Vanilla/Dialogue/MS27 の変更点

FormID: 000A9346	MS27	GOODBYE	0	Remember, I will be expecting you at Nenalata in three days time.	
FormID: 000A9344	MS27	HELLO	0	So, have you managed to persuade Herminia Cinna to part with the Ayleid Crown?	
__では、Ayleid Crownをあきらめるよう、Herminia Cinnaを説得したのですね。
__Ayleid Crownを手放すよう、Herminia Cinnaを説得できたか?
FormID: 000A9345	MS27	HELLO	0	Even in its ruined state, it is magnificent, isn't it? In the days of its power, Nenalata must have been glorious indeed.	
__荒廃した状態にあってもまだ素晴らしい力が残されているんでしょう? そのパワーが頂点にあった頃なら、Nenalataはまさに栄光そのものであったに違いありません。
FormID: 000A944B	MS27	HELLO	0	I've got a bad feeling about this...	
FormID: 0002E5C8	MS27	GREETING	0	I had to find someone else to bring me the Crown of the Ayleids, since you were unwilling to help me.	
FormID: 0002E5C8	MS27	GREETING	1	Be that as it may. I now have a task that should be better to suited someone of your particular talents.	
FormID: 000A656A	MS27	GREETING	0	Here you are at last. I know exactly where the Throne Room lies. Your job is simply to get me there safely.	
FormID: 000A656B	MS27	GREETING	0	Yes? Is there a problem?	
__何か? 問題でも?
FormID: 0011CAD6	MS27	GREETING	0	You are about to witness the glorious rebirth of Ayleid civilization. Stand aside!	
FormID: 000A9343	MS27	GREETING	0	Don't worry, my friend, this time we are on the same side! Umbacano wants us both to guide him through Nenalata.	
FormID: 000A944A	MS27	GREETING	0	You're the leader of this expedition. So lead on!	
FormID: 000A9347	MS27	ClaudeMaricTopic	0	I trust that you will be able to remain professional?	
FormID: 000A657C	MS27	MS21AnotherTask	0	This is not quite in your usual line of work, but I hope you can help me just the same.	
FormID: 000A657C	MS27	MS21AnotherTask	1	A rival collector has an item which I very much want to add to my collection. But she stubbornly refuses to consider any of my offers.	
FormID: 000A657C	MS27	MS21AnotherTask	2	She and I have had our differences over the years, I admit. Now she is taking this opportunity to get her revenge.	
FormID: 000A657C	MS27	MS21AnotherTask	3	I believe that you may be able to persuade her to part with the item, where I cannot due to her prejudice against me. Are you interested?	
FormID: 000A657D	MS27	MS21AnotherTask	0	As I said, I believe I have something that will interest you. More in your usual line of work. And, of course, your reward will be generous.	
FormID: 000A657E	MS27	MS21AnotherTask	0	Have you reconsidered? Will you help me reach the Throne Room of Nenalata?	
FormID: 000A9348	MS27	MS21AnotherTask	0	Have you reconsidered? Will you help me reach the Throne Room of Nenalata?	
FormID: 0002E5C9	MS27	MS27UmbacanoA2	0	Are you sure? I will pay very well. And the matter is urgent. If you decline, I will find someone else.	
FormID: 0002E5CA	MS27	MS27UmbacanoA1	0	Very good. I hope you will succeed where I have so far failed.	
FormID: 0002E5CF	MS27	MS27LastAyleidKing	0	Very little is known of him, not even his name.	
FormID: 0002E5CF	MS27	MS27LastAyleidKing	1	He ruled the last Ayleid city in Cyrodiil during the First Era, three centuries after the Fall of White Gold Tower.	
__First Era、Fall of White Gold Towerから3世紀の間、Cyrodiilにおける最後のAyleid都市を支配していた。
__First EraにおけるWhite Gold Towerの陥落から三百年の間、Cyrodiil最後のAyleid都市の統治者だった。
FormID: 000A6576	MS27	MS27LastAyleidKing	0	The king of Nenalata is the last Ayleid King known to history, true.	
FormID: 000A6576	MS27	MS27LastAyleidKing	1	He appears to have ruled for centuries past the fall of all the other Ayleid kingdoms, if the ancient chronicles are to be believed.	
FormID: 000A6576	MS27	MS27LastAyleidKing	2	But there never was a single King of the Ayleids. Each city-state had its king, and their power waxed and waned over the years.	
FormID: 000A6576	MS27	MS27LastAyleidKing	3	The king of Nenalata was the [QUOTE]last[QUOTE] simply because all the other kings had been destroyed or driven out of Cyrodiil.	
FormID: 0002E5CE	MS27	MS27QuestStart	0	Her name is Herminia Cinna. She lives here in the Imperial City, in the Elven Gardens district.	
__彼女の名前はHerminia Cinna。ここ帝都のElven Gardens districtに住んでいる。
FormID: 0002E5CE	MS27	MS27QuestStart	1	She fancies herself a student of the Ayleids, although she sadly lacks any aesthetic instinct whatsover.	
FormID: 0002E5CE	MS27	MS27QuestStart	2	Be that as it may. She has come into possession of an ancient relic known as the Crown of the Ayleids. Your job is to acquire it for me.	
__それはともかく、彼女はCrown of the Ayleidsと呼ばれる歴史遺物を相続した。君の仕事は、私に代わり、それを手に入れることだ。
FormID: 0002E5CE	MS27	MS27QuestStart	3	Here is more than enough gold to buy it at any reasonable price. You may keep whatever you do not use as your fee.	
FormID: 0002E5CC	MS27	MS27UmbacanoA4	0	I hoped you would agree. I think you will be perfect for the task at hand.	
FormID: 0002E5CD	MS27	MS27UmbacanoA5	0	Very well. I seem to have misjudged you.	
FormID: 000A656C	MS27	MS27AyleidCrown	0	It's gone. I suppose you're going to tell me you don't know anything about that. Suit yourself. I know Umbacano is the one who had it stolen.	
FormID: 000A656C	MS27	MS27AyleidCrown	1	I fear for what Umbacano may unleash using that Crown. He is blind to the true nature of the Ayleids.	
FormID: 000A656C	MS27	MS27AyleidCrown	2	If it isn't already too late, we would all be better off if you found a different Ayleid Crown for him.	
__まだ遅くはない、違うAyleid Crownを見つけて彼に渡せば全て、上手くいくだろう。
__まだ遅くはない、違うAyleid Crownを見つけて彼に渡せば、すべて上手くいくでしょう。
__まだ手遅れでないのなら、別のAyleid Crownを見つけて彼に渡したほうが賢明よ。
FormID: 0002E5CB	MS27	MS27AyleidCrown	0	You want to buy my Ayleid Crown? It isn't for sale, at any price. I would think Umbacano would know that by now.	
__私からAyleid Crownを買いたいというのか?あれは売り物ではないし、値段はつけられない。Umbacanoはそのことを知っていると思っていたがな。
__私のAyleid Crownを売って欲しい?いくら積まれても売るつもりはありません。Umbacanoはもう諦めたものとばかり。
FormID: 000A55FD	MS27	MS27AyleidCrown	0	I hope you'll make the right choice. Umbacano must not have the Crown of Nenalata.	
__あなたが正しい選択をしてくれるよう祈りますよ。Umbacanoには、決してCrown of Nenalataを持たせてはいけない。
FormID: 000A55FE	MS27	MS27AyleidCrown	0	Have you brought me the Crown of the Ayleids?	
__Crown of the Ayleidsを持ってきてくれるのか?
FormID: 000A6581	MS27	MS27AyleidCrown	0	Reputedly the crown worn by the last king of the Ayleids. It deserves to be part of my collection.	
FormID: 000A5608	MS27	MS27HerminiaF1	0	My crown, the one Umbacano covets, belonged to the ruler of Nenalata.	
FormID: 000A5608	MS27	MS27HerminiaF1	1	I've learned of another crown, entombed with the last ruler of the rival city of Lindai.	
FormID: 000A5608	MS27	MS27HerminiaF1	2	Since Umbacano has never laid eyes on the real Crown of the Ayleids, I doubt he could tell the difference.	
FormID: 000A5608	MS27	MS27HerminiaF1	3	In any case, the other is also a real Ayleid Crown... just not the right one.	
__いずれにせよ、もう一方の王冠も本物のAyleid Crownよ…所有者が違っただけ。
FormID: 000A5608	MS27	MS27HerminiaF1	4	I think we could all sleep better if you brought him Lindai's crown instead of the Crown of Nenalata.	
FormID: 000A5608	MS27	MS27HerminiaF1	5	Here. I happen to have the key you'll need to enter the royal burial chamber in Lindai. I hope you'll make the right choice.	
FormID: 000A5607	MS27	MS27HerminiaE1	0	My own research into the Late Ayleid Period suggests that there was not a single Ayleid ruler, but many.	
FormID: 000A5607	MS27	MS27HerminiaE1	1	They were a bitterly divided people, with many warlords vying against each other for power.	
FormID: 000A5607	MS27	MS27HerminiaE1	2	Their ultimate demise was wrought by their own civil strife at least as much as by the rebellion of their human slaves.	
FormID: 000A5606	MS27	MS27HerminiaD2	0	You're right. Even if I persuade you, he'll send someone else, someone less amenable to reason.	
FormID: 000A5606	MS27	MS27HerminiaD2	1	But what if... what if you brought him another Ayleid Crown?	
__しかし、もし...もし君が、彼に別のAyleid Crownを持っていったとしたら?
__でも、もし...もしあなたが、彼に別のAyleid Crownを持っていったとしたら?
FormID: 000A5605	MS27	MS27HerminiaD1	0	Yes. I understand. He wants an Ayleid Crown. But does it have to be my Ayleid Crown? What if you brought him... another crown?	
__ああ、理解した。彼はAyleid Crownを欲しがっている。しかしそれは私のAyleid Crownである必要はあるのかな?例えば彼に...違う王冠をもっていったら?
__ああ、理解したわ。彼はAyleid Crownを欲しがっている。しかしそれは私のAyleid Crownである必要はあるのかしら?例えば彼に...違う王冠をもっていったら?
FormID: 000A5604	MS27	MS27HerminiaC1	0	I'm afraid I don't know for sure. I wish I had a more persuasive answer, but hear me out.	
FormID: 000A5604	MS27	MS27HerminiaC1	1	The Crown of the Ayleids which Umbacano wants is not simply an ancient work of art.	
__Umbacanoが欲しがるCrown of the Ayleidsは、単なる古代芸術作品の一つではない。
__Umbacanoが欲しがるCrown of the Ayleidsは、単なる古代芸術作品の一つではありません。
FormID: 000A5604	MS27	MS27HerminiaC1	2	It has certain superficial magic powers, true, but its real power is hidden.	
FormID: 000A5604	MS27	MS27HerminiaC1	3	However, my studies of the ancient texts make clear that it is the key to dangerous magical powers which should be left dormant.	
FormID: 000A5603	MS27	MS27HerminiaB2	0	You may think so, in your ignorance. But I take a larger view. As a scholar of the Ayleids, I have no wish to see their evil power return.	
FormID: 000A5602	MS27	MS27HerminiaA3	0	So, Umbacano has resorted to hired thugs now?	
FormID: 000A5602	MS27	MS27HerminiaA3	1	If you think me defenseless, you may be surprised. I'm more dangerous than I look.	
FormID: 000A5602	MS27	MS27HerminiaA3	2	Perhaps you could overpower me and take the Crown. Perhaps. But I urge you to reconsider.	
FormID: 000A5602	MS27	MS27HerminiaA3	3	In the wrong hands, the Crown of the Ayleids could be very dangerous. And Umbacano is definitely the wrong hands.	
FormID: 000A5601	MS27	MS27HerminiaB1	0	Far from it. His interest in the Ayleids is not that of a mere scholar. He hopes to unlock the secrets of their magical power.	
FormID: 000A5601	MS27	MS27HerminiaB1	1	And if you know anything about Ayleid-ruled Cyrodiil, that should make you very uneasy.	
FormID: 000A5600	MS27	MS27HerminiaA2	0	I will never allow the Crown to fall into Umbacano's hands. He is far more dangerous than you realize.	
FormID: 000A55FF	MS27	MS27HerminiaA1	0	Save your breath. He's the only one who knows I have it. He's tried to get it from me for years.	
FormID: 000A55FF	MS27	MS27HerminiaA1	1	I will never allow the Crown to fall into Umbacano's hands. He is far more dangerous than you realize.	
FormID: 000A6589	MS27	MS27UmbacanoWait	0	Very well. Scout ahead and return when it is safe.	
FormID: 000A6588	MS27	MS27UmbacanoFollow	0	Lead the way.	
FormID: 000A6583	MS27	MS27UmbacanoD1	0	In order to bring my research on the last king of the Ayleids to its final stage, I need to go to the Throne Room of Nenalata.	
FormID: 000A6583	MS27	MS27UmbacanoD1	1	While I am not without means of defending myself, I believe you would be an invaluable companion on such an expedition.	
FormID: 000A6583	MS27	MS27UmbacanoD1	2	Your reward will be whatever plunder you wish to carry off from Nenalata.	
FormID: 000A6583	MS27	MS27UmbacanoD1	3	Since the Throne Room has been sealed since the time of the Ayleids, it should provide rich pickings.	
FormID: 000A6585	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC3	0	Then why do you interrupt me? You will not find the Crown here. Begone.	
FormID: 000A6584	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC2	0	Interesting... these markings are unexpected... the royal glyph is not as described by Sorcalin...	
FormID: 000A6584	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC2	1	But no matter! This is clearly authentic Ayleid workmanship. Later ages have never seen the like.	
FormID: 000A6584	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC2	2	To think that I hold hold the very crown that once graced the brow of the last Ayleid king...	
FormID: 000A6584	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC2	3	Even to gaze upon it would have been death to anyone of the lesser races in the old days...	
FormID: 000A6584	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC2	4	I thank you again for your efforts. I have one final task for you, if you are still willing to face danger on my behalf.	
FormID: 000A6582	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC1	0	Ah! Magnificent! This is my greatest prize yet!	
FormID: 000A6582	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC1	1	To think that I hold the very crown that once graced the brow of the last Ayleid king...	
FormID: 000A6582	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC1	2	Even to gaze upon it would have been death to anyone of the lesser races in the old days...	
FormID: 000A6582	MS27	MS27UmbacanoC1	3	I thank you again for your efforts. I have one final task for you, if you are still willing to face danger on my behalf.	
FormID: 000A6580	MS27	MS27UmbacanoB2	0	You disappoint me. I was counting on your help.	
FormID: 000A657F	MS27	MS27UmbacanoB1	0	Very well. Three days, then. Don't be late.	
FormID: 000A657B	MS27	MS27UmbacanoA3	0	Really? You astonish me! May I see it?	
FormID: 000A6575	MS27	MS27CrownLindai	0	The Ayleid city of Lindai was a bitter rival to Nenalata, the city of the so-called [QUOTE]Last King of the Ayleids.[QUOTE]	
FormID: 000A6575	MS27	MS27CrownLindai	1	Umbacano may not be able to tell the difference between the Crown of Lindai and the Crown of Nenalata.	
FormID: 000A6575	MS27	MS27CrownLindai	2	It's at least worth a try. I know I don't want to find out what terrible power Umbacano could unleash using the Crown of Nenalata.	
__すくなくとも試す価値はある。UmbacanoがCrown of Nenalataを使ってどんな恐ろしい力を開放するかだなんて見届けたくはないのでね。
__少なくとも試す価値はあります。UmbacanoがCrown of Nenalataを使ってどんな恐ろしい力を開放するかだなんて見届けたくはありませんので。
FormID: 000A9349	MS27	MS27Voice	0	This is it! Just as Sorcalin described it! Follow me!	
FormID: 000A934A	MS27	MS27Voice	0	Av Auri-El ye Tamri-El dellevoy an Arpen Aran tarnabye!	
__Av Auri-El ye Tamri-El dellevoy an Arpen Aran tarnabye!
FormID: 000A934B	MS27	MS27Voice	0	Here it is... the throne of the last king of the Ayleids. And so it falls to me to begin the restoration of our ancient glory...	
FormID: 000A934C	MS27	MS27Voice	0	Av Sunna Tam Riel arctavoy an Arpen Aran malaburo!	
__Av Sunna Tam Riel arctavoy an Arpen Aran malaburo!	
FormID: 000A934D	MS27	MS27Voice	0	Arise, my people! The restoration of Tam Riel begins today!	
__立ち上がれ、我が人民よ!Tam Rielの復活は今日始まるのだ!

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