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*題名 [#nba0bf86]
**原題 [#vaa903b3]
-Rislav The Righteous

**訳題 [#fedf2759]

*本文 [#m57ff5f7]

**原文 [#pb727002]
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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Rislav the Righteous<br>
By Sinjin <br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/" width=61 height=61>ike all true heroes, Rislav Larich had inauspicious beginnings.  We are told by chroniclers that the springtide night in the 448th year of the first era on which he was born was unseasonably cold, and that his mother Queen Lynada died very shortly after setting eyes upon her son.  If he were much beloved of his father, King Mhorus of Skingrad, who already had plenty of heirs, three sons and four daughters before him, the chroniclers make no mention of it.<br>
His existence was so very undistinguished that we hear virtually nothing of him for the first twenty years of his life.  His schooling, we can suppose, was similar to that of any "spare prince" in the Colovian West, with Ayleid tutors to teach him the ways of hunting and battle.  Etiquette, religious instruction, and even basic statecraft were seldom a part of the training of a prince of the Highlands, as it was in the more civilized valley of Nibenay.<br>
There is a brief reference to him, together with his family, as part of the rolls of honor during the coronation of the Emperor Gorieus on the 23rd of Sun's Dawn 1E 461.  The ceremony, of course, held during the time of the Alessian Doctrines of Marukh, and so was without entertainment, but the thirteen-year-old Rislav was still witness to some of the greatest figures of legend.  The Beast of Anequina, Darloc Brae, represented his kingdom, giving honor to the Empire.  The Chieftain of Skyrim Kjoric the White and his son Hoag were in attendance.  And despite the Empire's intolerance of all elves, chimer Indoril Nerevar and dwemer Dumac Dwarfking were evidently there as well, diplomatically representing Resdayn, all in relative peace.<br>
Also mentioned on the rolls was a young mer in service to the Imperial court of High Rock, who was to have a great history with Rislav.  Ryain Direnni.<br>
Whether the two young men of about the same age met and conversed is entirely the stuff of historian's fancy.  Ryain is spoken of in praising words as a powerful land-owner, eventually buying the island of Balfiera in the Iliac Bay and gradually conquering all of High Rock and large parts of Hammerfell and Skyrim, but Rislav is not heard of again in history's books for another seventeen years.  We can only offer supposition based on the facts that follow.<br>
Children of kings are, of course, married to the children of other kings to bind alliances.  The kingdoms of Skingrad and Kvatch skirmished over common territory throughout the fifth century, until they reached a peace in the year 472.  The details of this accord are not recorded, but since we know that Prince Rislav was in the court of Kvatch six years later, as husband to Belene, the daughter of King Justinius, it is fair to make an educated guess that they were married then to make peace.  <br>
This brings us to the year 478, when a great plague swept through all of Cyrodiil and seemed particularly concentrated in the independent Colovian West.  Among the victims were King Mhorus and the rest of the entire royal family in Skingrad.  Rislav's only surviving elder brother, Dorald, survived, being in the Imperial City as a priest of Marukh.  He returned to his homeland to assume the throne.<br>
Of Dorald, we have some history.  The King's second son, he was slightly simple-minded and evidently very pious.  All the chroniclers spoke of his sweetness and decency, how he saw a vision in his early years that brought him - with his father's blessing - from Skingrad to the Imperial City and the priesthood.  The priesthood of Marukh, of course, saw no difference between spiritual and political matters.  It was the religion of the Alessian Empire, and it taught that to resist the Emperor was to resist the Gods.  Given that, it is scarcely a surprise what Dorald did when he became King of the independent kingdom of Skingrad.<br>
His first edict, on his very first day, was to cede the kingdom to the Empire.  <br>
The reaction throughout the Colovian Estates was shock and outrage, nowhere more so than in the court of Kvatch.  Rislav Larich, we are told, rode forth to his brother's kingdom, together with his wife and two dozen of his father-in-law's cavalry.  It was surely not an impressive army, no matter how the chroniclers embellish it, but they had little trouble defeating all the guards Dorald sent to stop them.  In truth, there was no actual battling, for the soldiers of Skingrad resented their new king's decision to give up their autonomy.<br>
The brothers faced one another in the castle courtyard where they had grown up.<br>
In typical Colovian fashion, there was no trial, no accusations of treason, no jury, no judge.  Only an executioner.<br>
"Thou art no brother of mine," Rislav Larich said, and struck Dorald's head from his shoulders in one blow.  He was crowned King of Skingrad still holding the same bloody axe in his arms.<br>
If King Rislav had no battle experience beforehand, that was shortly to change.  Word spread quickly to the Imperial City that Skingrad, once offered, was now being taken back.  Gorieus was an accomplished warrior even before taking the throne, and the seventeen years he had as Emperor were scarcely peaceful.  Only eight months before Dorald's assassination and Rislav's ascendancy, Gorieus and the Alessian army had faced another of his coronation guests, Kjoric the White, on the fields of the frozen north.  The High Chieftain of Skyrim lost his life in the Battle of Sungard.  While the pact of chieftains was selecting a new leader, Cyrodiil was busily grabbing back the land of southern Skyrim that it had lost.<br>
In short, Emperor Gorieus knew how to deal with rebellious vassals.<br>
The Alessian army poured westward "like a flood of death," to borrow the chronicler's phrase, in numbers far exceeding what would be required to conquer Skingrad.  Gorieus could not have thought actual battle was likely.  Rislav, as we said, had little to no experience at warfare, and only a few days' practice at kingcraft.  His kingdom and all of the Colovian West had just been ravaged by plague.  The Alessians anticipated that a mere show of arms, and a surrender.<br>
Rislav instead prepared for battle.  He quickly inspected his troops and drew up plans.<br>
The chroniclers who had heretofore ignored the life of Rislav now devote verse after verse describing the king's aspect with fetishistic delight.  While it may lack literary merit and taste, we are at least given some details at last.  Not surprisingly, the king wore the finest armor of his era, as the Colovian Estates then had the finest leathersmiths - the only type of armor available - in all of Tamriel.  The king's klibanion mail, boiled and waxed for hardness, and studded with inch-long spikes, was a rich chestnut red, and he wore it over his black tunic but under his black cloak.  The statue of Rislav the Righteous which now stands in Skingrad is a romanticized version of king, but not inaccurate except in the armor represented.  No bard of the Colovian West would have gone to the market so lightly protected.  But it does, as we will see, include the most important accouterments of Rislav: his trained hawk and his fast horse.<br>
The winter rains had washed through the roads to the south, sending much of the West Weald spilling into Valenwood.  The Emperor took the northern route, and King Rislav with a small patrol of guards met him at a low pass on what is now the Gold Road.  The Emperor's army, it is said, was so large that the Beast of Anequina could hear its march from hundreds of miles away, and despite himself, the chroniclers say, he quaked in fear.<br>
Rislav, it was said, did not quake.  With perfect politeness, he told the Emperor that his party was too large to be accommodated in the tiny kingdom of Skingrad.<br>
"Next time," Rislav said. "Write before you come."<br>
The Emperor was, like most Alessian Emperors, not a man of great humor, and he thought Rislav touched by Sheogorath.  He ordered his personal guards to arrest the poor madman, but at that moment, the King of Skingrad raised his arm and sent his hawk flying into the sky.  It was a signal his army had been waiting for.  The Alessian were all within the pass and the range of their arrows.<br>
King Rislav and his guard began riding westward as fast as if they had been "kissed by wild Kynareth," as the chroniclers said.  He did not dare to look behind him, but his plan went faultlessly.  The far eastern end of the pass was sealed by rolling boulders, giving the Alessian no direction to go but westward.  The Skingrad archers rained arrows down upon the Imperial army from far above on the plateaus, remaining safe from reprisal.  The furious Emperor Gorieus chased Rislav from the Weald to the Highlands, leaving Skingrad far behind, all the while his army growing steadily smaller and smaller.<br>
In the ancient Highland forest, the Imperial army met the army of Rislav's father-in-law, the King of Kvatch.  The Alessian army likely still outnumbered their opponents, but they were exhausted and their morale had been obliterated by the chase amid a sea of arrows.  After an hour's battle, they retreated north into what is now the Imperial Reserve, and from there, further north and east, to slip back to nurse their wounds and pride in Nibenay.<br>
It was the beginning of the end of the Alessian hegemony.  The Kings of the Colovian West joined with Kvatch and Skingrad to resist Imperial incursions.  The Clan Direnni under Ryain was inspired to outlaw the religion of the Alessian Reform throughout his lands in High Rock, and began pushing into Imperial territories. The new High Chief of Skyrim, Hoag, now called Hoag Merkiller, though sharing the Emperor's official xenophobia, also joined the resistance.  His heir, King Ysmir Wulfharth of Atmora, helped continue the struggle upon Hoag's death in battle, and also insured his place in history.<br>
The heroic King of Skingrad, who faced the Emperor's army virtually alone, and triggered its end, justly deserves his sobriquet of Rislav the Righteous.<br>

**訳文 [#b14e1bea]
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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Rislav the Righteous<br>
By Sinjin <br>
Sinjin 著 <br>
真の英雄が例外なくそうであるように、Rislav Larichは最初から不幸が降りかかった。記録者が伝えるところによれば、第一紀448年の季節外れの寒さに見舞われた春の夜に、彼の母である Lynada女王が息子を産み落としてすぐに息を引き取った。もし彼の父であるSkingradのMhorus王に愛されていたとしたらどうであろうか。彼の上に、既に三人の息子と四人の娘がいたのだが、記録者はそれには触れてはいない。<br>
彼の存在は、生涯の最初の二十年間の間は特筆に価すべきことが無く、特に目立つものではなかった。彼の英才教育は、想像しうるところでは、Ayleidの家庭教師が狩猟と戦い方を教授するというColovian Westにおける「貧相な王子」のそれと良く似ていたと思われる。Nibenayの文化的な深い谷にあったがため、エチケット、宗教に関する教示、基本的な政治学でさえもHighlandの王子は殆ど学ばないままであった。<br>
そこで、彼について言及された短い文章がある。第一紀461年のSun's Dawnの二十三日の皇帝Gorieusの即位式の帰還における儀礼的な巻物であり、彼の家族と共に書かれている。その式典は、当然だが、Marukhの Alessian Doctrinesの時代のままであり、エンターテイメントは無く、しかし、13歳のRislavは伝説の片鱗を見せていたのである。The Beast of AnequinaのDarloc Braeが自身の王国を代表して、皇帝に表敬訪問した際のことである。The Chieftain of SkyrimのKjoric the Whiteと彼の息子であるHoagが出席していたそうである。そして、エルフに対する帝国の排他的姿勢にも関わらず、Resdaynの相対的な平和を代表し、ChimerのIndoril NerevarとDwemerのDumac Dwarfkingが同じくそこに間違いなく参列していた。<br>
また、巻物は、Rislavと歴史上非常に重要に関わってくるHigh Rockの帝国の宮廷に仕えていた一人の若いMerのことについても触れていた。Ryain Direnniである。<br>
同じ年頃の若者が出会い、話をしたかどうかは、完全に歴史家が夢想するところにある。RyainはIliac Bayに浮かぶBalfiera島を購入し、徐々にHigh RockとHammerfell、Skyrimの大部分を征服する強力な地主となったと語り継がれているが、Rislavはもう17年しないと、史書には登場しない。我々は、以下に続く事実を元に仮説を提唱することしか出来ない。<br>
王のほかの子供たちは、勿論、同盟の締結のため、他の王の子供たちと結婚していた。SkingradとKvatchの王国は五世紀の間中領地を巡って衝突を繰り返しており、平和になるのは472年を待たなければならなかった。この協定の詳細は記録されていないものの、六年後にRisval王子が Justinius王の娘Beleneの夫としてKvatchの王宮にいたということを突き止めているので、平和のために結婚したという、経験に基いた推測をすることは的外れでもなかろう。 <br>
478年に目を向けよう。当時、凄まじい疫病がCyrodiil全土、特にColovian Westの独立国に集中していたようだ。Mhorus王とSkingradの他の全ての皇族が犠牲となった。唯一生き残ったRislavの兄Dorald は、Marukhの聖職者として帝都にいた。彼は、玉座を得るために祖国に帰還した。<br>
Doraldについては、若干の記録が残っている。王の次男であり、やや単純で、非常に信仰心が篤かった。全ての記録者は、彼の甘さと品行の良さについて話している。若かりし頃に見た展望がどのようなものか――父の祝福と共に――Skingradから帝都、そして聖職者に至るまで。Marukhの僧侶は、勿論、心の問題と政治的な問題の区別が付かなかった。それはAlessian Empireの宗教であり、その教義とは、皇帝に抗うことは神に抗うことと同義であると教えていたのである。そうであればこそ、Doraldが Skingrad独立王国の王となった時に何をしたかは、予想が付くだろう。<br>
Colovian Estate中に広がった反応とは、衝撃と、特にKvatchの王宮においては、侮辱以外の何物でもないと受け取った。Rislav Larichは、聞くところでは、彼の義理の父親の騎兵と共に、兄弟の王国に進軍したというものであった。それが記憶に焼きつくような軍勢ではなかっただろう。記録者がたとえどんなに尾ひれをつけたところで、Doraldが派兵したガードを打ち破るというようなトラブルはほとんど無かったのである。実を言えば、戦いがあったという文章は存在しない。Skingradの兵士は、自治権を放棄するという新王の決定に憤慨の念を抱いていたのである。<br>
「汝は我が兄弟にあらず」とRislav Larichは言い放ち、一撃でDoraldの頭を肩から斬り飛ばした。血塗れの斧を構え、Skingradの王になったのだ。<br>
King Rislavが前もって戦いを経験していなかったとしたら、変化はすぐに消えただろう。かつて差し出され、今は取り戻されたSkingradの報せは Imperial Cityにまでたちまち広まった。Gorieusは玉座に座る前は洗練された戦士であり、皇帝として位に就いていた十七年間、平和な時はほとんどなかった。Doraldの暗殺とRislavの支配のわずか八ヶ月前に、GorieusとAlessiaの軍勢は即位式に参列していたもう一人の賓客、凍える北の地の支配者、Kjoric the Whiteと相対していたのである。Skyrimの高位の族長は、Battle of Sungardにおいて命を落としていた。族長の取り決めによって新たな指導者を選んでいる間に、Cyrodiilはかつて失った南のSkyrimの国土を掴み戻すのに励んでいた。<br>
Alessia軍は記録者の言葉を借りるなら「死の奔流」のように、Skingradを征服することが求められるよりも遥かに多く西方に注ぎ込まれた。 Gorieusは、実際に戦いは起きないだろうと踏んでいた。我々が言ったように、Rislavは戦争の経験が殆どなく、数日ばかり治国の理を学んだだけなのである。彼の王国とColovian西方全土が、流行り病によって被害を受けていた。Alessiaたちは、わずかばかりの軍勢しか見えず、降伏することを予想していた。<br>
記録者はこれまでRislavの存在を無視していたが、今や盲目的な崇拝の喜悦と共に詩文に次ぐ詩文を捧げて王のことを書き上げるようになった。文学的な価値と味わいには欠けるかもしれないが、少なくともある程度の詳細は得ることになった。もっともなことだが、当時のColovianの地は、全 Tamriel中最も素晴らしい革職人を擁しており――利用可能な唯一の種類の鎧であった――王は彼の時代、最も素晴らしい鎧を身につけていた。王の Klibanion鎧は硬さを増すために煮沸され、ワックスがかけられて、長い棘がちりばめられ、豊かな赤みを帯びた栗色をしており、黒いチュニックの上、黒いマントの下にそれを纏っていた。現在Skingradに立っているRislav the Righteousの像は、美化されたものではあるが、鎧以外に不正確なところは見受けられない。Colovian Westの詩人は、市場にはそんなに軽い身の守りで行かないものであった。しかし、見れば分かるとおり、Rislavには最も重要なものが一緒にいる。彼の訓練された鷹と、駿馬である。<br>
冬の雨は南への道を洗い流しながら下り、West WealdからValenwoodにかけてを水浸しにしていった。皇帝は北の進路を取り、現在のGold Roadの低地に有る小道にてKing Rislavの小規模なガードの隊が巡回しているところに遭遇した。皇帝の軍は、何百マイル離れた場所からでも行軍の音を聞くことが出来たという Beast of Anequinaよりも大規模なものであり、記録者が述べたことを知っていたにも関わらず、彼は恐怖に震え上がった。<br>
King Rislavと彼の護衛は、まるで彼らが「荒ぶるKynarethに口付けられた」ように、速やかに西に駆け出していった。彼は振り返ることをあえてしなかったが、計画は申し分なく実行された。道の遥か東端は転がる岩によって封じられ、Alessianに西に行く以外の進路を与えなかった。 Skingradの弓師は帝国軍に対して、反撃に対して安全なように、台地の遥か上方から矢を雨の如く降らせた。怒れるGorieus皇帝はWealdからHighlandの方向へとRislavを追いかけて、より確実に数を減らしている彼の軍勢がいたSkingradを遥か彼方に置き去りにした。<br>
古のHighlandの森にて、帝国軍はRislavの義理の父であるKvatchの王と対峙した。Alessianの軍はまだ敵の数より多かったものの、彼らは疲弊しきっており、士気は矢の海の中を追い回されたことで底を付いていた。一時間の戦いの後、彼らは現在Imperial Reserveと呼ばれる北に、そしてそこから更に北そして東へと退き、傷の介抱と誇りを抱えてゆっくりとNibenayに戻っていった。<br>
それは、Alessianの覇権が終わる前触れであった。Colovian Westの王たちは、帝国の侵略に抵抗するために、KvatchとSkingradとに結託した。Ryain支配下のClan Direnniは、High Rockにおける彼の領土のAlessian Redform(Alessian改革)の宗教の禁止に促され、帝国領に突き進んだ。新たなSkyrimのHigh Chiefである現在Hoag Merkillerと呼ばれているHoagは、広く知られている皇帝の外国人嫌いを共有してはいるものの、その時までに抵抗運動に加わっていた。彼の後継者であるAtomoraのKing Ysmir WulfharthはHoagの戦死後も闘争を続けることを助け、その上、歴史における彼の居場所を確保したのである。<br>
実質的に一人で皇帝の軍に相対した英雄的なSkingradの王にして、その破綻の引き金を引いた者は、Rislav the Righteous(高潔なるRislav)という名が相応しいものである。<br>


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