Vanilla/Dialogue/TrainingSecurity の変更点


FormID: 0018BC63	TrainingSecurity	ServiceRefusal	0	I don't help just anyone, you know.	
FormID: 0018BC5B	TrainingSecurity	GREETING	0	Have you returned with a message from S'Krivva?	
FormID: 0018BC5D	TrainingSecurity	GREETING	0	Until you have the message from S'Krivva, we have nothing further to say to one another.	
FormID: 0018BC64	TrainingSecurity	GREETING	0	Do you have business with me?	
FormID: 0018BC5F	TrainingSecurity	TrainingQuestTopic	0	How very arrogant of you. To think that I would aid you out of the kindness of my heart?	
FormID: 0018BC5F	TrainingSecurity	TrainingQuestTopic	1	Since you are here, and since you want something, you are useful to me. Travel to Bravil, and speak with S'Krivva. She should have a message for me.	
FormID: 0018BC60	TrainingSecurity	TrainingQuestTopic	0	You must find J'baana, and learn from him.	
FormID: 0018BC61	TrainingSecurity	TrainingQuestTopic	0	Only one has a better mastery of locks than I. You need to speak to J'baana. You can find him imprisoned at the Imperial Legion headquarters.	
__私よりも手練れとなると一人だけよ。J'baanaに話をしなさい。彼はImperial Legion headquarterで囚われの身になってるわ。
FormID: 0018BC62	TrainingSecurity	TrainingQuestTopic	0	If more knowledge is what you seek, you must consult J'baana. He is wise in the way of locks.	
FormID: 0018BC62	TrainingSecurity	TrainingQuestTopic	1	He is a guest of the Legion, at the Legion Headquarters in Cyrodiil. Seek him there.	
__彼はLegionの招待客になってるよ。CyrodiilのLegion Headquarterのね。そこを捜すと良いよ。
FormID: 0018BC5A	TrainingSecurity	Message	0	Ah, yes. Thank you.	
FormID: 0018BC5A	TrainingSecurity	Message	1	I see nothing has changed. How... disappointing.	
FormID: 0018BC5A	TrainingSecurity	Message	2	Nevertheless, you have done your part. Now, if you wish to learn from me, I have much I can teach you.	
FormID: 0018BC5C	TrainingSecurity	Message	0	I've given you the message. There's nothing more I can do.	
FormID: 0018BC66	TrainingSecurity	Message	0	What?	
FormID: 0018BC66	TrainingSecurity	Message	1	I... J'baana was informed already.... The delays are not my fault...	
FormID: 0018BC66	TrainingSecurity	Message	2	Here, take this to him. It is not my fault. The job will be finished, I swear it.	

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