Vanilla/Dialogue/MS49 のバックアップ(No.4)

FormID: 000C47CC MS49 GREETING 0 When we're done with all this, we'll talk. If we're still alive...
FormID: 000C47CD MS49 GREETING 0 Just follow the Captain's orders.
FormID: 000C47CF MS49 GREETING 0 Not now. There's work to be done.
FormID: 000C47D0 MS49 GREETING 0 Now's not the time for talking.
FormID: 0007944B MS49 GREETING 0 Lead the way. I'm right behind you.
FormID: 0007BABF MS49 GREETING 0 We saw the smoke from the Gold Road while out on patrol. How can we help?
__パトロール中にGold Roadから煙が上がるのを見たのだ。何か助けられることはあるか?
__Gold Roadをパトロール中に煙を見て来たのだが。我々に出来ることはあるか?
FormID: 00031CF0 MS49 GREETING 0 If Captain Matius is waiting on you to get that gate raised, you'd better get moving.
FormID: 00031CF0 MS49 GREETING 1 I'm going to head back and meet up with the rest of the troops.
FormID: 0007BAC0 MS49 GREETING 0 This is it. The entrance to the passage is right here. I'll unlock it for you.
FormID: 0007BAC0 MS49 GREETING 1 Best of luck.
FormID: 0007BAC1 MS49 GREETING 0 Come on, we've got to keep moving!
FormID: 00031CFE MS49 GREETING 0 I'm just waiting for Captain Matius to give the order. Finally, a chance to fight back!
FormID: 00091C4D MS49 GREETING 0 Do you have the Count's ring?
FormID: 00091C4E MS49 GREETING 0 Where is the Count? Why is he not with you?
FormID: 00091C4F MS49 GREETING 0 All right, this is it!
FormID: 00091C4F MS49 GREETING 1 We'll hold this area. You head to the back of the castle, and find the Count.
FormID: 00091C4F MS49 GREETING 2 Don't come back here without him!
FormID: 0007BACF MS49 GREETING 0 You need to find the Count! Get moving!
FormID: 00032D9F MS49 GREETING 0 This area's clear. We've got to get inside and find the Count before it's too late. Move out!
FormID: 00031D07 MS49 GREETING 0 Charge the courtyard! Leave none of them standing!
FormID: 0002B0A2 MS49 GREETING 0 Get moving! We can't do a thing until you get those gates opened!
FormID: 0002AD77 MS49 GREETING 0 Dammit, this is no good!
FormID: 0002AD77 MS49 GREETING 1 The gates are locked, and the only way to open them is from within the gatehouse.
FormID: 0002AD78 MS49 GREETING 0 We've got to make it to the castle!
FormID: 0002AD79 MS49 GREETING 0 Are you ready to go? We need your help getting to the castle, but we need to move soon.
FormID: 0002AD7A MS49 GREETING 0 We've done good work, but this is no time to start patting each other on the back. There's still much to do.
FormID: 0002AD7A MS49 GREETING 1 We need to get to the castle. That's where Count Goldwine and his men should be. Last I saw, they were trying to fortify the castle from an attack.
FormID: 0002AD7A MS49 GREETING 2 If the Count is still alive, it's my duty to assist him, even if it means giving up my life. If you're with me, we need to get going.
FormID: 0002AD7B MS49 MS49Choice1B 0 How many times can I say it? There's no time to waste! Hurry it up!
FormID: 0002AD7D MS49 MS49Choice1A 0 Ha ha, I knew you'd be up to it!
FormID: 0002AD7D MS49 MS49Choice1A 1 Our goal is the Castle gate. We should be able to use this door to get out to the plaza in front of the Castle gatehouse.
FormID: 0002AD7D MS49 MS49Choice1A 2 You know the drill. Stick close, and keep your eyes open. Let's move out!
FormID: 0002AD7E MS49 HaderusGoldwineTopic 0 Count Goldwine is the embodiment of nobility. He's always ruled Kvatch with a fair hand, and listened to the needs of his people.
FormID: 0002AD7E MS49 HaderusGoldwineTopic 1 He was a valiant warrior in his day, and inspired us all to be our best. I heard he personally led one of the first retaliations to the attack.
FormID: 0002AD7E MS49 HaderusGoldwineTopic 2 But then, things got confused. Even the Legion troops stationed here couldn't hold the defenses.
FormID: 0002AD7E MS49 HaderusGoldwineTopic 3 Count Goldwine retreated to the castle, determined to hold on to it at any cost. He's still in there now, I'm sure.
FormID: 0002AD7E MS49 HaderusGoldwineTopic 4 That's why we've got to get in there and make sure he's safe. We owe him our allegiance, and besides, he'd do the same for any of us.
FormID: 00031D33 MS49 MS49ChoiceExplain 0 That's right! They managed to close the castle gates just before we were forced in here.
FormID: 00031D33 MS49 MS49ChoiceExplain 1 I'm afraid you're in for a tough time, friend. The city's in bad shape, and it will be difficult to make it to the Guard House by yourself.
__友人よ。あんたは厳しい状況の中にいる。街は崩壊しているし、あんた一人ではGuard Houseに行くのは難しいだろう。
__無茶はするなよ。街はこの有様だ。あんた一人でGuard Houseにたどり着くのは難しいだろう。
FormID: 00031D33 MS49 MS49ChoiceExplain 2 I'd better go with you. We'll have to go through the Chapel Undercroft, and then through what's left of the city.
FormID: 00031D33 MS49 MS49ChoiceExplain 3 If.... If I don't make it, take the key and carry on without me. You need to reach the tower at the north wall of the city.
FormID: 00031D2C MS49 MS49ChoiceNoTime 0 Hrmph. You do the guard one little favor, and suddenly you think you're Matius' best friend?
FormID: 00031D2C MS49 MS49ChoiceNoTime 1 You probably couldn't find it on your own. I'm coming with you. If we make it, I'll open the door for you.
FormID: 00031D2C MS49 MS49ChoiceNoTime 2 I've still got some fight left in me.
FormID: 00031D29 MS49 GuardHouseKey 0 Yes, I have it. Why?
FormID: 00031D28 MS49 MS49Whatnow 0 Someone has to get inside that gatehouse, and raise the gate. We'll never make it into the castle otherwise.
FormID: 00031D28 MS49 MS49Whatnow 1 I need to stay with the guards. They won't do well without a strong leader. And I can't trust any of them to make it through the city on their own.
FormID: 00031D28 MS49 MS49Whatnow 2 I guess that leaves you, doesn't it?
FormID: 00031D28 MS49 MS49Whatnow 3 Go back to the Chapel, and talk to Berich Inian. Ask him for the key to the North Tower, and he'll tell you what you need to do.
__礼拝堂に戻ってBerich Inianと話し、北塔の鍵を貰ってくれ。彼は君に必要なことを教えてくれるだろう。
__教会にもどって、そこにいるBerich Inianと話してみてくれ。彼に北塔の鍵が要ると伝えれば、必要なことを教えてくれるだろう。
FormID: 00031D28 MS49 MS49Whatnow 4 If you make it, we'll be waiting right outside the gate for you.
FormID: 0007944D MS49 MS49FollowMe 0 We'll be right behind you.
FormID: 00090AB5 MS49 CastleGateTopic 0 We can't open that gate from out here. The only mechanism for raising it is inside the gatehouse.
FormID: 00090AB5 MS49 CastleGateTopic 1 And the only way to get into the gatehouse now would be through the passage at the North Guard House. But that's always kept locked.
__そして、gatehouseに入るにはNorth Guard Houseの通路を通るしかない。しかしそこには常に鍵かかけられている。
__門楼に入るには、North Guard Houseの通路を使うしかない。だがそこは常に施錠されているんだ。
FormID: 00090AB5 MS49 CastleGateTopic 2 Hurry and find Berich Inian. He should be back in the Chapel, and should still have the key to the Guard House.
__急いで礼拝堂に戻り、Berich Inianを見つけてくれ。彼はまだGuard Houseの鍵を持っているはずだ。
__急ぎ教会に戻り、Berich Inianを見つけてくれ。彼ならまだGuard Houseの鍵を持っているはずだ。
FormID: 00090AB5 MS49 CastleGateTopic 3 Once you've got it, get to the Guard House, find the passage, and open that gate. Then we can get inside the castle and secure it.
__鍵を持ち、Guard Houseの通路を抜けて城門を開けてくれ。そうしたら我々は城内に入り、そこを確保することができる。
__鍵を手に入れたら、Guard Houseに向かい、通路を見つけて、門を開けてくれ。そうしたら我々は城に突入し、城内を確保することができる。
FormID: 00091C5B MS49 MS49RingNo 0 Secure it at once! It's the only thing we have left!
FormID: 00091C5A MS49 MS49RingYes 0 At least this is safe. Thank you; I shall make sure it is protected, for the time when a new Count is crowned.
FormID: 00091C5A MS49 MS49RingYes 1 Here, take this. I have no use for it; I'm tired of fighting. It may serve you well in days to come.
FormID: 00091C58 MS49 MS49DukeDeadMean 0 How dare you mock him, even in death!
FormID: 00091C58 MS49 MS49DukeDeadMean 1 Had you not been instrumental in getting this far, I'd put you down where you stand.
FormID: 00091C58 MS49 MS49DukeDeadMean 2 Where is the Count's ring? Do you have it?
FormID: 00091C59 MS49 MS49DukeDeadNice 0 We... we were too late?
FormID: 00091C59 MS49 MS49DukeDeadNice 1 If only we'd gotten here sooner!
FormID: 00091C59 MS49 MS49DukeDeadNice 2 This is indeed a dark day for all of us left. But I thank you for risking your own life to help us.
FormID: 00091C59 MS49 MS49DukeDeadNice 3 Did you find the Count's ring, by any chance?
FormID: 00098156 MS49 MS48DoorBlocked 0 No one goes through this door unless under the Captain's orders.

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