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come and cavort.<br> On each and every ball,<br> The first man at the Hall<br> Is Lord Ogin Jornibret of Gaer,<br> The Curse of all the Maidens Fair.<br> <br> Women's Refrain:<br> Oh, dear ladies, beware.<br> Dearest, dearest ladies, take care.<br> Though he's a very handsome man,<br> If you dare to take his handsome hand,<br> The nasty little spell will be cast<br> And your first dance with him will be the last.<br> <br> Men's Verse I:<br> At this social event<br> Everyone who went<br> Knew the bows and stances<br> And steps to all the dances.<br> The Queen of Rimmen and her consort<br> Would order a trumpet's wild report,<br> And there could be no indecision<br> As the revelers took position.<br> The first dance only ladies, separate<br> Away from such men as Lord Jornibret.<br> <br> Men's Refrain:<br> Oh, dear fellows, explain.<br> Brothers, can you help make it plain:<br> The man's been doing this for years,<br> Leaving maidens fair in tears<br> Before the final tune's been blast.<br> And her first dance with him will be the last.<br> <br> Women's Verse II:<br> Lord Ogin Jornibret of Gaer<br> Watched the ladies dance on air<br> The loveliest in the realm.<br> A fellow in a ursine-hide helm<br> Said, "The Queen of Rimmen and her consort<br> Have put together quite a sport.<br> Which lady fair do you prefer?"<br> Lord Jornibret pointed, "Her.<br> See that bosom bob and weave.<br> Well-suited for me to love and leave."<br> <br> Women's Refrain.<br> <br> Men's Verse II:<br> The man in the mask of a bear<br> Had left the Lord of Gaer<br> Before the ladies' dance was ending.<br> Then a trumpet sounded, portending<br> That the Queen of Rimmen and her consort<br> Called for the men to come to court.<br> Disdainful, passing over all the rest,<br> Ogin approached she of bobbing breast.<br> She was rejected, saved a life of woe,<br> For a new maiden as fair as snow.<br> <br> Men's Refrain.<br> <br> Women's Verse III:<br> At the first note of the band,<br> The beauty took Ogin's hand.<br> She complimented his stately carriage<br> Dancing to the tune about the marriage<br> Of the Queen of Rimmen and her consort.<br> It is very difficult indeed to comport<br> With grace, neither falling nor flailing,<br> Wearing ornate hide and leather mailing,<br> Dancing light as the sweetest of dreams<br> Without a single squeak of the seams.<br> <br> Women's Refrain.<br> <br> <br> Men's Verse III:<br> The rhythms rose and fell<br> No one dancing could excel<br> With masculine grace and syncopation,<br> Lord Jornibret even drew admiration<br> From the Queen of Rimmen and her consort.<br> Like a beauteous vessel pulling into port,<br> He silently slid, belying the leather's weight.<br> She whispered girlishly, "The hour is late,<br> But I've never seen such grace in hide armor."<br> It 'twas a pity he knew he had to harm her.<br> <br> Men's Refrain<br> <br> Women's Verse IV<br> The tune beat was furious<br> He began to be curious<br> Where had the maiden been sequest'ed.<br> "Before this dance was requested<br> By the consort and his Queen of Rimmen<br> I didn't see you dance with the women."<br> "My dress was torn as I came to the dance,"<br> She said smiling in a voice deep as a man's,<br> "My maids worked quickly to repair,<br> While I wore a suit of hide, a helm of a bear."<br> <br> Women's Refrain.<br> <br> -- End<br> <br> }}} **訳文 **訳文 [#gc01d0f9] // 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。 #pre{{{{ <font face=1><br> 「Jornibret卿の最後のダンス」<br> (伝承に基づく)<br> <br> 女たちの韻詩?<br> (本当に極めて厄介である)<br> この戦あの戦という<br> その理由を除いた<br> どの冬の季節にも<br> Rimmen女王と夫君は<br> 家臣を集めて宴席を希望する。<br> 各々の在らゆる舞踏会の席で<br> 広間の主役たる御仁は<br> GaerのOgin_Jornibret卿<br> 在らゆる麗しい乙女にとっての災の種。<br> <br> 女たちの畳句<br> ああ、愛らしい淑女たち、用心なさい。<br> 選り抜き愛らしい、愛らしい淑女たち、注意なさい。<br> 彼は飛び切り見目うるわしいけれど、<br> 勇気を振るい彼の麗しい手を取れば、<br> 小さな厄介な魔法を仕掛けられるでしょう<br> そして、貴女にとって、彼との最初のダンスは、彼との最後のダンスになるでしょう。<br> <br> 男たちの韻詩?<br> この社交界の行事に<br> 足を運ぶ者は誰しも<br> 会釈と立場と<br> どんなダンスのステップも心得ている。<br> Rimmen女王と夫君が<br> トランペットの騒がしい応酬を命じて、<br> 浮かれた人々が場に居合わせる時には、<br> そう、優柔不断は在り得ないのである。<br> 女たちだけの最初のダンスは<br> Jornibret卿みたいな男たちを除いたもの。<br> <br> 男たちの畳句<br> ああ、親愛なる殿方たち、説明ねがいたい。<br> 兄弟たち、これを明らかにするよう助けて欲しい。<br> すなわち<br> その男は何年にも亘って<br> 最後の曲が鳴り響く前に<br> 麗しい乙女たちを涙の内に置いてきたということを。<br> そして、彼女にとって、彼との最初のダンスは、彼との最後のダンスになるだろう。<br> <br> 女たちの韻詩?<br> GaerのOgin_Jornibret卿は<br> 淑女たちが旋律に合わせて踊るのを見やり、<br> その内でも飛び切り美々しい者を見つめた。<br> 熊の皮で作った兜を被った男が言った、<br> 「Rimmen女王と夫君は<br> 実に素晴らしい娯楽を催されました。<br> どの麗しい淑女が、お気に召しましたかな?」<br> Jornibret卿は指さして、「彼女です。<br> 御覧なさい、あの胸が揺れ回るのを。<br> 私が愛し去る〔love_and_leave〕のには、打ってつけです」<br> <br> 女たちの復誦<br> <br> 男たちの韻詩?<br> その熊のマスクを被った男は<br> Gaer卿の下を立ち去った、<br> 淑女たちのダンスが終わる前に。<br> それから、トランペットが鳴り響き、<br> Rimmen女王と夫君が<br> 男たちが中庭に来るよう求めていることを予告した。<br> 偉ぶって、残る皆の傍を通り過ぎ<br> Oginは、揺れ回る胸を具える彼女の下に近づいた。<br> 雪のように純白なる新しい乙女のために、<br> 彼女は捨てられ、悲しみの人生を残された。<br> <br> 男たちの復誦<br> <br> 女たちの韻詩?<br> 楽団の最初の旋律に際して、<br> その麗人〔新しい乙女〕がOginの手を取った。<br> Rimmen女王と夫君の<br> 婚姻にまつわる曲に合わせて踊りながら<br> 彼女は彼の堂々たる身のこなしを褒めた。<br> 優雅に、倒れずに手足をバタつかせずに、<br> 皮と革で作った華麗なる鎧を着込みつつ、<br> 振る舞うことは、実に難しい。<br> 一度の綻びも見せない、<br> とりわけ甘やかな夢のように軽やかなダンス。<br> <br> 女たちの復誦<br> <br> <br> 男たちの韻詩?<br> リズムは高まり低まり<br> 男らしい優美とシンコペーション〔※1〕に於いて<br> 踊り手の誰も敵わず<br> Jornibret卿は<br> Rimmen女王と夫君からの<br> 一層の賞賛を集めた。<br> 美々しい船が港に進み入るように<br> 革の重みを感じさせないほどに、彼は静かに身を滑らせた。<br> 彼女は無邪気に言った、「齢を重ねてきましたが、<br> 自分が彼女を傷つけねばならないことに、彼は哀れみを覚えた。<br> <br> 男たちの復誦<br> <br> 女たちの韻詩?<br> 曲目の鼓動は激しくなって<br> 彼の好奇心は強まり始めた<br> その乙女を何処で突き放すかと。<br> 「夫君とRimmen女王によって<br> この〔男女混交の〕ダンスが望まれる以前には<br> 貴女が女性と踊るのを見たこと無かった」<br> 「ダンスを踊ろうとして、私のドレスは裂けてしまいました」<br> 彼女は微笑んで男のような低い声音で言った、<br> 「メイドたちが修理のため急いで働いている間、<br> 私は一式の革鎧と熊の兜を身に付けていました」<br> <br> 女たちの復誦<br> <br> --終わり<br> <br> 訳注<br> 原文は見事に韻を踏んでいるため、是非とも一読してみて欲しい。<br> ※1リズムの強弱を交換する舞踏方法。<br> <br> 原文<br> <br> <font face=1><br> Lord Jornibret's Last Dance<br> (Traditional)<br> <br> Women's Verse I:<br> Every winter season,<br> Except for the reason<br> Of one war or another<br> (Really quite a bother),<br> The Queen of Rimmen and her consort<br> Request their vassals come and cavort.<br> On each and every ball,<br> The first man at the Hall<br> Is Lord Ogin Jornibret of Gaer,<br> The Curse of all the Maidens Fair.<br> <br> Women's Refrain:<br> Oh, dear ladies, beware.<br> Dearest, dearest ladies, take care.<br> Though he's a very handsome man,<br> If you dare to take his handsome hand,<br> The nasty little spell will be cast<br> And your first dance with him will be the last.<br> <br> Men's Verse I:<br> At this social event<br> Everyone who went<br> Knew the bows and stances<br> And steps to all the dances.<br> The Queen of Rimmen and her consort<br> Would order a trumpet's wild report,<br> And there could be no indecision<br> As the revelers took position.<br> The first dance only ladies, separate<br> Away from such men as Lord Jornibret.<br> <br> Men's Refrain:<br> Oh, dear fellows, explain.<br> Brothers, can you help make it plain:<br> The man's been doing this for years,<br> Leaving maidens fair in tears<br> Before the final tune's been blast.<br> And her first dance with him will be the last.<br> <br> Women's Verse II:<br> Lord Ogin Jornibret of Gaer<br> Watched the ladies dance on air<br> The loveliest in the realm.<br> A fellow in a ursine-hide helm<br> Said, "The Queen of Rimmen and her consort<br> Have put together quite a sport.<br> Which lady fair do you prefer?"<br> Lord Jornibret pointed, "Her.<br> See that bosom bob and weave.<br> Well-suited for me to love and leave."<br> <br> Women's Refrain.<br> <br> Men's Verse II:<br> The man in the mask of a bear<br> Had left the Lord of Gaer<br> Before the ladies' dance was ending.<br> Then a trumpet sounded, portending<br> That the Queen of Rimmen and her consort<br> Called for the men to come to court.<br> Disdainful, passing over all the rest,<br> Ogin approached she of bobbing breast.<br> She was rejected, saved a life of woe,<br> For a new maiden as fair as snow.<br> <br> Men's Refrain.<br> <br> Women's Verse III:<br> At the first note of the band,<br> The beauty took Ogin's hand.<br> She complimented his stately carriage<br> Dancing to the tune about the marriage<br> Of the Queen of Rimmen and her consort.<br> It is very difficult indeed to comport<br> With grace, neither falling nor flailing,<br> Wearing ornate hide and leather mailing,<br> Dancing light as the sweetest of dreams<br> Without a single squeak of the seams.<br> <br> Women's Refrain.<br> <br> <br> Men's Verse III:<br> The rhythms rose and fell<br> No one dancing could excel<br> With masculine grace and syncopation,<br> Lord Jornibret even drew admiration<br> From the Queen of Rimmen and her consort.<br> Like a beauteous vessel pulling into port,<br> He silently slid, belying the leather's weight.<br> She whispered girlishly, "The hour is late,<br> But I've never seen such grace in hide armor."<br> It 'twas a pity he knew he had to harm her.<br> <br> Men's Refrain<br> <br> Women's Verse IV<br> The tune beat was furious<br> He began to be curious<br> Where had the maiden been sequest'ed.<br> "Before this dance was requested<br> By the consort and his Queen of Rimmen<br> I didn't see you dance with the women."<br> "My dress was torn as I came to the dance,"<br> She said smiling in a voice deep as a man's,<br> "My maids worked quickly to repair,<br> While I wore a suit of hide, a helm of a bear."<br> <br> Women's Refrain.<br> <br> -- End<br> <br> }}}}