立っている間はキャンプを無防備のままにはできない。君はあれを閉じようとするつもりなのか?
__あの冥府の扉 Oblivion Gate がある限り、キャンプを無防備にできない。君はあれを閉じようというのか?
FormID: 00024853 MS48 GREETING 0 Stand back, civilian!
FormID: 00024853 MS48 GREETING 1 This is no place for you. Get back to the encampment at once!
FormID: 0017C45E MS48 GREETING 0 You'd best get back to the encampment. There's no telling when more of them will come out of that infernal Oblivion Gate.
__キャンプに戻れ。いつあの冥府の扉 Oblivion Gate から奴らが湧いてくるか分からないのだ。
FormID: 00098145 MS48 GREETING 0 You should not be here, mortal. Your blood is forfeit, your flesh is mine!
FormID: 001778CB MS48 MQFollow 0 I'm right behind you.
FormID: 001778CC MS48 MQWait 0 Well... alright. I think we'd be better off sticking together, though.
FormID: 0001E8AB MS48 MS48Choice2C 0 That's a real shame. With just a little help, I think we would have a chance. But I can't risk leaving the camp defenseless.
FormID: 00028031 MS48 MS48Choice2B 0 The longer we wait, the smaller our window of opportunity. Get ready, and do it quickly. We've got to move soon.
FormID: 0001E8AC MS48 MS48Choice2A 0 For Kvatch!
FormID: 00008B87 MS48 MS48Choice1B 0 Then I suggest you head back to the safety of the encampment. I have no more time to talk.
FormID: 0001E8AD MS48 MS48Choice1B 0 That's what the Empire has come to. I doubt any of the other cities will be sending us aid either. Every man for himself these days.
FormID: 00028030 MS48 MS48Choice1A 0 I don't know how to close this Gate, but it must be possible, because the enemy closed the ones they opened during the initial attack.
FormID: 00028030 MS48 MS48Choice1A 1 You can see the marks on the ground where they were, with the Great Gate right in the middle.
__地面にあとが残っているだろう。その真ん中には奴らの Great Gate があったんだ。
FormID: 00028030 MS48 MS48Choice1A 2 I sent men into the Gate, to see if they could find a way to shut it. They haven't come back.
FormID: 00028030 MS48 MS48Choice1A 3 If you can get in there, find out what happened to them. If they're alive, help them finish the job. If not, see what you can do on your own.
FormID: 00028030 MS48 MS48Choice1A 4 The best I can say is, good luck. If you make it back alive, we'll be waiting for you.
FormID: 001778CD MS48 SavlianMatiusTopic 0 You'll find him at the barricade at the top of the road. He's still trying to hold what's left of the Guard together.
FormID: 00028553 MS48 KvatchTopic 0 I've never seen anything like this. It's horrible, just horrible. I'm just going to keep my head down, and follow my orders.
__このような事は今まで少しも見たことありません。恐ろしい・・・ただただ、恐ろしい・・・ 私は危険を避けつつ、命令に従うつもりです。
FormID: 00028554 MS48 KvatchTopic 0 Kvatch? You've seen it. Kvatch doesn't exist any more.
FormID: 00028555 MS48 KvatchTopic 0 It... it all happened so fast. It was all we could do to round up the survivors and try and get them to safety. We've failed them miserably.
__何もかもがあっという間の出来事でした・・・。 私達は生存者を集めて安全を確保するだけで精一杯でした・・・ すべては徒労に終わったのです・・・
FormID: 00028556 MS48 KvatchTopic 0 The whole city is burned right down to the ground. There's no point in even being here. We ought to just get away to someplace safe.
__街中全部が燃えてます。ここにいる意味はまったくありません。 私達はどこか安全な場所へ離れるべきです。
__町全体が焼け落ちました。ここにいる意味はまったくありません。 私達はどこか安全な場所へ離れるべきです。
FormID: 001778CE MS48 KvatchTopic 0 It was a terrible night. I don't know how any of us survived. The whole city was burning.
__ひどい夜でした・・・ 誰が生き残ってるのかすら分かりません。街中全部燃えていました。
FormID: 0002855B MS48 KvatchTopic 0 My home.... my goddamn home, in flames. It kills me that I can't get in there and DO something.
FormID: 0002855B MS48 KvatchTopic 1 We couldn't have been any less prepared for this. Seems like they came out of nowhere. There were just so many of them...
__こんな事に対する準備などこれっぽっちも考えていませんでした。 魔物はこの世界では無い所からやって来てるように見えます。 いまや街は魔物で覆いつくされています・・・
FormID: 0002855B MS48 KvatchTopic 2 If only I had a way to strike back at the enemy. But we can't leave the barricade until that Oblivion Gate is closed.
__何か、魔物に逆襲できるような策があれば・・・ だが私達は Oblivion Gateが閉じるまでバリケードから離れられないのだ。
__敵を撃退する方法はないのか。 だが私達は Oblivion Gateが閉じるまでバリケードから離れられないのだ。
FormID: 000091A0 MS48 OblivionGateTopic 0 Some kind of portal to Oblivion. The enemy used them to attack the city -- they appeared outside the walls and daedra poured out!
FormID: 000091A0 MS48 OblivionGateTopic 1 They've opened one right in front of the city gates. Until that Gate is closed, the best I can do is try to hold these barricades.
FormID: 0001E8AF MS48 OblivionGateTopic 0 You did it! You closed that damned Gate! Now we have a chance to take the enemy by surprise.
FormID: 00032D42 MS48 MS48HirtelB 0 Go and see for yourself! Kvatch is a smoking ruin! We're all that's left, do you understand me? Everyone else is dead!
FormID: 00032D41 MS48 MS48HirtelA 0 Gods' blood, you don't know, do you?
FormID: 00032D41 MS48 MS48HirtelA 1 Daedra overran Kvatch last night! There were glowing portals outside the walls! Gates to Oblivion itself!
FormID: 00032D41 MS48 MS48HirtelA 2 There was a huge creature... something out of a nightmare... came right over the walls... blasting fire. They swarmed around it... killing...
FormID: 0005D2CC MS48 MS48HirtelC 0 It was Savlian Matius... some of the other guards... helped some of us escape... they cut their way out, right through the city gates.
__Savlian Matiusが我々を逃がしてくれたんだ…それに他の何人かの衛兵が。彼らは街の門までの道を切り開いてくれた。
__Savlian Matiusが...それと数人の衛兵たちが...城門まで道を切り開いて...私たちを逃がしてくれた。
FormID: 0005D2CC MS48 MS48HirtelC 1 Savlian says they can hold the road. No... no, I don't believe him. Nothing can stop them. If you'd seen it, you'd know...

FormID: 0005D2CC MS48 MS48HirtelC 2 I'm getting out of here before it's too late! They'll be here any minute, I'm telling you. Run while you can!

FormID: 00082C8C MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 Let's find Menian and get out of here!
FormID: 00082C8D MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 This must be what Menian was talking about!
FormID: 00082C8E MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 Grab the Sigil Stone and let's get out of here!
__Sigil Stoneを取って下さい。そしてここから出ましょう!
__Sigil Stoneを掴み取るんだ。早くここから出よう!
FormID: 00082C8F MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 It just keeps getting worse, doesn't it?
FormID: 00082C90 MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 For Kvatch!
FormID: 00082C91 MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 Come on!
FormID: 00082C92 MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 Another one!
FormID: 00082C93 MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 Now it's my turn, you bastards!
FormID: 00082C94 MS48 MS48StartCombatShouts 0 Let's stick together!
FormID: 0008DFDA MS48 MS48BerichMartin 0 Martin? He was with the rest of the survivors. They were taken back to the encampment, where it's safer for them.
FormID: 0008DFDB MS48 MS48BerichMartin 0 Martin? He's back there, looking after the other survivors.
FormID: 0008DFDC MS48 MS48BerichSaveYou 0 I don't know how you got in here, but you're not saving anyone!
FormID: 0008DFDC MS48 MS48BerichSaveYou 1 No one leaves this Chapel until the Captain gives the all-clear. I have my orders.
FormID: 00098155 MS48 MS48DoorBlocked 0 No one goes through this door unless under the Captain's orders.
FormID: 00098154 MS48 MS48IlendSlowDown 0 Captain Matius sent us in to try and close the gate. We were ambushed, trapped, and picked off.
__ゲートを閉じようと、Matius 隊長が我々を送り込んだんだ。しかし、罠と待ち伏せで、なぶり殺しに。
FormID: 00098154 MS48 MS48IlendSlowDown 1 I managed to escape, but the others are strewn across that bridge. They took Menien off to the big tower. You've got to save him!
__私はなんとか逃げ切ったが、他の者は橋の向こう側に転がってる。敵は Menien を大きな塔に連れて行った。彼を救ってくれ!
FormID: 00098154 MS48 MS48IlendSlowDown 2 I'm getting out of here!
FormID: 00098144 MS48 Help 0 You want to help? You're kidding, right?
FormID: 00098144 MS48 Help 1 Hmm... if you're serious, maybe I can put you to use. It'll likely mean your death, though.
FormID: 00098144 MS48 Help 2 Are you sure?
FormID: 00098143 MS48 MS48SavlianWhatDoing 0 The only thing we can do.
FormID: 00098143 MS48 MS48SavlianWhatDoing 1 We'll try to hold our ground, that's what. If we can't hold this barricade, those beasts could march right down and overrun the encampment.
FormID: 00098143 MS48 MS48SavlianWhatDoing 2 I have to try and protect the few civilians that are left. It's all I can do now.

FormID: 00098142 MS48 MS48SalvianWhatHappened 0 We lost the damned city, that's what happened!
FormID: 00098142 MS48 MS48SalvianWhatHappened 1 It was too much, too fast. We were overwhelmed. Couldn't even get everyone out. There are still people trapped in there.
FormID: 00098142 MS48 MS48SalvianWhatHappened 2 Some made it into the Chapel, but others were just run down in the streets. The Count and his men are still holed up in the castle.
FormID: 00098142 MS48 MS48SalvianWhatHappened 3 And now we can't even get back into the city to help them, with that damned Oblivion Gate blocking the way.
__そして今、我々は彼らを助けるために街に戻ることさえできない。あの忌々しいOblivion Gateが通路を塞いでいるのだ。
__だが、我々は助けに戻ることすらできない。あの忌まわしい Oblivion Gate に足止めされているんだ。
FormID: 001778D0 MS48 MS48IlendA2 0 You're right. You're right. I can't just leave poor Menian to his fate. If he's still alive, we've got to try to save him.
__君の言うとおりだ。Menian を見殺しにはできない。彼の命があるうちに救出しなければ。
FormID: 001778D0 MS48 MS48IlendA2 1 Alright. Lead the way. Let's find Menian and get out of here.
__よし。先陣を切ってくれ。Menian を探し出し、ここから脱出しよう。
FormID: 001778CF MS48 MS48IlendA1 0 The Captain is still holding the barricade? I figured I was the last one left alive.
FormID: 001778CF MS48 MS48IlendA1 1 Alright. I'll try to get out of here and let the Captain know what's going on.

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