Vanilla/Dialogue/MS09-01 の変更点

FormID: 00053763	MS09	INFOGENERAL	0	You hear about Jorundr? He was caught stealing gold, and now he's in jail! I bet Arnora's beside herself with grief.	
__Jorundrの事を聞きましたか? 彼は盗みが見つかって、今は刑務所の中にいます。Arnoraはきっと悲嘆に暮れて我を忘れているでしょう。
__Jorundrの事を聞きましたか? 彼は盗みで捕まって、今は刑務所の中です。Arnoraはきっと悲嘆に暮れて我を忘れているでしょう。
FormID: 00052228	MS09	INFOGENERAL	0	Poor Arnora. Seems her boyfriend, Jorundr, has stolen some gold from her and left her penniless. Now he's in jail, and she's destitute.	
FormID: 00053766	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Just exit the city through the North Gate. It isn't far from there.	
FormID: 000980D1	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Come back when you have the real thing.	
FormID: 00053767	MS09	GOODBYE	0	No proof, no money.	
FormID: 00053768	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Finally, a chance for revenge.	
FormID: 00053769	MS09	GOODBYE	0	If the guards don't like you, then I probably will! Hahaha.	
__ガードに嫌われてるってのなら、俺が愛してやるよ! ハハハ。
FormID: 0005376A	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Nice try.	
FormID: 0005376B	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Gawk at me will you...	
FormID: 0005376E	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Do I have to think of everything?	
FormID: 0005376F	MS09	GOODBYE	0	I warn you... don't cross me.	
FormID: 00053770	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Acquire a taste for rat stew while you were in there? Hehe.	
__中にいる間に食べたネズミのシチューはおいしかった? アハハ。
FormID: 00053771	MS09	GOODBYE	0	He's not likely to just come out and tell you, so get creative!	
FormID: 00053772	MS09	GOODBYE	0	You'll be back...	
FormID: 0005327C	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Good riddance.	
FormID: 00053797	MS09	GOODBYE	0	Filthy convict scum.	
FormID: 0005374B	MS09	HELLO	0	Our conversations are done. There's nothing else to say.	
FormID: 0005374C	MS09	HELLO	0	Well, what're you just standing there for?	
FormID: 0005374D	MS09	HELLO	0	I thought that I was perfectly clear.	
FormID: 0005374E	MS09	HELLO	0	I guess I was wrong about you.	
FormID: 0005374F	MS09	HELLO	0	What're you looking at?	
FormID: 00053755	MS09	HELLO	0	He told you where it is?	
FormID: 00053758	MS09	HELLO	0	Stick with the plan, and everything should go smoothly.	
FormID: 00053759	MS09	HELLO	0	Welcome back to the world, convict! Hahaha.	
__囚人よ、外の世界へようこそ! アハハハ。
FormID: 0005375A	MS09	HELLO	0	Did that fetcher give you any information?	
FormID: 0005375B	MS09	HELLO	0	I don't know what else to say.	
FormID: 0005327B	MS09	HELLO	0	Change your mind?	
FormID: 00053773	MS09	HELLO	0	What do you want?	
FormID: 00053796	MS09	HELLO	0	You have no rights here, convict.	
FormID: 00053751	MS09	GREETING	0	Sorry, I'm too busy counting the number of rat droppings in my cell.	
FormID: 00053752	MS09	GREETING	0	Show me the proof.	
FormID: 00053753	MS09	GREETING	0	Until you get out of here and I see an amulet, we have nothing more to say to each other.	
FormID: 0005371A	MS09	GREETING	0	By the way the guards tossed you in here, I can see you're no friend of theirs.	
FormID: 0005371B	MS09	GREETING	0	I don't know who you are, nor do I care. All I know is that I want you to leave.	
FormID: 0005371C	MS09	GREETING	0	Go away.	
FormID: 0005375D	MS09	GREETING	0	Well go get it! What good is it doing if you're standing here?	
FormID: 0005375E	MS09	GREETING	0	If you try and cross me, I'll tell the town guard.	
FormID: 00053760	MS09	GREETING	0	So, were you able to find out about the gold or not?	
FormID: 00053720	MS09	GREETING	0	Did you pry any information out of him?	
FormID: 00053721	MS09	GREETING	0	Until you get some information from Jorundr, I don't have anything else to tell you.	
FormID: 00053726	MS09	GREETING	0	I knew the lure of gold couldn't keep you away long.	
FormID: 0005327A	MS09	GREETING	0	Can't you see that I'm upset?	
FormID: 00053774	MS09	GREETING	0	I'm here for Jorundr's gold, and you're my only loose end. I'd been hoping to get someone in his cell and loosen his lips, and then you showed up.	
FormID: 00053774	MS09	GREETING	1	You really should be more careful when you talk in the dungeons... the sound tends to carry. Jorundr's such an idiot.	
FormID: 00053774	MS09	GREETING	2	I've taken care of Arnora, she won't be around to point the finger. And Jorundr's not going anywhere for a long time. That just leaves you...	
FormID: 00053791	MS09	GREETING	0	I don't talk to inmates. Now shut up, and don't bother me.	
FormID: 00093550	MS09	StolenGold	0	I've told you the location of the gold. You did your part, so have at it. As far as the amulets are concerned... keep 'em.	
FormID: 00093550	MS09	StolenGold	1	They won't do me any good in here.	
FormID: 000A04DC	MS09	StolenGold	0	Two amulets? One of them must be a fake. Clever girl, taught her everything I know. Good thing you saw through her ruse.	
FormID: 000A04DC	MS09	StolenGold	1	So, she's dead eh? Hahaha. Finally! Finally someone has wiped that stupid smug grin off her face. Good, good.	
FormID: 000A04DC	MS09	StolenGold	2	Well, you did your part of the bargain, now I'll do mine. The gold is buried outside the walls of Bruma, near the North Gate.	
FormID: 000A04DC	MS09	StolenGold	3	Goodbye, I don't expect to be seeing you anytime soon. If I were you, I'd get out of Bruma fast before the guards catch on that she's dead.	
FormID: 0005375F	MS09	StolenGold	0	So, she's dead eh? Hahaha. Finally! Finally someone has wiped that stupid smug grin off her face. Good, good.	
FormID: 0005375F	MS09	StolenGold	1	Well, you did your part of the bargain, now I'll do mine. The gold is buried outside the walls of Bruma, near the North Gate.	
FormID: 0005375F	MS09	StolenGold	2	Goodbye, I don't expect to be seeing you anytime soon. If I were you, I'd get out of Bruma fast before the guards catch on that she's dead.	
FormID: 00093552	MS09	StolenGold	0	Haha! She fooled you but good. This isn't her real amulet, but a clever fake. The true amulet has a red stone.	
FormID: 00093552	MS09	StolenGold	1	Clever girl, I taught her everything I knew. Too bad she's turned that knowledge against me. Come back when you have the real thing.	
FormID: 0005383A	MS09	StolenGold	0	Why don't you come back when you actually have the amulet and stop wasting my time.	
FormID: 00053798	MS09	StolenGold	0	You want the gold? You bring me Arnora's amulet... after she's dead.	
FormID: 00090868	MS09	StolenGold	0	I suppose I can trust you. In fact, maybe you can help me with a bit of a problem, and make some money for yourself in the process.	

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