FormID: 0002872D Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 The old biddy seems flustered about the murder, but who isn't, right? __うるさいババァが人が殺され落ち着きがないようだが、当然の事じゃねえのか? FormID: 0002872E Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 It seems she's upset about the murder, but there's something else. It's almost like she's glad there's less competition for the gold. Greedy old bat. __殺人で気が動転しているらしいが、いいこともあるぜ。ゴールドを探す競争相手が減って婆さんは喜ぶって事だよ。欲張りババァめ。 __殺人で気が動転しているらしいが、いいこともあるぜ。金貨を探す競争相手が減って婆さんは喜ぶって事だよ。欲張りババァめ。 FormID: 00028788 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Have you no compassion? There are two bloody corpses lying in this place, and all you can do is question me about that old woman? __お前には思いやりがないのか? ここには二つの無残な遺体が転がってるんだぞ、それなのにあの婆さんの質問をすることしかできねぇのかよ? FormID: 00028789 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 She looks pretty shaken, doesn't she? I can't tell if it's genuine fear or just really good acting. She's as much a suspect as anyone, don't forget. __かなりビビッっているように見えるだろ? それが真の恐怖なのか、本当にうまい演技なのかは分からない。婆さんは誰とも同じように疑われてるんだ、忘れるんじゃねぇ。 FormID: 0002878A Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 I'll be honest, friend. I don't know what to think about Matilde. Yeah, she seems frightened, but she's also still alive. Why wasn't she killed? __正直に言うよ、相棒。Matildeの事はどう考えていいか分からねぇ。もちろん、彼女は怖がっているんだろうが生きている事に違いない。なぜ、殺されなかったんだ? FormID: 0002878A Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 1 She may look old and weak, but that's never stopped a murderer before, has it? Don't doubt for a second that she couldn't be the killer. __年をくって弱々しく思えるかもしれんが、今までそんな事が人殺しを思い止まらせた事があるか? 婆さんが殺人犯かもしれないって事は少しも疑うんじゃないぜ。 FormID: 0002878B Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 What, you think the old woman is the killer, is that it? Is that what you'd have me believe? Trying to cover your tracks? __なに、婆さんが殺人犯だと? それがどうした? それが俺に信じさせたい事なのか? 自分の証拠を隠そうとしてるんじゃねぇのか? FormID: 0002878C Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 She's either a frightened old woman or a cold-blooded killer! I don't know whether I should comfort her or hit her over the head with a rock! __奴は怯える老婆か、冷酷な殺人鬼のどちらかだ! 婆さんを元気つけるべきか、岩で頭をかち割るべきか俺にはわからねぇ! FormID: 0002878D Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 There are only three of us left! You and I are no killers, so that leaves the old woman! Don't be fooled by her appearance. Matilde is no weakling. __残されたのはわずか三人だ! 俺とお前は殺人犯じゃねぇ、ってことは残るは婆さんなんだ! 奴の外見に騙されるな。Matildeは弱者なんかじゃないんだよ。 FormID: 0002878D Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 1 She killed the others in cold blood, and she'll try to kill us next! I'm not about to stand around waiting to die! We need to kill Matilde! __奴は冷酷にも他の者等を殺し、次は俺達をも殺そうとしている! 俺は死ぬのをただ待つつもりはない! 俺達でMatildeを殺すんだ! FormID: 0002878E Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 She's dead. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, now would you? __彼女は死んだよ。たまたまその事を知らなかったとでも? FormID: 0002878F Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 What kind of sick, demented person could cut down an old woman in cold blood? It proves that evil truly does exist in this world. __どういった異常で狂った人格の持ち主が冷酷にも老婆を切り殺せるっていうんだ? これは邪悪がこの世にはびこっている証拠だ。 FormID: 00028790 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Some bloodthirsty monster killed that woman in cold blood. It's obvious to me one of the other guests killed her to eliminate the competition. __ある血に餓えた怪物があの女を冷酷にも殺害した。ライバルを排除するため、招待客の一人が彼女を殺したのは一目瞭然だよ。 FormID: 00028790 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 1 Assuming that's true, who's next? You? Me? We need to keep our eyes open, friend. And we'd do well not to trust the others. __それが真相だとして次は誰が狙われる? お前か? 俺か? しっかりと目を開け、相棒よ。他人は当てにしない方がいいぞ。 FormID: 00028C23 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 What's your interest in the old woman? You'd do well to keep your questions to yourself. __老婦人に何の興味があるんだ? その質問は自分の胸に閉まっておくんだな。 FormID: 00028C24 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Matilde seems like an upstanding citizen of the Empire. She respects the law and recognizes the Legion as Tamriel's greatest defense against evil. __Matildeは正直な帝国市民のように思えるな。彼女は法を尊び軍隊を邪悪に対抗するTamrielでの最高の防衛手段として認識しているのだ。 FormID: 00028C25 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 If I may be honest, I feel a bit sorry for the old woman. She comes from a noble family, I'm sure, but seems a lot less well off than she should be. __正直に言ってもいいのなら、少し気の毒に思ってるよ。彼女は貴族出身だ、それは間違いない、だがあるべき姿よりずっと貧しく見えるんだ。 FormID: 00028C26 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 She's upset, you idiot! Murder has that effect on people! __彼女は気が動転しているんだ、この大ばか者! 殺人とは人にそういった影響を与えるものなんだよ! FormID: 00028C27 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 The poor woman's rather upset. Someone of her bearing isn't accustomed to the horror of murder. __哀れなご婦人がかなり取り乱している。彼女のような人物は殺人の恐怖には慣れていないものだ。 FormID: 00028C28 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 She's afraid, and for good reason. If the killer strikes again, they may very well pick an easy target, like Matilde. She needn't worry, though. __彼女は恐れている、当然の理由からだ。もし殺人犯が再び襲ってきたら、確実に簡単な目標を狙ってくるやもしれん、Matildeのような者をな。だが心配に及ばん。 FormID: 00028C28 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 1 I'm a trained soldier with over twenty years experience dealing with situations like this. On my honor, this killer will be caught and dealt with! __私はこういう状況を扱ってきた二十年以上の経験を持つ軍人だ。私の名誉に誓い、必ずこの殺人犯を捕まえ始末してやる! FormID: 00028C2B Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Excuse me? You want to question me about Matilde? Two people have been murdered, you fool! Get your priorities straight! __失礼? Matildeの事が聞きたいって言ったのか? 二人の者が死んだんだぞ、この愚か者! 何を優先させるかしっかりと正すんだな! FormID: 00028C2C Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Matilde is old, and frail. The shock of two people being murdered is surely too much for the poor woman. __Matildeは年を食い弱々しくある。二人が殺害されたショックは弱りきった婦人にとってはあまりにも過酷なものだ。 FormID: 00028C2D Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 There's a killer in here and Matilde needs protection. Who better to defend her but me? I'm keeping my eye on the old woman, don't you worry. __ここに殺人犯がいるとなるとMatildeには護衛が必要だ。彼女を守るのに私を置いて他に誰がいる? 老婦人には私が目を配っているよ、心配するな。 FormID: 00028C2E Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 I suppose you're trying to turn me against Matilde, eh? Make me think she's the killer. I've got news for you friend -- I know it's you! __私をMatildeと対立させるつもりか? お前は彼女を殺人犯だと思わせている。君に知らせがある -- お前の仕業だと私には分かっているのだ! FormID: 00028C2E Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 1 I can't prove it yet, but just you wait. You try to hurt that poor old woman and I'll cut you in two! __今はまだ証明はできんが、待っているがいい。あの哀れな老婦人を傷つけようとしたら、お前を真っ二つにしてやる! FormID: 00028C2F Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Three people have been killed, and now Matilde thinks she's next. I guess only the killer knows for sure. Isn't that right? __三人が殺されてしまった、そしてMatildeは次は自分の番だと考えている。確かな事は殺人犯だけ知っていよう。当然の事じゃないのか? FormID: 00028C30 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Three people have been killed, and the only ones left are you, me and a little old lady. One of us is a murderer, and my money's on the old lady. __三人が殺されてしまったな、生き残りはお前と私、そして小さな老婦人だけだ。我々の一人が人殺しになるが、私は老婦人に賭けている。 FormID: 00028C30 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 1 Don't let her looks deceive you, friend. I've seen black widows like her before! Her crimes must not go unpunished! Justice is at hand! __彼女の容姿にだまされるな、友よ。私は過去にああいった毒蜘蛛を見てきたのだ! 奴の罪は見逃されるものではない! 正義は我が手にあるのだ! FormID: 00028C31 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Someone slaughtered that poor old woman like a lamb. I've got my eyes on you. Make one false move and I'll come down on you like a hammer. __誰かがあの哀れな老婆を子羊のように切り裂いたのだ。お前を監視しなければならんな。少しでも過ちを犯してみろ、鉄槌を振り下ろすが如くお前を襲撃してやるぞ。 FormID: 00028C32 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 How could this happen? How could I have let my guard down. That poor old woman is dead, and I should have protected her.... __なぜこんな事が起きたんだ? なぜ私は警戒を緩めてしまったのだ。あの哀れな老婆は死んだ、私が彼女を守るべきだったのに… FormID: 00028C33 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 0 Matilde's murder saddens me friend, but not for the reason you may think. Ten years ago, when I was in my prime, this never would have happened. __Matildeの殺害は私を悲しませるのだ、友よ。だがお前の思っているような理由のためではない。十年前私が現役であれば、こんな事件は起こらなかったはずなんだ。 FormID: 00028C33 Dark08Whodunit MatildePetitTopic 1 But now I'm old, and my instincts have failed. I let that woman down. __しかし今や私は年を取り、力は衰えてしまった。私があの女性の死を許したのだ。 FormID: 00027992 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 The little Dark Elf? She seems a nice enough girl. But to be perfectly honest, I've never trusted their kind. __幼いDark Elfのこと? なかなか良い娘のようね。でも本音を言うとね、彼女達の種族は全く信用してないのよ。 FormID: 00028193 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 What about her? She's a Dark Elf, and that's bad enough. I may even like her less than you, if that's possible. __彼女が何? 彼女はDark Elfよ、それだけでうんざり。仮の話であっても、あんたより好きになる事は決してないでしょうね。 FormID: 00028194 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Personally, I think she's a little floozy. She's been eyeing young Primo Antonius, probably smells his wealth. __個人的にはね、ちょっと尻軽な女だと思ってるの。財産に惹かれてたのか若いPrimo Antoniusにずっと色目を使っているもの。 FormID: 00028195 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Someone has been brutally murdered, yet you want to question me about that little Dark Elf tramp? Go away, you fool. __人が残酷にも殺されたのに、まだあの幼いDark Elfのあばずれについて聞きたいの? あっちへ行ってちょうだい、このお馬鹿。 FormID: 00028196 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 If you ask me, the Dark Elf is our killer. They're an evil and vengeful people, all of them. __私に言わせれば、Dark Elfが殺人犯しよ。奴らはみんな邪悪で執念深い人種なのよ。 FormID: 00028197 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 That little tramp is as guilty as sin, you hear me? She's the killer, and if we don't keep our eyes on her she'll do it again! __あの若いあばずれ女はひどい罪を犯してるわ、いい? 彼女が殺人犯よ、もし目を離せばまた同じ事をやらかすわ! FormID: 00028198 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 She's a Dark Elf and a harlot, and for all I know she's a murderer too! Now leave me be, you cretin! __彼女はDark Elfで売女、そして恐らく人殺しでもあるわ! じゃあそっとしておいてよ、このバカ! FormID: 00028199 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Isn't it obvious? Two of us have been murdered in cold blood, and that little tramp hasn't batted an eyelash. You figure it out. __分かりきったことじゃないの? 私達の内二人が冷酷にも殺されたっていうのに、あのアバズレ娘は顔色一つ変えやしない。何とかしなさいよ。 FormID: 0002819A Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Don't trust her, sweetie. Not a thing she says. If she tries to get you alone anywhere, get away as fast as you can! She's a cold-blooded killer! __彼女を信じちゃダメよ、貴方。本当の事は何一つ言ってないわ。もし貴方を一人きりにしようとしたら、出来るだけ早く逃げなさい! 彼女は血も涙もない殺人鬼よ! FormID: 0002819B Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 You bloody half-wit! Do I have to spell it out for you? She's a killer! A murderer! __あんたって本当にお馬鹿ね! 私が一から十まで教えないとダメなの? 彼女は殺人犯よ! 人殺しなのよ! FormID: 0002819C Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 I knew it! It's her! That Dark Elf tramp killed them all! We've got to get out of this place! __やっぱりそう! 彼女よ! あのDrak ELFのあばずれがみんなを殺したんだわ! この家から出るのよ! FormID: 0002819D Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 It's up to us now, don't you see? Dovesi did it! She murdered everyone! And now she wants to murder us too! We have to get her first! __もう私達にかかっているの、分かる? Dovesiの仕業だわ! 彼女が全員殺したのよ! 次は私達も殺そうとするわ! 殺られる前に彼女を殺すのよ! FormID: 0002819E Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 So she's dead. What do you want from me? Flowers? A eulogy? I think not. __そう彼女は死んだわ。それで私から何を引き出したいの? 華やかな言葉? 追悼? 何も考えてないわ。 FormID: 0002819F Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Yes, the poor girl is dead. What a shame. Well, I guess she won't be finding the gold, hmm? Hehehehehe. __そうよ、惨めな小娘は死んだわ。とっても残念ね。まぁゴールドは見つけられなかったようだけど? ヒッヒャヒャヒャヒャヒャヒャハー。 __そうよ、惨めな小娘は死んだわ。とっても残念ね。まぁ金貨は見つけられなかったようだけど? ヒッヒャヒャヒャヒャヒャヒャハー。 FormID: 000281A0 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 One less Dark Elf in the world. And now there's one less person to find the gold, as well. It's a good day, don't you think? __この世からDark ELFが一人減った。それと同時にゴールドを探す者も一人居なくなった。今日はいい日だわ、そう思わない? __この世からDark Elfが一人減った。それと同時に金貨を探す者も一人居なくなった。今日はいい日だわ、そう思わない? FormID: 0002826E Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Not much to tell about me, really. I'm from Morrowind originally, but my family moved to Valenwood a few years ago. __私に関してはあまり話す事なんてないわ、本当よ。元々Morrowindの出身なんだけど、数年前に私の家族はValenwoodへ移り住んだの。 FormID: 00028705 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 My feelings toward her are really none of your business. __僕の彼女へ思いはあんたとは全く無然関係だよ。 FormID: 00028706 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 She's quite beautiful, isn't she? A little young, perhaps, and not exactly high-born, but she possesses a unique elegance. __彼女はとても綺麗じゃない? 少々若くて必ずしも高貴の生まれではないんだろうけど、独特の気品が漂ってるよ。 FormID: 00028707 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Can I be honest with you, my friend? I find Dovesi... captivating. She possesses a beauty beyond compare. __正直に言っていいかな、友よ? 僕は気付いたのさ…Dovesiの魅力にね。彼女には無類の美しさがあるんだ。 FormID: 00028707 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 1 Maybe you could do me a favor? If you speak with her, put in a good word for me, would you? I would be forever in your debt. __ちょっと頼みを聞いてもらえるかい? もし彼女と話をしたら僕の事を持ち上げてくれないか? 一生の貸しにするよ。 FormID: 00028708 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Do my ears deceive me, or are you actually suggesting Dovesi might be the one behind the murder? Back away now, cretin. __僕の耳が変になったのか、それとも本当にDovesiが殺人に関わってる人物だと言いたいのか? 今すぐ消えろ、この間抜け。 FormID: 00028709 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 She seems very upset by the murder. I do hope she'll be all right. __殺人で彼女はひどく動揺しているみたいだ。落ち着いてくれるといいんだけど。 FormID: 0002870A Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 I can tell the murder is weighing heavily on her heart. She seems such a paradox to me. So gentle and beautiful, yet so strong... __殺人が彼女の心に重く圧し掛かっているはず。でも僕にはとても矛盾しているように見えるんだ。とても優しくて美しい、それでいてとても逞しいんだよ… FormID: 0002870B Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 She's upset, you bufoon, just like the rest of us! Two people have been murdered! I hope you're not suggesting she could be the killer! __彼女は動揺しているんだ、この下衆め、僕等と一緒なんだ! 二人が殺されてるんだぞ! 彼女が人殺しだなんて言わないでくれよ! FormID: 0002870C Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 The poor girl! She's too young, too innocent to be exposed to these horrible murders. I hope she's holding up all right. __可哀相な女の子だ! こんな恐ろしい殺人にさらされるにはあまりにも若くていたいけだよ。彼女には元気に持ち堪えてほしいな。 FormID: 0002870D Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 I don't mean to sound like a ghoul, but with two people murdered and Dovesi obviously upset, this may be my chance to get close to her. __餓鬼のようには思われたくないけどさ、二人が殺されてDovesiは明らかに動揺してるし、彼女に近づくチャンスかもしれないな。 FormID: 0002870D Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 1 You know, offer her comfort and support during this difficult time. Besides, I want to watch over her, make sure she stays safe. __もちろん慰めて、このつらい時間を支えてあげるんだよ。その上で彼女を見張り身の安全を守ってあげたいんだ。 FormID: 0002870E Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 You fiend! Are you suggesting Dovesi is the murderer? You'd do well to watch your mouth, and your back! __この悪魔め! 彼女が人殺しだと言うのか? 口の利き方に気をつけろ、後ろから襲われないようにしな! FormID: 0002870F Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Dovesi is young and weak, yet the killer left her alive. Why? She couldn't possibly have anything to do with the murders... could she? __Dovesiは幼いし力も弱い、にも関わらず殺人犯は彼女を生かしている。なぜなんだ? 彼女が殺人と何も関係がないなんて…言えるのか? FormID: 00028710 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 How could I have been so naive, so stupid? We must stick together my friend, for Dovesi is surely the murderer! We must strike before she does! __僕はどうしてこんなに世間知らずで愚かだったんだ? 友よ、僕等は力を合わせなきゃいけないんだ、Dovesiこそが殺人鬼だからな! 殺される前に彼女を討つんだ! FormID: 00028711 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 You're not even worthy enough to mention her name, you low-born parasite. Now get away from me before YOU wind up dead! __お前には彼女の名前を口にする資格なんてない、この卑しい寄生虫め! さあ死者を怒らせる前に俺の前から消え失せろ! FormID: 00028712 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 She was so beautiful. And now she's gone... __彼女はとても美しかった。でももう彼女はいないんだ… FormID: 00028713 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Who? Who among us is vile enough to take the life of such a beautiful, precious creature? If I find out who did this, they will pay with their life! __誰だ? 誰が卑しくもさも美しく尊い創造物の命を奪ったんだ? 犯人を見つけたら、その命で償いをしてもらうぞ! FormID: 0007096C Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 To think, I actually had feelings for that wretched witch! Thank the gods she's dead. Now... Now we're safe. We are safe... aren't we? __考えてみたら、僕は確かにあの浅ましく醜い女に思いを寄せていたよ! 彼女の死を神に感謝だ。これで…これで僕達は安全だ。安全に…なったんだよね? FormID: 00028A05 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 She's an innocent young girl, and she doesn't need people like you asking questions about her. __うぶな若い娘だよ、だからてめぇみたいに人の事を嗅ぎ回る奴に用はないぜ。 FormID: 00028A06 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Dovesi is a sweet young lass. She reminds me of someone I knew. But perhaps we should talk about something else. __Dovesiは愛らしくて若い娘だ。昔の知り合いを思い出すよ。だが話題を変えるべきじゃないか。 FormID: 00028A07 Dark08Whodunit DovesiDranTopic 0 Let me confide something in you, my friend. Dovesi is the spitting image of my own daughter! Her skin is darker, of course, but that sweet face... __お前を見込んでの話をするぜ、相棒。Dovesiは俺の娘と瓜二つなんだ! もちろん肌は黒すぎるが、あの可愛らしい顔が…