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FormID: 00000C09 BladesHelmet ARMO Blades Helmet FormID: 000228EE DAClavicusMasque ARMO Masque of Clavicus Vile FormID: 0002299C ElvenCuirass ARMO Elven Cuirass FormID: 0002299D ElvenGreaves ARMO Elven Greaves FormID: 0002299E ElvenGauntlets ARMO Elven Gauntlets FormID: 0002299F ElvenBoots ARMO Elven Boots FormID: 000229A0 ElvenShield ARMO Elven Shield FormID: 000229A1 ElvenHelmet ARMO Elven Helmet FormID: 000229A2 SteelCuirass ARMO Steel Cuirass FormID: 000229A3 SteelGreaves ARMO Steel Greaves FormID: 000229A4 SteelHelmet ARMO Steel Helmet FormID: 000229A5 SteelBoots ARMO Steel Boots FormID: 000229A9 LeatherBracer ARMO Leather Bracer FormID: 00082DD8 DarkFinGleam ARMO Fin Gleam FormID: 00082DDF DarkGauntlets ARMO Hands of Midnight FormID: 00022F20 BladesBootsCG ARMO Blades Boots FormID: 00022F65 BladesCuirassCG ARMO Blades Cuirass FormID: 00022F6F BladesGauntletsCG ARMO Blades Gauntlets FormID: 00022F70 BladesGreavesCG ARMO Blades Greaves FormID: 00022F71 BladesHelmetCG ARMO Blades Helmet FormID: 00022F7F BladesShieldCG ARMO Blades Shield FormID: 00023198 LeatherGreaves ARMO Leather Greaves FormID: 00023199 LeatherGauntlets ARMO Leather Gauntlets FormID: 0002319A LeatherCuirass ARMO Leather Cuirass FormID: 0002319B LeatherBoots ARMO Leather Boots FormID: 0002319C LeatherHelmet ARMO Leather Helmet FormID: 00023318 BladesCuirass ARMO Blades Cuirass FormID: 00023329 BladesGreaves ARMO Blades Greaves FormID: 000236EF ArenaRaimentHeavyYellow ARMO Arena Heavy Raiment FormID: 000236F0 ArenaRaimentLightYellow ARMO Arena Light Raiment FormID: 0002391C BladesGauntlets ARMO Blades Gauntlets FormID: 00023921 BladesBoots ARMO Blades Boots FormID: 00023922 BladesShield ARMO Blades Shield FormID: 00023923 SteelShield ARMO Steel Shield FormID: 000C47B1 LeatherBracerKwangLao ARMO Bands of Kwang Lao FormID: 000C49BF MS49KvatchCuirass01 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C0 MS49KvatchCuirass05 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C1 MS49KvatchCuirass10 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C2 MS49KvatchCuirass15 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C3 MS49KvatchCuirass20 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C4 MS49KvatchCuirass25 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 00024764 FurGreaves ARMO Fur Greaves FormID: 00024765 FurGauntlets ARMO Fur Gauntlets FormID: 00024766 FurCuirass ARMO Fur Cuirass FormID: 00024767 FurBoots ARMO Fur Boots FormID: 00024768 FurHelmet ARMO Fur Helmet FormID: 00064F75 ImperialPalaceCuirassOld ARMO Imperial Palace Cuirass FormID: 00025056 FurShield ARMO Fur Shield FormID: 00025058 LeatherShield ARMO Leather Shield FormID: 000653F7 ImperialPalaceShield ARMO Imperial Watch Shield FormID: 000C55FE ReplicaElvenCuirass ARMO Elven Ceremonial Cuirass FormID: 000C560B ReplicaGlassCuirass ARMO Glass Ceremonial Cuirass FormID: 000C560D ReplicaGlassGauntlets ARMO Glass Ceremonial Gauntlets FormID: 000C560E ReplicaGlassShield ARMO Glass Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000C5610 ReplicaDwarvenShield ARMO Dwarven Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000C5615 ReplicaEbonyGauntlets ARMO Ebony Ceremonial Gauntlets FormID: 000C561E ReplicaEbonyShield ARMO Ebony Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000A55FA MS27LindaiAyleidCrown01 ARMO Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000A55FB MS27NenalataAyleidCrown01 ARMO Ayleid Crown of Nenalata FormID: 000A5659 FGD09BearclawHelm ARMO Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw FormID: 000A577A EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Broadhead Gauntlets FormID: 000A577B EnchElvenGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Huntsman Gauntlets FormID: 000A577C EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Clear Sight Gauntlets FormID: 000A577D EnchMithrilCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Vvardenfell Trader's Cuirass FormID: 000A577E EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Cuirass of the Farlands Trader FormID: 000A577F EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Blower's Cuirass FormID: 000A5780 EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Gauntlets of Lockbreaking FormID: 000A5781 EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Gauntlets of Passing FormID: 000A5782 EnchGlassGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Magnifying Gauntlets FormID: 000A5783 EnchMithrilBootsFortSneak ARMO Smuggler's Boots FormID: 000A5784 EnchElvenBootsFortSneak ARMO Boots of the Forest Stalker FormID: 000A5785 EnchGlassBootsFortSneak ARMO Boots of Soft Walking FormID: 000C5B4A MS14RytheApronAd01 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4B MS14RytheApronAd05 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4C MS14RytheApronAd10 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4D MS14RytheApronAd15 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4E MS14RytheApronAd20 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4F MS14RytheApronAd25 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000661C1 CGIronCuirass ARMO Rusty Iron Cuirass FormID: 000661C2 CGIronGauntlets ARMO Rusty Iron Gauntlets FormID: 000661C3 CGIronGreaves ARMO Rusty Iron Greaves FormID: 000661C4 CGIronHelmet ARMO Rusty Iron Helmet FormID: 000661C5 CGIronShield ARMO Rusty Iron Shield FormID: 00026263 BoundShield ARMO Bound Shield FormID: 0002626A BoundBoots ARMO Bound Boots FormID: 0002626B BoundCuirass ARMO Bound Cuirass FormID: 0002626C BoundGauntlets ARMO Bound Gauntlets FormID: 00026270 BoundGreaves ARMO Bound Greaves FormID: 00026272 BoundHelmet ARMO Bound Helmet FormID: 00066A33 Dremora0ChurlRobe ARMO Dremora Churl Robe FormID: 00066A34 Dremora1CaitiffRobe ARMO Dremora Caitiff Robe FormID: 00066A35 Dremora2KynvalRobe ARMO Dremora Kynval Robe FormID: 00066A36 Dremora3KynreeveRobe ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Robe FormID: 00066A38 Dremora4KynmarcherRobe ARMO Dremora Kynmarcher Robe FormID: 00066A39 Dremora5MarkynazRobe ARMO Dremora Markynaz Robe FormID: 00066A3A Dremora6ValkynazRobe ARMO Dremora Valkynaz Robe FormID: 00027107 DASaviorsHide ARMO Saviour's Hide FormID: 00187BB9 MQ09ReflectDamageShield01 ARMO Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBA MQ09ReflectDamageShield10 ARMO Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBB MQ09ReflectDamageShield15 ARMO Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBC MQ09ReflectDamageShield20 ARMO Valdemar's Shield FormID: 0002766D TownguardCuirassAn ARMO Anvil Cuirass FormID: 00027673 TownguardCuirassBra ARMO Bravil Cuirass FormID: 00027677 TownguardCuirassBru ARMO Bruma Cuirass FormID: 00027678 TownguardCuirassChe ARMO Cheydinhal Cuirass FormID: 00027679 TownguardCuirassCho ARMO Chorrol Cuirass FormID: 0002767A TownguardCuirassKv ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 0002767B TownguardCuirassLe ARMO Leyawiin Cuirass FormID: 0002767C TownguardHelmet ARMO Guard Helmet FormID: 000C7984 ReplicaElvenShield ARMO Elven Ceremonial Shield FormID: 0004788C EnchSteelGauntletsWeaponmaster ARMO Gauntlets of the Weaponmaster FormID: 0004788D EnchLeatherBootsOlympian ARMO Boots of the Olympian FormID: 0004788F EnchMithrilGreavesWellBeing ARMO Greaves of Well-Being FormID: 00047890 EnchMithrilHelmetMind ARMO Helmet of the Mind FormID: 00047891 EnchMithrilGauntletsSpeed ARMO Gauntlets of Blinding Speed FormID: 00047892 EnchDwarvenBootsElements ARMO Boots of the Atronach FormID: 00047893 EnchLeatherGauntletsCaster ARMO Gloves of the Caster FormID: 00047894 EnchLeatherGauntletsBattlemage ARMO Gauntlets of the Battle~mage FormID: 0004789B EnchIronGauntletsPugilist ARMO Gauntlets of the Pugilist FormID: 0004789D EnchElvenShieldElements ARMO Shield of the Elements FormID: 0004789E EnchEbonyHelmetMage ARMO Helmet of the Mage FormID: 0004789F EnchGlassShieldMirror ARMO Mirror Shield FormID: 000478A0 EnchOrcishCuirassIce ARMO Ice Cuirass FormID: 000478A1 EnchEbonyGreavesFlame ARMO Greaves of the Sun FormID: 000478A2 EnchGlassBootsGrounded ARMO Grounded Boots FormID: 000478A3 EnchFurGreavesResilientFlesh ARMO Greaves of Resilient Flesh FormID: 00047AC8 CGLeatherShield ARMO Rough Leather Shield FormID: 000C8540 BladesHelmetAncient ARMO Ancient Blades Helmet FormID: 000C8541 BladesShieldAncient ARMO Ancient Blades Shield FormID: 00048997 EnchFurCuirassCameleon ARMO Cuirass of the Cameleon FormID: 00048999 EnchFurGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Deer Skin Gauntlets FormID: 0004899B EnchFurHelmetDetectLife ARMO Deer Skin Helmet FormID: 0004899C EnchFurShieldFireShield ARMO Salamander Scale Shield FormID: 0004899D EnchFurGreavesFortAgility ARMO Greaves of the Cat FormID: 0004899E EnchFurBootsFortSpeed ARMO Boots of the Cheetah FormID: 0004899F EnchFurCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of the Bear FormID: 000489A0 EnchFurHelmetFortMagicka ARMO Helmet of the Owl FormID: 000489A1 EnchFurGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of the Monkey FormID: 000489A2 EnchFurGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of the Rhino FormID: 000489A3 EnchFurGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Gauntlets of the Woodsman FormID: 000489A4 EnchFurCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Cuirass of the Fox FormID: 000489A5 EnchFurGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Gauntlets of the Rat FormID: 000489A6 EnchFurBootsFortSneak ARMO Boots of the Tiger FormID: 000489A9 EnchFurShieldReflectDamage ARMO Tiger Fang Shield FormID: 000489AA EnchFurShieldReflectSpell ARMO Eagle Feather Shield FormID: 000489AB EnchFurGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Gauntlets of the Horker FormID: 000489AC EnchFurHelmetResistMagicka ARMO Helmet of the Lemur FormID: 000489AD EnchFurCuirassResistNormalWeapons ARMO Cuirass of the Elephant FormID: 000489AE EnchFurCuirassResistPoison ARMO Cuirass of the Cobra FormID: 000489AF EnchFurBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of the Eel FormID: 000489B2 EnchFurShieldShield ARMO Mudcrab Shield FormID: 000489B3 EnchFurBootsWaterwalking ARMO Boots of the Shark FormID: 00028ADE LegionBoots ARMO Legion Boots FormID: 00028ADF LegionCuirass ARMO Legion Cuirass FormID: 00028AE0 LegionGauntlets ARMO Legion Gauntlets FormID: 00028AE1 LegionGreaves ARMO Legion Greaves FormID: 00028AE2 LegionHelmetOld ARMO Legion Helmet FormID: 00008A76 PitCuirass ARMO Pit Cuirass FormID: 00008A77 PitGreaves ARMO Pit Greaves FormID: 00008A78 PitBoots ARMO Pit Boots FormID: 00008A79 PitGauntlets ARMO Pit Gauntlets FormID: 00008A7A PitHelmet ARMO Pit Helmet FormID: 00049147 EnchLeatherCuirassCameleon ARMO Cuirass of the Assassin FormID: 0004914A EnchLeatherGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Gauntlets of the Scout FormID: 0004914B EnchLeatherHelmetDetectLife ARMO Helmet of the Scout FormID: 0004914C EnchLeatherShieldFireShield ARMO Cured Shield FormID: 0004914D EnchLeatherGreavesFortAgility ARMO Greaves of Quickness FormID: 0004914E EnchLeatherBootsFortSpeed ARMO Boots of the Cutpurse FormID: 0004914F EnchLeatherCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of the Thief~catcher FormID: 00049150 EnchLeatherHelmetFortMagicka ARMO Wizard's Helmet FormID: 00049151 EnchLeatherGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of the Tumbler FormID: 00049152 EnchLeatherGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of Skill FormID: 00049153 EnchLeatherGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Sniper Gauntlets FormID: 00049154 EnchLeatherCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Fence Cuirass FormID: 00049155 EnchLeatherGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Gauntlets of Infiltration FormID: 00049156 EnchLeatherBootsFortSneak ARMO Footpad's Boots FormID: 00049157 EnchLeatherShieldFrost ARMO Shield of Frost FormID: 0004915A EnchLeatherShieldReflectDamage ARMO Shield of Vindication FormID: 0004915B EnchLeatherShieldReflectSpell ARMO Spellblocker Shield FormID: 0004915C EnchLeatherGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Gauntlets of the Tundra FormID: 0004915D EnchLeatherHelmetResistMagic ARMO Helmet of the Apprentice FormID: 0004915E EnchLeatherCuirassResistNormalWeapons ARMO Weaponward Cuirass FormID: 0004915F EnchLeatherCuirassResistPoison ARMO Copperhead Cuirass FormID: 00049160 EnchLeatherBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of Insulation FormID: 00049163 EnchLeatherShieldShield ARMO Outrider Shield FormID: 00049164 EnchLeatherBootsWaterwalking ARMO Riverwalking Boots FormID: 00049165 EnchChainmailCuirassCameleon ARMO Chameleon Cuirass FormID: 00049167 EnchChainmailGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Gauntlets of Life Detection FormID: 00049168 EnchChainmailHelmetDetectLife ARMO Helmet of Life Detection FormID: 00049169 EnchChainmailGreavesFortAgility ARMO Greaves of Legerity FormID: 0004916A EnchChainmailBootsFortSpeed ARMO Boots of Legerity FormID: 0004916B EnchChainmailGreavesFortFatigue ARMO Marathon Greaves FormID: 0004916C EnchChainmailCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of Health FormID: 0004916D EnchChainmailHelmetFortMagicka ARMO Mage's Helmet FormID: 0004916E EnchChainmailGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of the Acrobat FormID: 0004916F EnchChainmailGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of the Foot~soldier FormID: 00049170 EnchChainmailGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Archer's Gauntlets FormID: 00049171 EnchChainmailCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Merchant's Cuirass FormID: 00049172 EnchChainmailGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Infiltrator's Gauntlets FormID: 00049173 EnchChainmailBootsFortSneak ARMO Boots of Silence FormID: 00049175 EnchChainmailHelmetNighteye ARMO Helmet of Night Eye FormID: 00049176 EnchChainmailGreavesResistFire ARMO Firewalker Greaves FormID: 00049177 EnchChainmailGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Nord Gauntlets FormID: 00049178 EnchChainmailHelmetResistMagicka ARMO Magehunter's Helmet FormID: 00049179 EnchChainmailCuirassResistNormalWeapons ARMO Cuirass of Protection FormID: 0004917A EnchChainmailBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of Grounding FormID: 0004917E EnchChainmailGreavesSpellAbsorption ARMO Greaves of Spell Absorption FormID: 0004917F EnchChainmailBootsWaterwalking ARMO Waterwalking Boots FormID: 000A933E MS27LindaiAyleidCrownBroken ARMO Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000091FA FGC07AmelionCuirass ARMO Brusef Amelion's Cuirass FormID: 00049359 EnchMithrilCuirassCameleon ARMO Cuirass of the Spy FormID: 0004935C EnchMithrilGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Gauntlets of Life Seeing FormID: 0004935D EnchMithrilHelmetDetectLife ARMO Helmet of Life Seeing FormID: 0004935E EnchMithrilShieldFireShield ARMO Shield of the Red Moun~tain FormID: 0004935F EnchMithrilGreavesFortAgility ARMO Nimble Greaves FormID: 00049360 EnchMithrilBootsFortSpeed ARMO Fleetfoot Boots FormID: 00049361 EnchMithrilGreavesFortFatigue ARMO Tireless Greaves FormID: 00049362 EnchMithrilCuirassFortHealth ARMO Battle Medic's Cuirass FormID: 00049363 EnchMithrilHelmetFortMagicka ARMO Helmet of Enlightenment FormID: 00049364 EnchMithrilGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of Canyon Striding FormID: 00049365 EnchMithrilGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of Proficiency FormID: 00049366 EnchMithrilShieldFrostShield ARMO Shield of Summer FormID: 00049368 EnchMithrilHelmetNighteye ARMO Nighteye Helmet FormID: 00049369 EnchMithrilShieldReflectDamage ARMO General's Shield FormID: 0004936A EnchMithrilShieldReflectSpell ARMO Shield of Returning FormID: 0004936B EnchMithrilGreavesResistFire ARMO Greaves of Fire Resistance FormID: 0004936C EnchMithrilGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Gauntlets of the Equinox FormID: 0004936D EnchMithrilHelmetResistMagicka ARMO Helmet of Magicka Resistance FormID: 0004936E EnchMithrilCuirassResistNormalWeapons ARMO Unyielding Cuirass FormID: 0004936F EnchMithrilGreavesResistParalysis ARMO Greaves of Free Movement FormID: 00049370 EnchMithrilBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of Shock Resistance FormID: 00049374 EnchMithrilShieldShield ARMO Solid Shield FormID: 00049375 EnchMithrilShieldShockShield ARMO Shield of Storms FormID: 00049376 EnchMithrilGreavesSpellAbsorption ARMO Greaves of Spell Consumption FormID: 00049377 EnchMithrilBootsWaterwalking ARMO Boots of the Silt~runner FormID: 00049378 EnchElvenCuirassCameleon ARMO Cuirass of the Ranger FormID: 0004937B EnchElvenHelmetDetectLife ARMO Helmet of Life Sight FormID: 0004937C EnchElvenGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Gauntlets of Life Sight FormID: 0004937D EnchElvenGreavesFortAgility ARMO Greaves of Grace FormID: 0004937E EnchElvenBootsFortSpeed ARMO Sylvan Scout Boots FormID: 0004937F EnchElvenGreavesFortFatigue ARMO Greaves of the Everlasting FormID: 00049380 EnchElvenCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of Anu's Blessing FormID: 00049381 EnchElvenGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of the Tree Runner FormID: 00049382 EnchElvenGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of Protection FormID: 00049383 EnchElvenShieldFrostShield ARMO Shield of Winter Solstice
FormID: 00000C09 BladesHelmet ARMO Blades Helmet FormID: 000228EE DAClavicusMasque ARMO Masque of Clavicus Vile FormID: 0002299C ElvenCuirass ARMO Elven Cuirass FormID: 0002299D ElvenGreaves ARMO Elven Greaves FormID: 0002299E ElvenGauntlets ARMO Elven Gauntlets FormID: 0002299F ElvenBoots ARMO Elven Boots FormID: 000229A0 ElvenShield ARMO Elven Shield FormID: 000229A1 ElvenHelmet ARMO Elven Helmet FormID: 000229A2 SteelCuirass ARMO Steel Cuirass FormID: 000229A3 SteelGreaves ARMO Steel Greaves FormID: 000229A4 SteelHelmet ARMO Steel Helmet FormID: 000229A5 SteelBoots ARMO Steel Boots FormID: 000229A9 LeatherBracer ARMO Leather Bracer FormID: 00082DD8 DarkFinGleam ARMO Fin Gleam FormID: 00082DDF DarkGauntlets ARMO Hands of Midnight FormID: 00022F20 BladesBootsCG ARMO Blades Boots FormID: 00022F65 BladesCuirassCG ARMO Blades Cuirass FormID: 00022F6F BladesGauntletsCG ARMO Blades Gauntlets FormID: 00022F70 BladesGreavesCG ARMO Blades Greaves FormID: 00022F71 BladesHelmetCG ARMO Blades Helmet FormID: 00022F7F BladesShieldCG ARMO Blades Shield FormID: 00023198 LeatherGreaves ARMO Leather Greaves FormID: 00023199 LeatherGauntlets ARMO Leather Gauntlets FormID: 0002319A LeatherCuirass ARMO Leather Cuirass FormID: 0002319B LeatherBoots ARMO Leather Boots FormID: 0002319C LeatherHelmet ARMO Leather Helmet FormID: 00023318 BladesCuirass ARMO Blades Cuirass FormID: 00023329 BladesGreaves ARMO Blades Greaves FormID: 000236EF ArenaRaimentHeavyYellow ARMO Arena Heavy Raiment FormID: 000236F0 ArenaRaimentLightYellow ARMO Arena Light Raiment FormID: 0002391C BladesGauntlets ARMO Blades Gauntlets FormID: 00023921 BladesBoots ARMO Blades Boots FormID: 00023922 BladesShield ARMO Blades Shield FormID: 00023923 SteelShield ARMO Steel Shield FormID: 000C47B1 LeatherBracerKwangLao ARMO Bands of Kwang Lao FormID: 000C49BF MS49KvatchCuirass01 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C0 MS49KvatchCuirass05 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C1 MS49KvatchCuirass10 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C2 MS49KvatchCuirass15 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C3 MS49KvatchCuirass20 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 000C49C4 MS49KvatchCuirass25 ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 00024764 FurGreaves ARMO Fur Greaves FormID: 00024765 FurGauntlets ARMO Fur Gauntlets FormID: 00024766 FurCuirass ARMO Fur Cuirass FormID: 00024767 FurBoots ARMO Fur Boots FormID: 00024768 FurHelmet ARMO Fur Helmet FormID: 00064F75 ImperialPalaceCuirassOld ARMO Imperial Palace Cuirass FormID: 00025056 FurShield ARMO Fur Shield FormID: 00025058 LeatherShield ARMO Leather Shield FormID: 000653F7 ImperialPalaceShield ARMO Imperial Watch Shield FormID: 000C55FE ReplicaElvenCuirass ARMO Elven Ceremonial Cuirass FormID: 000C560B ReplicaGlassCuirass ARMO Glass Ceremonial Cuirass FormID: 000C560D ReplicaGlassGauntlets ARMO Glass Ceremonial Gauntlets FormID: 000C560E ReplicaGlassShield ARMO Glass Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000C5610 ReplicaDwarvenShield ARMO Dwarven Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000C5615 ReplicaEbonyGauntlets ARMO Ebony Ceremonial Gauntlets FormID: 000C561E ReplicaEbonyShield ARMO Ebony Ceremonial Shield FormID: 000A55FA MS27LindaiAyleidCrown01 ARMO Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000A55FB MS27NenalataAyleidCrown01 ARMO Ayleid Crown of Nenalata FormID: 000A5659 FGD09BearclawHelm ARMO Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw FormID: 000A577A EnchMithrilGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Broadhead Gauntlets FormID: 000A577B EnchElvenGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Huntsman Gauntlets FormID: 000A577C EnchGlassGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Clear Sight Gauntlets FormID: 000A577D EnchMithrilCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Vvardenfell Trader's Cuirass FormID: 000A577E EnchElvenCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Cuirass of the Farlands Trader FormID: 000A577F EnchGlassCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Blower's Cuirass FormID: 000A5780 EnchMithrilGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Gauntlets of Lockbreaking FormID: 000A5781 EnchElvenGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Gauntlets of Passing FormID: 000A5782 EnchGlassGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Magnifying Gauntlets FormID: 000A5783 EnchMithrilBootsFortSneak ARMO Smuggler's Boots FormID: 000A5784 EnchElvenBootsFortSneak ARMO Boots of the Forest Stalker FormID: 000A5785 EnchGlassBootsFortSneak ARMO Boots of Soft Walking FormID: 000C5B4A MS14RytheApronAd01 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4B MS14RytheApronAd05 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4C MS14RytheApronAd10 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4D MS14RytheApronAd15 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4E MS14RytheApronAd20 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000C5B4F MS14RytheApronAd25 ARMO Apron of Adroitness FormID: 000661C1 CGIronCuirass ARMO Rusty Iron Cuirass FormID: 000661C2 CGIronGauntlets ARMO Rusty Iron Gauntlets FormID: 000661C3 CGIronGreaves ARMO Rusty Iron Greaves FormID: 000661C4 CGIronHelmet ARMO Rusty Iron Helmet FormID: 000661C5 CGIronShield ARMO Rusty Iron Shield FormID: 00026263 BoundShield ARMO Bound Shield FormID: 0002626A BoundBoots ARMO Bound Boots FormID: 0002626B BoundCuirass ARMO Bound Cuirass FormID: 0002626C BoundGauntlets ARMO Bound Gauntlets FormID: 00026270 BoundGreaves ARMO Bound Greaves FormID: 00026272 BoundHelmet ARMO Bound Helmet FormID: 00066A33 Dremora0ChurlRobe ARMO Dremora Churl Robe FormID: 00066A34 Dremora1CaitiffRobe ARMO Dremora Caitiff Robe FormID: 00066A35 Dremora2KynvalRobe ARMO Dremora Kynval Robe FormID: 00066A36 Dremora3KynreeveRobe ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Robe FormID: 00066A38 Dremora4KynmarcherRobe ARMO Dremora Kynmarcher Robe FormID: 00066A39 Dremora5MarkynazRobe ARMO Dremora Markynaz Robe FormID: 00066A3A Dremora6ValkynazRobe ARMO Dremora Valkynaz Robe FormID: 00027107 DASaviorsHide ARMO Saviour's Hide FormID: 00187BB9 MQ09ReflectDamageShield01 ARMO Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBA MQ09ReflectDamageShield10 ARMO Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBB MQ09ReflectDamageShield15 ARMO Valdemar's Shield FormID: 00187BBC MQ09ReflectDamageShield20 ARMO Valdemar's Shield FormID: 0002766D TownguardCuirassAn ARMO Anvil Cuirass FormID: 00027673 TownguardCuirassBra ARMO Bravil Cuirass FormID: 00027677 TownguardCuirassBru ARMO Bruma Cuirass FormID: 00027678 TownguardCuirassChe ARMO Cheydinhal Cuirass FormID: 00027679 TownguardCuirassCho ARMO Chorrol Cuirass FormID: 0002767A TownguardCuirassKv ARMO Kvatch Cuirass FormID: 0002767B TownguardCuirassLe ARMO Leyawiin Cuirass FormID: 0002767C TownguardHelmet ARMO Guard Helmet FormID: 000C7984 ReplicaElvenShield ARMO Elven Ceremonial Shield FormID: 0004788C EnchSteelGauntletsWeaponmaster ARMO Gauntlets of the Weaponmaster FormID: 0004788D EnchLeatherBootsOlympian ARMO Boots of the Olympian FormID: 0004788F EnchMithrilGreavesWellBeing ARMO Greaves of Well-Being FormID: 00047890 EnchMithrilHelmetMind ARMO Helmet of the Mind FormID: 00047891 EnchMithrilGauntletsSpeed ARMO Gauntlets of Blinding Speed FormID: 00047892 EnchDwarvenBootsElements ARMO Boots of the Atronach FormID: 00047893 EnchLeatherGauntletsCaster ARMO Gloves of the Caster FormID: 00047894 EnchLeatherGauntletsBattlemage ARMO Gauntlets of the Battle~mage FormID: 0004789B EnchIronGauntletsPugilist ARMO Gauntlets of the Pugilist FormID: 0004789D EnchElvenShieldElements ARMO Shield of the Elements FormID: 0004789E EnchEbonyHelmetMage ARMO Helmet of the Mage FormID: 0004789F EnchGlassShieldMirror ARMO Mirror Shield FormID: 000478A0 EnchOrcishCuirassIce ARMO Ice Cuirass FormID: 000478A1 EnchEbonyGreavesFlame ARMO Greaves of the Sun FormID: 000478A2 EnchGlassBootsGrounded ARMO Grounded Boots FormID: 000478A3 EnchFurGreavesResilientFlesh ARMO Greaves of Resilient Flesh FormID: 00047AC8 CGLeatherShield ARMO Rough Leather Shield FormID: 000C8540 BladesHelmetAncient ARMO Ancient Blades Helmet FormID: 000C8541 BladesShieldAncient ARMO Ancient Blades Shield FormID: 00048997 EnchFurCuirassCameleon ARMO Cuirass of the Cameleon FormID: 00048999 EnchFurGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Deer Skin Gauntlets FormID: 0004899B EnchFurHelmetDetectLife ARMO Deer Skin Helmet FormID: 0004899C EnchFurShieldFireShield ARMO Salamander Scale Shield FormID: 0004899D EnchFurGreavesFortAgility ARMO Greaves of the Cat FormID: 0004899E EnchFurBootsFortSpeed ARMO Boots of the Cheetah FormID: 0004899F EnchFurCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of the Bear FormID: 000489A0 EnchFurHelmetFortMagicka ARMO Helmet of the Owl FormID: 000489A1 EnchFurGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of the Monkey FormID: 000489A2 EnchFurGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of the Rhino FormID: 000489A3 EnchFurGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Gauntlets of the Woodsman FormID: 000489A4 EnchFurCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Cuirass of the Fox FormID: 000489A5 EnchFurGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Gauntlets of the Rat FormID: 000489A6 EnchFurBootsFortSneak ARMO Boots of the Tiger FormID: 000489A9 EnchFurShieldReflectDamage ARMO Tiger Fang Shield FormID: 000489AA EnchFurShieldReflectSpell ARMO Eagle Feather Shield FormID: 000489AB EnchFurGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Gauntlets of the Horker FormID: 000489AC EnchFurHelmetResistMagicka ARMO Helmet of the Lemur FormID: 000489AD EnchFurCuirassResistNormalWeapons ARMO Cuirass of the Elephant FormID: 000489AE EnchFurCuirassResistPoison ARMO Cuirass of the Cobra FormID: 000489AF EnchFurBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of the Eel FormID: 000489B2 EnchFurShieldShield ARMO Mudcrab Shield FormID: 000489B3 EnchFurBootsWaterwalking ARMO Boots of the Shark FormID: 00028ADE LegionBoots ARMO Legion Boots FormID: 00028ADF LegionCuirass ARMO Legion Cuirass FormID: 00028AE0 LegionGauntlets ARMO Legion Gauntlets FormID: 00028AE1 LegionGreaves ARMO Legion Greaves FormID: 00028AE2 LegionHelmetOld ARMO Legion Helmet FormID: 00008A76 PitCuirass ARMO Pit Cuirass FormID: 00008A77 PitGreaves ARMO Pit Greaves FormID: 00008A78 PitBoots ARMO Pit Boots FormID: 00008A79 PitGauntlets ARMO Pit Gauntlets FormID: 00008A7A PitHelmet ARMO Pit Helmet FormID: 00049147 EnchLeatherCuirassCameleon ARMO Cuirass of the Assassin FormID: 0004914A EnchLeatherGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Gauntlets of the Scout FormID: 0004914B EnchLeatherHelmetDetectLife ARMO Helmet of the Scout FormID: 0004914C EnchLeatherShieldFireShield ARMO Cured Shield FormID: 0004914D EnchLeatherGreavesFortAgility ARMO Greaves of Quickness FormID: 0004914E EnchLeatherBootsFortSpeed ARMO Boots of the Cutpurse FormID: 0004914F EnchLeatherCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of the Thief~catcher FormID: 00049150 EnchLeatherHelmetFortMagicka ARMO Wizard's Helmet FormID: 00049151 EnchLeatherGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of the Tumbler FormID: 00049152 EnchLeatherGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of Skill FormID: 00049153 EnchLeatherGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Sniper Gauntlets FormID: 00049154 EnchLeatherCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Fence Cuirass FormID: 00049155 EnchLeatherGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Gauntlets of Infiltration FormID: 00049156 EnchLeatherBootsFortSneak ARMO Footpad's Boots FormID: 00049157 EnchLeatherShieldFrost ARMO Shield of Frost FormID: 0004915A EnchLeatherShieldReflectDamage ARMO Shield of Vindication FormID: 0004915B EnchLeatherShieldReflectSpell ARMO Spellblocker Shield FormID: 0004915C EnchLeatherGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Gauntlets of the Tundra FormID: 0004915D EnchLeatherHelmetResistMagic ARMO Helmet of the Apprentice FormID: 0004915E EnchLeatherCuirassResistNormalWeapons ARMO Weaponward Cuirass FormID: 0004915F EnchLeatherCuirassResistPoison ARMO Copperhead Cuirass FormID: 00049160 EnchLeatherBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of Insulation FormID: 00049163 EnchLeatherShieldShield ARMO Outrider Shield FormID: 00049164 EnchLeatherBootsWaterwalking ARMO Riverwalking Boots FormID: 00049165 EnchChainmailCuirassCameleon ARMO Chameleon Cuirass FormID: 00049167 EnchChainmailGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Gauntlets of Life Detection FormID: 00049168 EnchChainmailHelmetDetectLife ARMO Helmet of Life Detection FormID: 00049169 EnchChainmailGreavesFortAgility ARMO Greaves of Legerity FormID: 0004916A EnchChainmailBootsFortSpeed ARMO Boots of Legerity FormID: 0004916B EnchChainmailGreavesFortFatigue ARMO Marathon Greaves FormID: 0004916C EnchChainmailCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of Health FormID: 0004916D EnchChainmailHelmetFortMagicka ARMO Mage's Helmet FormID: 0004916E EnchChainmailGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of the Acrobat FormID: 0004916F EnchChainmailGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of the Foot~soldier FormID: 00049170 EnchChainmailGauntletsFortMarksman ARMO Archer's Gauntlets FormID: 00049171 EnchChainmailCuirassFortMercantile ARMO Merchant's Cuirass FormID: 00049172 EnchChainmailGauntletsFortSecurity ARMO Infiltrator's Gauntlets FormID: 00049173 EnchChainmailBootsFortSneak ARMO Boots of Silence FormID: 00049175 EnchChainmailHelmetNighteye ARMO Helmet of Night Eye FormID: 00049176 EnchChainmailGreavesResistFire ARMO Firewalker Greaves FormID: 00049177 EnchChainmailGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Nord Gauntlets FormID: 00049178 EnchChainmailHelmetResistMagicka ARMO Magehunter's Helmet FormID: 00049179 EnchChainmailCuirassResistNormalWeapons ARMO Cuirass of Protection FormID: 0004917A EnchChainmailBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of Grounding FormID: 0004917E EnchChainmailGreavesSpellAbsorption ARMO Greaves of Spell Absorption FormID: 0004917F EnchChainmailBootsWaterwalking ARMO Waterwalking Boots FormID: 000A933E MS27LindaiAyleidCrownBroken ARMO Ayleid Crown of Lindai FormID: 000091FA FGC07AmelionCuirass ARMO Brusef Amelion's Cuirass FormID: 00049359 EnchMithrilCuirassCameleon ARMO Cuirass of the Spy FormID: 0004935C EnchMithrilGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Gauntlets of Life Seeing FormID: 0004935D EnchMithrilHelmetDetectLife ARMO Helmet of Life Seeing FormID: 0004935E EnchMithrilShieldFireShield ARMO Shield of the Red Moun~tain FormID: 0004935F EnchMithrilGreavesFortAgility ARMO Nimble Greaves FormID: 00049360 EnchMithrilBootsFortSpeed ARMO Fleetfoot Boots FormID: 00049361 EnchMithrilGreavesFortFatigue ARMO Tireless Greaves FormID: 00049362 EnchMithrilCuirassFortHealth ARMO Battle Medic's Cuirass FormID: 00049363 EnchMithrilHelmetFortMagicka ARMO Helmet of Enlightenment FormID: 00049364 EnchMithrilGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of Canyon Striding FormID: 00049365 EnchMithrilGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of Proficiency FormID: 00049366 EnchMithrilShieldFrostShield ARMO Shield of Summer FormID: 00049368 EnchMithrilHelmetNighteye ARMO Nighteye Helmet FormID: 00049369 EnchMithrilShieldReflectDamage ARMO General's Shield FormID: 0004936A EnchMithrilShieldReflectSpell ARMO Shield of Returning FormID: 0004936B EnchMithrilGreavesResistFire ARMO Greaves of Fire Resistance FormID: 0004936C EnchMithrilGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Gauntlets of the Equinox FormID: 0004936D EnchMithrilHelmetResistMagicka ARMO Helmet of Magicka Resistance FormID: 0004936E EnchMithrilCuirassResistNormalWeapons ARMO Unyielding Cuirass FormID: 0004936F EnchMithrilGreavesResistParalysis ARMO Greaves of Free Movement FormID: 00049370 EnchMithrilBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of Shock Resistance FormID: 00049374 EnchMithrilShieldShield ARMO Solid Shield FormID: 00049375 EnchMithrilShieldShockShield ARMO Shield of Storms FormID: 00049376 EnchMithrilGreavesSpellAbsorption ARMO Greaves of Spell Consumption FormID: 00049377 EnchMithrilBootsWaterwalking ARMO Boots of the Silt~runner FormID: 00049378 EnchElvenCuirassCameleon ARMO Cuirass of the Ranger FormID: 0004937B EnchElvenHelmetDetectLife ARMO Helmet of Life Sight FormID: 0004937C EnchElvenGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Gauntlets of Life Sight FormID: 0004937D EnchElvenGreavesFortAgility ARMO Greaves of Grace FormID: 0004937E EnchElvenBootsFortSpeed ARMO Sylvan Scout Boots FormID: 0004937F EnchElvenGreavesFortFatigue ARMO Greaves of the Everlasting FormID: 00049380 EnchElvenCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of Anu's Blessing FormID: 00049381 EnchElvenGreavesFortAcrobatics ARMO Greaves of the Tree Runner FormID: 00049382 EnchElvenGreavesFortLightArmor ARMO Greaves of Protection FormID: 00049383 EnchElvenShieldFrostShield ARMO Shield of Winter Solstice