Vanilla/Names/ALCH のバックアップ(No.1)

FormID: 000008AC TestPoison ALCH Test Poison
__Test Poison
FormID: 000018C6 TestMeep ALCH Potion of Meepage
__Potion of Meepage
FormID: 00185DCD SQ08ShadowbanishWine ALCH Shadowbanish Wine
__Shadowbanish Wine
FormID: 00188872 TestPotionAlteration ALCH Alteration Potion
__Alteration Potion
FormID: 00188875 TestPotionConjuration ALCH Conjuration Potion
__Conjuration Potion
FormID: 00188878 TestPotionDestruction ALCH Potion of Destruction
FormID: 0018887A TestPotionIllusion ALCH Illusion Potion
FormID: 0018887C TestPotionMysticism ALCH Mysticism Potion
FormID: 0018887E TestPotionRestoration ALCH Restoration Potion
FormID: 00088B1C PotionChameleon ALCH Potion of Chameleon
__中級付加薬 透明化
FormID: 00088B1D PotionChameleonW ALCH Weak Potion of Chameleon
__低級付加薬 透明化
FormID: 00088B1E PotionChameleonS ALCH Strong Potion of Chameleon
__高級付加薬 透明化
FormID: 0000920C PotionBurdenW ALCH Weak Poison of Burden
__低級消耗薬 身軽さ
FormID: 0000920D PotionBurdenS ALCH Strong Poison of Burden
__高級消耗薬 身軽さ
FormID: 0000920E PotionCureDisease ALCH Potion of Cure Disease
__治療薬 疾病
FormID: 0000920F PotionCurePoison ALCH Potion of Cure Poison
__治療薬 毒素
FormID: 0000922E PotionCureParlaysis ALCH Potion of Cure Paralysis
__治療薬 麻痺
FormID: 0000922F PotionDetectLifeW ALCH Weak Potion of Detect Life
__低級付加薬 生体感知
FormID: 00009230 PotionDetectLifeS ALCH Strong Potion of Detect Life
__高級付加薬 生体感知
FormID: 0000927B PotionDispel ALCH Potion of Dispel
__中級付加薬 魔法解除
FormID: 0000927C PotionDrainAgility ALCH Poison of Fumbling
__中級消耗薬 身のこなし
FormID: 0000927D PotionDrainEndurance ALCH Poison of Debilitation
__中級消耗薬 体力
FormID: 0000927E PotionDrainFatigue ALCH Poison of Weariness
__中級消耗薬 スタミナ
FormID: 0000927F PotionDrainHealth ALCH Poison of Sickness
__中級消耗薬 HP
FormID: 00009280 PotionDrainIntelligence ALCH Poison of Feeblemind
__中級消耗薬 知力
FormID: 00009281 PotionDrainLuck ALCH Poison of Catastrophe
__中級消耗薬 運勢
FormID: 00009282 PotionDrainPersonality ALCH Poison of Repulsion
__中級消耗薬 魅力
FormID: 00009283 PotionDrainSpeed ALCH Poison of Apathy
__中級消耗薬 素早さ
FormID: 00009284 PotionDrainMagicka ALCH Poison of Separation
__中級消耗薬 MP
FormID: 00009285 PotionDrainStrength ALCH Poison of Frailty
__中級消耗薬 筋力
FormID: 000092E6 PotionFeather ALCH Potion of Feather
__中級増強薬 身軽さ
FormID: 000092E7 PotionFireShield ALCH Potion of Fire Shield
__中級防壁薬 火属性
FormID: 000092E8 PotionFortifyAgilityW ALCH Weak Potion of Agility
__低級増強薬 身のこなし
FormID: 000092E9 PotionFortifyAgilityS ALCH Strong Potion of Agility
__高級増強薬 身のこなし
FormID: 000092EA PotionFortifyEnduranceW ALCH Weak Potion of Endurance
__低級増強薬 体力
FormID: 000092EB PotionFortifyEnduranceS ALCH Strong Potion of Endurance
__高級増強薬 体力
FormID: 000092EC PotionFortifyFatigueW ALCH Weak Potion of Fatigue
__低級増強薬 スタミナ
FormID: 000092ED PotionFortifyFatigueS ALCH Strong Potion of Fatigue
__高級増強薬 スタミナ
FormID: 000092EE PotionFortifyHealthW ALCH Weak Potion of Health
__低級増強薬 HP
FormID: 000092EF PotionFortifyHealthS ALCH Strong Potion of Health
__高級増強薬 HP
FormID: 000092F0 PotionFortifyIntelligenceW ALCH Weak Potion of Intelligence
__低級増強薬 知力
FormID: 000092F1 PotionFortifyIntelligenceS ALCH Strong Potion of Intelligence
__高級増強薬 知力
FormID: 000092F2 PotionFortifyLuckW ALCH Weak Potion of Luck
__低級増強薬 運勢
FormID: 000092F3 PotionFortifyLuckS ALCH Strong Potion of Luck
__高級増強薬 運勢
FormID: 000092F4 PotionFortifyPersonalityW ALCH Weak Potion of Personality
__低級増強薬 魅力
FormID: 000092F5 PotionFortifyPersonalityS ALCH Strong Potion of Personality
__高級増強薬 魅力
FormID: 000092F6 PotionFortifySpeedW ALCH Weak Potion of Speed
__低級増強薬 素早さ
FormID: 000092F7 PotionFortifySpeedS ALCH Strong Potion of Speed
__高級増強薬 素早さ
FormID: 000092F8 PotionFortifyMagickaW ALCH Weak Potion of Magicka
__低級増強薬 MP
FormID: 000092F9 PotionFortifyMagickaS ALCH Strong Potion of Magicka
__高級増強薬 MP
FormID: 000092FA PotionFortifyStrengthW ALCH Weak Potion of Strength
__低級増強薬 筋力
FormID: 000092FB PotionFortifyStrengthS ALCH Strong Potion of Strength
__高級増強薬 筋力
FormID: 000092FE PotionFrostShield ALCH Potion of Frost Shield
__中級防壁薬 氷属性
FormID: 000092FF PotionInvisibility ALCH Potion of Invisibility
__中級付加薬 無視化
FormID: 00009300 PotionLight ALCH Potion of Light
__中級付加薬 光源
FormID: 00009301 PotionNighteye ALCH Potion of Nighteye
__中級付加薬 暗視
FormID: 00009302 PotionParalyze ALCH Poison of Paralysis
__中級毒薬 麻痺化
FormID: 00009303 PotionReflect ALCH Potion of Reflection
__中級付加薬 魔法反射
FormID: 00009304 PotionResistDisease ALCH Potion of Resistance
__中級耐性薬 疾病
FormID: 00009305 PotionResistFire ALCH Potion of Insulation
__中級耐性薬 火属性
FormID: 00009306 PotionResistFrost ALCH Potion of Warmth
__中級耐性薬 氷属性
FormID: 00009307 PotionResistMagicka ALCH Potion of Disbelief
__中級耐性薬 魔法
FormID: 00009308 PotionResistPoison ALCH Potion of Antivenom
__中級耐性薬 毒素
FormID: 00009309 PotionResistShock ALCH Potion of Grounding
__中級耐性薬 雷属性
FormID: 0000930A PotionRestoreAgilityW ALCH Weak Potion of Grace
__低級回復薬 身のこなし
FormID: 0000930B PotionRestoreAgilityS ALCH Strong Potion of Grace
__高級回復薬 身のこなし
FormID: 0000930C PotionRestoreEnduranceW ALCH Weak Potion of Fortitude
__低級回復薬 体力
FormID: 0000930D PotionRestoreEnduranceS ALCH Strong Potion of Fortitude
__高級回復薬 体力
FormID: 0000930E PotionRestoreFatigueW ALCH Weak Potion of Respite
__低級回復薬 スタミナ
FormID: 0000930F PotionRestoreFatigueS ALCH Strong Potion of Respite
__高級回復薬 スタミナ
FormID: 00009310 PotionRestoreHealthW ALCH Weak Potion of Healing
__低級回復薬 HP
FormID: 00009311 PotionRestoreHealthS ALCH Strong Potion of Healing
__高級回復薬 HP
FormID: 00009312 PotionRestoreIntelligenceW ALCH Weak Potion of Insight
__低級回復薬 知力
FormID: 00009313 PotionRestoreIntelligenceS ALCH Strong Potion of Insight
__高級回復薬 知力
FormID: 00009314 PotionRestoreLuckW ALCH Weak Potion of Fortune
__低級回復薬 運勢
FormID: 00009315 PotionRestoreLuckS ALCH Strong Potion of Fortune
__高級回復薬 運勢
FormID: 00009316 PotionRestorePersonalityW ALCH Weak Potion of Charisma
__低級回復薬 魅力
FormID: 00009317 PotionRestorePersonalityS ALCH Strong Potion of Charisma
__高級回復薬 魅力
FormID: 00009318 PotionRestoreSpeedW ALCH Weak Potion of Alacrity
__低級回復薬 素早さ
FormID: 00009319 PotionRestoreSpeedS ALCH Strong Potion of Alacrity
__高級回復薬 素早さ
FormID: 0000931A PotionRestoreMagickaW ALCH Weak Potion of Sorcery
__低級回復薬 MP
FormID: 0000931B PotionRestoreMagickaS ALCH Strong Potion of Sorcery
__高級回復薬 MP
FormID: 0000931C PotionRestoreStrengthW ALCH Weak Potion of Might
__低級回復薬 筋力
FormID: 0000931D PotionRestoreStrengthS ALCH Strong Potion of Might
__高級回復薬 筋力
FormID: 00009320 PotionSilence ALCH Poison of Silence
__中級毒薬 沈黙化
FormID: 00009321 PotionSpellAbsorption ALCH Potion of Absorption
__中級付加薬 魔法吸収
FormID: 00009324 PotionWaterBreathingW ALCH Weak Potion of the Sea
__低級付加薬 水中呼吸
FormID: 00009325 PotionWaterBreathingS ALCH Strong Potion of the Sea
__高級付加薬 水中呼吸
FormID: 00009326 PotionWaterWalkingW ALCH Weak Potion of Seastride
__低級付加薬 水上歩行
FormID: 00009327 PotionWaterWalkingS ALCH Strong Potion of Seastride
__高級付加薬 水上歩行
FormID: 00009AE0 PotionShockShieldW ALCH Weak Potion of Shock Shield
__低級防壁薬 雷属性
FormID: 00009AE3 PotionShockShield ALCH Potion of Shock Shield
__中級防壁薬 雷属性
FormID: 00009AE4 PotionShockShieldS ALCH Strong Potion of Shock Shield
__高級防壁薬 雷属性
FormID: 0018BD5A MS14PotionTurpentine ALCH Turpentine
FormID: 000CD2DB MS14PotionTurpentine04 ALCH Turpentine
FormID: 000CD2DC MS14PotionTurpentine08 ALCH Turpentine
FormID: 000CD2DD MS14PotionTurpentine12 ALCH Turpentine
FormID: 000CD2DE MS14PotionTurpentine16 ALCH Turpentine
FormID: 000CD2DF MS14PotionTurpentine20 ALCH Turpentine
FormID: 0008DC58 PotionDamageAttrAgility ALCH Poison of Clumsiness
__中級削減薬 身のこなし
FormID: 0008DC59 PotionDamageAttrAgilityW ALCH Weak Poison of Clumsiness
__低級削減薬 身のこなし
FormID: 0008DC5A PotionDamageAttrAgilityS ALCH Strong Poison of Clumsiness
__高級削減薬 身のこなし
FormID: 0008DC5B PotionDamageAttrEnduranceW ALCH Weak Poison of Affliction
__低級削減薬 体力
FormID: 0008DC5C PotionDamageAttrEndurance ALCH Poison of Affliction
__中級削減薬 体力
FormID: 0008DC5D PotionDamageAttrEnduranceS ALCH Strong Poison of Affliction
__高級削減薬 体力
FormID: 0008DC5E PotionDamageAttrIntelligence ALCH Poison of Confusion
__中級削減薬 知力
FormID: 0008DC5F PotionDamageAttrIntelligenceW ALCH Weak Poison of Confusion
__低級削減薬 知力
FormID: 0008DC60 PotionDamageAttrIntelligenceS ALCH Strong Poison of Confusion
__高級削減薬 知力
FormID: 0008DC61 PotionDamageAttrLuck ALCH Poison of Misfortune
__中級削減薬 運勢
FormID: 0008DC62 PotionDamageAttrLuckW ALCH Weak Poison of Misfortune
__低級削減薬 運勢
FormID: 0008DC63 PotionDamageAttrLuckS ALCH Strong Poison of Misfortune
__高級削減薬 運勢
FormID: 0008DC64 PotionDamageAttrPersonality ALCH Poison of the Fool
__中級削減薬 魅力
FormID: 0008DC65 PotionDamageAttrPersonalityW ALCH Weak Poison of the Fool
__低級削減薬 魅力
FormID: 0008DC66 PotionDamageAttrPersonalityS ALCH Strong Poison of the Fool
__高級削減薬 魅力
FormID: 0008DC67 PotionDamageAttrSpeed ALCH Poison of Slowing
__中級削減薬 素早さ
FormID: 0008DC68 PotionDamageAttrSpeedW ALCH Weak Poison of Slowing
__低級削減薬 素早さ
FormID: 0008DC69 PotionDamageAttrSpeedS ALCH Strong Poison of Slowing
__高級削減薬 素早さ
FormID: 0008DC6A PotionDamageAttrStrength ALCH Poison of Weakness
__中級削減薬 筋力
FormID: 0008DC6B PotionDamageAttrStrengthW ALCH Weak Poison of Weakness
__低級削減薬 筋力
FormID: 0008DC6C PotionDamageAttrStrengthS ALCH Strong Poison of Weakness
__高級削減薬 筋力
FormID: 0008DC6D PotionDamageAttrWillpower ALCH Poison of Fright
__中級削減薬 気力
FormID: 0008DC6E PotionDamageAttrWillpowerW ALCH Weak Poison of Fright
__低級削減薬 気力
FormID: 0008DC6F PotionDamageAttrWillpowerS ALCH Strong Poison of Fright
__高級削減薬 気力
FormID: 0008DC70 PotionDamageFatigue ALCH Poison of Fatigue
__中級削減薬 スタミナ
FormID: 0008DC71 PotionDamageFatigueW ALCH Weak Poison of Fatigue
__低級削減薬 スタミナ
FormID: 0008DC72 PotionDamageFatigueS ALCH Strong Poison of Fatigue
__高級削減薬 スタミナ
FormID: 0008DC73 PotionDamageHealth ALCH Poison of Illness
__中級削減薬 HP
FormID: 0008DC74 PotionDamageHealthW ALCH Weak Poison of Illness
__低級削減薬 HP
FormID: 0008DC75 PotionDamageHealthS ALCH Strong Poison of Illness
__高級削減薬 HP
FormID: 0008DC76 PotionDamageMagicka ALCH Poison of Severing
__中級削減薬 MP
FormID: 0008DC77 PotionDamageMagickaW ALCH Weak Poison of Severing
__低級削減薬 MP
FormID: 0008DC78 PotionDamageMagickaS ALCH Strong Poison of Severing
__高級削減薬 MP
FormID: 0004E0A9 PotionSkooma ALCH Skooma
FormID: 0002E71C TestSleepingPotion ALCH Sleeping Potion
__Sleeping Potion
FormID: 0004E937 MS39NirnrootPotionA ALCH Weak Elixir of Exploration
FormID: 0004E938 MS39NirnrootPotionB ALCH Moderate Elixir of Exploration
FormID: 0004E939 MS39NirnrootPotionC ALCH Strong Elixir of Exploration
FormID: 0004E93A MS39NirnrootPotionD ALCH Grand Elixir of Exploration
FormID: 000B1200 DrinkAle ALCH Ale
FormID: 000B1201 DrinkMead ALCH Mead
FormID: 000B1202 DrinkBeer ALCH Beer
FormID: 000B1241 FGC03NewheimBeer ALCH Newheim's Special Brew
FormID: 00033526 TestQAPoison ALCH Poison of Nab
__Nabの毒 Poison of Nab
FormID: 00033569 PotionCyrodiilicBrandy ALCH Cyrodilic Brandy
FormID: 0003356A FGD08HistSap01 ALCH Hist Sap
FormID: 00056E51 PotionFortifyWillpowerW ALCH Weak Potion of Willpower
__低級増強薬 気力
FormID: 00056E52 PotionRestoreWillpowerW ALCH Weak Potion of Dedication
__低級回復薬 気力
FormID: 00056E53 PotionFortifyWillpower ALCH Potion of Willpower
__中級増強薬 気力
FormID: 00056E54 PotionDrainWillpower ALCH Poison of Cowardice
__中級消耗薬 気力
FormID: 00056E55 PotionRestoreWillpower ALCH Potion of Dedication
__中級回復薬 気力
FormID: 00056E56 PotionDrainWillpowerS ALCH Strong Poison of Cowardice
__高級消耗薬 気力
FormID: 00056E57 PotionFortifyWillpowerS ALCH Strong Potion of Willpower
__高級増強薬 気力
FormID: 00056E58 PotionRestoreWillpowerS ALCH Strong Potion of Dedication
__高級回復薬 気力
FormID: 00056E59 PotionDrainWillpowerW ALCH Weak Poison of Cowardice
__低級消耗薬 気力
FormID: 000977E4 MS40VampireCurePotion ALCH Cure for Vampirism
FormID: 00037F7E DrinkWine6TamikaBest ALCH Tamika Vintage 399
FormID: 00037F7F DrinkWine0Cheap ALCH Cheap Wine
FormID: 00037F80 DrinkWine1SurilieGood ALCH Surilie Brothers Wine
FormID: 00037F81 DrinkWine2TamikaGood ALCH Tamika's West Weald Wine
__Tamika's West Weald Wine
FormID: 00037F82 DrinkWine3SurilieBetter ALCH Surilie Brothers Vintage 415
FormID: 00037F83 DrinkWine4TamikaBetter ALCH Tamika Vintage 415
__Tamika Vintage 415
FormID: 00037F84 DrinkWine5SurilieBest ALCH Surilie Brothers Vintage 399
FormID: 000981C5 TestSummonPotion ALCH Summon Dremora Lord
__Summon Dremora Lord
FormID: 00098309 HumanBlood ALCH Human Blood
FormID: 00098460 PotionDrainHealthS ALCH Strong Poison of Sickness
__高級消耗薬 HP
FormID: 00098461 PotionDrainIntelligenceW ALCH Weak Poison of Feeblemind
__低級消耗薬 知力
FormID: 00098462 PotionDrainIntelligenceS ALCH Strong Poison of Feeblemind
__高級消耗薬 知力
FormID: 00098463 PotionDrainLuckW ALCH Weak Poison of Catastrophe
__低級消耗薬 運勢
FormID: 00098464 PotionDrainLuckS ALCH Strong Poison of Catastrophe
__高級消耗薬 運勢
FormID: 00098465 PotionDrainMagickaW ALCH Weak Poison of Separation
__低級消耗薬 MP
FormID: 00098466 PotionDrainMagickaS ALCH Strong Poison of Separation
__高級消耗薬 MP
FormID: 00098467 PotionDrainPersonalityW ALCH Weak Poison of Repulsion
__低級消耗薬 魅力
FormID: 00098468 PotionDrainPersonalityS ALCH Strong Poison of Repulsion
__高級消耗薬 魅力
FormID: 00098469 PotionDrainSpeedW ALCH Weak Poison of Apathy
__低級消耗薬 素早さ
FormID: 0009846A PotionDrainSpeedS ALCH Strong Poison of Apathy
__高級消耗薬 素早さ
FormID: 0009846B PotionDrainStrengthW ALCH Weak Poison of Frailty
__低級消耗薬 筋力
FormID: 0009846C PotionDrainStrengthS ALCH Strong Poison of Frailty
__高級消耗薬 筋力
FormID: 0009846D PotionFeatherW ALCH Weak Potion of Feather
__低級増強薬 身軽さ
FormID: 0009846E PotionFeatherS ALCH Strong Potion of Feather
__高級増強薬 身軽さ
FormID: 0009846F PotionFireShieldW ALCH Weak Potion of Fire Shield
__低級防壁薬 火属性
FormID: 00098470 PotionFireShieldS ALCH Strong Potion of Fire Shield
__高級防壁薬 火属性
FormID: 00098471 PotionFortifyAgility ALCH Potion of Agility
__中級増強薬 身のこなし
FormID: 00098472 PotionFortifyEndurance ALCH Potion of Endurance
__中級増強薬 体力
FormID: 00098473 PotionFortifyFatigue ALCH Potion of Fatigue
__中級増強薬 スタミナ
FormID: 00098474 PotionFortifyHealth ALCH Potion of Health
__中級増強薬 HP
FormID: 00098475 PotionFortifyIntelligence ALCH Potion of Intelligence
__中級増強薬 知力
FormID: 00098476 PotionFortifyLuck ALCH Potion of Luck
__中級増強薬 運勢
FormID: 00098477 PotionFortifyMagicka ALCH Potion of Magicka
__中級増強薬 MP
FormID: 00098478 PotionFortifyPersonality ALCH Potion of Personality
__中級増強薬 魅力
FormID: 00098479 PotionFortifySpeed ALCH Potion of Speed
__中級増強薬 素早さ
FormID: 0009847A PotionFortifyStrength ALCH Potion of Strength
__中級増強薬 筋力
FormID: 0009847B PotionFrostShieldW ALCH Weak Potion of Frost Shield
__低級防壁薬 氷属性
FormID: 0009847C PotionFrostShieldS ALCH Strong Potion of Frost Shield
__高級防壁薬 氷属性
FormID: 0009847D PotionInvisibilityW ALCH Weak Potion of Invisibility
__低級付加薬 無視化
FormID: 0009847E PotionInvisibilityS ALCH Strong Potion of Invisibility
__高級付加薬 無視化
FormID: 0009847F PotionLightW ALCH Weak Potion of Light
__低級付加薬 光源
FormID: 00098480 PotionLightS ALCH Strong Potion of Light
__高級付加薬 光源
FormID: 00098481 PotionNighteyeW ALCH Weak Potion of Nighteye
__低級付加薬 暗視
FormID: 00098482 PotionNighteyeS ALCH Strong Potion of Nighteye
__高級付加薬 暗視
FormID: 00098483 PotionParalyzeW ALCH Weak Poison of Paralysis
__低級毒薬 麻痺化
FormID: 00098484 PotionParalyzeS ALCH Strong Poison of Paralysis
__高級毒薬 麻痺化
FormID: 00098485 PotionReflectW ALCH Weak Potion of Reflection
__低級付加薬 魔法反射
FormID: 00098486 PotionReflectS ALCH Strong Potion of Reflection
__高級付加薬 魔法反射
FormID: 00098487 PotionResistDiseaseW ALCH Weak Potion of Resistance
__低級耐性薬 疾病
FormID: 00098488 PotionResistDiseaseS ALCH Strong Potion of Resistance
__高級耐性薬 疾病
FormID: 00098489 PotionResistFireS ALCH Strong Potion of Insulation
__高級耐性薬 火属性
FormID: 0009848A PotionResistFireW ALCH Weak Potion of Insulation
__低級耐性薬 火属性
FormID: 0009848B PotionResistFrostW ALCH Weak Potion of Warmth
__低級耐性薬 氷属性
FormID: 0009848C PotionResistFrostS ALCH Strong Potion of Warmth
__高級耐性薬 氷属性
FormID: 0009848D PotionResistMagickaW ALCH Weak Potion of Disbelief
__低級耐性薬 魔法
FormID: 0009848E PotionResistMagickaS ALCH Strong Potion of Disbelief
__高級耐性薬 魔法
FormID: 0009848F PotionResistPoisonW ALCH Weak Potion of Antivenom
__低級耐性薬 毒素
FormID: 00098490 PotionResistPoisonS ALCH Strong Potion of Antivenom
__高級耐性薬 毒素
FormID: 00098491 PotionResistShockW ALCH Weak Potion of Grounding
__低級耐性薬 雷属性
FormID: 00098492 PotionResistShockS ALCH Strong Potion of Grounding
__高級耐性薬 雷属性
FormID: 00098493 PotionRestoreAgility ALCH Potion of Grace
__中級回復薬 身のこなし
FormID: 00098494 PotionRestoreEndurance ALCH Potion of Fortitude
__中級回復薬 体力
FormID: 00098495 PotionRestoreFatigue ALCH Potion of Respite
__中級回復薬 スタミナ
FormID: 00098496 PotionRestoreHealth ALCH Potion of Healing
__中級回復薬 HP
FormID: 00098497 PotionRestoreIntelligence ALCH Potion of Insight
__中級回復薬 知力
FormID: 00098498 PotionRestoreLuck ALCH Potion of Fortune
__中級回復薬 運勢
FormID: 00098499 PotionRestoreMagicka ALCH Potion of Sorcery
__中級回復薬 MP
FormID: 0009849A PotionRestorePersonality ALCH Potion of Charisma
__中級回復薬 魅力
FormID: 0009849B PotionRestoreSpeed ALCH Potion of Alacrity
__中級回復薬 素早さ
FormID: 0009849C PotionRestoreStrength ALCH Potion of Might
__中級回復薬 筋力
FormID: 0009849D PotionSilenceW ALCH Weak Poison of Silence
__低級毒薬 沈黙化
FormID: 0009849E PotionSilenceS ALCH Strong Poison of Silence
__高級毒薬 沈黙化
FormID: 0009849F PotionSpellAbsorptionW ALCH Weak Potion of Absorption
__低級付加薬 魔法吸収
FormID: 000984A0 PotionSpellAbsorptionS ALCH Strong Potion of Absorption
__高級付加薬 魔法吸収
FormID: 000984A3 PotionWaterBreathing ALCH Potion of the Sea
__中級付加薬 水中呼吸
FormID: 000984A4 PotionWaterWalking ALCH Potion of Seastride
__中級付加薬 水上歩行
FormID: 000984A5 PotionBurden ALCH Poison of Burden
__中級消耗薬 身軽さ
FormID: 000984A6 PotionDetectLife ALCH Potion of Detect Life
__中級付加薬 生体感知
FormID: 000984A7 PotionDispelW ALCH Weak Potion of Dispel
__低級付加薬 魔法解除
FormID: 000984A8 PotionDispelS ALCH Strong Potion of Dispel
__高級付加薬 魔法解除
FormID: 000984A9 PotionDrainAgilityW ALCH Weak Poison of Fumbling
__低級消耗薬 身のこなし
FormID: 000984AA PotionDrainAgilityS ALCH Strong Poison of Fumbling
__高級消耗薬 身のこなし
FormID: 000984AB PotionDrainEnduranceW ALCH Weak Poison of Debilitation
__低級消耗薬 体力
FormID: 000984AC PotionDrainEnduranceS ALCH Strong Poison of Debilitation
__高級消耗薬 体力
FormID: 000984AD PotionDrainFatigueW ALCH Weak Poison of Weariness
__低級消耗薬 スタミナ
FormID: 000984AE PotionDrainFatigueS ALCH Strong Poison of Weariness
__高級消耗薬 スタミナ
FormID: 000984AF PotionDrainHealthW ALCH Weak Poison of Sickness
__低級消耗薬 HP
FormID: 000B97EA HouseServantMead ALCH Rosethorn Mead
__Rosethorn Mead
FormID: 0007BCC9 MS37PhilterofFrostward ALCH Philter of Frostward
__Philter of Frostward

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